Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2438 no respect for others

Cooper was stunned: "This thing can also be dreamed? What conspiracy?"

Ziyuan didn't delay, and asked Liu Mang to share her dream with everyone!

In the dream, the latest location of the whole map of Chuangjie Daxu was refreshed again, and you can clearly see the current actions of the various clans and which group army they are fighting against!

The positions of the armies, and even found some special things!

It's like Ujieer and the bastard army of Zerg and Chaos are together, talking about something!

The Zerg even lent a large number of Zerg soldiers to the Hidden Spirit Race, and parasitic species parasitized their group army!

Atiya was with the Xinghe Army, and was also negotiating with a group of troops. I even saw the scene where Hiiragi and He Ye were talking and negotiating with the Kaixuan Army!

And I also saw Wuzui chatting with Gangxiu in front of the Silicon-based Divine Machine Camp, and even Ye Yuanwei met Du Lingyu, it seemed that they were not very happy, they seemed to be arguing!

In Ziyuan's dream, the complete situation in the Chuangjie Daxu was displayed in the minds of every human player!

Cooper clicked his lips: "I don't know what these big clans are planning? They are no longer satisfied with conventional harvesting methods, do you want to touch it?"

Mi Ye frowned: (??v~v??) "The angel clan looks very dishonest? At the beginning, I was chased and killed by Xiao Lanlan, and I have a grudge in my heart. Is it bad in my stomach?"

"We hunted in groups, and the total points rose very quickly. If we follow this trend, we will be ranked fourth. Those top ten sequences can't sit still, do you think we are an eyesore?"

Odin leaned on his chin and began to analyze:

-`(?°??°)?-"It's kind of interesting, I guess it's planning some kind of action against us~"

"Several group armies approached our groups with a purpose. The purpose is obvious. What do you mean? Want to take the initiative to attack? Divide and break them? The first ten prefaces dare not do it yourself? So take the group army as their own. gun?"

"It's really a bit of a conspiracy, isn't it?"

Zi Yuan couldn't help nodding, with a face of approval:

(?v?v?) "Look at you? I said there was a conspiracy, right? Why don't you boast that I predicted it in advance? Take precautions before they happen!"

Jiangnan quacked with a straight smile: (??°??°) "Slag Yuan is awesome, she is simply a little genius. The first step of genius is to put on diapers, remember to put them on~"

Lynx: ?(*???????)? "I'm in favor!"

Freya: "Count me in, she was on my world tree just now..."

Ziyuan:! ! !

?(?≥口≤)? "Ah! Don't boast! I don't want to boast. What should I do now?"

Jiang Nan sneered: "I know that Angel is not willing to be kicked out by me, and must make trouble, but it is quite troublesome!"

"It seems that this wave is over, do you really have to take the time to shake their eggs?"

Bader said, "What's going on? Do you want to meet up first? In order to deal with their action against human players?"

Xiao Chuihuo suddenly said: "So... is there any difference? Since there are several group armies here, just accept them all!"

"Anyway, it's all about fighting against any group army. If there are points that are offered to you, why not?"

"In those situations where the top ten sequences didn't tear their skins, directly intervening and besieging and killing with all their strength, I don't think these group armies can pose any threat to our action team!"

"It's fine as usual. Do you think that humans can be defeated one by one in a scattered battle? There is a price to pay for underestimating our strength!"

As soon as Xiao Chuihuo said these words, everyone almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

As expected of Lord Xiao! Old Vulcan! Arrogance is engraved in the bone!

Regardless of your plots and tricks, I am standing here, come here if you have the ability! Don't worry, my surname is not Xiao!

Ziyuan's forehead was sweating profusely: (??w???) "Ah? Stand still? Isn't this too disrespectful of the conspiracy and planning of those big clan sequences? At least it's an action against us?"

I know, but I don't move, just waiting for you to come over?

Odin laughed loudly: "Master Xiao is right! It doesn't matter, anyway, sooner or later, they will overcome it, but now they have overcome it! Same!"

"Although there will be some pressure, we haven't put in our full strength yet. If we survive this wave, Tie Tie will climb to fourth place!"

"Such a good conspiracy, if you don't get caught, you will be sorry for the hospitality of all the clans?"

Mi Ye licked his lips: "Everyone's mobility is wet and full. If you can't fight, you can run. If you can't run, you can have a lucky cherry to save your life. At worst, we will eliminate and reduce staff!"

"But it's also an excellent opportunity to harvest points in large numbers, so it's worth trying!"

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, good guy! Anyway, it is also a strategy that people have worked hard to come up with, just thinking about eliminating a wave of players for human beings!

You guys are so good, so excited!

But thinking of all the preparations he had made in advance, Jiang Nan wouldn't be too worried!

As long as the top ten ranks haven't made up their minds to fight to the death, there will be more fights!

"Then get ready and meet their siege. Don't take it lightly. You should have prepared some means. When you really run out of money, you don't need to hide. It's over!"

"I'll solve my problem as soon as possible, and then I'll go over and make dumplings for the three of you, and try to eat them all!"

Xiao Chuihuo reminded: "Zai Zai, pay more attention to your side, the biggest key to the establishment of their conspiracy should be to hold you back first!"

"So there should be some special preparations on your side, be careful!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't worry, I just showed my full strength in the normal state!"

"Oh? I've got visitors from here. The group army in front of me has about 400,000 left. I'll finish the work at hand first and communicate at any time!"

And with Jiangnan's termination of the call, Xiao Chuihuo, Odin, Mi Ye and the others all froze!

Heh~ Is this coming?

At the same time, is it to make each group overwhelmed and unable to support each other?

Just in time!

On the Jiangnan side, the newly replaced group army has been killed and collapsed!

At this moment, the total points of human beings, the four groups of battle lines, have even overwhelmed the army of bastards, rushing to the sixth position!

Jiangnan's firepower is fully fired, as if the living king is alive, with acrylic, and Zhong Yingxue's Six Realms of the Immortal Kingdom, frantically harvesting the remaining points of the group army!

And at this moment, just as Qianbenying reported, Qing Ke has rushed over with a mighty triumphant army!

Each sequence has formed an extremely tight battle formation and cooperates with each other. Facing a monster like Jiangnan, it is impossible to fight alone, let alone rely on the strength of one person to deal with it!

Of course, you have to be ready and ready!

From a long distance, the Triumph Group Army noticed more than a hundred deadly punishments pouring down from the sky!

And the roar and mournful cries of the group army that was killed!

When Qingke Qingtian and the others saw the battlefield, they all trembled!

I saw Jiangnan wearing a blood armor, with scarlet flames burning on his body, the domain was fully opened, and the phantom of blood vines filled the void like intricate blood vessels!

Holding the god-killing knife in his hand, he was killing endlessly, the chains around his body were flying, the space blade was slashing randomly, and the roar was endless!

The two-dimensional plane above the head continues to expand under the continuous injection of fate and punishment, extending several light-years away!

Jiang Nan's figure was like a bloody meteor criss-crossing the battlefield. Wherever it passed, bloody flames filled the air, turning it into a hell on earth!

If there is a demon in this world, it should be in this form, right?

Qing Ke stared blankly at Jiangnan who was rushing to kill on the battlefield, her pretty face turned pale, and she gave a fierce slap!


Is this Jiangnan Jiang Devil?

People live up to their name? Although I have heard of him a long time ago, this is the first time I have seen a real person!

When she was outside the Great Ruins before, she didn't notice much!

The Triumph Army's scalp felt numb looking at this scene!

Σ(っ°口°;)っ"Hiss~ this... This horse is too fierce, right? I thought how did they fight against the group army, and it ended up relying on a dozen of them?"

"We... can we really clear them out? Just looking at Jiangnan makes you tremble in your heart?"

"Shut up! Don't say these things that affect morale, or go to fight with the Bose tribe? We have God Ke, so we are not afraid at all!"

Qing Ke's forehead was sweating profusely, seeing such a strong Jiangnan, she felt a little bit lost now!

(??~?)? "Jiang..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan's body, which was moving at warp speed, gave a sudden pause, and he couldn't help but tilt his head, his scarlet eyes looked straight at Qing Ke!

(??’д?’) “Huh?”

Rolling and killing momentum is compelling!

Qing Ke's pretty face turned pale, and she took two steps back abruptly!

(?﹏??) Woo~

But he still suppressed the fear in his heart and took a deep breath!

For the triumphant army, now is not the time to back down!

I saw Qing Ke clenched his fists, with a serious expression:

(??????) "Jiangnan! We are here to invite you to be eliminated. If possible, I hope you can voluntarily give up your qualification!"

"I don't really want to have any conflict with you!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, raised his hand and carried the God Killing Saber on his shoulder, and laughed loudly, the crazy laughter echoed in the starry sky, shocking people's hearts!


The expansion of the country exploded, and the enemies within hundreds of thousands of kilometers collapsed, and no one could get close to Jiangnan!

He just walked towards the Triumph Army step by step, with a ferocious and terrifying smile on his face!

"Jie Jie Jie ~ Please let me out? You little girl is brave enough! The lamb told the wolf not to eat him, so the wolf wouldn't eat him? Naive!"

"I don't know who gave you the courage to come to trouble me! I hope that when my blade cuts across your snow-white neck and the blood sprays on your face, I hope you can still maintain this courage~ "

"The more beautiful something looks, the more I want to destroy it ~ Jie Jie Jie ~"

As he said, he took his God Killing Knife, and stuck out his tongue, wanting to lick it!

Qing Ke and the Kaixuan Army Yahuazi who watched were shocked!

Darling~ This really is a devil who has no conscience and does all kinds of evil things, huh?

Just when Jiangnan was about to lick it, Zhong Yingxue puffed her face:

(?`~??) "Xiaonan~Pay attention to your words! Words! We should be considered good people, so can we not be so villainous when we speak?"

"Don't lick the knife, it looks abnormal, dirty, and there are bacteria! Just hack them to death normally!"

Jiang Nan's movement of licking the knife froze, and gave Zhong Yingxue a weak look, oh!

(??????) Oh~

Qing Ke: =????(?﹏??)? ? ?

Wouldn't it be a villain if it was hacked to death normally?

Jiang Nan glared, with murderous intent: "It's useless to talk more, you die! I'll send you home right away, wives and children!"

"It's only a dozen points after a wave of fights, what kind of life are you playing?"

While talking, drive directly at warp speed, and take Qing Ke directly!

Qing Ke frowned in an instant, instinctively took out the small pick and held it in his hand, starting a defensive stance!

The speed of the warp was so fast that she couldn't see clearly at all!

But at this moment!


With a loud noise, Jiangnan suddenly fell out of the state of warp speed, a large cloud of blood burst out of his chest, and vigorous blood gushed out from his chest!

Like a fire hydrant that has been blown up!

Jiang Nan looked stunned, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and looked down at his own chest that had a big hole in it!

(???|||) Yo ho?


Heart burst? how come!

what's the situation?

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