Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2427 Gathering is a ball of fire! Scattered is full of stars

(正?????) "Don't take pity on me because I'm a delicate flower, hurry up..."

Before Li Si could finish speaking, Zi Yuan gathered all her strength and threw a big b bag on Li Si's face!


With a sound of "啪~", Li Si's head tilted, and the orthographic characters on his body suddenly disappeared!

From "positive" to "stop"!

At the same time, the worm who was hiding behind the swarm was about to speak harshly to Mi Ye!

The inexplicable head also tilted, and there was a hot feeling on the cheek!


Bug? Bug: (?)???)? ? ?

She couldn't help covering her cheeks, and looked around in surprise!

"Who! Who hit me? Bugs and insects!"

Could it be that there are still human masters lurking beside him? Impossible, how did he pass through the heavy protection?

I saw Li Si's cheeks were flushed, and he shuddered fiercely, yes~ that's the feeling, very refreshing!

However, he looked at Ziyuan with contempt:

(stop ¬~¬) "That's it? Are you looking down on me or worms? It's no wonder Nanshen called you a scumbag!"

"This output is so weak, isn't it?"

Ziyuan:! ! !

(???Dish??)? "Who? Who is weak? Damn it! Let you talk! I'll beat you to death!"

I saw Ziyuan flying her legs and kicking fiercely in the middle of Li Si's big characters!

(???????) "Yahoo~"

At this moment, Li Si rolled his eyes and sang loudly!

Stop has also become top!

(?Yi?????) "Yi Ya~"

At the same time, Chong? Chong let out a scream, his eyes widened, bloodshot eyes filled his eyes, and he curled up on the transporting bug while clutching his vitals!

Who the hell is beating me! To attack such an unspeakable position!


Seeing that the attack really had an effect, Zi Yuan saw that all the damage from Li Si's body was transferred to Chong? Chong's body. From now on, as long as Li Si is around!

Even if he is the five scumbags, he can beat whoever he wants?

The excited Ziyuan seemed to be addicted to playing, kicking and kicking at Li Si non-stop, ahhhhh~ endless!

Li Si bit his fingernails, his face was full of joy!

(????????????????) "Yes~ that's it! Kang is busy!"

And Chong? Chong also screamed and rolled, Liu Mang rolled his eyes: "Sister Ziyuan! You can't do that! You have to come like this!"

After all, he stretched out his sinful hand, and punched Li Si's Xingtian Eye vigorously, then grabbed the eyeball, and rotated 720 degrees clockwise violently!

Pull it out again~

Li Si stared:

Σ(???|||) "Yo Ho Ho Ho ~"

Ke Chong? Chong is worse than Li Si, crazy hammer transport bugs!

_(?Yi?」∠)_“Ahh~ Don’t pull it! It’s almost gone! It hurts~ Damn it, what the hell is going on?”

Seeing this opportunity, how could the two sisters, Shanmao and Luo Tianqing, let it go so easily?

Going up and facing Li Si was a burst of violence, which completely pierced Li Si's body!

With the injury transferred, Li Si's body repaired frantically, but Chong? Chong's body exploded with blood holes out of thin air, and he was directly seriously injured!

Even if regeneration is useless, it will still be pierced!

Xuanse sweated profusely on his forehead:

?????w?????? "You... are you okay? I told you not to get involved, this is great!"

Chong? Chong vomited blood, his face full of bad luck:

(#)?3??(#) "Impossible! Impossible? How could my talent not work! What kind of attack is this? Why can't I defend it!"

Her eyes fell on Li Si who was beaten up as a human sandbag, was it because of him? All his injuries will be transferred to me?

What is the principle? What kind of strange ability is this?

He was beaten, why should I be the victim? Hey!

"Purification! Elimination! Negative status removal!"

The purifying beams of light fell down one after another, and she even opened her own domain, but she still couldn't stop the fact that she was the victim!

If this continues, I'm afraid I will be beaten to death!

?(?Yi?(#)? "Stop! Stop it! Don't hit him anymore, isn't he your teammate?"

Liu Mang's face was full of evil:

?(???????‵)? "We are fighting teammates!"

Li Si crossed his waist:

(#)?3?(#) "I like to be killed, what do you care about?"

Liu Ming roared angrily: "Giant cannon!"

A fiery musket pierced into Li Si's bull's eye fiercely!

Li Si: (#)?????) "Ah~"

Worm? Worm: (#)???) "Ah~"

I saw the worm? The worm jumped on the ground with his hands on the back of the hill. I didn't take you to do this. Although I am the worm king, I have never done such an exciting thing?

Seeing that those points are about to be harvested, there is no point in persisting, it is just a waste of time for no reason!

God knows what unconscionable things these shameless people will do to Li Si next!

"Withdraw! Withdraw the army, transfer the battlefield, you wait for me!"

Chong? Chong glared at Li Si indignantly, and after saying a harsh word, he limped away with the Zerg army while clutching his back mound!

I saw Li Si raised his head with a look of air, with bursts of white smoke emitting from his body, and bursts of blush on his cheeks!

(︶?︶〃) "Ah~sometimes~ happiness is as simple as that!"

Liu Mang said excitedly: "Fourth brother! You are absolutely dead, you? The leader of the eighth sequence can make you sick? Are you not invincible?"

Li Si scratched his head shyly:

?(〃?????) "It's only good for carbon-based life. It doesn't have much effect on energy-type life and material-type life!"

"If you want me to say it has to be the third brother, if he is there, taking the enemy's head among the generals is like picking something out of a pocket, and I don't know where the third brother has gone, eh~"

However, everyone automatically ignored what Li Si said later!

Mi Ye waved his hand: "Let's go, next game!"


All the sequence support groups outside Julang City were dumbfounded. One of the Nine Insect Emperors, Zerg? Zerg, the leader of the Zerg tribe, was actually forced to retreat by an unknown human being?

what do you say that is? Li Si? The names are so perfunctory, I've never heard of them before!

Chong Bishi's complexion is ugly, and even with the support of Chong? Chong's talent skills, he has been recruited?

Normal attacks are absolutely impossible to hit, what kind of weird abilities do humans have?

There were bursts of exclamations from time to time in the arena, and human battle groups bloomed everywhere in the Grand Ruins of Genesis!

The acrylic Lone Ranger, the scalp of those who have seen so many explosions in the field is numb, smashing through the battlefields one by one!

The combination of Cooper and Freya uses the tree of life to restore the spiritual power and state of all human players!

The other one also transformed into a Necromancer King, not to mention killing each player, and turning the corpses of those serial players into his own army of the dead, what a pervert!

In such a short period of time, an army of more than 30,000 people has been formed!

Craig, Merlin, Yamada Musashi, Miyazaki Yuichi, Martin and the others are also doing their best to harvest points!

Everyone's abilities and fields are different, but the only thing in common is that they all reach the pinnacle in their respective fields, the pinnacle!

Show their strength to their heart's content on the big hunt in the world!

Even those newly promoted Chaofan are active on the battlefields with the help of acrylic lip print skins and sky-cracking magic butterflies, earning points for the human race!

So far, not a single human has been eliminated!

Obviously, the reality slapped the major sequences with a big mouth!

It didn't happen that they fought scattered and were defeated one by one. Instead, they showed extraordinary combat capabilities one by one, astonishing the world!

The total score of the human race has skyrocketed. Although it is still not as good as those big clans, the rush is extremely fast!

Has been maintained in the top 30, never fell!

You know, this is only the result of less than 400 human players, and it is a fight with 10,000 other serial players!

Such a result has been quite unexpected!

The scalps of the Sequence support team are numb!

"Hiss~ I thought human beings came from a pervert in the south of the Yangtze River. He himself supported such a large foundation of the human race, but looking at it now, all of them are perverts? Among the more than 300 human representatives, none of them went in. Make up for it?"

(°ー°〃) "Wait, I take back what I just said. The purple-haired girl who went in was sleeping after entering. The purple-haired girl with soy sauce should make up the numbers. She didn't get any points, and she was sleeping most of the time!"

The eyes of the support groups of each sequence are a little bit hard to see!

"When the scorching sun in the sky is bright enough, people will only notice the radiance of the scorching sun, and ignore the dazzling stars nearby!"

"Is it because Jiangnan is so perverted that it obscures the light of other strong human beings? Think about it, too. Humans won the Star Ruins War without any injuries?"

Discussions about human beings continue endlessly, and the battle groups are really amazing!

Harvesting points with a crushing attitude!

Yang Jian looked at this scene with eyes full of satisfaction, the numb feeling rushed straight from the tailbone to the back of his head!

Seniors, have you all seen this?

Even if we start late, even if we are the last to step on the stage of the starry sky, human beings will never be weak!

Everyone is shining brightly, opening up a broader world for human beings!

Just like what Xiao Chuihuo meant at the beginning!

Great human race, bright blue star!

Gathering is a ball of fire, scattering is full of stars!

Everyone is blooming with their own unique light, illuminating the starry sky for human beings, and propping up a sky!

With them in the human race, why worry about it?

This sequence war, no matter what the outcome is! Be sure to have no regrets in your heart!

The momentum is right now, just keep it going!

However, at this moment, each of the Tunxing families of the Holy Law Society sitting on the throne of the sequence has a dignified expression!

Although Jiangnan is tricky enough, everyone knows it well, and they don't think that human beings can break into the top ten and enter the power center in the starry sky with the power of Jiangnan!

Because this is not a world where one fights alone, one person can't do anything!

But Jiang Nan is not alone. Human beings are growing so fast that they feel terrified!

After humans enter the starry sky, it is like releasing a group of piranhas at the top of the food chain from the fish tank into the sea!

Unscrupulously destroying the original ecological chain, using all available resources to improve himself crazily!

They were all hungry and crazy in the closed fish tank. After entering the sea, their instinctive hunger was urging them to become stronger and absorb all the nutrients they could absorb!

How long has it been since humans entered the starry sky? A hundred years later... what will it be like?

Noah leaned on his cheek and smacked his lips: "It's a terrible race, omnivorous life, no matter what kind of environment it is placed in, it will climb to the top of the biological chain at the fastest speed, adapt to the environment, use the environment, control surroundings…"

"It may be a bit of a shame to say that they have the potential of the king level..."

Because the various performances of human beings since entering the starry sky are far beyond the potential of kings!

No one thought that putting a group of hungry little guys in the fish tank into the sea would have such an effect!

Noah tilted his head to look at Yu Gen, with a smile on his lips!

Overlord level potential? Do you panic?

tsk tsk ~

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