I saw Wujie'er hugging He Ye's angel egg, roaring angrily, and throwing it out was a powerful football kick!

He kicked the angel egg so far that he didn't know how far, and the thunder robber also chased the egg and hacked it!

The angels finally didn't have to bear the baptism of heaven's punishment, and they all heaved a sigh of relief!

Under more than a hundred punishments from heaven, He Ye's egg was chopped into smoke, and the egg shell was burnt black, but there was still no sign of being sliced ​​through!

It has been completely submerged under the thunder, like a solitary boat in a huge wave!

Atiya coughed twice, eyes dodged and said:

??(??°??°)?? "There is no way to do this. In order to keep the big hunting going, this is the only way!"

"Presumably the great priest and Lord St. York will understand!"

All the angels kept nodding their heads in agreement!

Wu Jieer waved her hand: "Leave three angels to guard the eggs of the great priest. Once the punishment of heaven passes, they will bring the eggs and join the army!"

"The rest of the angels, follow me to harvest other races, recover all the lost points, pay attention to avoid Jiangnan, and set off!"

The Angel Clan regrouped and set out to harvest!

At this moment, outside Julang City, Zhiyin didn't know what to say anymore, just after boasting that the spirit of the Angel Clan is worth learning, she turned around and kicked the great priest away?

Is it so decisive?

Yang Jian stroked his forehead with his hands, he didn't expect Jiangnan to come here with 900 points in this way?

I really don't want to suffer at all, I hope I can catch up with the harvest!

According to this speed of looting monsters, it might not even take three days, and the harvest day will be over!

On the Jiangnan side, they are rushing frantically under the punishment of heaven. Checking the fate card, the human points are also rising, and now it has broken 100,000!

But compared to the rising trend of the major clans, if this continues, it will only fall further and further!

Jiang Nan quickly joined the group chat: "Everyone, what's the situation now? Has it been cut?"

So the ministries began to report the situation directly!

Freya hurriedly said: "Now it's not a problem of insufficient manpower, but that we can't determine the positions of each sequence in a short time! The investigation force is too weak!"

"Some of the ones I finally found were small batches, and when I found a large number, I rushed over, and sometimes they were robbed by big clans!"

The whisperer Lance interjected: "I used my mental power to form a fan vertically, and scanned and detected, but I only detected a part of the sector, but I found a few sequence gathering places and battlefields!"

"Master Xiao and Odin have already brought people over there!"

Jiang Nan frowned, is there any detective force? If this problem is not resolved, Harvest will always be one step behind!

Not to mention that there are few human beings in the first place, and the Chuangjie Great Ruins is extremely huge. It is as difficult as climbing the sky to find out the exact location of the enemy!

Even Yang Jian and the Qing Clan couldn't do the feat of overlooking the entire Genesis Great Ruins!

And all the big clans have their own investigative methods!

Mi Ye said: "My side is also on the way. Regarding the identification of the enemy's track, Zi Yuan said that she has a way, let us wait..."

"I fell asleep after I finished speaking, and I am still sleeping now..."

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, what could Ziyuan do? Where is the enemy in the dream?

She can't sleep for three days, can she? That would be the end of Payday the fuck!

In the group led by Mi Ye, Shanmao, Ziyuan, who was wearing a sad frog one-piece pajamas on his back, used the power of the sky-cracking magic butterfly to teleport wildly in the starry sky!

Ziyuan was sleeping soundly, and the saliva soaked Shanmao's shoulders!

(︶?︶〃) "Oh baa baa ~ pearl milk tea does not need pearls, um ~ add tea eggs ~ add more... goose box ~ goose box ~"

I saw Bobcat with a dark face and silent...


Platelet said worriedly: (?????)???? "Team Meow? Tired of carrying it? Why don't I carry it for a while?"

Bobcat shook his head: (???_???)? "No, it's almost drying..."

Zi Yuan was looking for a bathroom just now, and finally found it after searching for a long time...

Now you want to drink milk tea with tea eggs?

Is there really this kind of milk tea? By the way, can this really detect the enemy's position?

Platelets: ? ? ?

Dry? What are you doing?

At this moment, Ziyuan shuddered violently, her legs kept kicking, and her eyes finally opened!

It's just that his eyes were still sleepy, he stretched his waist fiercely, and rubbed his eyes~

(???~??) "Where did we go? How long did I sleep?"

"I haven't been to the Ziyan clan yet, and I slept for about ten minutes. How did you sleep? Did you really dream about the location of each family?"

Ziyuan's consciousness gradually became clear, and she stretched out her small hand, revealing the smart brain watch on her wrist, and looked down at the time on the watch, it was 4:12!

Can't help but smile confidently!

(?°??°)? "Of course~ what do you think I am? Useless wood? They say that I'm a good knocker now, reckless, hurry up and share it, there are several big monster piles, don't let others go late Stolen!"

Mi Ye's eyes were bright, did he really dream about it?

Liu Mang didn't dare to delay, so he quickly shared Zi Yuan's dream and passed it to everyone's minds!

In just a split second, a picture appeared in everyone's minds!

It is the first perspective of Ziyuan, who is being run on the back of Shanmao, and then she closes her eyes and falls asleep. Under the endless darkness, the world gradually becomes clear!

It's still a picture of Shan Mao running with Zi Yuan on his back, but this is already a dream...

The next moment, a bizarre scene happened, Ziyuan's consciousness broke away from her body, and began to rise infinitely, and the perspective became a God's perspective overlooking it!

In the end, it reached the point where it could completely overlook the great ruins of the Chuangjie, where thousands of stars could be seen in full view!

Then she looked down at the watch on her wrist, it was 4:11!

Then Ziyuan's consciousness began to shuttle frantically in the Great Ruins of the Chuangjie!

Even if the distance is tens or hundreds of light years, Zi Yuan's consciousness will arrive instantly!

In Zi Yuan's dream, she is an omnipotent god!

What is the fastest in the world? Not light, not warp speed, but ideas!

It takes eight minutes for the sunlight to go from the sun to the blue star, but the idea, as long as you want to go, will arrive in an instant!

Ziyuan's thoughts wandered through the Great Ruins of the Chuangjie, and found the sequence teams hidden everywhere, and even saw the scene of the big clan rushing to kill the sequence teams and harvesting points!

And the time in the dream is even static, Ziyuan's consciousness seems to be looking at a panoramic map of the game that has entered a paused state!

Don't talk about scouting the enemy's tracks, after this move, what the major sequences are doing is very clear!

The originally blurred map immediately became clear!

Everyone looked at Ziyuan in horror, Liu Mang was stunned:

∑(°口°●) "What's the principle? Can you still dream of such things in your dreams?"

Jiang Nan was also shocked: (???) "Hiss~ Is this really accurate? Could it be a dream world made up by your wild imagination?"

"Didn't you predict the future through dreams? How did you do it?"

Zi Yuan rolled her eyes: (??~??) "What the hell are you thinking? I've said it all! This girl is no longer the scumbag that she used to be! After the Transcendence, her abilities are not what they used to be, okay?"

"Why are you not allowed? Did all the futures I foresee happen in reality, and the same is true?"

Jiang Nan stroked his forehead with his hands. Indeed, feigning death and cheating are not bad, but there is nothing like that in Temiao, right?

Liu Mang said in amazement: "So the dream just now can be regarded as foreseeing the future? But it's already 4:12 now? This..."

This is what has happened, right?

Ziyuan curled her small mouth, with a look of air on her face:

(︶?︶〃) "You know a hammer? Why can't you foresee the future? I started to sleep ten minutes ago, and the dream was the future at 4:11!"

"I woke up at 4:12, and the future I dreamed has already happened, and it has become the established past! The past has already happened, and it cannot be changed!"

"And since I woke up at 412, the content of the dream did not affect the future process, because everything has already happened at 411!"

"So everything in the dream is the real situation in the Grand Ruins of Chuangjie one minute ago. It is absolutely accurate. This is just a small use of my ability. Hahahaha~ Worship me as much as you want!"

Zi Yuan looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and flew up proudly, while everyone looked at Zi Yuan in bewilderment!


What is she talking about?

Can it be translated into adult language?

But Jiang Nan's eyes are full of shock, can it still be used like this?

Dreaming about the future, because I am afraid of revealing the future in advance, which will affect the future, so I choose to wake up after the future happens!

In this way, the future becomes the established past, and thus mastered all the location information in the Chuangjie Great Ruins?

Ziyuan can get bugs better than me?

Acrylic suddenly sent a message: (¬得¬?) "I found the Silent Shadow Clan, and the location matches the location of the dream. Hiss~ What kind of weird ability does she have?"

"You guys talk first, I'll start cutting!"

Zi Yuan flicked her bangs:

(¬?¬?) "Look, look? What did I say?"

Everyone's eyes are full of excitement, and they have mastered the current positions of all the sequences on the whole map?

What this means, everyone knows it all too well!

Jiang Nan grinned:

(?°???°)? "Great job! As expected of a scumbag, there is still something useful!"

Zi Yuan:? ? ?

I bah!

This girl has played such a big role, but in the end she just upgraded from a scumbag to a scumbag. Is it okay to lose a scumbag?

[The resentment value from Ziyuan +777! ]

(?v~v?) "Hmph~ Don't startle your big teeth when I show my skills, I will sleep to death sooner or later!"

After finishing speaking, he fell asleep on the back of the Bobcat angrily, and was ready to update the next map!

A message came from Xiao Chuihuo: "Have everyone received the location information? At this stage, all the major clans mainly focus on harvesting points, even if they bump into each other, they will not go to war!"

"We can be more courageous! Dividing into four groups is still not efficient enough! This alone can't catch up with the big clan points!"

"It's a waste of such comprehensive location information!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were ruthless: "Then we can only act separately! Those who are strong, leave the team in groups of three, the old and the new, and go to the target location where each sequence gathers!"

"Maximize the efficiency of harvesting points. Once you encounter a siege, strongly resist, and cannot save your life, eat a small cherry to save your life, and then crush the life card and leave the field!"

"Anyway, you won't lose points if you are eliminated. If you can't beat but can resist, call for support immediately, and the nearby players will go to support!"

"Even if you lose some combat power and are forced to leave the field and retire, the total race points at this stage cannot be dropped too far! Take action!" Chapter error, click here to submit (registration free),

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