Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 242 Impossible Mission

So melons wow... eh!

So the black man with the frosted face has his own new code name!

Little black!

Still from the system!

Now, in the safe house!

A short young man also greeted Jiangnan with a smile!

There's still a bandage on one arm!

"Nan Shen! Hello! I'm Li Mietu, Yang's deputy!"

And in the corner, stood a girl holding an anti-equipment sniper rifle!

He is tall, with a standard melon-seed face, delicate facial features, and exudes an icy aura that no strangers should approach!

There are several scabs on the pretty face...

Seeing Jiangnan and the others coming in, their eyes brightened, but then they were disappointed again.

"Xiao Shi, say hello to everyone!"

But that girl just held the gun tightly and didn't speak!

Wang Zhengyang smiled awkwardly: "Her name is Tang Shi, just like that, she doesn't like to talk much!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's okay!"

Bai Qianxun asked in surprise, "Where's Xiaowei? Are you out on a mission?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Shi's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes were slightly red!

Li Mietu also lowered his head and stopped talking, his steel teeth clenched tightly!

Wang Zhengyang took a breath: "I revealed my identity when I went out the day before yesterday, and safe house No. 1 was attacked!"

"Xiaowei failed to withdraw with us!"

Everyone is silent!

Tang Shihong said with red eyes: "If that woman had to go out and buy some cosmetics, how could we be exposed? How could Xiaowei..."

She said that tears flowed out involuntarily, leaning against the wall and falling weakly to the ground!

Li Mietu slammed his fist on the wall, his steel teeth clenched!

Jiang Nan frowned: "What's going on?"

Wang Zhengyang sighed!

Only then did Jiangnan know!

It turned out that the two researchers they were carrying were a man and a woman.

A few days ago, that woman sneaked out to buy cosmetics and was followed by someone!

The forces in the city of Budaya are intricate and complicated, and the faces of Orientals are rare!

Usually, the big black and the small black go out to do errands.

As a result, safe house No. 1 was lost, and Xiaowei also...

And right now!

The door of the inner room was opened!

A woman wearing a white coat with a ball head and glasses walked out.

Danfeng eyes, high nose bridge, thin lips!

Even in the Budaya War Zone, this woman is still very delicately dressed!

"The reinforcements are here? Are they here to pick us up to evacuate?"

"Tsk~ Why are there only three people? That's the attitude above?"

Fang Liu looked impatient and arrogant!

Jiang Nan said coldly: "There is no evacuation! The mission continues! If you don't destroy Dracula Biotechnology Company, no one will go back!"

Fang Liu sneered: "Stop joking! How many people have died?"

"There is no way to cross the urban area, and there is a blockade of the war zone! There is also the Sahala Desert!"

"It's been so many days, and I haven't even found the location of the company. How can I complete the task?"

"By the way, who are you?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Operation Commander of Slaying Ghosts! Jiang Nan!"

Fang Liu was stunned!

Immediately he sneered and said, "Cut! It's just you? The hairs haven't even grown, right? Is there really no one there?"

"What are you throwing here? Hurry up and evacuate with us!"

"I don't want to die in such a ghost place!"

In the house, everyone's faces are not good-looking!

at this time!

A teleportation from Jiangnan suddenly appeared in front of Fang Liu, his eyes were scarlet like blood!

A big hand grabbed her neck and pushed it against the wall!


A crisp slap made everyone stunned!

Tang Shi covered his mouth in surprise!

Fang Liu's face turned red, with hysterical madness in his eyes!

"Yeah! How dare you..."

Before she could finish speaking, a sharp dagger stabbed straight into her mouth!

Stubbornly hold her upper teeth! The tip of her tongue could clearly feel the coldness of the dagger!

The whole person's complexion was as pale as paper, and he looked terrified!

Jiang Nan's eyes made her feel cold!

That is the look of a hungry wolf looking at his prey!

[The resentment value from Fang Liu +1000! ]

"I can make you die here in the next second!"

"Don't you feel guilty in your heart?"

"Now! Apologize to my dead comrade-in-arms!"

Fang Liu's face turned red from being pinched, his eyes were full of horror, and his right cheek was visibly swollen!

"Gu... Gui can't afford it!"

With the dagger still in her mouth, she didn't dare to move her tongue at all!

[The resentment value from Fang Liu +1000! ]

"Do what a researcher should do!"

"What I tell you to do! What do you do for me!"

"Do you understand?"

Fang Liu couldn't help nodding, tears streaming down his face!

Jiang Nan tilted his head and scolded: "Wang Zhengyang! How did you bring the team?"

"Why is there disobedience in the team?"

Wang Zhengyang stared blankly at Jiangnan, how could he think that Jiangnan would act directly! Start so hard!

"But she's a researcher... me!"

Jiang Nan stared: "What happened to the researcher? Where is this place? Battlefield!"

"Find out the situation for me! You are the captain! Everyone's life is on your shoulders!"

"Veteran! How can you still make such a low-level mistake?"

Wang Zhengyang clenched his iron fist tightly, and blamed himself: "I'm sorry!"

Jiang Nan said coldly: "Now I punish you all to rest tonight! Lynx Xiaobai vigils at night! Execute the order!"

Wang Zhengyang: ? ? ?

What the fuck?

I have never heard of your punishment!

Li Mietu was also stunned!

Tang Shi snickered: "Pfft..."

This new officer is too... She doesn't even know how to describe it!

Lynx and Xiaobai straightened their bodies: "Yes, Captain Jiang!"

Jiangnan just let go of Fang Liu!

Her body slumped on the ground weakly, coughing violently!

Looking at Jiangnan's eyes is full of resentment!

[The resentment value from Fang Liu +1000! ]

At this moment, another fat man with glasses rushed out of the laboratory!

The wool roll was very fluffy, and he couldn't help but help Fang Liu, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble!"

"She's just like that, don't care!"

Jiang Nan nodded, this person was Wei Hua, and he was also a researcher who was sent here.

Supporting Fang Liu back to the laboratory, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed!

Everyone does their own thing step by step!

Wang Zhengyang looked at Jiangnan with a touch of admiration in his eyes!

It took less than ten minutes for me to arrive here, and I have already established my absolute leadership position!

Doing things without any hesitation! Clearly organized! Resolutely!

Even if there is only silver, but there is not a single room of gold that disapproves of him!

A natural leader!

For this, even Wang Zhengyang is ashamed!

At the same time, I feel relieved and relieved of the burden!

Now this burden is handed over to Jiang Nan!

at night!

Wang Zhengyang and the others slept very deeply!

The lynx kept vigil, and Bai Qianxun was still staring at Rofe Capone's position.

Jiangnan is looking at the information handed over from Wang Zhengyang!

Brows furrowed!

The biggest difficulty now is that it is impossible to determine the specific location of Dracula Biotechnology!

Once confirmed!

It is also necessary to pass through the city of Budaya!

Warzone Blockade!

To enter the Sahara desert area!

This task is really daunting!

At this moment, Tang Shi, who was sleeping beside him, secretly glanced at Jiang Nan.

The little hand stretched out from the quilt and handed Jiangnan a Snickers bar!

Staring at Jiang Nan's profile with big eyes.

Judo: "Do you want something to eat?"

Jiang Nan shook his head and smiled: "I'm not hungry, hurry up and rest!"

Tang Shi stuffed the Snickers back into the bed again and bit his lower lip!

"In the daytime, I'm sorry... I was rude!"

"And...thank you!"

The sentence Fang Liu said is sorry, it is really important to Tang Shi!

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "It should be..."

Another moment of silence.

Tang Shi's eyes dimmed: "A lot of people died... Can the mission really be completed?"

Being here for so long, she naturally knows the difficulty of the task, it is almost impossible to complete!

Jiangnan closed the document and took a deep breath: "I can't guarantee that I can complete the task!"

"But I can promise to bring you all home safely!"

Tang Shi bit his lower lip and looked at Jiang Nan in a daze, his eyes moist!

Then he buried himself in the bed and sobbed softly.

Jiang Nan wiped his nose and patted her lightly through the quilt!

Bai Qianxun: "South God! Luo Fei and the others have come to Budaya too!"

Jiangnan's eyes narrowed!

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