Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2413 That Azure Star

Jiang Nan listened to the rules of the big hunt in the world, and kept smacking his lips, his eyes flickering:

(??°??°) "A points system? It's straightforward enough! There are 10,000 representatives from other races, and we humans have less than 400, which is dozens of times worse in manpower! In terms of the efficiency of obtaining points, you can't afford it. No loss!"

It's like there are 10,000 scoring machines in other races, and 400 human beings. The disadvantage of lack of foundation is reflected here!

Under such a disadvantage, if we act as a whole, let alone catch up with those big clans!

Xiao Chuihuo smiled: "It seems that there is only one way!"

The human players looked at each other, obviously wanting to go together!

Odin broke his fist, his eyes were fierce:

(?°??°?) "I can only squeeze into the top 100 of the Star Hunting Ranking as much as possible, while earning points like crazy, and then rely on the reward points of the Star Hunting Ranking to catch up with the gap!"

Badr grinned: "The Holy Law Society is good enough to play. The existence of this Star Hunting Ranking is for the leaders of the top ten sequences, right? Let them widen the points gap with other sequences!"

"They are all confident in their leaders?"

Jiang Nan rubbed his little hands:

(???????????) "Goose Box ~ Goose Box ~ Top Star Hunting List? The strongest star-breaking star under the star? Invincible under the swallowing star?"

"Hey~ Zhizhi praised me so much, I'm a little embarrassed!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched and they looked at Jiangnan, do you want to be so direct?

Before the big hunt even started, you already booked the MVP of the game?

Chong Feiyu rubbed his forehead with his hand, looking at the human players who were still full of fighting spirit, I really don't know where their confidence comes from?

"By the way~ that life card? Don't believe it too much. It is said that it can save your life and carry out space transmission, but it is actually useless!"

"Long-distance space teleportation needs to start the CD, and there will be a short delay, even if it is less than a second of delay, it is enough to break the space teleportation for these strong players participating in the big hunting!"

"In a duel between masters, a millisecond can determine life and death, let alone the enemy will stand there stupidly and watch you activate the space teleportation!"

"It will definitely kill you! Even if there is a life card to protect the body, less than 30% of the people who leave the Great Ruins of the Creation World alive each time!"

There is no need for Chong Feiyu to remind them, Jiangnan and the others also know in their hearts that all ethnic groups are competitors, so of course they will kill them!

Killing one counts as one! Otherwise, let the enemy go out to save their lives, and come back to revenge you, won't it work?

The life card says it can save one's life, but if one really pins one's hopes on the life card, one's life will be lost!

Jiangnan just smacked his lips. Does that mean that over 70 million strong men of all ethnic groups are buried in the Chuangjie Great Ruins every session?

This is really exciting!

However, human beings don't know how many hangs and how many life-saving insurances have been taken, and they don't count on life cards to save their lives at all!

Before you come, you have already made sufficient mental preparations!

Moon Fox cleared his throat and said:

? (? !"

"And open the real-time live broadcast to the whole starry sky. Everyone in the starry sky can view it at will. Everyone is the supervisor of the big hunt! Guarantee the fairness, justice and openness of the big hunt in the universe!"

"The ten members of the Sacred Law Society swallowing star councilors present will also keep an eye on the progress of the big hunt. Once violations are found, they will start to suppress them to ensure the normal progress of the big hunt!

Zhiyin's little finger pointed to the two sides of Julang City. In the next moment, the two planets in Julang City deformed wildly, and the entire planet became a holographic projection device!

Two incomparably huge lists were immediately revealed!

It is the [Global Hunting Sequence Race Scoreboard! ]

And [race representative Star Hunting list! ]

The projection list has obviously been beautified and looks very cool!

(?????w????) "During the big hunt, the two lists will be updated in real time as the schedule progresses, so that everyone can clearly see the rankings! It's clear at a glance!"

"Hehehe~Let's fight to our heart's content! The Genesis Great Ruins will be a stage for you to show yourself and become famous in the starry sky~"

"Oh, forget, forget~ This Thousand Stars Festival and Julang City are sponsored by Silicon-based Technology! Silicon-based ~ Master the core technology!"

"Julian City will also provide services for support groups of all races around the clock, and merchants of all races are welcome to settle in!"

Yueli hastily said: ?(?っ?????????c)? "Choose the Black Street for trading~Meizu girl Tie Tie Tie~ Qiu Mi~ Friends, don't forget to come to the Black Street to take care of the little raccoon business ! Black street features!"

As soon as these words came out, all the young and old in the audience were cheering and whistling, and the roar was louder than louder!

Jiang Nan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, why does this horse have an advertisement inserted?

Is sequence war so commercialized?

They are too good at doing business, right? Take advantage of the popularity of the serial war in the starry sky to advertise your own industry?

hateful! Why didn't I think of it? Lost loss!

Zhiyin smiled and said, "That's the end of the introduction of the rules~ Next, please start the send-off ceremony for all races, and send blessings and prayers to your own players! Then the representatives of all races will enter the arena!"

As Zhiyin's voice fell, Julang City once again burst into incomparably gorgeous energy fireworks!

And the warships of various races fired their guns to the sky, and the representatives of the races also fired a series of dazzling skills to strengthen their race!

On the side of the human mechanical empire battleship, not only representatives of human races like Jiangnan came!

There is also the human support group, it is Jiangnan's old classmates, Qin Shou, Ye Xinghe, Qi Yu, they are all taken over from the pioneer branch of Taoyuan Star!

On the one hand, they really want to come here to join in the fun, on the other hand, they also want to increase their personal knowledge and see the true strength of the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races Sequence, there are only benefits and no harms!

Even Xiao Zhen, Qi Delong, Qi Dongqiang, Mo Tian'an, Xiaoqi, Liuli Weiteng, the seniors from Jiangnan, came here!

Although the strength is extremely good, it is obviously not enough to play as a representative of human beings, so I can only look greedy, and then silently cheer for Jiangnan and the others!

Just listen to Qin Shou excitedly pumping his fist:

(???????‵) "Nan Shen! Do you know what the process is? Come out to cheat us and cheat them to death! If you don't be a person, it's over! Show off the stars!"

"We will give you a good cheer. All the highlights will be edited and made into videos for you to watch!"

Qi Delong Dongqiang patted his chest:

(?v?v??)?v?v??) "Don't worry about Nanshen! Our two brothers have never been afraid of anyone when it comes to their voices, the kind that kicks in the fuel tank to cheer us up!"

Mo Tian smiled: (???????) "Primary school brother! Take the first place on the star hunting list, and the senior sister will send you a cool photo as a reward!"

Jiangnan: (?°???°)? "Can I post it now? I think I need to use this to stimulate my fighting spirit!"

Liuli's cheeks were flushed, and she panted heavily:

(?????﹃????) "Nannannan... Nanshen, do you want mine? Send it to you now!"

Jiang Nan looked at Liuli and shuddered fiercely. It has been so many years, how can this sick girl still behave like this?

=????(?﹏??????) "Aha~ahhaha~ I will definitely do it next time!"

Xiao Zhen looked at Jiangnan with a smile: "Let's go and fight! No matter where you are, you will be the most dazzling existence! This starry sky stage belongs to you Nanshen!"

Looking at the support team cheering for him and others, Jiang Nan took a deep breath and couldn't help grinning!

"There's nothing to say! Just do it!"

I saw Liu Mang leaning on his chin, looking around:

? "The other houses are buzzing and lively! We can't do errands either?"

Jiang Nan laughed loudly: "Then let's have some fun! Ai Jiang! Dimensional beast group! Full firepower output!"

For a moment, the imperial warships were fully fired, firing energy cannons crazily upwards, and the dimensional creature beast group led by Dawei Tianlong also unceremoniously output all their strength, releasing space skills!

Nearly 400 human representatives also released their most splendid spiritual skills!

For a moment, the cold and lonely starry sky in Xinghe Cemetery was suddenly illuminated by salutes from thousands of people in the starry sky, brilliant and colorful!

However, compared to other sequences, the movement on the human side seems a bit stretched!

Wuyang Wuyang, the support group of the first ten series, did not know how many people came. There are only so few human beings, how can their momentum be compared to others?

On the other side of the dark cosmic body black demon fleet, countless dark matter surged and gathered in the starry sky to form blooming flowers, beautiful and magnificent!

The Apocalypse clan was more direct, and the support group rushed to the starry sky one by one like lightning, and the atomic nuclei exploded on the spot, creating an extremely gorgeous flame!

No one is as ruthless as them, is it okay to set yourself off as a sky monkey firework?

Every star of the Tianchen Clan shoots out beams of light that reach the sky, and the Zerg Clan relies on the large number of insects to explode a sea of ​​energy in the starry sky!

Only on the human side, there is much less movement!

Many sequences looked at the human side, with a teasing smile in their eyes!

Let you move forward? Are you dumbfounded now?

Especially when compared with the top ten Sequence Ones, it can be seen that human beings are not rich enough!

St. York sneered: ??(??°???°)?? "If you don't have that strength and background, why do you want to join in the fun? Heh~"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (?°?д°?) "Fuck? Are you still in good spirits? Wait! I'm going to put a black hole jet to cheer everyone up! Connect to the ground!"

As she said that, she was about to jump up, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao hugged Jiangnan in fright, shaking her head frantically!

Konan! Calm down! Filling the cups needs to be moderate, overfilling the cups will kill you!

Xiao Chuihuo smiled: "I'm here! The human race is going to fight, so naturally it can't be compared with other races!"

Xiao Chuihuo snapped his fingers, and a phantom of a huge volcano suddenly appeared on the spot!

The crater is so big, it seems to be stuffed with stars!

The next moment, there was just a "boom", and an incomparable fiery pillar erupted from the crater!

Turn into a pillar of fire that reaches the sky, rushing straight into the starry sky, illuminating the darkness, and turning into a blazing sea of ​​fire in the starry sky!

This sudden sudden startled the Hidden Spirit Race and Chaos Race next to them!

Even the skin that was baked by the blazing high temperature hurts!

Everyone looked at Xiao Chuihuo in horror!

I saw Xiao Chuihuo flicking his cuffs, the sea of ​​fire condensed and turned into a sun, restored in proportion!

Around the sun, flames gathered and turned into eight planets, crazily revolving around the sun!

All planets are made of fire, including colors!

Jiangnan opened his mouth wide!

∑(??口???) What the fuck? Grandpa Xiao simulated the solar system with equal proportions of flames by himself?

I saw Xiao Chuihuo facing the sky with one hand, and the rest of the flame planets gradually dissipated, leaving only a blue star completely made of flames!

Oceans, continental shelves, clouds, deserts, and cities are all transformed by flames, just like works of art, it is absolutely beautiful!

And that blue star became crazily bigger under Xiao Chuihuo's continuous firepower injection!

One hundred thousand kilometers, one million kilometers, even far beyond the stars, the size of a red giant and a blue giant star, as if there is no limit!

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the azure planet suspended on the Mechanical Empire battleship!

Because it is too big!

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