Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2397 a big thunder strikes

68 superimposed destiny punishments fell mercilessly again, providing energy for dimensionality reduction strikes!

Jiangnan carried Wu Liang directly to another galaxy!

The two-dimensional plane expands wildly, unfolding countless planets in two dimensions!

Lucifer was held back by Chong Feiyu, unable to rush to stop Jiangnan at all!

An indiscriminate and brutal massacre was launched in the holy heaven!

Lucifer's heart is bleeding, the price of being such a leader has far exceeded his imagination!

"He Ye! Bring me someone to stop Jiangnan! At all costs, stop the thunder from falling and cut off the energy source!"

"Or kill that fat man! Hurry up!"

He Ye's eyes were full of anxiety, looking at the two-dimensional fragments that were constantly expanding in the galaxy, his heart was trembling with fear!

How to stop this horse riding?

Energy attacks and material attacks will all be launched, and Jiangnan has the most powerful maneuverability under the starry sky!

It can even retreat into the gap between dimensions!

But in this case, can it not be done?

"Angel Guardian Legion, follow me, for the holy kingdom of heaven!"

Angels are like shooting stars, rushing towards the galaxy where Jiangnan is located!

Odin licked his lips, eager to try:

-`(?°???°)?-? "Shall we go up and help?"

Yang Jian narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "No need! If we go up, the nature will be different, and it will really become a race war!"

"But Jiangnan is different. He has a hands-on certificate. Let him make trouble. It's just a special military operation to avenge Shirley!"

"As long as you don't let the black hole swallow the stars, the matter can still end, and you can do whatever you want to fight!"

Because Yang Jian really didn't expect that Jiangnan's destructive power is now so strong!

Without the help of a black hole to swallow stars, it is already a natural disaster level, and its destructive power can be called abnormal!

This strength is already powerful enough, not to mention that there is still a St. York of the Angel Clan who has not shown up, so there is a risk in a team battle rashly!

Even the swarm just stood still outside the star boundary, because it was enough to just put a Jiangnan!

Lucifer stared fixedly at Chong Feiyu!

"Since you insist on courting death, you can't blame me! After you've been dealt with, I'll kill Jiangnan again!"

"You'd better hold on a little longer!"

Chong Feiyu tilted his head: (¬~¬〃) "Look at what you can do? What? Where's St. York? Your holy kingdom is on fire, why don't you come out and fight?"

"I don't care if one hits two!"

Lucifer narrowed his eyes: "I will kill you! I am enough!"

"Heavenly hymn? The power of faith! Probation!"

At this moment, the perfect world collided violently with the eternal kingdom of heaven!

In the kingdom of heaven, countless golden horns protruded, and the melodious hymn of the kingdom of heaven reverberated, sweeping towards the insects like a magic sound!

At the same time, all the galaxies in the entire holy heaven were emitting golden light spots, blessing the power of faith!

In the eyes of everyone, the figure of Lucifer began to become sacred and inviolable, loving and unique!

And Chong Feiyu, who has endured the greatest pressure, is evolving crazily!

"Fairy evolution? Anti-chants!"

Her voice-receiving organs began to ignore the hertz frequency of the chant, thereby blocking out the singing!

However, Chong Feiyu's eyes were still foggy, the hostility towards Lucifer gradually disappeared, and his eyes began to become respectful, looking at Lucifer's figure became a little closer!

(?°?~°?) "Tsk~ how come! Insects! Fairy evolution? Immune to all negative states!"

Lucifer smiled: "It's useless! Just wait to be influenced by my love and selflessness and become my servant. As long as you are in this holy kingdom of heaven, you will not be immune!"

"Where is the Nine Meridian Angels! Eliminate foreign enemies!"

In the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, phantoms of nine great angels emerged, and they all used their abilities to attack Chong Feiyu!

Chong Feiyu patted his head, and couldn't stop resisting with moves, but because of the influence of probation, he became hesitant to make moves, and couldn't even arouse his killing intent!

Suddenly fell into the downwind!

Wang Youzhi smacked his lips: "The power of faith? Tsk tsk tsk ~ the leftovers from the civilization of the gods in the wasteland era!"

"Don't learn from the good ones, learn from the bad ones? This thing is not a good thing, but it works. I'm afraid it's too much for Chong Feiyu to suppress Lucifer in the holy heaven!"

Because to some extent, this entire holy kingdom of heaven is the domain of Lucifer!

Every subject in the Kingdom of Heaven is a follower of Lucifer!

As long as believers firmly believe that Lucifer still exists and will bring victory to the kingdom of heaven, then her power is almost unlimited and it is even harder to kill!

Of course, there is no other way, as long as the entire holy kingdom of heaven is destroyed in one go!

But this is not realistic!

But Jiangnan was chased and intercepted by an army of angel guardians!

Laughing~ I can't catch it at all!

Jiangnan carries Wu Liang on his back and drives the entire galaxy at a warp speed, and the punishment of fate will also move along with it, and even use this to control the extension direction of the descending dimension!

Not to mention killing Wu Liang, he couldn't even catch a shadow of him!

He Ye can only prevent the expansion of the two-dimensional plane by blocking the energy source!

But once blocked, Jiangnan directly carried Wu Liang into the cracks of the dimension!

Then it emerged from another galaxy, continued to become two-dimensional, and ran around He Ye and the others all over the world!

At this moment, all the angels are in a great panic, because no one knows where Jiangnan will come from next moment and start killing!

Turning his head to look in Lucifer's direction, Chong Feiyu had already been crushed and beaten by the phantom of the Nine Veins Angel, looking a little embarrassed!

But Lucifer was able to handle it with ease, and also looked in the direction of Jiangnan!

The corners of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, can Fei Yu do it?

Didn't you say that one dozen and two are ok? How did Lucifer do this? This is not allowed!

With a sly smile on his face, Jiang Nan rushed into the gap between dimensions with Wu Liang on his shoulders!

The next moment, the void around Chong Feiyu split open, and Jiang Nan's hand stretched out from inside!

(?°~?°)っ? "Feiyu! Fuck her, don't be afraid!"

While talking, he stuffed a fate coin into Chong Feiyu's hand, his eyes full of anticipation!

Chong Feiyu swallowed, this coin is not...

So subconsciously looked at Wu Liang!

I saw Wu Liang with a pale face, shaking his head like a rattle!


Don't flip a coin? Will be titled ah damn!

Chong Feiyu's eyes are filled with hesitation:

(???﹏??)???? "This... Is this reliable?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??*) "Oh! When did I cheat you? It's over when you come here. Is there any other good way for you?"

Chong Feiyu gritted her teeth, it would be embarrassing to be beaten by Lucifer, so don't worry!

I saw Chong Feiyu took a deep breath, and pointed the fate coin at himself and Lucifer!

The destiny coin had a flash of inspiration, and the contract was completed directly!

Then throw it up hard!

The coin flew out spinning, and the glow on it reached the extreme!

Lucifer frowned, what are they doing?

However, Chongfeiyu blew his hair violently and looked up at the sky!

(??﹏??|||) "No...something is wrong!"

The next moment, an extremely blazing super-sized pitch-black thunder slashed towards Chong Feiyu!

If the galaxy is compared to a jade plate, then this fateful punishment is like the water jet from the faucet washing the plate!

Compared with Chong Feiyu's method, Wu Liang's 68 superimposed methods are all pediatrics!

Because this is a real star-swallowing lethal dose, which is no different from that of the Pimai Liushi back then!

The fate of God's punishment was so fierce that it hit Chong Feiyu's perfect world almost instantly!

?(?????|||)? "Puff~"

Chong Feiyu's eyes popped out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

" Lai Lai!"

[The resentment value from Chongfeiyu +1008! ]

Being beaten by Lucifer was already miserable enough, but being struck by lightning?

Jiangnan's eyes were full of excitement, and he used a dimensionality reduction blow against the thunder above his head!

"Put it in! You can't hold it and I'm still here!"

How far can the two-dimensional plane be expanded for the fateful punishment of swallowing the fatal amount of stars?

Chong Feiyu's face was dark, this skill is really abnormal!

Therefore, the domain must be opened immediately, and the punishment of fate will come in!

But Lucifer was in a hurry!

"You dare!"

I saw Lucifer, like a moth to a flame, rushing straight to the falling fate of God's Punishment!

She even took the initiative to use her own domain to resist the punishment of fate for Chong Feiyu!

His complexion also paled quickly, if he really let this thing split on the two-dimensional plane, would he still want his holy kingdom of heaven?

However, even if Lucifer carried this, it took a lot of effort!

Jiangnan quack straight music:

(???????) "Thanks! You are such a nice person!"

Once the fate coin is used, whether it is splitting insects and flying rain or splitting Lucifer, Jiangnan will make money!

Let you carry it! I see how you carry it!

I saw Jiangnan rushing violently, and amidst Chong Feiyu's exclamation, Jiangnan carried him on his shoulders!

Carrying Chong Feiyu on the left shoulder and Wu Liang on the right shoulder!

With two Thunderbolt charging treasures in hand, who else can stop me!

Jiang Nan is just about to transfer the two humanoid charging treasures!

However, from a distance, he could hear the Black God himself standing in the gap between the dimensions and waving wildly towards Jiangnan!

(●???)? "Give me! Give me one! Give me one to play with? Brother? Here, here!"

Jiang Nan was startled, and then the smile on his face became even more sinister!

So he raised his hand to compare o98k, and threw a few destiny coins directly into the crack of the dimension!

I saw the black god beckoning, and the coin of fate appeared in his hand immediately!

Hei Shen grinned, and was in the gap between the dimensions, watching Lucifer and laughing black and white!

Grab a fate coin and complete the contract with Lucifer directly!

"Look at the two of us, which one is tougher?"

During the speech, he directly threw the fate coin!

And Lucifer suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart!

Sure enough, the next moment! A punishment of fate stronger than chopping insects and flying rain fell straight on Lucifer's head!

Lucifer, who originally helped Chong Feiyu to bear the punishment of heaven, failed to stand up, and the realm of the eternal kingdom of heaven was torn apart!

A huge amount of thunder struck directly on Lucifer's body!

??(#??亮??#)?? "Ah~"

Lucifer's screams suddenly echoed!

Jiangnan quacking music, this horse riding is absolutely amazing, can the fate coin be used like this?

The black god's body is in the cracks of the dimension, can he still make a contract with people outside?

Who can beat the Black God?

Is Hei Shen more excited than Jiang Nan? Although it is not my own power, it also means that I can use this to beat people in the three-dimensional world, right?


However, as Lucifer's screams came out, a panic-stricken roar came from the falling pitch-black Thunder Waterfall!

The voice was deep and powerful, and it sounded so familiar!

I saw Lucifer facing the sky with both hands, resisting the punishment of fate, and preparing to prop up the domain again and block the attack!

However, at this moment, something crashed along the falling thunder and hit Lucifer on the head with a bang!

He lowered his head when he was hit by it, and then the thing was instinctively caught by Lucifer's arm and held in his arms!

The domain was closed, and Lucifer, who was covered in scorched black and smoking black smoke, resisted the two punishments of fate, and looked down into his arms, eyes full of bewilderment!

I saw the black arc flashing on the naked Wang Dalei, just like that falling into Lucifer's arms!

Hugged by Lucifer in the shameful posture of a princess hug!

The gazes of the two people collided and intertwined in mid-air!


Lucifer is dumbfounded!

Wang Dalei was also dumbfounded!

What the hell is this horse riding down along the thunder? Don't you crack the little gift that came with it?

Split one get one free? Childhood without deceit?

Wang Dalei looked at Lucifer with eyes full of criticism:

=????(???????) "Excuse me, where is this? Heaven? Am I dead?"

"The archangel of heaven is so ugly? Why is it so black and still smoking? Why does it look like it was struck by lightning?"

Jiangnan: Σ(っ°口°;)っ?

Wang Youzhi: =????=????(●???●|||)

Everyone in Odin: (???????)!!!

Really? A big thunder strikes with a click?

Whose appearance method is not as good as his?

Lucifer: ??(???Y???#)?? Tsk~

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