Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2382 Brother! you are banned

Jiangnan hurried all the way to the outside of the Great Wall of Wuxian, because if you go to the Beimian Xingkong Mine, even in the dimensional cracks, you need to detour, and the time spent is greatly increased!

And Boss Pang has been waiting for him outside the customs with Mica Planet!

Jiangnan was not idle on the road, this clip sound is hopeless, even if he eats a small pudding to change his voice, gender, he can't control it when he speaks...

And no matter what you want to express, when you say it, you can't help but use overlapping words!

Jiangnan, who tried to resist the side effects with strong willpower, finally failed!

But somehow I found some tricks to talk, so that I don't look like a bitch!

He even made up his mind that he would never use the fierce Chinese medicine unless he had to!

And if you want to use it, you will keep stacking it until the big hunt is over, and you will be cute when you go home!

Never lose this person in front of the starry sky!

As for the other human players, of course it has to be arranged, what does their shame have to do with me Jiangnan!

Through the dimension wind road, Jiangnan soon came to the meeting place agreed with Boss Pang!

Raise your hand and tear apart the void, and a space hole appears in front of you!

The starry sky is in front of you!

I saw Boss Pang standing on the deck of the starship with Omega Alpha waiting for Jiangnan!

In the gravitational traction field of the starship, two void mica planets with a diameter of 30,000 kilometers are being dragged!

The rich spatial energy contained in it is amazing!

I saw that Bombardier lost a lot of weight. Obviously, these two mica planets are the result of his and Ma Zi’s work day and night!

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright and he waved at Bombardier:

(????????????)?? "Giggle~ Pang Gege is awesome~ I actually got two? I like you the most~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Nan was shocked and hurriedly covered his mouth!

Shet! forget!

Bombardier opened his mouth wide after hearing this? I specially looked behind Jiangnan, what's the situation?

What's wrong with someone dubbing behind Nanshen? He was stunned by the sound clip, but Jiangnan came by himself?

The confused Bombardier greeted tremblingly:

??(????w`??$) "You're too embarrassed to say, I have to live at least ten years less in this wave, so take it away quickly, I'll go back..."

Before the words were finished, Jiangnan stepped out of the dimensional gap with a teleport and rushed into the starry sky!

However, the moment Jiangnan appeared, a sense of extreme danger enveloped his whole body, and his whole body stood up!

Look up sharply!

Σ(??????????|||) what?

Are those two melon eaters waiting to attack them?

No... not right!

Jiangnan, who had an extremely fast reaction speed, directly used the warp drive to drive all of a sudden!

Away from the Bombardier starship!

The next moment, in the horrified eyes of Omega and the others, two pitch-black thunderbolts with a diameter of 50,000 kilometers, with an unstoppable attitude, slashed straight down towards Jiangnan!

The speed is extremely fast, and it reaches the top of the head in an instant, like the huge roar of the universe opening in the form of energy echoing in the starry sky!

Not even deafening Bombardier's ears!

what the hell?

Southern God's Thunder Scourge has been upgraded?

Wasn't it blue-purple before? How is this black?

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Nima! This is not at all the thunder scourge of the peeps, but the lethal punishment of destiny from the coin of destiny!

The reason why the coin of destiny is not easy to use is because it is in the crack of the dimension, so it cannot be split?

Because it's the Black God's territory?

I have played two games with Wu Liang in total, and it turns out that whoever is hit by the punishment of fate has nothing to do with the front and back of the fate coin after it hits the ground!

It should be when the coin is tossed to the highest point and the radiance is bright, it has been decided!

Because Wu Liang's level is higher than his own, so the two throws, all riding on the horse are counted as his own?

And it's still saving up!

As soon as I came out of the dimensional crack, this came to the door?

Too late to think too much!

"The second realm is unfolding?? It's the end of life and death~"

At the moment when the realm unfolded, Jiang Nan's figure was completely submerged by two fates and punishments!

There are pitch-black lightning flashes everywhere!

You know, the mica planet that Boss Pang pulled over was only 30,000 kilometers in diameter!

The diameter of this thunder of fate and punishment is 50,000 kilometers in diameter!

With one split, the planet will be directly shattered, an absolute lethal dose!

And it’s still two superimposed at a time!

Compared to this, Peeper's Thunder God's Condemnation is simply outrageous!

Even if it is Jiangnan, at this moment, it has to do everything in its power to resist, and the field is expanded to the greatest extent!

The realm of life and death is not for nothing, and the energy absorption is simply amazing!

The two jet-black Fate Heavenly Punishment that fell down is simply an excellent source of energy!

Infinite energy flows along the blood vine toward Jiangnan, and Jiangnan's face turns red!

But the punishment of fate is not just these two! As long as people don't die, they will keep hacking for 24 hours!

It's like Lei Zhenzi holding a thunder spear and madly outputting against Jiangnan!

One after another pitch-black thunderbolt slashed into the realm like a heavenly sword, tearing the realm apart and destroying it!

Many blood vine phantoms were shattered in the thunder and turned into nothingness!

Moreover, the energy absorption of the absolute life and death has reached a saturation state for a time!

It seems that it will be destroyed by fate at any time!

Jiangnan is sweating profusely on his forehead, wipe it! Is it so fierce?

Then come!

(?????? dish????)?? "Dimensional reduction strike!"

In an instant, a 10-kilometer two-dimensional plane was generated, and an energy from Jiangnan was repatriated, injecting all the energy that was absorbed to the saturation point into the two-dimensional plane!

I saw that the two-dimensional plane expanded at the speed of light, and in the blink of an eye, it became a terrifying size with a length and width of over 100,000 kilometers!

Resist the bombardment of fate and punishment on the top of Jiangnan's head!

And the punishment of fate has also become a natural source of energy for the two-dimensional plane, and it is continuously unfolded after the split!

This range is getting bigger and bigger!

Along the way, all the planets, stars and meteorite belts were ruthlessly unfolded and expanded!

Jiang Nan looked at this scene with bright eyes!

Fuck it, fuck it!

Destiny punishes yourself, is it a bad thing or a good thing?

If you supply a two-dimensional plane with the punishment of fate, how far will this allow it to expand?

You must know that the punishment of fate is constantly falling for 24 hours!

This is a constant source of energy that can even help him expand his attack range to an exaggerated level!

If the Destiny Coin is used properly, with this thing combined with the dimensionality reduction strike range to kill, who can stop Lao Tzu?

Jiang Nan was very excited, but he had to be sure, this thing really works in the starry sky!

I saw Jiangnan took out another coin of destiny, and his eyes fell on Bombardier!

Bombardier swallowed:

(????△`??$) "What did Nanshen say about dimensionality reduction?"

Omega scratched his head: ??(??????~????)???????? "Bomba donkey, Nanshen said to strike!"

Bombardier: ! ! !

I asked you to call, you really call you?

Jiang Menghan twisted: (*??????) "Pang Gege~ Come over here!"

Bombardier shuddered fiercely: "Nan Shen? Did you take rat medicine? What are you talking about..."

Jiang Menghan's face was full of anger:

(??°????°??) "Hold back... hold back!"

Oh huh? It worked! This is also a double word, right?

Although it is still very clipped, it at least preserves his manly image?

Bombardier was confused, although he didn't know what Jiangnan was going to do, it was over!

I saw Jiangnan align himself and Bombardier with the coin of fate, the front and back of the coin exuded aura, and the fate contract was completed!

Without hesitation, Jiang Nan raised his hand and tossed the coin of destiny!

For some reason, Bombardier suddenly felt like his hair was standing on end!

I saw the dazzling coin of destiny spinning and flying out, and the next moment, the coin of destiny disappeared directly!

Immediately, a giant fate and punishment fell directly towards Jiangnan's head...

Still lethal! Stacked three!

Jiang Nan's face turned even darker, did he have such a backsliding on his own idea? again?

Bombardier's mouth twitched when he saw this scene, what does it mean? So it is very likely that the penalty will hit you that day?

"Nan Shen! You are not authentic, are you?"

Jiang Menghan glared at him: (????v??v??) "Stop it! I'll try it! Get out of here~"

Hahaha, it really works!

In this case, at least you can save your last face?

The three lethal thunderbolts fell uncontrollably, continuously injecting energy into the two-dimensional plane!

And the expansion of the plane seems to be endless!

In the end, the two-dimensional plane expanded to a terrifying situation of half a light-year in length and width!

You must know that a two-dimensional plane is not a substance, and it needs to expand far faster than the speed of light. The superposition of three lethal amounts of fate and punishment is enough for a two-dimensional plane to expand to such a huge extent in a short period of time!

But that's all!

As I said before, the larger the area of ​​a 2D plane, the more energy it needs to maintain its existence in the 3D world!

With a length and width of half a light-year, the energy consumed every moment is extremely terrifying, and Jiangnan himself can't afford it!

Even the superposition of three lethal amounts of fate and punishment is not enough!

The 2D plane is no longer expanding because there is not enough energy!

Immediately disappeared into the three-dimensional!

But fate didn't stop the punishment? Still falling towards Jiangnan!


The Endless Death Realm suffered a fatal blow again. This time, Jiangnan in the realm was slashed and bleeds from the seven orifices!

The realm seems to collapse at any moment!

It's really ruthless!

"Dimensional reduction strike!"

The 2D fragments are regenerated and expanded from the ground up again!

Bombardier stared blankly at this scene:

Σ(っ°口°;)っ "This... Who else can stop Nanshen on this horse! Just relying on the dimensionality reduction attack, is it already perverted to this extent?"

"What is that realm? Nanshen has two realms?"

Jiang Nan wiped a handful of blood from his face, his eyes full of excitement!

Great! awesome! This can be regarded as a bug to get yourself stuck, right?

Wait... Jiangnan suddenly thought of Wu Liang...

He played with the Black God with a basket of Destiny Coins, and there were dozens of coins in that basket!

Just three superimposed, I can't hold it anymore!

This is not a simple time superposition, but a split down at the same time!

As soon as Wu Liang came out of the dimensional gap, he couldn't smash down dozens of fatal punishments? What's the situation?

Jiangnan: (????????????????????????)??…

Sorry bro, you may be banned!



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