Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2378 The real man is so informal

Qianben Sakura touched her pink beard in disbelief, and her spiritual world collapsed for a while!

??(??????????|||)?? "Aah~"

Even her sweet voice has become much deeper and more heroic!

The majestic roar echoed throughout the Fenglin Villa!

This beautiful girl has a beard? Or a beard? It's a little too dense, isn't it?

How can I go out and meet people?

A beautiful girl with a beautiful country and a city grows a beard? This is even scarier than a beautiful bald girl! It's unacceptable!

Did Jiangnan do it? It must be the ghost of the medicine from Jiangnan, right?

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1009! ]

Xia Yao was petrified on the spot, what kind of devil is the bearded beast ear girl! It's not cute at all, is it?

At this moment, her eyes turned red!

Zhong Yingxue's eyelids jumped, a dozen blue veins burst on his forehead, and the high temperature radiated from his body even distorted the space!

??(??°????°????)?? "Destroy it! This world!"

[The resentment value from Zhong Yingxue +1000! ]

[From Xia Yao…]

Not only them, but Olivia, who was still surprised just now, was full of splendor, and her face was full of beards!

Even Jiangning Jiangjing's face grew ice silk beards, and the little Lan child did not escape this curse!

Only Mira, whose physical condition kept refreshing and recovering, escaped the beard curse!

Obviously, the fierce medicine is not enough to change her physical state!

Not only girls grow, even Wu Liangxiong Er and the others also have very manly beards on their faces!

All become fierce!

I saw Wu Liang stroked his beard, his face full of pride, and said aloud:

(≧┏??┓≦〃) "What's wrong with having a beard? I don't think there's anything wrong with it? It's more manly, sure enough! A real man should have a beard? Ahahaha!"

After saying that, he picked up the bowl of soy milk on the side, raised his head to dry the bowl of soy milk, and then slammed a huge burp that resounded through the sky, regardless of the details!

The corner of Xiong Er's mouth twitched:

(????????) "But...they are girls? Pfft~"

Wang Youzhi smirked:

(〃??????) "Big brother! You shouldn't put hair growth agents in your meals, right? Punishment? Is it yours?"

Jiang Nan pulled out the two noodles from his nostrils with a bright smile on his face:

(??????????;)?? "Hey... you listen to my sophistry! Everyone has hairs on their bodies, beards, etc., it's normal, right?"

"It's also a wonderful thing to have more life experiences that you have never had before?"

"We can't be boyfriend and girlfriend, but we can still be brothers? Pfft... puff puff ~ hahahaha!"

(づ??????ど) No way, no way~

Jiang Nan didn't hold back, and burst into laughter. Even though Jiang Nan was a professional, he still burst into tears when he looked at all the fierce men here!

God's special meow's fierce Chinese medicine, is it so literal?

It doesn't matter if men grow beards or something, but women grow too?

However, at this moment, Jiangnan's list of grievances completely exploded!

Qianben Sakura was furious:

(??▼??▼) "Crappy~ Bad guy Jiang, today I'll show you how amazing I am!"

"Sakura sauce head hammer!"

I saw Qianben Sakura jumped directly from the stool, like a torpedo, and hit Jiangnan's stomach!

A teleport appeared in front of Jiangnan!

The attack will be triggered by 10 times the critical strike effect, Jiangnan's whole person was knocked into a prawn, and he rolled back through the wall and knocked out of the Fenglin Villa!

Zhong Yingxue stomped her feet, and the flames all over her body burned wildly, but even if it changed into a flame shape, Xuexue's beard still existed, and it turned into a burning flame beard!

o(????'????')o "Small! Nan! How cooked do you want? I'll help you!"

He turned into a flame and rushed towards Jiangnan!

At the same time, Xia Yao suddenly transformed into hundreds of thousands of Yingyao, forming an army of wolf annihilation, one by one roaring and charging towards Jiangnan!

And even Yingyao has a beard!

??(????'????'??)?? "Bite and kill! Bite and kill on the spot! Today, I have to let you experience the feeling of being surrounded and beaten!"

Olivia, Shengyi Shengcai, Jiang Ning, and even the small dimples rushed up, and the Fenglin Villa was instantly collapsed by the momentum of everyone!

The entire Pioneer Academy was shaking, and all the students looked in the direction of Fenglin Villa in horror!

What the fuck? what's the situation?

Guan Hu is numb, why do I have an ominous premonition? Blue Star is in danger!

However, at this moment, Wang Youzhi's eyes were full of excitement, and he snapped his fingers, and the surroundings were instantly enveloped in a dark fog!

The entire Fenglin Villa area was enveloped in a square dark box!

The space inside can be said to be infinite!

Wang Youzhi is happy:

??(??????????)?? "Everyone! Don't worry about breaking Blue Star, let go of your anger, I think Jiang Nan Chunchun deserves a beating, just beat it up. Ah!"

After speaking, I took out a bag of nuts and smashed it!

Such fun, is it rare to see it on weekdays?

Jiangnan vomited blood, and Dazhi just watched the fun, wouldn't it be a big deal?

At this moment, everyone who turned into a fierce man launched a violent sanction against Jiangnan!

Ten times the domain range, ten times the skill range, plus ten times the crit damage, the combination is absolutely terrifying!

Zhong Yingxue fired the gun that burned out, Jiang Nan quickly launched his defense in the realm of death and immortality!

However, the area that could have blocked this attack was torn in half by Zhong Yingxue's Spear of Burning End!

The frightened Jiangnan can only teleport to avoid!

Ten times the crit is too ruthless, right?

Hundreds of thousands of Yingyao rushed up and exploded. The power of the explosion was ten times that of the previous one!

However, all the beautiful girls and fierce men didn't notice anything wrong at all, they only felt that they were in a special state today, and the more they fought, the more fierce they became!

I vowed to let Jiangnan taste the taste of the lesson. Wow!

At this moment, the fierce medicine that Jiangnan ate also worked!

With a beard growing on his face, strong body hair, and the moment the medicinal effect came up, Jiangnan laughed heroically!

(▼??▼#) "Good good! I will fight with you today to see who is the real man!"

Qianben Sakura: (;????????????`) "We are women! Hey women!"

For a while, everyone became even more angry, and launched a beating against Jiangnan. If he didn't beat him, he would calm down and swear to never give up!

Wu Liang laughed directly: "Brother Nan! Bring me one too, the real man is going to fight! Ah fight!"

While speaking, he rushed up with Xiong Er!

Wang Youzhi's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help but turn to the rain of insects:

(*??????) "Oh huh? How are you all right?"

Insect Rain rolled his eyes:

(????~????*) "What can I do?"

My body is only a swarm of guards, composed of individuals who do not know how many billions, and those who eat food are only digestive worms! It only affects the digestive worms!

Wang Youzhi said: (????????) "Aren't you going to take the opportunity to hammer Jiangnan? This kind of opportunity doesn't come all the time. Jiangnan didn't hide at all because he did something wrong!"

"Thinking about the losses you have suffered under Jiangnan's subordinates. In his heart, he was almost not cooked, so you are not angry? Is it a bastard if you don't take advantage of it?"

Insect Rain is leaning on his chin, this... does this make sense? The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she rolled up her arms and rolled up her sleeves and rushed up!

??(??????;)?? "Hey hey~ take me one!"

Wang Youzhi looked comfortable, that's right!

However, Jiangnan is not given in vain. Although everyone has the medicinal effect of Menghan medicine, Jiangnan also has it?

Hearing two "bang bang", Wu Liang and Qianbenying were directly hammered out of the battle group by Jiangnan!

Wu Liang randomly wiped the blood from his face and laughed!

"It seems that if you don't take off your clothes, you won't be able to do it, Brother Nan? Sure enough! A real man has to take off his clothes and do it! This will make it more atmosphere!"

As he spoke, he ripped his shirt to shreds, revealing his fat upper body!

The thick black chest hair on the chest was as long as a sweater, and it rushed up with a roar, and it was even more fierce than before!

Qianben Sakura took a look, is this still used to Jiang villain?

So I grabbed my short sleeves, and with a ruthless expression, I was about to take it off!

(〃??'????') "It seems that this girl can't do anything for you if she doesn't take off her clothes today, right?"

Mira: ! ! !

I saw Mila rushing over with a stride, hugging Qianben Sakura tightly!

(??﹏??.) "Sister Sakura! Calm down! Calm down! There are so many people, if you take them off, they will be seen all over!"

It doesn't matter if the men take off their shirts, what are you going to learn? Do you want to be so arrogant?

Qianben Sakura gritted her teeth and said:

(????????????)?? "I feel that the clothes limit my performance! A real man, sure enough... Bah! How can a real warrior care about these details?"

Mila sweated profusely on her forehead: (????~??????) "The problem is that you can't beat Brother Jiangnan even if you take off your clothes? And when you take off your clothes, are you buffing yourself or Brother Jiangnan? Add a buff?"

Qianben Sakura tilted her head and thought, it seems to be the truth~

Lan coughed twice: (????°????°) "Inner... If you can't take off your clothes, you can also choose to take off your pants, which may be more atmosphere!"

Mira covered her face, the atmosphere would only get weirder!

At this moment, there was a burst of exclamations in the field!

I saw that Wu Liang's hands of the gods actually became a hundred times the size of the previous one!

Under normal form, the hands of the gods in full body are enough to hold the stars!

But this time, the hands of the gods have been strengthened a hundred times and become incomparably huge.

Let Jiangnan feel like the world is pressing towards him!

Insect Rain took a breath:

Σ(°△°|||) "This is an attack that can be launched by the extraordinary third phase? I bah! Go to the ghost!"

"Have they all beaten chicken blood? Why is the power of the skills so exaggerated?"

Jiang Nan couldn't help but widen his eyes. Did Wu Liang trigger a hundredfold critical strike with a very small chance?

When this palm is shot, who can resist it?

Not only Jiangnan, but even Zhong Yingxue was careless, and the gun in his hand became extremely terrifying!

It used to pierce through a planet to death, but the one that Zhong Yingxue has condensed now is a hundred times the size of the previous one!

She also triggered a hundred times the critical strike, increasing the damage to an explosive level!

It was as if he was holding a spear of destruction in his hand!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

??(??﹏??#)?? "Stop, stop! Hold back... hold back! Wrong and wrong! If this thing falls, it will be a big problem!"

The rest of the means I can't resist, I can only use dimensionality reduction to strike, the two-dimensional plane expansion process is uncontrollable!

In case someone is sent into the second dimension, it will be a bad dish!

At this moment, even Zhong Yingxue couldn't believe the gun in his hand, when did he become so strong?

Is it because of the beard bonus?



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