Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2374 This Southerner is hanging up again

Jiangnan, who couldn't wait to show off, ran to a place of nothingness.

"The second realm is unfolding?? The realm of life and death!"

Jiangnan's whole body is full of momentum, the world fades, the blood vine phantom spreads in the field like blood vessels, and the scarlet evil flame is burning wildly!

Zhong Yingxue's eyes widened sharply, the movement from the west just now was indeed caused by Xiao Nan!

Just after Sister Li Bing finished speaking on the front foot, Xiaonan on the back foot developed the second field?

Wu Liang's open-mouthed boss:

(.??v mouth v??.) "Fuck! Brother Nan? You still let people live? Just one black hole swallowing star field is enough perverted, you made two out?"

What kind of evil underworld is this? Just looking at it makes me feel terrified!

Jiangnan crossed his waist and laughed:

(??????????????) "Even if you let the horse come to hit me, your brother Nan won't hide, but I want to see how capable I am in this second field!"

Zhong Yingxue's face is full of unwillingness to admit defeat, and she looks eager to try!

Xiaonan's black hole swallowing stars can't compare, if his second domain can't be broken, he won't have to live!

"Then you're ready!"

In an instant, Zhong Yingxue's body ignited a raging flame, and the phantom of the fiery crown appeared on the top of his head, turning into the form of a nine-headed phoenix!

In addition to the nine-headed phoenix bird, another round of Chi Yang formed!

"Unlimited firepower?? Star fire rain!"

Zhong Yingxue broke out directly, and incomparably huge fireballs separated from Chiyang!

Hundreds of thousands of them, like fiery stars, smashed towards the Jiangnan domain!

The dazzling light and scorching high temperature even directly drowned Jiangnan's field of life and death!

Cover bombing!

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, and every time he saw Xuexue's violent output, his liver trembled. Facing such an attack, even Jiangnan would feel a lot of pressure!

If it was normal, Jiangnan had teleported and ran away, and he wouldn't fight hard at all, but this time, Jiangnan wanted to try the limits of the field!

"Boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of Chiyang fireballs turned into fire rain, smashed into the realm of life and death, and made a huge roar!

However, in the next moment, these crimson giant suns have all lost their color and become crazily smaller!

All the energy in Ju Yang is being absorbed by the Peerless Realm!

Before they can get close to Jiangnan, they will all be completely annihilated!

Zhong Yingxue was stunned, all the energy contained in his spiritual skills had been absorbed by the domain?

She doesn't believe in evil, and her violent output continues, but all the spiritual skills that smash into the realm of life and death are all decomposed into energy!

Along the phantom of the blood vine, flowing towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan Gaga Zhile: (????°????°) "Xuexue! If you push harder, I can still bear it!"

Zhong Yingxue's face is full of dissatisfaction, I still don't believe it!

I saw her little hand raised and grabbed violently towards the void!

A giant musket was formed, and the tip of the gun was even covered with a layer of annihilation halo approaching the Planck temperature!

"The Fiery Crown?? Burn out the spear of death!"

Zhong Yingxue stepped forward and threw violently at the Jiangnan domain!

The power of this gun is enough to run through the stars!

Just plunged into the realm of absolute life and death, the powerful impact was enough to tear the realm in half!

The annihilation halo is really abnormal, even in the state of absolute life and death, it cannot be completely absorbed for a while!

But in the end, the entire spear that burned out was completely wiped out, decomposed into energy, and rushed to Jiangnan!

Zhong Yingxue's scalp was numb: "This is a very difficult field! Does it absorb any form of energy?"

Wu Liang is also excited at the moment:

(.??v??v??.) "Hahaha! I'm coming! The hands of God! Clap!"

In an instant, the golden-yellow ancient star god's giant hand shimmering with endless divine patterns appeared, and a single palm was much larger than a planet!

The two hands mercilessly moved towards the Jiangnan area, obviously wanting to shoot directly!

Jiangnan was blown up, and he didn't know that the domain could not resist!


The unreasonable hands of God just shot into the realm!

I saw that the divine power on the phantom of the divine hand was madly drained and disintegrated, and the divine pattern was also indefinitely dimmed. The phantom was dimmed due to the massive loss of divine power!

But the divine power in these two hands is too overwhelming, and it cannot be absorbed in a while!

Jiangnan gritted his teeth: (?????? dishes????)?? "Extraordinary life and death??

The next moment, I saw that on the phantoms of the two divine hands, thick blood-colored rattans began to grow, using divine power as nutrients, growing wantonly!

In the blink of an eye, the palms and fingers were covered with blood vines, and they were wiped out even faster!

However, even so, the phantom of the god's hand has become extremely dim, and it is still not enough to completely obliterate it!

Tenaciously scary!

Jiangnan grinned:

(????°????°) "Try a new trick!"

Immediately, he waved his hand and pointed it in front of him: "Dimensional reduction strike!"

In an instant, a 10-kilometer two-dimensional plane was generated, but due to the lack of energy supply and the matter that could be unfolded, it would disappear after 10 seconds!

At this moment, I saw 10 giant eyes opened directly above the blood vine phantom, all aimed at the two-dimensional plane!

"Peerless field?? Energy repatriation!"


Ten extremely pure energy giant pillars shot out from the giant eyes and injected directly into the two-dimensional plane!

All of these energies are absorbed by the Immortal Realm, and Jiangnan can adjust them at will!

With a large amount of energy injection, the two-dimensional plane skyrocketed in an instant, expanding at a superluminal speed, and the moment it touched the phantom of the divine hand, the two big hands were completely two-dimensionally unfolded!

The attack dissipated in an instant!

Only the vast two-dimensional fragments floated in the gaps of the dimensions, and then disappeared!

Wu Liang was horrified: (??????д??????) "What the hell? Does this work?"

Is Brother Nan's Second Domain also so perverted?

It can mobilize the energy absorbed by the domain, and then use it in conjunction with the dimensionality reduction strike. Is this a taboo weapon for walking?

Zhong Yingxue pouted: (??`~????) "Xiao Nan! Get ready! I'm coming for real!"

"The field expands?? Star Sea Embers!"

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue didn't hold back any longer, and started his own domain!

A round of boundless and huge red sun emerged, covered with a layer of golden annihilation halo!

Every three seconds, Chiyang will bloom an annihilation halo, carbonizing everything in the field and burning it to embers!

Zhong Yingxue just drove straight into the field and hit him!

The embers of the Xinghai Sea directly collided with the Endless Death Realm!

Jiang Nan was sweating profusely on his forehead. Although his second domain can absorb any energy, the annihilation halo is not so easy to handle!

Before the absorption of the previous wave is completed, the next wave will be brushed over!

Constantly invading the realm of life and death, and even many of the blood vine phantoms have been brushed into nothingness by the extinction halo!

Although it has been absorbing the energy emitted by the embers of Xinghai, if there is no other means! They have been fighting against each other in the realm, and the one who loses in the end must be the life-and-death situation in Jiangnan.

The annihilation halo approaching the Planck temperature limit is a real bug!

And Zhong Yingxue hasn't even fully developed the field!

Jiang Nan hurriedly shouted: ????(????????﹏??????????) "Dead Daoist ~ Dead Daoist~ No, no, I can't handle yours in this field. Xinghai Embers continue to attack!"

It has already played an experimental role, and there is no need to continue!

Zhong Yingxue just closed the field, a little satisfied!

But he turned his head and said: (??????~????)???????? "But if you use two-dimensional fragments to throw them over, you can also break my star sea embers, right? "

Jiangnan laughed directly: (????????????) "It can be possible, isn't that dangerous, what should I do if I make you two-dimensional? I will feel distressed~"

Zhong Yingxue blushed: (??????????) "And...and I won't die, I can condense from any flame on the blue star!"

Wu Liang covered his mouth: (.??????????) Woo~

Reluctant to use it for Sister Xue, you still use it for me! Bah~ Southerners!

Zhong Yingxue said excitedly: "Is this your second domain? You realized it through Fuji Wu? Can you absorb the energy within the domain and use it for your own use?"

"Whether it is used for defense or attack, it is very easy to use, it is a very powerful field!"

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "The main purpose of the second domain is as an assistant, so that I can have a living space in other people's domains, so that I won't be killed!"

"Space system ability is still the main attack method!"

Zhong Yingxue's eyelids jumped, forgetting that Xiao Nan was from the Space Department. If Xiao Nan didn't hide just now, if this field of life and death, coupled with the mobility of the Space Department!

Zhong Yingxue had a headache. I'm afraid this is an enemy that no one wants to meet, right?

"Wait...Wait! The Realm of Life and Death can absorb all the energy within the realm and call it at will, right? Then...can it be used for cultivation? For example, absorbing void mica?"

Jiang Nan was stunned, Nima! Why didn't I think of this!

Just do what you say, I saw Jiangnan directly dragging out a void mica asteroid tens of thousands of meters in size from the alien space!

Immediately start the life and death realm, absorbing the pure space energy in the void mica!

In less than three seconds, all the space energy in the entire void mica asteroid was absorbed by the Immortal Realm, draining Yoko!

And a huge amount of space energy flows towards Jiangnan along the phantom of the blood vine, and under the control of Jiangnan, all of it is injected into his body!

The level of the extraordinary second phase of Jiangnan suddenly improved a lot!

Zhong Yingxue: ∑(°mouth°??) Really works!

Jiangnan was also stunned. Normally speaking, it would take three days and three nights for such a large void mica to be absorbed day and night by eating popping candy and black garlic!

It took three seconds to get it done with the Endless Death?

Isn't this... this field is a training accelerator?

The dumbfounded Jiang Nan directly took out a small glass ball from the alien space and released it!

A huge star energy planet has emerged!

Jiang Nan violently brought Zhong Yingxue and Wu Liang onto the planet, and the field of unparalleled life expanded to the maximum!

Crazy extraction of planetary energy!

The endless star energy was deployed by Jiangnan, and directly entered the body of himself, Zhong Yingxue, and Wu Liang!

The terrifying absorption speed is simply staggering!

You must know that even if Zhong Yingxue and the others use the star energy block to cultivate, and then use it with the spell array, there is a limit to the personal absorption speed!

It is impossible to complete the absorption and absorption in a short time, but the absolute life and death are different. With energy, is it really absorbed?

If Zhong Yingxue and the others absorbed the energy of the star source before, it was a trickle!

So now, with the help of the Realm of Immortality and Death, it is the galloping river!

Zhong Yingxue's pretty face flushed red with the huge amount of star energy injected!

(??≥﹏≤??) "Xiao...Xiao Nan! Slow down! I can't stand it! Umm~"

Jiangnan: Σ(°△°|||)

"Mom! I've researched another one! Cultivation accelerates the hang!"



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