Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2356 The Demon King goes out! Not a blade of grass grows

Before he finished speaking, he was held back by the bobcat!

I saw the Shan Mao look serious and said:

(????????????) "I won't tell you, I just don't want you to follow. After you come back, you've been so busy that you haven't even touched the ground with your heels?"

"I have been running around for human beings and the situation in the starry sky. How long have you not rested? There are side effects of black holes swallowing stars. Do you want to die from exhaustion?"

Jiang Nan said unwillingly, "But..."

Shan Mao stared: "But what? Obedient! You don't listen to my words? Don't worry, before the sequence war, we will come back to participate in the world hunt!"

"Just stay at home for a while, recharge your batteries, adjust your state, and enjoy the tranquility before the storm. There are more important things waiting for you to do!"

"Leave these trivial matters to me! Oh~"

In the end, Shanmao already had a tone of coaxing children!

Jiangnan lost his way and said: (??????) "I'm not allowed to follow, are you afraid that I will slow you down?"

The lynx has black lines all over its head, hey hey hey! If we let you follow, we are the ones holding back, right?

(??`~????) "Anyway, you just stay at home honestly. If you are obedient, I... I can reward you..."

Immediately, the spiritual leader came to Jiangnan:

(*???????????????) "What reward? Is it a kiss? Or a cool photo? Or a goose box..."

Before he finished speaking, Shanmao, who was blushing like a big apple, raised his hand and cut out a big red envelope for Jiangnan's head!

Jiang Nan rubbed his head frantically, inhaling in pain:

??(′??﹏??`)?? "Could it be a big red envelope?"

Shan Mao said unhappily: (????~????*) "I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it later!"

Jiang Nan excitedly said: (????°??????°)?? "Then let's go shopping. Since entering the starry sky era, you haven't had a good time shopping in the City of Thousand Stars, right? Let's go ~"

While talking, he pulled up the bobcat and was about to leave!

Bobcats face is full of embarrassment:

(????~????) "What's there to do in the street? Waste of time! If you have this time, it's better to practice the newly acquired skills, and I have to set off tomorrow, I..."

Jiang Nan said fiercely: "He also said that he would give me a reward! Didn't you even agree to this small request? Anyway, if you don't go, I will follow!"

Shanmao saw that he couldn't hold back Jiangnan, so he could only nod in agreement!

Jiang Nan roared, and quickly waved towards the distance:

??*???(°????°??*)????*?? "Go shopping in the City of Thousand Stars, looking for fun, is there any sign up?"

Xia Yao rushed over with eyes full of excitement:

????????????? "Registration +1"

After the physical examination, the bully gang beat their chests and shouted! Only acrylic and Nine Blue are absent!

Liu Mang, Tieniu Blood Platelet, who was hammered into a pig's head by Jiangnan, and the others, when they heard that they were going shopping, they also woke up from the state of suspended animation, clamoring to go together!

The corner of Suo Na's mouth twitched: "Nan Shen? As Nan Shen, he is going to go shopping in the City of Thousand Stars. Does he really have no self-knowledge?"

Wang Youzhi's eyes were full of excitement:

(??????????????‵) "I'm already looking forward to it, Jie Jie Jie~"

Speaking of the city of a thousand stars, which planet is the most prosperous? Of course it is Vientiane!

So Jiangnan, who decided to see Shan Mao off, set off for Vientiane Star!


The eighth star port of Wan Xing Xing, a huge dimensional star ring stands at the port!

On the side, the mechanical wormholes of the Silicon Speed ​​Starport, the particle transmission, and the stargates of the Bobo Starship are all standing!

It's just that compared to the other two, Dimensional Star's business is obviously better!

The entire star port was crowded with people, and suddenly the space vortex of the dimensional star flight fluctuated!

Jiang Nan took the team members, Bobcats and the others, plus a gang of 10,000 bullies, and stepped out of the Dimensional Star Ring!

I saw Jiangnan flip-flops with big bitter tea seeds, plus an open beach flower shirt, with shiny abs!

She wears a big gold chain around her neck, a string of horns in her hands, and sunglasses on her face!

There is still a toot pacifier in its mouth, and it is still crooked!


As soon as he went out, an unbearable aura of domineering radiated in all directions!

Lynx: (??????﹏?????????)

Xia Yao: (??)??-﹏-`)

Zhong Yingxue: (??)﹏(ヾ)

Ahhh~ I don't know this person, how embarrassing!

Just go shopping when you come out to go shopping! Why do you have to dress like this? Hey!

However, at the moment when Jiangnan and the others came to Xinghang, Xinggang, which was originally crowded and extremely noisy, fell into a standstill!

As if time stood still, everyone's eyes were looking towards Jiangnan!

The eyes are gradually frightened!


I saw Jiangnan stretched out two fingers, clamped the Dudu pacifier, pulled it out with a sharp gulp, and made a "pop" sound!

As soon as I spit it out, I spit out a big ball of milky fragrance!

With an arrogant expression, he said:

(??°??д°??) "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome guy?"

The next moment, the entire Xinggang was in chaos, and many people screamed in terror!

??(??口??;)??=3=3=3 "Ahh~ Nanshen has come to Wanxiang Star! Wanxiang Star is going to be gone, run! Run!"

(??﹏??.)?? "See? This is Nanshen! It's mentioned in the Mengxin Rules, why are you standing there? Why don't you run?"

(???????) "Master...Master! Help me! My legs are numb, I can't run! Woo~"

The master picked up his apprentice and ran away. In less than three seconds, the entire Xinggang pier became empty!

Half of the figures were gone, and one by one rushed out of the star port like a wave of zombies!

Even the starship that flew here through the mechanical wormhole saw Jiangnan coming, it was a tight space, turned around and rushed back!

It doesn't matter if it hits the boat or not!

Jiang Nan put the pacifier in his mouth, speechless:

(¬~¬) "What are they doing? I didn't say I was going to tear down the Vientiane Star? Why are they running so fast? It's like seeing a ghost?"

The corners of Wu Liang's mouth twitched: "The main reason is that the name of the Fifth Natural Disaster is too big. Even if Brother Nan doesn't open it up, he is afraid of being struck by lightning?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned away from Jiangnan in an instant, for fear that the thunderbolt would strike down at some point!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (????~????*) "Going shopping~ want to be happy, why are you afraid of this and that? Let's go! I remember there is a snack street outside Xinghang?"

"Let's try the characteristics of Wanxiangxing first!"

Putting your hands in your pockets, humming a little tune, and strolling around, you headed to the snack street!

The gang of bullies can only keep up with fear, but keep vigilant at all times to prevent the thunder from falling!

However, this picture, in the eyes of others, seems a bit wrong!

With a suspenseful expression on his face, Jiangnan strolled around with his hands in his pockets, followed by a group of savage-looking bullies with red eyes, shooting everywhere...

Who doesn't see this?

As soon as he entered the snack street, he smelled the aroma of roasted dragon tails, and Jiang Nan swallowed:

??(??﹃????) "Hey boss? How much is a string? Give me..."

With a bang, the boss pulled down the alloy steel door at the entrance of the shop with a pale face, and thanked the customers behind closed doors!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched!

(°~°〃) "Uncle! How do you sell your squid legs? I want to..."

Before he could finish speaking, the uncle trembled, picked up the booth, jumped sharply, and flew into the sky, flying into the starry sky like a missile!

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his brow, and turned to other shops, only to see the alloy steel doors of the shops falling down and closing one after another!

The tourists in the snack street all ran away!

Jiang Nan's movements froze, a blue front blew past, and there was no one else on the street!

It just so happened that a three-headed hellhound came out of the alley, and Jiang Nan looked over immediately!

The Cerberus also noticed Jiang Nan, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole dog was shaking like chaff!

One person and one dog looked at each other in the air, intertwined!

The Cerberus turned its head and was about to run!


Jiang Nan glared: (????°pan??°)?? "Stop! Where are you going? What are you running for?"

The Cerberus directly spoke the Thousand Stars language!

????Dish????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In your sight, if slapping your mouth can make you happy, then you slap it!"

"Three heads, you can slap them as you like! Please spare my three dogs' lives!"

Jiang Nan said speechlessly: (??~??) "Why should I slap you on the mouth?"

The three hellhounds swallowed: "Everyone is spreading the word that Nanshen is going to fight, and not a single blade of grass will grow!"

"The dog has to be slapped twice in the past! The eggs have to be shaken and turn me yellow! I, I, I... I will withdraw first!"

I saw the three hellhounds digging the ground like crazy, digging a hole in the alloy floor, and they just ran away through the hole...

Jiangnan with a dark face: (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Such an excessive thing?"

Shan Mao looked serious: "Yes!"

Jiangnan: (??_??)...

Wang Youzhi: (????ж??)σpoof~

"Plague God, is it you that the disaster star is talking about? Are you still shopping? When you come here, all the yellow shops are there!"

Jiangnan grinds his teeth for a while, this is simply inexperienced!

Where can this work? I can't understand the local conditions and customs of Vientiane Star at all!

(??°??口°????) "Riding horses! Open the doors for me to pick up customers! I want to buy snacks! Give me money! I'll check three numbers! If you don't open the door, I'll go crazy!"

"three two!…"


Jiangnan's violent momentum bloomed, as if he would make a big move in the next second!

The next moment, the alloy steel doors of all the stores opened at the same time, and all kinds of yelling and selling sounds came immediately!

The originally quiet snack street suddenly became extremely lively, but every boss was shaking like a fascia gun!

"Nanshin~ Do you want to have some~ How much does it cost you? Small business, can you ask for less?"

Jiangnan: (??) Yi (ヾ)

I'll give you money! It's not you who gave it to me, hey! Do you think I'm here to rob you?

Half an hour later, the bully gang came out of the snack street with a bulging belly!

Only Xing Cheng was hungry, and he looked back at the snack street with a look of lingering on his face!

Bobcat grabbed a golden pancake and took two bites:


Jiang Nan turned his head and bit it: "Really? Shall I try it?"

Shan Mao stared, turned his head and took two steps back. I bit it just now, and Jiang Nan ate it. Isn't that just indirect... indirect...

Thinking of this, Shanmao's face turned red, but Jiangnan was very heartbroken, his eyes sparkled and he said:

(*??????) "Oh! Thanks to his old mother-in-law! This is delicious!"

Xia Yao looked at Shanmao teasingly, Ya'er, pure love!

Suo Na excitedly said: "What's the mother-in-law's cake? Boss Nanshen, try my box of slug salad. The starry sky is delicious, and it also has the effect of protecting the throat!"

Satsuma glared: (???????) "Damn! Are you something that people eat? Boss Nanshen, try my cold amethyst raw ore! Oh, my mom~ the children next door are crying Already!"

While talking and chewing, sparks came out!

Borden rolled his eyes: (?????????*) "Let's go down today, what nutrition do you have? Nanshen! Eat my braised screw cap! Baked at 5,000 degrees high temperature, roasted To the crimson red, sprinkle with ferric oxide as a seasoning! God, this boss is so good, yo ho ho ho ~ hot mouth!"

Jiangnan with a black face: (??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?”

Is this snack too hard?

Shan Mao ate the cake in two bites, and licked his fingers: "Where is the next stop? Anyway, no matter where you go, the door will be closed, right?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (????????????) "Of course I went to the Hilde Guild for a stroll? Sure enough! The Adventurer's Guild, bounty hunters, etc., are more star-like. ? Didn’t apply last time!”

"Today just apply for a bounty hunter! Elbow!"

Sona sprayed out the slug after a mouthful, what the hell!

The number one fugitive on the Starry Sky Most Wanted list is going to go for a walk in the Hilde union!

Can this work?

ps: It’s the last day of the Tomato Popularity King event, and the little friends are going to be the best again! Last sprint, if you haven't clicked to follow, please help~

There is not much difference in points, the second is not reconciled!

(*????﹏????) Woo~

Also, for those who have read vigorously for more than two hours, click to follow to count as points. If you clicked first, you can cancel and click again~

If the event ends and Qingfeng ranks first, an update will be added! Give back to the friends who support you, add more! Will add more~

The amount of large characters is enough~

It's even impossible to add more Qingfeng. Wow, it's a lot of money, what are you guys still hesitating about? Follow the button and hurry up! Go, go, go! Yahoo~

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