Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2354 all problems stem from lack of strength

Under the replay of everyone's memories, Jiangnan completed the part of the college exchange contest again, and relive the good memories!

As expected, it took three black holes to devour stars, and three memory fragments were missing!

What's frightening is that it's been so long since the first release of the black hole devouring stars!

Jiangnan has only discovered the problem so far!

And even after watching everyone's memory playback, Jiang Nan just knew what happened, that's all!

I can't recall the enthusiasm, laughter, anxiety, and fetters at the beginning, and I am more like a bystander!

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Zhong Yingxue patted Jiangnan on the back, her words were full of comfort:

"Don't be afraid, everyone not only appears in your memory, but you are also engraved in the memory of each of us. You really exist, with flesh and blood!"

"Things that really happened will not be erased!"

"You will not be alone. When you feel that you can't go on alone, look around and look behind you. Everyone is by your side, able to support you, and keep going!"

Looking at the concerned eyes of everyone looking at him, Jiang Nan felt warm all over, as if soaking in warm water!

Along the way, from having nothing, I have already owned so much before I knew it!

This is your own reality, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Jiang Nan's nose was slightly sour, and he couldn't help holding Zhong Yingxue's little hand tightly!

Wang Youzhi heaved a sigh of relief:

(??︶3︶) "It can be regarded as stabilizing you, but even so, the price of black holes swallowing stars must be faced squarely!"

"Although you can rely on everyone's memory to make up for the lost memory fragments and let you know what happened, but if you lose it, you lose it. The original feeling will never be found again!"

"Are you aware of the seriousness of the problem?"

Jiang Nan frowned tightly, with a dignified expression!

Leaning on his chin, Li Bing warned with a serious expression:

(????°????°) "Until this problem is solved, you should not use black holes to swallow stars at will. Compared with losing memory fragments, lifespan reduction is a trivial matter!"

"Where the memory fragments are lost is uncontrollable! But they are undoubtedly extremely important fragments. The place where Shanmao is saved is extremely important to Shanmao, and the place where Lan is saved is also extremely important to Lan!"

"In the college exchange competition, Shirley's loss to Pioneer College was a turning point in her life. These lost memories all carry your strong bond with your partners and reality!"

"With statistics, we can find the commonality among the three lost memories!"

Hearing what Li Bing said, Jiang Nan shuddered fiercely, feeling a sense of fear welling up in his heart!

"You mean...although it was lost randomly, it was also lost on purpose?"

Li Bing nodded: "Although it's only three paragraphs, you can already see some clues. Imagine, if next time, what you lose is today! The memory of this moment?"

"Then your sense of identity with this reality will disappear again! What if you lost memories about Mira, about Xuexue Yaoyao, your closest person?"

"The fetters are stripped away bit by bit, the memory is slowly emptied, and your own emotions will gradually disappear in the process! What is lost can never be found again!"

"You are only in your twenties, how many memories can you lose? If things go on like this, your bond with this reality will completely disappear, and you will turn into a cold black hole without emotion!"

"And your will will always stay on the sea of ​​energy. Looking around, there are countless pages about you, but none of them belong to your reality, and you will never have such a thing as a sense of belonging. You will be forever in the sea of ​​energy. Sink!"

"Is this feeling... scary?"

At this moment, none of the people present spoke, they were as quiet as if they were dead!

Jiang Nan's complexion was also extremely pale!

As Li Bing said, it is not possible to happen, if you continue to use black holes to swallow stars unscrupulously, that day will eventually come!

Is the sea of ​​energy just a huge pit?

There is no need for any fetters with reality, above all reality, ruthless and sexless!

At that time, I...will it still be me?

Jiangnan touched the power that life cannot touch, but he was also deprived of something!

Chongfeiyu's spine shivered: "Sure enough! Being unreasonably powerful requires a painful price!"

Perhaps Mai Liushi felt that he would die if he upgraded to a black hole, and his will would completely dissipate, which is not an illusion!

This thing is simply not something that life can control!

Wang Youzhi saw that Jiangnan was a little depressed, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and patted Jiangnan on the shoulder!

(¬??¬) "Don't be scared and stop, all the unsolvable problems in this world come from your own lack of strength!"

"As long as you continue to be strong, one day, there will be no problems that are qualified to be placed in front of you! If you can't be extraordinary, you can swallow the stars, and if you can't swallow the stars, you can swallow the stars!"

"Fear is useless!"

Jiang Nan glanced at Wang Youzhi, raised his hand and gave him an elbow: "Where did you find such a handsome line? Delete it and tell me!"

"But it's true!"

"But before this problem is solved, I won't use black holes to swallow stars. I've been going all the way so far, just to make the people I care about live better!"

"But I gradually forgot about the person I cared about? It's ridiculous! Instead, I'm throwing everything at the bottom!"

"Don't worry! I'm not the kind of rookie who is immersed in powerful power and can't extricate himself! I know how to control myself! The main problem now is to figure out which operation of mine caused the memory loss!"

Because of the teleportation, the loss of life and memory loss must be caused by some reason!

Does it mean that as long as you go to the sea of ​​energy, you will lose your memory?

Or does it mean that as long as you read pages that do not belong to your own reality, you will lose your memory?

The first time Jiangnan looked at other realities, the second time Jiangnan looked at the future, and the third time Jiangnan looked at the past!

Is this the root cause of memory loss?

Can lost memories be retrieved through the sea of ​​energy?

Or is it the cost of memory loss caused by breaking the barrier of reality in the process of coming back?

Jiangnan can't be sure, no one in the starry sky has walked this road, Jiangnan is the first person!

Everything is unknown, and he needs to explore gradually, and if he is not careful, it will be completely overturned!

This question can only be clarified by doing controlled experiments!

But now Jiangnan has a very strong resistance to black holes swallowing stars, he doesn't want to forget anything anymore!

Memories, whether beautiful or happy, sad or angry, are the most precious things in Jiangnan!

Although Soul Rubbing can break the game, but Jiangnan's skill points are not enough to keep opening Soul Rubbing!

Moreover, the things that have happened before cannot be rubbed, and the loss of memory is also random...

But as the Black God said, there is nothing to worry about, all problems stem from lack of strength!

One day, Jiangnan will completely tame the power of the black hole and turn it into a sharp sword in his hand!

For beheading enemies, not cutting yourself!

Before that, I can only study the small leather whip more, see if I can create a field, deal with it first, or suffer from a fight?

Fortunately, the previous Jiangnan was strong enough to make the Sacred Law Society feel that they could use the black hole for free, and finalized the armistice agreement, confirming the identity of the fifth natural disaster!

Otherwise things will be troublesome!

Jiang Nan laughed loudly and patted Li Bing on the back:

(????????????) "Ah, it's me, Sister Li Bing, who can see the problem immediately. It's not in vain, at least I feel more relieved! How can I thank you?"

Li Bing rolled his eyes angrily:

(????~????*) "You're still laughing, I don't know how you managed to create such a dangerous power!"

??(????°????°) "Thank you? Just cut everything for me? In fact, I am a very easy-to-satisfy woman!"

Pointing to the acrylic while talking!

Jiang Nan looked at Acrylic with a smirk in his eyes, the meaning is self-evident!

Acrylic's face turned even darker. I'm sure I'm going to fight with this knife?

(??????????????????????????????????????????)?? "Ok! Anyway, no matter how ruthless she is, she's not as ruthless as Silicone!"

Jiang Nan touched quietly: (??)??3??) "This is half-step star swallower, but he will be promoted to star swallower in the future, don't let him die~"

Li Bing is even more excited, can he swallow a star in half a step? Just thinking about it makes me wow, wow, wow, cool~

"I can't wait now~Chenxi Lab, who can fix it for me?"

Jiang Nan put a fork on his waist: (︶.??︶〃) "Who will fix this one?"

(??????) "Come and fix it!"

Warning Ji pouted, with a decadent look of unwillingness to go to work!

Atomic recombination was used, and the Chenxi Laboratory, which was blown out of Jiangnan's momentum and collapsed into a basin, was crazily restored!

Like a manhole cover thief, Li Bing and Chong Feiyu tied up the acrylic, lifted it up and carried it on their shoulders, and were about to rush into the laboratory!

But Jiang Nan hurriedly stopped him:

(???? Mouth??)?? "Wait, Miss Li Bing~ I still have something to ask you to come~ Come with me!"

Li Bing was stunned: (??????~????)???????? "What's the matter? You have to tell people behind your back? Don't delay me from exploring the secrets of Acrylic!"

"Hey, it's over when you come!"

While talking, under the bewildered eyes of everyone, Jiang Nan dragged Li Bing and Jiu Lan into the side room!

Jiu Lan also looked dumbfounded, what's the matter with me!

In the room, Jiang Nan looked serious!

"Sister Li Bing! You know the Nether Race and the Styx energy, right?"

Li Bing nodded: "I do know, before Yang Jian asked me to study the energy of the netherworld to see if I could find a way to counter it. At that time, you were still in the Hell of the Styx!"

"It's just that the research has not made any progress, and you can't get the Styx energy samples. Why are you asking this?"

I saw Jiangnan directly took out a bucket of Dali, and a bowl of chicken soup was placed on the table!

Then let Jiulan release the Styx energy and turn it into a ball in his hand!

(????°????°) "Ahem! Then here comes the question! How can I turn the energy of the underworld into vigorous force + chicken soup?"

Li Bing:? ? ?

Jiulan: ∑(°口°??) Huh?

ps: It's the last day of the Tomato Popularity King event, friends, please work harder, the difference in points is not big, the second is really not reconciled!

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