Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2346 Ten thousand years is too long! I only fight for the day and night in the south of the

Sequential war, when Jiangnan rushed out of Blue Star for the first time and went to the City of Thousand Stars, he had already heard about it!

This is the full sequence, a grand gathering of all races in the starry sky, and I don't know how many people are silently paying attention to this matter!

There are even some races that have been preparing for battle for many years, in order to stand out in the serial war and improve the race ranking!

Jiangnan also took advantage of this opportunity on the eve of the serial war to do a lot of things, such as the shot of Xiangzhu, and the secret cooperation with the dark universe body, which opened the catastrophe of thousands of stars!

If the Beimian incident this time was not approaching the serial war, all the tribes including the Bose tribe would not want to have any more incidents, and I am afraid that it would not end so easily, and it would end with the compromise of the Holy Law!

Human beings are actually lucky to be able to come to this day, borrowing the east wind on the eve of the sequence war!

But everyone has been spreading the news that it is approaching, and until now, the serial war has not started!

Jiang Nan thought he would have to wait a little longer, but who knew it was about to start?

(*??????) "Oh shit? Sequence war? Is it going to start? When will it start? How will it start?"

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a shark smelling blood. The restless gene in his body is causing trouble, and he can't help but want to make a big fuss in the sequence war!

Yang Jian smiled wryly: "You boy, don't be in a hurry, the specific opening time has not yet been determined, we have to wait for the notice from the Holy Law Society, and all preparations must be done!"

"However, no matter how late it is, it won't be too late. It will only take half a year to die, and this serial war will begin!"

"Because in about half a year, 10,000 years have passed since the last serial war!"

Jiang Nan excitedly said: (????????????)?? "Half a year? Then there is still some preparation time!"

"Serial wars start once every 10,000 years? Hiss~ that's long enough!"

That is to say, when the serial war was held last time, human civilization had not yet been born? Good guy!

However, Jiangnan is extremely curious about how this series of wars will start!

More than 10,000 starry sky sequence races gather together, there are all kinds of masters, how to distinguish who is strong and who is weak, and determine the ranking? Do you have to make all sequences feel that this method is fair?

Just thinking about it makes Jiang Nan's head feel big!

Chong Feiyu was sitting on a stool dangling her little feet, looking up at the ceiling, her big eyes were full of memories!

(????????????) "Sequential War? I miss you so much~"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Chong Feiyu, and then remembered that this person should have participated in the sequence war, and should be a regular visitor, right?

Yang Jian shook his head and smiled wryly: "Half a year... To be honest, the time for this kind of preparation is not enough at all. Although human beings develop extremely rapidly, they are not as good as those races that have developed for tens of thousands, hundreds of millions, or even billions of years. Say, the difference is too far, too far!"

"And the gap in time, the background accumulated over the long years, cannot be easily caught up!"

"The competition in the serial war is all the abilities of a race in all aspects. Compared with those big races, human beings are not superior. Even if they participate in the serial war, they may not necessarily usher in any good results!"

Chong Feiyu nodded, and said in agreement: "Yes? The human race is too young, it's like a new sprout, just breaking out of the ground, compared with those towering trees standing in the forest of stars, it is very disadvantageous of!"

"Are you going to participate in this session? Are you too anxious?"

As an "old-timer" who has participated in serial wars, Chong Feiyu naturally has her understanding of serial wars!

At this moment, all eyes are on Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan swallowed: (??°~??°) "Isn't it? Is serial warfare so difficult to fight? Under the current situation, are you all so unconfident?"

"Speaking of which, what is the form of a serial war? Is it going to hit you like this?"

Cooper looked solemn: "Since the end of the Cosmic War and the establishment of the Thousand Stars Era, a serial war has been held every ten thousand years. I don't know how many times it has been held, and the rules are very mature. There should be nothing wrong with this session." Variety!"

"As for the sequence war, it is divided into three major links! The great hunt in the universe! The sequence offensive and defensive battle! And the final apex war! The combined performance of the three major links is the decisive factor in evaluating the final ranking of a family of sequences!"

"If you don't talk about anything else, let's talk about the world hunting first! It shows the potential of the race, the strength of the individual, and the quality of the elite. Based on this, the overall future development of the race will be judged! Whether the pillars are solid or not!"

"Each race selects 10,000 representatives of the strongest races, and enters the Great Ruins of Creation in the Star River Cemetery to fight! In the world hunt, swallowing stars are not allowed to end!"

Jiang Nan's scalp was numb: ∑(°口°??) "Wonima? One race produces 10,000? All sequences add up, isn't it more than 100 million?"

"So many people fighting? Big melee? Goose box ~ I like it ~"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched as everyone watched, Nanshen was also a fighting madman, he never knew what to be afraid of!

Freya rubbed her brows: "The problem is, the 10,000 race representatives from all races must be elites. The planet destroyer will be the bottom line, and even the half-step star will end up!"

"Don't think they don't have one. One has multiplied for hundreds of millions of years, and the stars are spread across several galaxies. The base number of the race is in trillions, and the number of strong people in the clan is also extremely amazing!"

"The various races have begun to select the strongest race representatives for the Universal Hunt!"

"However, the extraordinary number of us human beings... is less than one thousand! We can't even make up the 10,000 race representatives who participated in the Universal Hunt! Daotian is not qualified to participate at all, so going is purely giving away the head!"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (????w??????) "Hey~ is this... so embarrassing? Then can my bully gang..."

Yang Jian shook his head: "This is the time to show the potential of one's own race. Those who participate in the world hunting must be human beings, and foreign aid cannot be invited!"

"In fact, less than one thousand is an exaggeration. The current extraordinary number of human beings is 365..."

"Although you are a good man, you don't have many of them, right?"

Jiangnan covered his face, they had 10,000 representatives of the strongest race, and they had to be screened in a competition. As a result, there were only more than 300 human beings who were qualified to play, and they were not enough?

(??????????????????????) "What's wrong with not enough people? Can't you participate if you don't have enough? Quantity is not enough, quality wins, human beings are very powerful, right? What's wrong with three... more than three hundred? I... I have thousands of them~"

What Jiangnan said is true has no confidence!

At this time, the gap in racial background is revealed!

Yang Jian leaned on his chin: (??°????°) "It's not that you can't participate. Odin, who went out to explore the starry sky, Master Xiao Miye and the others also intend to prepare for the serial war!"

"The progress is exaggerated, but if it is said that the breakthrough is the fastest, it has to be Vivienne! She separates out to practice separately, and then merges, and the level jumps up!"

"The first human being to break through to swallowing stars is most likely Vivienne!"

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, but he forgot about this sister!

This guy is purely perverted, and since becoming Chaofan, the horror of his ability has become more and more revealed!

Freya said sadly: "It's just a small loss for us to participate, and if there are casualties, the high-end combat power will drop sharply, which will undoubtedly be a huge blow to today's human beings!"

"Other races can afford to die. Every one of our top experts is a treasure, and we can't afford to die! Moreover, Sequential War is not a friendly game of housekeeping!"

"It's all ethnic groups who put out all their strength and did it with real knives and guns. Casualties are nothing more than a normal phenomenon, and some of them will die!"

"In addition, our human reputation is not very good, and we have a bit of hatred with the Wanzu. Once we end up, we will be extremely vulnerable to joint targeting!"

Jiang Nan's expression gradually became serious!

(????vyiv????:) "Isn't this a common loss?"

Yang Jian took a deep breath: "And this big hunt in the universe is only the first ring, and the sequence of offensive and defensive battles in the second ring is the embodiment of testing the comprehensive strength of a race!"

"The test is the overall combat capability of the race, conquest power, background! Resources! Means! Alliance! Combat level, etc..."

"Human beings should confront and confront the star sequence that has been developed for hundreds of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, with the attitude of a budding bud! We can fight for everything!"

"And it's hard to take advantage of anything!"

Chong Feiyu shuddered fiercely:

(??????﹏????) "Sequential offensive and defensive battle? This link is a meat grinder, and the speed of burning money is not as fast as this!"

Yang Jian's face was solemn: "If human beings can't win enough benefits in the serial war, the first two links alone will be enough to seriously damage human vitality!"

"It's possible to go downhill from then on. To be honest, I've been thinking about whether humans should participate in this serial war!"

"We are too immature, everything is just getting started, after a sequence war, it is very likely that we will fight empty-handed, ruining the current great situation!"

"But if we wait for tens of thousands of years and the next one, these ten thousand years will be enough to transform human beings into a powerful race in the starry sky! If we fight again at that time..."

However, Jiang Nan didn't answer the question, but tilted his head and asked:

(??????~????)???????? "The apex war in the third link should be the stage for all races to devour stars, right?"

Chong Feiyu nodded: "Apex War, this competition is about the strength of the top combat power of each clan. The strength of the top fighters in the clan determines the height that the race can reach in the future! And the deterrent power of the race itself!"

"Having said that, there are not many races who can participate in this ring. After all, not everyone can take advantage of the star!"

"Jiangnan! Humans really intend to participate in this sequence war? You know, the significance of this sequence war is not just to redefine the sequence ranking!"

"It is also a means of consuming the background, combat power, and resources of various races. If a sequence war is fought, it will cost people and money!"

Hearing what Chong Feiyu said, everyone shuddered fiercely. As expected of the former Eighth Sequence Swallowing Star, you can see clearly!

The truth is often realistic and cruel!

Chong Feiyu said seriously: "This is also the top ten sequence of the Sacred Law Society. The various clans consolidate their status, widen the gap with other races, and consume the resources of competitors!"

"Otherwise, why do sequence wars take place once every 10,000 years? The foundation and strength accumulated over the past 10,000 years can be defeated in one sequence war! Strong clans are always strong, and weak clans become weaker!"

"The reason why the Age of Thousand Stars has been maintained until today is still orderly. It is also related to the continuation of the serial war. No race dares to challenge the Law Society, because the consumption of the past will not be able to accumulate the power to resist!"

"Everything is impossible to talk about. Now the human situation is very good. I don't recommend participating in the sequence war now!"

Only those who have experienced it will know the real cruelty of the serial war and its true intentions! Purpose!

Judging from the current situation of human beings, it is undoubtedly a loss to grandma's family to participate in the sequence war, unless huge benefits can be obtained from it!

But this kind of possibility is very small, and the starry sky is not just for nothing, everyone is trying their best to strive for the top!

Human beings in the budding stage, can't afford it?

All eyes were on Jiangnan, waiting for Jiangnan's response!

In the end how to decide, or to Jiangnan himself to decide!

And this decision is likely to affect the future of mankind!

I saw Jiangnan grinning, with wild ambition in his eyes, and said word by word:

"Ten thousand years is too long! I, Jiangnan, only fight for the day and night!"

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