Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2333 Black Hole Jet Stream Fiery Shocking Rainbow

I saw that the accretion disk of Jianghei Hole was spinning crazily at this moment, and it was already beginning to collapse!

The red glow in the center of the black hole flourished, and it became more and more violent!

However, Qianben Sakura was in a hurry:

(???????????)?? "Why don't you agree? What else do you want me to say if you don't agree?"

"That is to say, the fifth natural disaster is everywhere in the cholera starry sky, and it doesn't matter to the Holy Law Society?"

Yu Gen looked at Qianbenying with a sneer: "Do you have any misunderstanding about the power of the Holy Law Society?"

"Do you know what Jiangnan's behavior means? It means that he is trying to challenge the rules of the entire Thousand Stars Era!"

"And the rules are the rules! It is impossible to compromise for a certain person. If even Jiangnan can't be ruled, how can the Sacred Law Society talk about ruling the starry sky? Leading the starry sky to a better and farther side?"

"On this matter, the Sacred Law Society will never give in! In the age of thousands of stars, there is no need for people who flout the rules!"

At this moment, the faces of the gangsters and gangsters all turned ugly, and Qianbenying was a little bit helpless!

Wang Youzhi looked at Yu Gen and smacked his lips:

(¬~¬) "Is this old man a bit stubborn?"

I saw Yu Gen looking at Jiang Heidong, his eyes were cold!

"Also! Did you miscalculate Jiangnan's power? Indeed! The fifth natural disaster is very difficult, and everyone has no good way to deal with it!"

"But Jiangnan's destructive power is just that! To be honest, compared with Tun Xing, it can't be put on the table at all. If he can tear it down, how much can it be destroyed?"

"There are ways to restrict black holes from swallowing stars! The Sacred Law Society can completely set up a fifth natural disaster response team, and rush to stop it as soon as Jiangnan appears to destroy it!"

"Minimize the loss, how long can Jiangnan last? Don't underestimate the power of the Sacred Law Society, the starry sky! Wild monkeys!"

Having said this, Yu Gen's voice also became louder!

"With a little power, are you trying to challenge the rules of the era? The Sacred Law Society has opened the thousand-star era for 2.2 billion years! During this period, there have been many people who challenged the authority of the Sacred Law Society!"

"All ended in failure, those people will undoubtedly end up miserable! So the name of this era is still Qianxing!"

"Among you humans, the one named Jiang is also a challenger of the rules of the times! Compared with Jiangnan, the one named Jiang is stronger! The power is even more difficult!"

"Did he make it? What's the end? Why do you think that the rules of this era will compromise with you?"

At this moment, the starry sky was completely silent, no one thought that this old man named Yu Gen was a tough bunch!

I don't mean to be soft at all, even if I bear the loss, I don't intend to agree to Jiangnan's conditions

Chong Qianjin couldn't help nodding:

(*??????~??????) "That's right! The 241 mining areas can only belong to the Zerg, so don't even think about it!"

Emperor Chou laughed loudly: "The one surnamed Jiang didn't succeed in the challenge, so why do you Jiangnan?"

At this moment, countless people are following the progress of this battle through Qunxing Network!

You can say anything, and some say that the Holy Law Society did the right thing, and you should suppress Jiangnan's rampant arrogance!

Some people also said that if you agree, what can you do? They don't want the fifth natural disaster to appear in their own star field to cause destruction, like a sharp knife hanging above their heads, as if it will be cut off at any time!

How can this be reassuring?

And countless human beings are also paying attention to this battle through their brains, and their hearts are raised in their throats!

Nanshen is Nanshen, every movement is so shocking!

Shocked by the terrorist forces in the south of the Yangtze River, but also worried about it!

Yang Jian stared at the image of the northern crown star that was sent back, and couldn't help but clenched his fists!

"It's not easy!"

Nightingale said worriedly: (????﹏????〃) "Is the Holy Law Society really not prepared to compromise? To be honest, Nanshen's condition is not too much!"

Yang Jian shook his head: "It's not a question of conditions, it's that both sides are competing!"

"Compared to the establishment of the fifth natural disaster team, the manpower and material resources invested, the possible losses, etc., the 241 mining areas are trivial!"

"What Yu Gen said is not necessarily true, nor does he necessarily make up his mind to make up his mind, maybe he is trying to hold on, because once the Sacred Law Society backs down, it means that it has set a precedent, and maybe there will be a second or third Jiangnan coming out. Come, fight for benefits from the Holy Law Society! Once, there will be countless times!"

"That's why the Sacred Law Society is unwilling to give in even if it is tough-headed! What Jiangnan did is a challenge to the rules of the times! It depends on who will be subdued first!"

Nightingale's scalp was numb. In fact, neither side wanted to fight, nor did they want to make things irreversible!

But no one is willing to give in? How long can Nan Shen last?

Can such a terrifying power really be controlled by humans?

Yang Jian's eyes flickered: "Isn't it fierce enough? How fierce does it need to be to break through the psychological defense of the Law Society?"

"Jiangnan... is really strong already?"

I don't know how many people in the whole starry sky are paying attention to the direction of this battle, and now it has reached the most critical node!

Noah squinted and smiled, all right! Now it's up to Jiangnan's choice!

It's soft! Or tough?

Just when the situation was at a stalemate, Zhong Yingxue took a deep breath and walked out from the crowd with a firm expression!

(????????????) "Maybe you are right! But you are wrong about one thing! Jiangnan is not Jiang Fan! And what Jiang Fan failed to do, Jiangnan did!"

"Three thousand years ago, Jiang Fan was alone! But now! There are hundreds of millions of fellow human beings standing behind Jiangnan! He was never alone!"

Yu Gen:! ! !

Just say what you say! Don't read your name, hey!

How many times have you read it?

The rest of Tun Xing was shocked when he heard Jiang Fan's name, and his complexion was a little ugly!

He even looked around suspiciously!

Emperor Chou sneered and said: "So what? What's the use of talking? Not enough power is not enough!"

"The fifth natural disaster wants the Sacred Law Society to compromise? Dreaming!"

Jiang Heidong:! ! !

Damn it! Not strong enough, is it?

Then I'll let you see, what can I do now that I'm going all out!

How do you block it!

At this moment, Jiang Black Hole went berserk, and the huge accretion disk formed by the chaotic cannon that absorbed countless planet fragments, planetary stars, and silicon-based neutron stars began to spin crazily and collapse!

Accelerated by the twisted magnetic field of a black hole!

An incomparably huge dome structure bubble is formed outside the black hole, pressurized and accelerated crazily!

At this moment, even Mai Liushi and Chen Mu couldn't hold back Jiang Heidong!

?????? "Damn! What's going on? What is he going to do?"

The three-person turn has also been completely dominated by Jiang Heidong!

Noah's eyes lit up, looking at the dome bubbles that gradually formed, it gave him a dangerous feeling!

what is this?

Iron soldier mechanical eye collapse:

[┐⊙皮⊙┌] "Black hole jet? Is it a black hole jet? The black hole swallowing stars in Jiangnan has all the characteristics of a real black hole?"

"The accretion disk is being accelerated by the distorted magnetic field!"

Silicon has never stopped observing black hole celestial bodies, and they have observed black hole jets many times in history!

The black hole jets of supermassive black holes can even blow up large galaxies!

It was an absolute disaster!

Can Jiangnan do this kind of thing?

Wang Youzhi clapped his hands excitedly:

(???????????????????) "Come here! Jiangnan is about to vomit!"

The bully spurted blood for everyone, and God Meow is about to vomit. Is it the black hole jet that everyone saw when they came here?

Fuck wow!

Now Nanshen's black hole Tunxing is not as big as that, but the accretion disk is not small at all?

Is this really something humans can do?

Even under the Eye of the Starry Sky, the eyes of the two peepers widened!

Waiting for this is it!

And at this moment, the internal pressure of the bubbles in the dome finally reached a peak, and the accretion disk collapsed until it disappeared!

One end of the bubble in the dome rushed towards Mai Liushi and Chen Mu!

And the other end is aimed at the chaotic Northern Corona!

At this moment, even Yu Gen realized something was wrong!

(¬必¬??) "Tsk, hide!"

Mai Liushi and Chen Mu are in a hurry, hide? Hiding from your mua?

The two of us are in the gravitational field of the black hole, where is it so easy to break free?

The next moment, the bubble in the dome burst!

Jiang Heidong is completely crazy!

try this!

Black hole jets?? fiery shocking rainbow!


I saw two jets of incomparably hot and bright blue ultra-high-temperature material ejected from the upper and lower directions of the bubbles in the dome!

The sky is broken and the sky is shocked, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

During this period, all the matter and energy accumulated in the accretion disk became part of the fiery shocking rainbow, which was thrown out in one go!

It's like two bright blue lightsabers connecting the sky and the earth!

Almost instantly, Mai Liushi and Chen Mu were enveloped in it!

The figure was completely swallowed by the jet of ultra-high temperature material, and it was crazily washed away!

The Pulser yelled!

"Fuck! Fuck! Pull me out! Hurry up and pull me out, I can't stand it!"

Chen Mu cursed loudly: "I believed in your evil, and came in to help you? What the hell is this! Damn it!"

And this is just the jet that attacked the two of them!

Another jet headed straight for the stars flying around in the northern corona!

The ultra-high-temperature material jet is like a bright blue lightsaber, and the planets and stars that pass along the way are all washed into debris!

Deadly and dangerous!

The powerful penetrating force even crossed the northern crown star and directly blasted through the star line!

Such a magnificent landscape is still clearly visible even outside the northern crown star capital!

Hundreds of planets and stars exploded along the way!

Bombardier's eyeballs protrude!

??(??????????|||)?? "Wow! This horse is definitely capable of swallowing stars in half a step, isn't it? Nanshen is only in the second phase of the extraordinary, hey!"

Yu Gen was also taken aback by this terrifying black hole jet!

"Don't even think about it! The gate of dimension!"

An incomparably huge dimension gate bloomed, blocking a fiery startling rainbow!

Stop the black hole jet from further destruction!

All the ultra-high temperature material jets are all decomposed into energy by the dimension gate!

But the restless Jiang Heidong actually started spinning...

Two fiery startling rainbows that looked like bright blue lightsabers also spun along!

This is obviously the rhythm of shooting in a circle, right?

ps: Tomato has a personal popularity event, friends who follow the update, remember to go to the author's homepage, and help Qingfeng click the follow button~ You can also go to the event interface to follow~ Crab and Crab~ Goose Box~

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