Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2325 I won't be a bug

Now, Chongqianjin's complexion was completely ugly!

But now is not the time to be angry, the serial war is imminent, Chong Bishi will step down, and the insect swarm will also be abolished!

Zerg is now left alone to devour stars, and it is difficult to support it alone. Chong Feiyu, who has recovered his level and completed evolution, is extremely powerful!

What's more important is the resources she holds in her hands! Those 241 mining areas!

Even if you don't want to lose your face, you must win her back, otherwise the Zerg may not be able to keep their position in the top ten sequences!

I saw a dry smile on Chongqianjin's face:

(⌒??⌒;) "If I did something wrong, I apologize to you, I'm sorry!"

"Everyone is Zerg, there is nothing difficult to overcome, as long as you can come back, I can give in, and I can retreat to the second line!"

"The mining area in Chong Bishi's hands can also be operated by you. If you want any conditions, just ask me! I will try my best..."

However, Chong Feiyu's eyes were cold:

(¬_¬) "It's late! It's too late, I don't want an apology from any of you!"

"If I'm sorry, what do you want me to do? My connection with the Zerg, when I was pulled out of the fairy chrysalis shell by Chong Bishi and thrown into the Styx death prison, the moment no one cares about it, has already been destroyed. Cut off!"

"I don't hate the Zerg! I just hate the Zerg under your control! From today, I, Chong Feiyu, draw a clear line from the Zerg! I am alone! The Zerg!"

Chongqian Jinbei clenched her teeth tightly and narrowed her eyes slightly. The old lady has already lowered her body, so she is shameless, right?

What else do you want me to do? Kneel down for you?

(??°??Y°??) "Don't talk too much, you are born a Zerg, and you will be a Zerg all your life. This is a brand! You can't get rid of it!"

Chong Feiyu said coldly: "Is that so? Then I, Chong Feiyu, will not be a bug anymore!"

While speaking, he stretched out his little hand towards Jiangnan!


Jiang Nan was startled, tilted his head and reached out to give Chong Feiyu a high-five!


Chongfeiyu:! ! !

(???????????)?? "Who wants to give you a high five? Hey! Look at the atmosphere! The atmosphere! You know what I want! Will you give me?"

[The resentment value from Chongfeiyu +666! ]

Jiang Nan was stunned, then wiped his nose, and looked at Chong Feiyu seriously:

(????v??v????) "Have you really thought about it? Don't you regret it?"

Chong Feiyu nodded heavily: "It's good that you don't dislike me!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Little rich woman~ She's still a star-swallowing boss! How could you despise you?"

"Take it and eat~"

While speaking, he took out a star-shining human plant from his pocket, and stuffed it into Chong Feiyu's hand!

This human grass is the only one left in Jiangnan's hands. The reason why he keeps it all the time is that he is not willing to use it when he encounters the Styx koi!

For the situation like today!

But Jiang Nan won't take the initiative to mention it and force Chong Feiyu to eat it. In this matter, she must make her own decision!

And Chong Feiyu didn't make the decision in a fit of anger. In fact, when she first escaped, she was already thinking about it after she knew about being a scumbag!

For the Zerg, she no longer has the slightest nostalgia, and some are only disappointed!

At that time, she secretly made a decision in her heart, if Jiangnan could really help her regain everything that once belonged to her!

Then be a man yourself!

After going through so much together, Jiangnan deserves to be trusted!

As a human race swallowing stars and protecting his race, this is the most useful way to repay Jiangnan that Chong Feiyu can think of!

Jiangnan did it and never let down his trust!

Then... I have to spring up to report!

Without hesitation, Chong Feiyu stuffed the grass into his mouth and ate it!

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, a strong starlight appeared from Chong Feiyu's body, enveloping her whole body!

In the next moment, the starlight disappeared, and Chong Feiyu reappeared, with almost no change in appearance!

It's just... At this moment, she seems to have become more perfect, even the fairy wings behind her have a sense of perfection!

Even Chong Feiyu looked at his hands in disbelief!

∑(°??°??) days!

This... is this the human gene sequence?

This infinite possibility, this perverted to terrifying adaptability, made Chong Feiyu's pretty face flush with excitement!

Even imperceptibly let the flawless perfect carbon base take another step forward, and the road continues!

At this moment, Chong Feiyu felt that he had a possibility to become stronger!

Wang Youzhi smiled darkly:

(??????????) "How is it? You were shocked, right? You don't do it for nothing. Being a human makes your evolution path more perfect and you have more possibilities!"

"The ceiling has been raised, you are not at a loss!"

Chong Feiyu nodded excitedly, it's not just a loss? It's a lot of money, okay?

She didn't expect that she could be stronger after she completed eclosion, but being a human grass gave her this possibility!

Not only that, but there are even a bunch of empty skill slots! Attack methods will only become more abundant!

Jiang Nan tilted his head and looked at Chong Feiyu curiously!

(?????????????)???????? Are you really so ambitious?

At this moment, Di Zou and the others looked at the changes in Chong Feiyu, and their expressions completely sank!

Chongqianjin's complexion was extremely ugly:

(°得°|||) "Chongfeiyu! What have you done? What does this mean?"

Chong Feiyu puffed out her chest, and patted her chest:

"As you can see! I now have the identity of a human! Next, I will protect the human race as a human race swallowing stars and be active in the starry sky!"

"The ability of the Zerg Mother Queen can be regarded as my ability! I can be a human! I can also be a Zerg!"

Chongqianjin's eyes were bloodshot, trembling with anger, she pointed at Chongfeiyu's nose and cursed!

(????`Yi????)?? "Damn it! Chongfeiyu! Do you know what you are doing? Did you say something? You are betraying the Zerg, it is a disgrace to the Zerg! "

Chong Feiyu sneered and said, "Stop putting a big hat on me, I betrayed the Zerg race? What a joke! Who betrayed whom first?"

"Now I'm just an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!"

Chongqianjin was furious: "Have you lost your mind? Going to be a star swallower in the human race? They are just using you! If you are worthless? Jiangnan will help you?"

"When they have their own star swallowing, they will definitely be xenophobic and try to kill you. If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different, don't you understand?"

Jiang Nan frowned and opened his mouth to speak, but Chong Feiyu raised his little hand and covered Jiang Nan's mouth!

"Which is right and which is wrong, I will use my own eyes to judge for myself. If it is really like what you said, then I will be considered blind! I admit it!"

Looking at Chong Feiyu's serious eyes, Jiang Nan suddenly smiled, yes? Any guarantee is powerless in the face of reality!

No one can guarantee the future, the decision of both parties is based on mutual trust!

A decision was made after comprehensive consideration of many aspects, so any words are superfluous!

Jiang Nan smiled and said nothing, secretly decided in his heart, no matter what the future holds, you will live up to me, and I will live up to you!

The thing about unloading and killing donkeys is the most annoying thing, Jiang Nan never wants to live a life that he hates!

Now not only Chongqianjin panicked, but the rest of the families were also a little worried!

Chong Feiyu possessed the identity of a human being and became a human race swallowing stars?

Once the human race has swallowed stars to sit in the base camp, the situation will be completely different!

Chongfeiyu is not weak, and can even suppress the pulsers!

The actions of the Zerg tribe were stunned by the two swallowing stars in their clan, and Jiang Nanbai picked up a star swallowing boss!

This is no longer a matter of just gaining a foothold, is this stepping on the ground and taking root?

However, this was Chong Feiyu's own choice, so what can others say?

No one can easily change the will of a swallowing star!

It is an established fact that human beings have one more star-swallowing powerhouse!

Chongfeiyu said coldly: "Now! Can you please get out of my 665 mining area? You are not welcome here!"

Di Fu was so angry that he was about to scold him, but Yu Gen grabbed his shoulder!

Only Yu Gen said calmly with half-opened eyes:

(??_????) "Since you have given up your Zerg identity! Go to Human Race to swallow stars! Then the 241 rich mines under your name will naturally no longer belong to you!"

"Don't you think that you have gone to the human race, and the mining resources under your name are also under the control of humans?"

"The Star Mine Bureau will reclaim all the rich mineral areas under your name and redistribute them! Don't forget! The human race is at the end of the sequence, and there is no qualification to control the rich mineral areas!"

Chong Feiyu stared and said: "Why? These rich mining areas are my personal assets, and I paid for the contract fees myself! The spirit deed is still valid!"

"How to deal with these mining areas, I naturally have the right to decide! Why do you confiscate them?"

Chongqianjin said coldly: "Because you are a Zerg! With the status of a Zerg, you can take over these mining areas! Although it is your personal name, it is actually a racial property!"

"Without the identity of the Zerg, you don't even have the qualifications for the rich mining area! You borrowed the light of the Zerg!"

"If you still want to be your big mine owner, just return to the Zerg honestly, and I can let go of everything in the past!"

"Go to the human race to swallow the stars, and want to take away the mines of the Zerg race? What kind of interstellar joke are you playing with me? Do you think it is possible?"

Chong Fei was shivering from the rain: "Borrowed the Zerg's light? How do you think the Zerg got into the eighth sequence? I didn't contribute? I didn't go up to the Zerg?"

"Do you dare to confiscate my mine? Who gave you the right?"

As he spoke, he was about to move forward, but Jiang Nan grabbed his little hand and dragged him behind him!

Emperor Chou grinned grimly: "Who gave us the power? We are the power itself! By what? Just by the will of the Holy Law Society!"

"Who do you think is in charge of this starry sky? Who started the era of thousands of stars? Who formulated the operating rules of this starry sky?"

"Whatever we want! Just do! Because the Holy Law Society is the maker of the rules! Are you not convinced? What can you do?"

Acrylic looked at this scene coldly from the side, hating the Thousand Stars Era!

Emperor Chou sneered and looked at Jiangnan: "I know what you want to do! It is nothing more than to let humans get the resources of these 241 rich mining areas! Break the blockade! Take these resources that cannot be bought with money, and let the human race step into the world. High-speed development train!"

"I have to say! You won this wave beautifully! Not only did you attract a group of good players by entering the Styx Death Prison, but you also allowed the human race to gain a firm foothold, and even earned a swallowing star for the human race!"

"If there is regret medicine in this world, I will never give you this chance again! I will never play this game with you!"

While speaking, Di Fu's eyes became more serious!

"You have won enough! Don't go too far. To be honest, you have been hiding in the cracks of the dimension all your life. We really have nothing to do with you!"

"But today I will leave a word for you here! Even if I die, I will not let you take away the 241 rich mines of Chongfeiyu! Want to mine? Don't even think about it!"

"This is the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine, it's under the starry sky! It's not in the gap between your dimensions! As long as it's under the stars! It's the world of my Sacred Law Society!"

"You don't even want to touch a grain of slag!"

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