Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2322 I must eat soft rice

Seeing that there is really no chance, Mai Liushi can only choose to withdraw from the realm of heaven first, cursing bad luck!

No one expected that things would develop like this, the secret of the black hole was not revealed, and even Chong Feiyu gave him a scrape!

But there is nothing to lose!

On the Jiangnan side, after the regiment wiped out the arresting army, they set off to catch up with full horsepower, and everyone's eyes were filled with excitement!

It has to be Nan Shen?

Although the process was a little twists and turns, but did you really bring everyone through it?

The cherry blossoms flashed, and the figure of Chong Feiyu suddenly appeared beside Jiangnan!

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

(?????????????) "How is it? Has your anger subsided a bit? Are you enjoying killing?"

Chong Feiyu raised his head, angrily said:

(*??????) "Shuang is very cool, but I couldn't kill that Bishi, but at least it also cut her down from the star swallowing level!"

"It can be considered a victory!"

While speaking, he waved his small fist, his face was full of excitement, and his pretty face was full of long-lost excitement!

Jiang Nan smiled: "It's okay! How can Tun Xing be killed so easily? If you really kill him, it will be a big event in the starry sky!"

"Have you fallen? Jie Jie Jie ~ the good days are yet to come, just play with her slowly, you can slowly pay back the suffering you have suffered in these five thousand years!"

"Sometimes! Living is far more painful than dying. This world is hell!"

The two looked at each other, and both let out bursts of smirks, which made everyone's spine tingle!

(????????????) (????????????)

These two people don't look like good people, do they?

Seeing that Chong Feiyu blushed, his eyes dodged, he tilted his head and said:

(??????????) "This... this time, I'm sorry for you~ Without you... I really don't know if I can do all this, I..."

As he spoke, Chong Feiyu's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan smiled and patted Chong Feiyu on the shoulder!

(︶??︶〃)?? "Oh~ don't be so provocative, you big moth, why don't you be polite to me?"

"Crabs and crabs are not enough, as long as you let me eat your soft rice?"

Chong Feiyu blushed and turned black, turned around and gave Jiangnan an elbow!

It took me a long time to muster up the courage to speak, can you be a little more serious at this time?

He couldn't help but tilt his head and said arrogantly:

(*??????) "I'll eat it for you! How soft and soft it is! I can't hold you to death! Hehe~"

Xia Yao leaned on her chin, looked at Chongfeiyu's eyes, with a pensive expression, and couldn't help swallowing!

I don't know what kind of body structure this perfect carbon-based creature is. It is necessary to explore this to enrich my knowledge level?

??(??﹃????) "Goose Box~Goose Box~"

Seeing Xia Yao giggle again, Zhong Yingxue was speechless, probably Yaoyao was thinking about something unhealthy again?

After all, Yaoyao has been smoothed by life, from a person of all kinds to a person of all kinds!

Chong Feiyu was a little confused, why did the hot girl with beast ears look at herself with strange eyes?

But as if she remembered something, she straightened her expression: "Speaking of eating soft food, I'm afraid it won't be that easy!"

"Although I have regained my identity as Feiyu Chonghuang, the 241 mining areas belong to me in name, but the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine is the Star Mining Bureau's trouble!"

"The decision on how to deal with this matter is in the hands of the Sacred Law Society. It will definitely not follow common sense. The Sacred Law Society has suffered such a big loss this time, and it will definitely not let it go!"

"And the Zerg will not just watch so many mining areas run away from their jobs, they must take action!"

When this matter was mentioned, everyone's hearts sank, yes!

After all, the 241 mining areas have a lot to do with it, and Chong Feiyu's worries are not groundless!

It's one thing to nominally belong to Chong Feiyu, but it's another thing to hold the resources in your hands whether it can be mined smoothly!

The Sacred Law Society is still the maker of the rules after all, and they have the final say on what to do!

No matter how strong Chong Feiyu is, it is absolutely impossible for him to fight against the Sacred Law Society to devour all the stars by himself!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't worry! Before I decided to do this, I had already considered the consequences!"

"Winning is not the goal, the goal is the goal achieved after winning! It depends on whether this wave of holy laws will give in!"

"It's okay for them to give in. If they don't give in, then we can only force them to give in. I'm a professional!"

Apparently, Jiang Nan had already made a corresponding plan in his heart. Although the process was a little unexpected, everything was still within controllable range!

Looking at Jiangnan's confident eyes, everyone felt relieved for some reason!

With Nanshen around, everything is not a problem!

Chong Feiyu was stunned: (??????~????)???????? "Right? Then why did the two-dimensional horse start to help us? During the war just now, It really helped a lot!"

Jiang Nan grinned, then coughed twice, and saw the two-dimensional debris floating around everyone!

A white shadow suddenly emerged, moving freely in the two-dimensional fragments, and transformed into the form of a unicorn!

Looking at Jiangnan, there is still fear in the big eyes!

After all, he is a Southerner who controls the power that can destroy him!

Jiang Nan pointed to the two-dimensional horse:

(??????????????????????)っ"Qiang Qiang ~ Let me introduce you to everyone! My new horse ~"

With one word, the bully gang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!


God Meow's new horse, wow!

Nanshen Boss's new girlfriend is not even a person, hey!

Qianben Sakura's lips twitched:

(??﹏??*) "Can't the beautiful girls in the three-dimensional universe satisfy you? Is it okay to go to the two-dimensional universe if you look for it?"

Jiang Nan laughed straight, and couldn't help looking at the two-dimensional horse: "Do you know how to hang out with me? Otherwise, according to the current situation, you will be cleaned up by the Holy Law Society sooner or later. You are not stupid, and you know what I mean!"

"Fuck with me, you have a life! Take you to become bigger and stronger! If you are disobedient, I will eat you! Break you into several halves and give them to my little friends as magic tricks!"

The two-dimensional horse was excited, and began to bow to Jiangnan again. Obviously, the power of the black hole swallowing stars is still fresh in its memory!

However, Qianben Sakura swallowed her saliva, her eyes flickered and said:

(????v??v??) "Ah~ My Kang it's pretty disobedient right now? Just kowtow? Didn't you throw yourself to the handsome and charming boss Nanshen?"

"It's better to split the points and use it as a spiritual skill for my friends. I feel that the skill of dimensionality reduction and strike is not a needle. Nanshen's most loyal friend Qianbenying suggested so!"

Jiangnan: (????????)

I saw that the two-dimensional horse knocked faster for a while, and all knocked out phantoms!

What kind of devil is this pink-haired three-dimensional creature?

Jiang Nan laughed straight: "Isn't it impossible to have it? Wait until the two-dimensional horse is big enough to break it!"

Two-dimensional horse: (;???????????`)

This is not a good person!

Of course, Jiangnan doesn't mind giving the human space department the magic skill of reducing dimensionality!

After all, this skill is not an ordinary pervert!

It's a pity that the two-dimensional horse is too small now, and if it is divided into half, it will die. It is better to raise it first!

Xiong Er swallowed his saliva, is this the confidence of Master Cooking the Spirit Pet?

Everyone hurried on their way while talking, trying to get out of the heaven as soon as possible, because they don't know what the Sacred Law Society will do in the future, so it's better to go out first!

After all, now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay here anymore!

Everyone was going on their way with all their might, at this moment, a shabby figure approached from one side!

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Wait for me, Nan Shen? Hold back and run so fast?"

Jiang Nan was stunned, and then he saw the person who came, it was Xuan Sesi who came, and he had a bitter look on his face!

(*??????) "Oh, Huo? Xuan Se Si? Are you alive?"

Xuan Sesi's face turned green: "Nan Shen! You keep your word? This time I did a lot of help! Both body and spirit were sacrificed! The Chaos Legion has also caught up a lot!"

"It's a complete fight. There is hard work without credit? It was promised to help me solve the puppet bug problem, but it hasn't been done yet!"

As soon as the battle started, when Chong Bishi couldn't take care of him, Xuan Sesi ran away and hid!

He didn't want to participate in the chaos, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died!

I was not optimistic about Jiangnan, but the four minds of Xuan Se who witnessed the whole process were shocked beyond measure!

It was really broken by Jiangnan, the black hole swallowing stars is really terrifying!

As expected of the devil Jiang?

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin, looking pensive!

Indeed, as Xuan Sesi said, without his help, whether the insect nest of Chongbishi can be two-dimensional at the beginning is two-dimensional matter!

Now that things have come to an end, I can't cheat him anymore, it's miserable enough!

Because of smuggling a little goods, you made yourself like this!

(??°????°) "Cough~Chong Bishi is no longer swallowing stars, but I can't kill it yet, this chaotic puppet... Fei Yu, can you do anything?"

I saw Chong Feiyu laughing and said: "Simple~ This is based on my Yaomi Chong! Jade silkworm family... life and death!"

The infinite fairy silk shot out from Chong Feiyu's hand, and penetrated into Xuanse Si's body!

Countless chaotic puppets were directly assimilated by Chong Feiyu into his own insect soldiers!

Then evolve them with Faerie Light to take them to the next level and start strangling other golems!

After a while, all the puppets belonging to Chong Bishi were killed, and those controlled by Chong Feiyu also blew themselves up and ended their lives!

Finally, all the puppet bugs that troubled Xuanse are gone!

Xuanse's eyes were full of joy, although Nanshen cheated a hundred million points, but if nothing else, did he really mean what he said?

Originally he was still nervous, whether or not Chong Feiyu would take this matter to blackmail him again, but obviously no!


Jiang Nan grinned, stretched out his hands towards Xuan Se and said:

(.??????)っ"Happy cooperation! In the future, in the Beimian Starry Sky Mine, if you look down and don't see you, you will rely on Brother Xuanse to take care of you?"

Xuan Se four was so excited that he still didn't dare to reach out to touch Jiangnan. If he touched him, there would be no good end?

Bad luck!

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Withdraw, this matter is not something I can interfere with!"

"I'll give you a piece of advice. It's best to avoid the limelight when you go out. There's no benefit in going head-to-head! The Law Society will never let it go. In order to maintain their dominance in the starry sky, they must ensure that their majesty cannot be provoked by anyone!"

After speaking, he blew himself up on the spot and disappeared, obviously returning to his original body!

Jiang Nan squinted, heh~ Is the majesty not to be challenged?

Unfortunately! If the Sacred Law Society had defended its majesty, I would not be able to survive!

Be hard when it's time to be hard!

At this moment, Olivia said urgently:

(??????﹏????)?? "Nan Shen! Take everyone out quickly, or you will be blocked in a while! There are a lot of bosses here, and things are really serious!"

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