Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2308 Didn't this hit the muzzle?

But without exception, the death radiation blasting toward the black hole is all stationary at the event horizon!

Then swallowed by the black hole, completely invisible!

The death radiation that can kill every cell is completely useless to black holes!

You must know that this is a star-swallowing blow, which is different from the crotch swallowing star of Zongbi Shi, but directly from the hands of the pulsars!

Still can't affect the black hole!

Malus squinted, does he possess all the characteristics of a real black hole celestial body?

This is exactly what I want!

"Can you stop the death radiation? What about this? Can you still stop it?"

"Super gravitational field?? Pulse source!"

Instead of attacking the black hole, he directly controlled the gravitational field and acted on the insects and the rain!

A light blue dot suddenly appeared in the void, and then, like a heartbeat, pulse waves burst out towards the surroundings!

The gravitational field was suddenly changed, and the infinite two-dimensional fragments that were repelled began to flow toward them like a swarm of insects!

Like a giant tide!

Even if Acrylic tried his best to release his stardust force field, he was not the opponent of the Mai Liu Shi at all, and could not compete with his force field!

I can only watch the endless waves of two-dimensional debris attacking everyone!

Jiang Nan immediately abandoned Mai Liu Shi, using the maximum movement speed that he could move at the moment, and leaned over there!

Relying on the powerful gravitational capture of the black hole, the two-dimensional debris that rushed past was pulled towards him like a tidal madness!

But the distance is too far, and it can't be reached in an hour and a half!

Mai Liu Shi chuckled: "Even if there is no solution, as long as there is a weakness, the solution will become a solution!"

"How can I save you this time?"

Jiangnan can only explode the maximum power of the black hole swallowing the stars, trying to pull all the two-dimensional debris giant waves towards him, and save the insects and the rain!

However, there is a large wave of two-dimensional debris that is not affected by the gravity of the black hole like other debris!

It even rushed straight towards the place where the insect rain was, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

Olivia, who stared at this scene with her eyes wide open, shuddered!

(??????﹏????)?? "No! Sister Feiyu is in danger! What is that? Is there something in the two-dimensional fragment? Mira can't stop it? Nanshen!"

"Quickly find a way to save Sister Feiyu!"

Obviously, she foresees a terrible future!

But she didn't know how to tell Jiangnan, let alone whether Jiangnan could hear it!

Just try your best to shout!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was agitated? Something in a 2D fragment?

Shengyishengcai's eyes search extremely fast among countless two-dimensional fragments!


Σ(|||?? Mouth??)?? "Over there! Over there! White! What the hell?"

Everyone's eyes quickly followed the direction the two sisters pointed to!

I saw a pure white creature rushing through the two-dimensional fragments at high speed, turning into a beast shape for a while, a worm shape for a while, and a silhouette shape!

It even turned into a pure white unicorn horse form!

Jiu Lan said dumbly: (°~°〃) "Two...two-dimensional horses?"

It jumps back and forth in the two-dimensional fragments, transforms at will, and the speed is extremely fast. After only seeing a few dodges, it is lost!

Wang Youzhi clicked his tongue and clicked his lips: "As soon as the Mai Liu Shi came, this little brat can't sit still anymore? Do you want to have a good meal too?"

"It's pretty fast to learn. The transformed forms are all three-dimensional world creatures that have been unfolded by two-dimensional fragments, right?"

"It should have come from a white dot, but now it's a big trouble! It shouldn't be able to catch up with Jiangnan! Qianben Sakura, find a way to transfer everyone!"

Qianben Sakura can't think of a way to hold the orange too big?

How to transfer?

The two-dimensional horse seems to know that he has been discovered, and the speed of rushing towards the crowd is faster!

And before the debris tide, large swaths of space were directly two-dimensionalized!

Two-dimensional fragments were created out of thin air!

This is actively two-dimensional, and there is no way to resist it!

Its goal is very clear, that is to go to the rain of insects!

The battlefield has been set in the realm of heaven. Since the start of the war, the two-dimensional horse has been unable to hide, watching the fire from the other side, because this is also the situation it wants to see!

In this way, I can make more things two-dimensional, so as to strengthen myself and expand the site!

In fact, it has indeed made a lot of money. Not to mention the energy of more than a hundred small cups, it has also eaten the Star Origin Planet, the worm nest, and a large number of worm swarms!

The site has expanded several times, and its power has become stronger and stronger!

But the appearance of the black hole far exceeded the expectations of the two-dimensional horse, and it was a little bit unable to hold back, and the Merius came to the scene and split the realm of heaven with one move!

This makes the two-dimensional horse panic even more. The half separated by the gravitational barrier will soon be invisible in the three-dimensional world without its own strength support!

If you don't do it again, the whole paradise will be demolished in a while!

The energy reserve in the pupa shell of the Insect Rain Immortal Spirit is so amazing that it wants to get it no matter what!

Don't move now, when?

Zongbi Shi said anxiously: "That's it! The monsters hidden in the realm of heaven, I have seen by chance when I was developing the realm of paradise before!"

"Control it! The realm of heaven can be developed, but it can't make the fairy pupa shell two-dimensional!"

At this moment, Lang Mu and Tie Zun's eyes lit up one after another!

Is it the master of the realm of heaven?

Mai Liu Shi played with the taste: "I didn't expect to lead a little guy? Ha ~ it seems that I don't need to do it!"

"This two-dimensional monster is enough to kill these annoying little fleas!"

Insect Bi Shi: ! ! !

No one moved at all, and no one was going to help her stop the two-dimensional horse!

Fairy pupa shell? Hehe~ who cares except Zongbishi?

It's better without it!

Seeing the tide of two-dimensional debris rushing in, Qianben Sakura used cherry blossoms to lead everyone to teleport wildly for a long distance, but could not escape the attraction of the pulse point!

And at this distance, the black hole in Jiangnan is too late!

Acrylic cursed loudly, and rushed towards the two-dimensional debris tide without hesitation!

The large space was directly two-dimensionalized. Wu Liang's eyes were blood red, and he roared and rushed forward, just about to touch!

The hurricane black hole shook violently, and the red glow inside became brighter!

next moment! In the shocked eyes of everyone, the black hole disappeared directly in place!

Instantly appeared behind the two-dimensional giant waves!

Malius' chin slammed on the ground, and his eyeballs fell out of shock!

Σ(??mouth??|||) "Nima! Teleport! Is it teleportation? Can black holes be teleported?"

"Just now he was"

Malus was unable to organize his own language for a while!

Not only were they stunned, Wang Youzhi and the others were also stunned!

Came here all of a sudden?

Not what is teleportation? Can black holes be teleported on horseback?

Facts have proved that Jiangnan is so anxious that he can do anything outrageous!

The two peeps watching the lively above all have bulging eyes, and the peeping person sitting on the bench in charge of recording has written phantoms in his hands!

I don't know what he wrote on the starry sky history book, is there any hydrology or something~

As soon as the black hole came over, it directly included the two-dimensional debris tide into its own gravitational capture range!

At a terrifying speed, it pulls straight towards the event horizon!

The two-dimensional horse was also in a hurry, the space in front of the crazy two-dimensional incarnation kept moving in the two-dimensional debris!

But it is not so easy for it to escape. Space flows towards the black hole at superluminal speed!

Even if the two-dimensional horse keeps running away, it still cannot change the fact that it was pulled by the black hole!

Soon fell into the time dilation zone!

However, the two-dimensional concept of time is very weak and has little effect, and it can even expand under the condition that time is still!

It's still trying to escape!

Wang Youzhi patted his thigh excitedly: "Isn't this ready? If this is true, Jiangnan will be fine. Is it really a bit confusing?"

"In order to develop my own extraordinary skills, I have also invested in blood!"

Suona exclaimed: (??﹏????) "What about the fun? We were sucked in together, hey, we've entered the time expansion zone, and we can't escape this distance!"

Acrylic's face is black, Jiang Nan is going crazy, is it really indistinguishable?

"Tsk~ Stardust Gravitational Field?? Gravitational Slingshot!"

At this moment, acrylic can only expand its own domain, and lead everyone to keep throwing it out, keeping the distance from the event horizon!

And changed to a different direction with the two-dimensional horse!

And Jiangnan slowed down the speed of space swallowing on their side!

Instead, the speed of the space swallowing on the side of the two-dimensional horse is increased to the maximum!

I couldn't do anything about you before, but now I have finally opened a black hole, how dare you come out and wander around?

I don't know that I have coveted you for a long time?

If this can let the two-dimensional horse run away, Jiangnan will not have to live!

The two-dimensional horse is also anxious, and if he can't escape, he will be pulled to the event horizon!

It stared at the accretion disk surrounding the black hole, and the terrifying power was released instantly!

The accretion disk formed of dense matter is directly expanded in two dimensions, and the two-dimensional fragments are infused with energy and expand wildly!

And the two-dimensional horse also took the opportunity to shuttle into it, rushing out!

But even if the accretion disk is made two-dimensional, the two-dimensional debris has an edge, and this edge is still within the gravitational capture range of the black hole!

The two-dimensional horse who reached the edge hurriedly jumped his feet, but there was nothing he could do!

For it, two-dimensional fragments without thickness are the world in which it exists, and it cannot rush into the three-dimensional world!

It doesn't belong here!

And the two-dimensional debris outside is too far away from it, and it can't pass through at all!

Even if it is summoned, it will be captured by the black hole and pulled over to swallow it!

At this moment, even the two-dimensional debris turned into the accretion disk was pulled over and swallowed by the black hole!

Two-dimensional horses and donkeys are poor, this is a complete fall into the pit!

Leng is pulled to the event horizon by the black hole, and the time here is completely still!

But even so, the two-dimensional horse can still move in the debris, but the movement is extremely slow!

Now it really has no way to go up and no way to go down!

I can only watch helplessly as the two-dimensional fragments are submerged into the black hole, and the world I live in shrinks little by little...

At this moment, the two-dimensional horse faced the black hole, with a little pleading in his eyes, turned into the state of a villain, and kept bowing to the black hole, as if it looked like a shadow play, extremely funny!

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

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