Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2305 Now! it's my turn

At this moment, Jiangnan, who had stepped into the Transcendent Realm, his aura increased wildly, and even his body began to emit dazzling glazed light!

Acrylic let out a long sigh of relief, is it finally done?

However, at this moment, another terrifying aura erupted in the realm of heaven!

It was Chong Bishi who had absorbed the life essence of countless insect swarms and had just passed through the weak period!

Although the strength has dropped a little, it is still a real star-swallowing!

"My old lady is back again, let me see where you guys can escape to! Give me back my fairy chrysalis!"

"Field unfolding? Life peeling off!"

The abnormally large domain was suddenly released by Chong Bishi, directly covering the entire battlefield!

Including fighting and retreating bullies to help them!

now! The recovered Chong Bishi is the strongest in the entire battlefield!

And the release of the field of Chongbishi was like the last straw that broke the camel's back!

The acrylic field burst instantly, vomited blood, and looked like a cracked porcelain doll, which might shatter at any time!

"I'm already at my limit, I can't do it anymore, puff~"

I saw Jiangnan directly coming down from the acrylic back, suspended in the starry sky, the glazed light on his body gradually extinguished, and the breath on his body no longer showed!

"Enough! Stay away, I don't know what will happen next!"

While speaking, he pushed the acrylic directly!

The warp bubble is formed directly, wrapped in acrylic, just push it gently!

The acrylic disappeared from the battlefield in an instant at a terrifying speed that surpassed the reaction of everyone's naked eyes!

After crossing an extremely long distance, he directly sent the seriously injured acrylic to Qianben Sakura and the others!

Acrylic looked in horror at the instantly changing scenery around him!

Fuck! Is there a mistake?

How did I come here?

so far? Just for a moment?

Jiangnan at the extraordinary level, all skills have evolved in an all-round way, which is not the same as the kind of upgrade when raising the big realm!

It's an earth-shaking change!

Whether it is skill power, range, etc., everything has been raised to a terrifying level!

The warp bubble can already be generated not only when it acts on Jiangnan himself!

Now warp bubbles can be launched at any time, and the limit travel distance of the warp bubbles used by a unit of spiritual power has reached a terrifying one light-year!

This is a metamorphosis to the extreme improvement!

If Jiangnan wants to, keep adding spiritual power, Warp Speed ​​Bubble can even go on and on to travel through the starry sky!

Don't stick to the limit distance!

But these are not the biggest changes in Warp Bubbles!

I saw Jiangnan standing on the battlefield, his eyes looking around the audience!

(??????????????) "You guys have played enough! Sorry, everyone!'s my turn!"

Venus sneered: (¬д¬) "You? What can you do? Stay in the queen? Do you think that a breakthrough can change the situation and turn the tide against the wind? Don't make me laugh!"

Dan Ding licked his lips: "Being a hero! But you have to pay a price!"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Whether you will pay the price, I don't know, but I know, you will..."

"Warp drive!"

The next moment, the space around Jiangnan's body was instantly distorted, so that the figure of Jiangnan was blurred!

It disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant, and even Starry Sky Rubik's Cube's Suppression couldn't stop it!

This is the biggest upgrade of Warp Speed ​​Pao. Now all the movements of Jiangnan's body can be driven by warp speed!

And no longer stick to the form of warp bubbles!

It's like my little brother's optical drive, but Jiangnan's is a music drive!

Perhaps... the fastest Nanren in the entire starry sky was born at this moment!

No one could react, Dan Ding only felt an extremely dangerous feeling enveloped his heart!

The subconscious is about to ascend the dimension, and Jiang Nan has already appeared in front of Dan Ding at this moment!

A warp speed hug, hugging Dan Ding fiercely, and the jelly splashed for a while!

At this moment, Dan Ding's terrified eyes met Jiangnan's scarlet eyes!

What is this thing for?

Now Danding only wants to raise his dimension, all this happened too fast!

Jiang Nan squinted, if he could choose to kill anyone present!

Then Jiangnan must choose Danding, the master of the psychic medium!

The moment Jiangnan embraced Danding, a huge eye of the starry sky appeared in the sky above the realm of heaven!

A gap suddenly opened in the starry sky!

The two familiar peepers reappeared, and this time the tables, chairs and benches were arranged!

The voyeur holding the Book of Starry Sky sits on a chair and spreads the book out on the table!

And the other peeping stared at Jiangnan with wide-eyed eyes, and the people who eat melons are already in place!

However, Dan Ding is not in the mood to pay attention to any peepers at this moment!

The body is crazily upgraded, and he wants to escape Jiangnan's embrace!

"Langmu save me!"

Langmu didn't say anything, and directly slashed at Jiangnan's head with a double-knife high-dimensional blow! Simultaneous release of Dimensional Advent!

"Don't be afraid! Lord Dizuo said that Jiangnan would not dare to..."

The next moment, the eye of the starry sky on the starry sky suddenly opened, and it opened to the maximum!

Lamb:! ! !

Apart from anything else, turn your head and run across the dimension, as far as you can run!

While Wang Youzhi was running, he still didn't forget to turn his head and look in the direction of Jiangnan, his face was full of excitement!

??(??????;)?? "Come here! Jiangnan is going to zoom in!"

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes, and his cold words echoed in the starry sky!

"The field expands? The black hole devours the stars!"

Dan Ding went crazy, no kidding! seriously! Jiangnan is really fun!

"Don't go! Help..."

Before he finished speaking, the figures of Dan Ding and Jiang Nan disappeared into the starry sky in an instant, swallowed by the infinite darkness!

It was replaced by an incomparably huge black hole!

That sentence was also the last sentence Dan Ding said, together with the part of his body that escaped into the four-dimensional space, it was completely swallowed and disappeared as the black hole formed!

A real giant beast in the starry sky was born, stretching its body wantonly in the starry sky!

This time, the black hole swallowing stars released by Jiangnan is more than ten times larger than when he released it for the first time!

The starry sky seems to be missing!

All the surrounding space is flowing towards the black hole at a terrifying speed that exceeds the speed of light, and even light cannot escape!

Surrounding the black hole is a golden halo called the event horizon!

That is the only part that can be seen by the naked eye, and further inside, there is a deep darkness!

Venus screamed, it was too late for her to be sad about Danding!

Dan Ding was sucked into the black hole that swallowed the stars, how could he survive?

Because she was too close to Jiangnan just now, even she can't escape now!

"Damn it! This lunatic! Dimension leap! Leap! Give me the leap!"

Venus does not hesitate to exhaust everything and leaps crazily, hoping to stay away from the black hole!

But it didn't work at all, the four-dimensional space was also affected, and was also pulled by the black hole!

Due to the time dilation effect, the closer you get to the event horizon, the slower the relative time will be!

At the end on the event horizon, time finally stops completely!

All the movements of Venus seem to be in slow motion:

(???? mouth??)?? "Moto! Save me! Save me! I'll ask my dad to give you the mine!"

Mo Tuo's forehead was sweating profusely: (¬志¬??) "You can go to Nima, you and your wife have cheated me to death! If you die, don't take me with you!"

"Stardust Burial? Super Gravitational Slingshot!"

It can be said that Motuo put all his energy into feeding, countering the gravity of the black hole with his own gravity, and throwing himself out bit by bit!

Gradually get out of the time dilation zone!

Langmu's little heart was pounding, and he was on a horse. Fortunately, I have a heart, and I have been hiding in the four-dimensional world and never showing up!

Otherwise, if Jiang Nan just hugged him, it would be over for him!

No one dares to go near a black hole!

In the eyes of everyone, Navenus' movements finally stopped completely on the event horizon!

Then it was swallowed bit by bit into the infinite darkness behind the horizon, and there was no movement!

At this moment, Atiya's complexion was extremely ugly, and she didn't dare to go forward at all: "Hey, hey! What should we do now? When we said we were going to catch Jiangnan, we didn't say that such a thing would happen!"

"Is there no way for your boson? Is the dimension coming?"

Langmu gritted his teeth: "What's the point? Siwei will be swallowed! Chong Bishi! You are swallowing stars, can't you take down Jiangnan?"

"Have you recovered your strength? Don't hide it at this time!"

Chong Bishi closed all the domains in shock, because even the released domains were swallowed up by the black hole, which was useless to Jiangnan! Free!

"You fart! Which swallowing star have you seen can destroy a black hole?"

"Swallowing stars can indeed destroy galaxies, but who can destroy the black holes at the center of galaxies?"

This is not something that can be gnawed down by a swarm of insects. It doesn't matter how much you send it over!

That's a meat grinder, a bottomless pit that can't be filled!

What made their scalps tingle even more was that even those two-dimensional fragments were sucked by the black hole together!

Because of the existence of the black hole, the flat space is leaked, and it sinks infinitely, which itself is a huge gravitational field!

Of course those two-dimensional pieces flow towards the black hole!

Originally, they expected that the black hole would be two-dimensional, but to their despair, all the two-dimensional fragments that crossed the event horizon were swallowed by darkness!

Black holes cannot be two-dimensional at all!

This riding horse is completely a bug!

At this moment, all the members of the bully gang looked at the dark starry sky behemoth in horror!

Tarot's eyes were dull: "What the hell? Boss Nanshen...can you really release a black hole? Are you bragging?"

Sona sweated profusely on his forehead:

(????w??????) "Just now... that crazy Dan Ding is gone? That guy... is half-starved, right?"

Wu Liang swallowed, his scalp numb:

(.??v﹏v??.) "It's still Brother Nan's show, I thought I was already very strong in the third stage of Chaofan, but Brother Nan will blow me up as soon as he enters Chaofan?"

Once the black hole swallows stars, it won't work, right?

After all, it is the first life form in the starry sky that has mastered the power of a black hole!

All the Bully Gang were shocked by the scene in front of them, Yakeli swallowed, and he was not in vain for Jiangnan!

To be able to master such a terrifying power, what Jiangnan said about hitting the top of the pyramid may not be just talking!

Jiu Lan's eyes were full of shock, and then she smiled wryly. Back then, she wanted to ask Jiangnan how to control the black hole?

This kind of power, even if it is asked, can others really use it?

The palms of Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's hands were full of sweat. Although it was the second time seeing Xiao Nan release his domain, they were still shocked!

This black hole devours stars is stronger than before!

But worries also followed. I was lucky enough to be able to come back last time. What about this time?

Can I come back?

Their big eyes are full of worry!

Wang Youzhi looked excited:

(????????????)?? "Don't forget what I told you before, you must try it?"

As he said that, he glanced at the starry sky above...

It's not a big deal just to watch the excitement!

However, Langmu Atiya and the others had a hard time!

What to do now?

Once the black hole is released, who can do nothing about Jiangnan? I'm afraid I can't get close even if I get close, so how can I take him down?

Atiya frowned: "Where is the silicon base? Is there anything about the silicon base...Uh! When I didn't say..."

On the side of the silicon base, the huge Rubik's Cube has been captured by the gravity of the black hole!

At this moment, the iron soldier is frantically issuing orders: "Full power warp forward! There is a 96.44% chance of escaping! It is already out of the time expansion zone!"

"Start all the propulsion devices and run on overload! Fire the star blaster at the black hole! The mission of the Rubik's Cube in the Starry Sky has not been completed yet, so it cannot be lost here!"

Originally, the Rubik's Cube was big! A group with a large mass is captured by the gravity of the black hole, how can it be so easy to escape?

But the warp drive was stuffed into the Star Rubik's Cube, and the Star Rubik's Cube escaped from the time expansion zone!

At this moment, the energy circuit on the Rubik's Cube in the Starry Sky bloomed with dazzling light, protruding countless jets, and launched a reverse thrust!

At the same time, the star blaster and the extinguishing light crazily fired at the black hole!

But without exception, they were all torn to pieces and devoured!

And because of the poor gravity, the huge Star Rubik's Cube body has already made an overwhelmed creaking sound and is seriously deformed!

It seemed as if it would be torn apart and shredded at any time!

But it looks like it is about to escape the gravitational capture range of the black hole!

However, at this moment, the black hole, which had been shot hundreds of times, suddenly shook!

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, two scarlet rays of light lit up in the center of the black hole, inside the endless darkness!

Like a human gaze, he slowly looked at the Rubik's Cube in the Starry Sky that was trying to escape!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Moto said blankly: Σ(°△°|||) "What's the situation? The black hole...woke up?"

Atiya was furious: "What are you beating? You slept soundly, but the black hole was woken up by hundreds of cannonballs?"

Not only were they dumbfounded, even Wang Youzhi was stunned!

"Fuck? What do you mean? Jiangnan..."

Using the word awakening to describe the state of a black hole devouring stars is perfect!

The sleeping behemoth in the starry sky was disturbed and woke up!

The only difference between the black hole swallowing stars in the south of the Yangtze River and the natural black holes is that the black hole swallowing stars is artificially formed and can be influenced and controlled by human will!

The last time Jiangnan was released for the first time, I don’t quite understand it!

But this time... different!

And the lighting of these two red lights means that Jiangnan's will has awakened...

The next moment, under Yu Chongbishi's unbelievable eyes!

The huge black hole started to move in the direction where Rubik's Cube escaped!

The speed is getting faster and faster!

If the program allowed, then the iron pawn should be swearing at this moment!

It's fine to master the field of black hole swallowing stars! Can you still move while riding a horse?

Can run faster!

In fact, controlling the movement of black holes is not very difficult!

The surrounding space flows towards the black hole at a superluminal speed. If Jiangnan reduces the speed of the space on the left side flowing towards him, he will speed up the engulfing speed corresponding to the space on the right side!

Then the black hole will move to the right, and the moving speed depends on the speed difference of the swallowed space on both sides!

This speed is not slow, but ridiculously fast!

Have you ever seen a black hole with red eyes running wildly in the starry sky?

Under Zhong Yingxue and the others' bewildered eyes, the red-eyed black hole quickly caught up with the Rubik's Cube trying to escape!

It is useless even if it runs again, its huge square mechanical structure is directly torn into pieces by the huge gravitational difference of the black hole!

That was a Rubik's Cube the size of three red giant stars, and it was torn into pieces just like that!

There is no room for resistance at all, and it turns into a dense accretion disk of a red-eyed black hole, spinning endlessly around the event horizon!

The starry sky Rubik's Cube carefully prepared by the silicon base was dismantled just like that!

As for the red-eyed black hole that tore apart the Rubik's Cube, its scarlet pupils turned and fell on Langmu Motuo, Chong Bishi and the others!

Although Jiang Nan in the shape of a black hole can't speak, his scarlet eyes are full of coldness...

Chong Bishi:! ! !

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