Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2295 complete crushing of strength

Before Jiangnan and the others could respond, countless self-demolition bugs exploded on the spot!

Like gorgeous fireworks blooming in the starry sky!

The energy ripples spread in all directions, and immediately triggered the two-dimensional fragments to expand wildly in the direction of Jiangnan and the others!

Even if everyone maximizes the stardust gravitational field, they can only move it and cannot stop it from expanding!

And when the energy is sufficient, the expansion speed of this thing is extremely amazing!

Almost from the moment the self-destroyer exploded, Jiang Nan and the others encountered a huge crisis!

2D shards are a double-edged sword, you can use them against your enemies, and they can use them against you!

Chong Bishi doesn't care about the consumption of the swarm at all, keeping herself is the most important thing!

Jiang Nan grinds his teeth, and gave Lao Tzu a big gift right after he came up?

If you don't dodge it, you will be wiped out!

So he raised his hand and grabbed it, and the kingdom in his palm took shape, leading the bully to help everyone shoot at high speed with warp bubbles!

But the sky is full of self-demolition insects, exploding crazily, and the spreading two-dimensional fragments have almost blocked all ways of life!

Even the well-intentioned Eye of Heaven cannot find a way to survive in a short time!

Chong Bishi's eyes were scarlet: "Fight with me? Even if you die ten thousand times, you can't make up for the loss of the emperor!"

"Let's turn into a starry sky scroll with the self-demolition swarm!"

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "Mira! Give me three seconds!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Mira immediately made a move!

"In an instant!"

The phantom of the sundial at the foot of Jiangnan was born, the world stood still, and Jiangnan had an extra three seconds out of thin air!

However, what is horrifying is that even in this state, the two-dimensional fragments are still expanding!

It just became slower, and Jiangnan could even see clearly the whole process of unfolding matter, insect corpses, and releasing energy!

Jiangnan's scalp is numb, is the two-dimensional space not affected by the law of time?

Or is it that the impact is small?

This is the first time I have seen something that can move under Mira's moment!

But there is no time to think so much, Jiangnan directly used the 3 seconds to break out with everyone!

After getting away from the encirclement of the self-destructive bugs, he let out a long sigh of relief!

And the original location has already been filled with countless two-dimensional debris, if it is a little later in the evening!

The consequences could be disastrous!

Seeing Chong Bishi exuding a shocking aura, Jiang Nan's face was full of bad luck!

Chong Bishi was still excitedly looking at Jiangnan and their original location!

They didn't know what happened, Jiangnan and the others had already escaped from the encirclement and appeared elsewhere!

The expression on her face couldn't help froze, what just happened?

No matter how fast Jiangnan is, it is impossible to escape from under his nose in an instant!

what's the situation? Is that the blonde girl from the Time Department?

damn it!

Even if you are prepared, the longer you delay, the more dangerous you will be, and you must kill Jiangnan and the others as quickly as possible!

Chong Bishi's eyes are full of cruelty!

"I want to see where you can go! The vast starry sky, could it be the emperor's land!"

"Do you really think I dare not let go of the field?"

"Field Expansion? Blue Falls and Yellow Springs! Evolution? Life Separation!"

In an instant, an extremely strong potential field bloomed on Chong Bishi's body, and there were no more phantoms, and the energy that filled every corner!

Even the emerald light is not blooming!

Directly shroud Jiangnan and the others in their own domain, and the domain of swallowing stars is simply ridiculously large!

Otherwise, why destroy a galaxy?

Even if Chong Bishi is the mother queen of the Zerg Race, most of them rely on the power of the Zerg Swarm and break away from the protection of the Zerg Swarm. She is considered a weak and vulnerable kind of bottom existence!

But this is also compared to other swallowing stars, even if it is the bottom, it is still the bottom of the pyramid!

And the fields are also divided into various forms!

Like Xuanse's first opening of chaos, it is a pure energy field!

Once it touches the two-dimensional fragments, it will directly turn into nourishment for the realm of heaven, and opening the domain is courting death!

And Chong Bishi's Biluo Huangquan uses energy radiation to turn people into emeralds, which is actually a kind of energy field!

So she didn't dare to use this trick!

But this time, she actually allowed her domain to evolve, mutate, and no longer release energy radiation, thus avoiding the risk of being injured by two-dimensional fragments!

It's a direct life stripping!

Strictly speaking, a domain is a special biological potential field, and in the potential field, the master of the domain is the only god, and everything will operate according to his rules!

At the moment when the domain was under the hood, the infinite source of life was directly stripped from Jiangnan's body and diverged!

The moment when the source of life is stripped away is the moment when life ends!

Jiang Nan stared, and everyone's breath of life declined rapidly!

It's the same even for the members of the Bully Gang that exists in Liuli Ball!

Is this swallowing stars?

"Everyone! All the domains are opened, and the domain of Chong Bishi is excluded!"

During the conversation, a country expanded and used, trying to expand the living space!

But as soon as it was opened, Chong Bishi's domain came under pressure again, but at least it also gave the bully a chance to help the crowd!

Fields are blooming one after another!

The embers of Xuexue's star sea, the dark forest where wolves are destroyed, and Wu Liang's unbreakable celestial vault!

At this moment, it can be said that a hundred flowers are blooming!

However, the situation has not changed in any way!

"Boom boom boom!"

I don't know how many fields have been crushed one after another, almost without any resistance, and they can't even hold on!

Tunxing's personal potential field is absolute and irresistible!

Even Wu Liang's Unbreakable Immortal Vault, which was focused on defense, was directly crushed!

Wu Liang vomited blood: "Tun Xing...'s domain is too powerful!"

This is still the domain strength of a slender insect emperor, so what about swallowing stars like Emperor Pay and Noah?

At this moment, Acrylic roared: "The domain... rise up!"

"Great fusion? World tree? Forty-nine heavens!"

At this moment, the acrylic exploded instantly, and fierce energy exploded directly from its body!

A phantom of the acrylic sacred tree suddenly grew out from behind it!

The trunk is vigorous, the canopy is towering, and 49 branches extend from the trunk of the tree!

Every branch is a magnificent field that blooms, each is different, but they merge and coexist!

Little fireflies fluttering under the giant tree!

This giant tree is exactly the appearance of the sacred tree acrylic of the Jiyue clan!

Ya Keli has never seen the real body of the divine tree, he has only seen the charred remains of the divine tree!

This giant tree phantom is just a beautiful fantasy derived from Acrylic's mother's description!

But it is also this that allows acrylic to perfectly integrate 49 fields!

Open the canopy to your heart's content to resist Chong Bishi's life-depriving domain!

And with the domain protection of acrylic, the bully gang can expand the domain one by one to help them fight against Chong Bishi!

However, even so, the acrylic field could not be crushed and collapsed, and the field was regenerated after bursting to withstand the heavy pressure!

But Chong Bishi's field is too big, and too powerful!

Now, under the acrylic sacred tree, the number of domains expanded definitely exceeds a thousand!

But still unable to resist the stripping of Chong Bishi's life!

This is not something that can be won by quantity!

Even if it is guarded by the domain, under the all-round cover of the Chongbishi domain!

Everyone's life source will still be stripped out of the body uncontrollably!

It's just that the speed is much slower!

Everyone's aura fell crazily, the skin became no longer smooth, and Borden even started to rust!

And the acrylic withstood the maximum pressure, and the body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Chong Bishi was condescending, watching this scene with cold eyes!

"Destroy my insect nest! Destroy my insect swarm! Even ten thousand deaths cannot relieve the anger in my heart!"

"I have to say, you really tricked me. I didn't expect this move. Xuanse's backstab used the heavenly realm to pull me down the quagmire!"

"And then? What can you do? I'm standing here! Can you get the fairy chrysalis shell?"

"Jiangnan! You are indeed superior! But sometimes, the gap in strength can't be made up by tricks, even if you count your brains, it's useless! I can't even do it when you're close!"

Jiang Nan's face was gloomy, he didn't say a word, his mind was racing quickly, thinking about the way to break the situation!

Chong Bishi sneered: "Don't think about it! I have to say, you do have a lot of talents under your command! This bastard can resist my domain for so long with the strength of swallowing stars in half a step! It's enough!"

"But that's all, isn't there a whisper from the gods? You can predict the outcome! I can tell you clearly! You only have two choices!"

"Turn your head and try your best to lead people away from my domain, but even if your warp bubble is fully activated, you will not be able to escape from my domain! The scope of the star-swallowing domain is beyond your imagination!"

"The second way! The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, bets his life, kills me, and takes away the fairy chrysalis shell. I recommend this! Do you want to try it?"

While speaking, he patted his chest!

"It's right here! Come and get it?"

"Sometimes, it is cruel to be able to predict the future. After all, witnessing one's own death with one's own eyes cannot change the ending!"

"Isn't it very weak?"

Olivia smiled wryly, her little face turned pale, what Chong Bishi said was right!

Just now, Nanshen has calculated how many methods through the whisper of the gods!

The result is all dead!

In the face of absolute strength, all the bells and whistles are false!

The acrylic man was dry: "No! It won't last long! The gap is too big!"

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