Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2284 This villain also asks you to restrain yourself

I don't know what it is, but it looks dangerous, doesn't it?

However, Venus, who reproduced the ability of the Apocalypse, knows what this thing is!

His complexion changed suddenly!

!!!!=????????(??o??o??)?? "Go! Go!"

After yelling, the whole person didn't say a word, just went up to the dimension and ran away!

The next moment, under everyone's horrified gazes, the small colorful cupping pot exploded!

The rich colorful energy expands explosively, and just one shot of this thing can blow up the Styx River!

The diameter of the explosion range can even cover three light-years away!

At this moment, the world in the eyes of the Joint Capture Corps is filled with colorful energy!

All of them were blown up, and they used defensive methods one after another!

Dan Ding's expression suddenly changed!

Where did Jiangnan get such a terrifying bomb? Did you also steal the silicon-based arsenal?

Realizing that something was wrong, Atiya turned around and charged: "It's not an explosion! It's heaven! Damn it, it's too late!"

right! That's right!

Jiangnan's goal is not to blow up the joint arresting army with a small cupping can at all!

Instead, use the energy in the small cupping jar to feed the two-dimensional fragments in the realm of heaven!

At the moment when the explosion exploded, the starry sky was filled with extremely rich colorful energy!

On the edge of the realm of heaven, countless two-dimensional fragments are all exposed to rich colorful energy!

The two-dimensional fragments that absorbed energy skyrocketed and expanded at a rapid rate, expanding the three-dimensional space into two-dimensional!

Under such a huge energy supply, the expansion speed of the two-dimensional fragments has even far exceeded the speed of light!

It's too late for the joint arresting army to escape!

Originally, the battlefield was pulled by Jiangnan and gradually approached the realm of heaven!

Coupled with the ridicule of Jiangnan and Wu Liang, the joint capture army is not very far from the realm of heaven!

The small cupping pot exploded, and the expanding countless two-dimensional fragments extended a distance of nearly 5 light-years toward the 666 mining area in an instant!

Eat up all the energy!

From the beginning of the explosion to when everything returned to calm, the whole process took less than three seconds!

I don't know how many law enforcement troops and Beimian order maintenance troops were killed on the spot!

Some were not killed by the explosion, but were also rubbed by the crazy expansion of two-dimensional debris, turned into photo portraits, and remained on this starry sky gallery forever!

And Jiangnan and the others, because they were hiding behind the two-dimensional fragments, the fragments in front of them absorbed all the energy rushing in, and expanded in four directions: up, down, left, and right!

It played the role of a shield, so Jiangnan and the others in the rear were not affected!

I saw Jiangnan leaning on his chin and nodding his head:

(??°????°) "Hmm~ The energy of the small cupping pot with a diameter of three light-years in the explosion is completely absorbed by the realm of heaven, can it extend a distance of five light-years in the direction of the explosion?"

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan who was shaking his fingers and nodding his head, and his spine felt chills!

This horse riding is ruthless, right?

Talking and laughing, the joint arresting army was almost wiped out. Hey!

Taking advantage of the geographical advantage of the paradise, plus the energy feeding of the colorful small cupping pot? This is much more ruthless than the direct bombing, isn't it? There is no way to resist it!


Nan Shen wanted to do this from the very beginning, right?

As expected of a southerner who caused a catastrophe of thousands of stars, he is really poisonous?

Qianben Sakura looked at those two-dimensional fragments, and her little pink hair exploded:

=????????(??﹏???????????) "Are these fragments so dangerous?"

Xing Cheng looked at the countless debris floating in front of his eyes, drooling like a waterfall, opening his mouth to bite!


Scared Qianbenzakura and Olivia grabbed her!

"This can't be eaten! If you eat it, it will change into a photo!"

The expanded Edge of Paradise!

A lot of Bose bodies stepped out of the void, all missing arms and legs, and the number was much smaller than when they first came, with deep fear in their eyes!

Even if the reaction is fast enough, it is still very embarrassing by the two-dimensional debris, and many bosons are directly left in it and turned into photos!

He didn't even have time to ascend the dimension! Rao is a boson that can exist in four-dimensional space, but it can't maintain life in two-dimensional space!

The energy level of the two-dimensional space is too low, and a large amount of information states will be lost directly!

Danding and Venus were fine, but Atiya flew out in a terrible embarrassment!

One wing and half of a leg are gone, and they are recovering under the influence of the flawless holy body!

????(乛乛乛??) "Tsk~ I thought I'd be able to reach Nirvana, you're on a horse!"

Even if it becomes an egg, it is estimated that the egg will be unfolded two-dimensionally!

Most of the escaped Bose bodies, the rest are sporadic energy bodies in the legion, carbon-based is almost out of the question!

There was such a mighty combined army when we came here, but now there are only a few remnants and defeated generals left!

The rest were all killed by Jiangnan's single hand. Dan Ding wanted to break his head, but he didn't expect Jiangnan to do such a trick!

Venus looked ugly and said:

(????-﹏-) "What's going on now? This... I can't do business with Lord Emperor, can I?"

Atiya said unhappily: "If you want to enter the realm of heaven to arrest people, don't expect me to be with you, the Bose body can also ascend the dimension to hide!"

"I don't want to run anywhere, but I'm lucky to be able to come out this time!"

Dan Ding was shivering, and originally wanted to touch Jiang Nan to prove that he was not only relying on women's cowards, but it turned out to be a bad one, and the creation beast fell into Jiang Nan's hands!

(¬依¬) "What else can I do? Go back and start preparing for the second arrest operation. Anyway, the heaven will be eaten sooner or later!"

"It happened to be taken together with Jiangnan! The Creator Beast must come back, send people to guard the realm of heaven, suppress the void, and don't let me release half of them!"

"We can only make preparations to restrain the two-dimensional fragments, and then carry out the arrest operation. The 665 mining area is in the hands of Chong Bishi, and we need to communicate with her!"

The more Danding thought about it, the more angry he became, and the resentment couldn't be refreshed!

Jiang Nan came forward in a mean way:

(????????)?? "Yo~ you're not dead yet? You've got a lot of life? Who said they were going to arrest me just now?"

"Why don't you continue? How about I give you another shot?"

Dan Ding's eyes were bloodshot: (??▼皮▼) "Jiangnan! Don't be complacent! How can you compete with the Law Society with the power in your hands?"

"Can you use two-dimensional fragments? We can also use them. This is a double-edged sword! Next time I come back, I won't be the one in charge!"

"It's swallowing stars!"

Jiang Nan waved his hand:

(︶.??︶〃)?? "Come here! I haven't seen any big scenes with your grandpa? But you better hurry up!"

"During this time, I will take good care of Yingyu's little baby for you. See you next time, maybe you will bring your cubs~ Jie Jie Jie~"

Dan Ding: (???????) Second Olympic! ! !

[Resentment value from Danding +1009! ]

[From Danding...]

The angry Dan Ding turned his head and left, not staying any longer, he was afraid that he would die of anger here!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan and sweated profusely on their foreheads. Hey, hey, this villain, please calm down. Your tone and expression make us all want to do justice for the heavens and execute you for justice!

Shente Miao is taking the cubs, how do you feel that you are going to fight in person after hearing this tone?

The Joint Capture Corps returned disappointed, leaving only the messy No. 666 mining area!

This does not mean that the operation is over, but Silicon Base has sent more starships to block the sky around the realm of heaven!

The possibility of everyone in the south of the Yangtze River escaping from here is absolutely eliminated!


Watching Dan Ding and the others leave, Jiang Nan clapped his little hands in satisfaction!

Mother Genesis Beast +1, earned it!

Suo Na swallowed her saliva: "This has blocked us, the next arrest operation will only be more perverted, if there is really a star swallowing situation, then there is really no way out?

"Where are we going next? Do you want to find a way to get back to the cracks in the dimension?"

Chong Feiyu was a little disappointed:

(??????) "Pu Lanbi can't do it now~"

Jiang Nan crossed his waist and looked into the depths of the heaven with a proud face!

(????????????) "Who said that? The plan is going pretty well!"

"Everyone, be careful not to touch the two-dimensional fragments. This will be our camp from now on, blind girl, why don't you quickly pick a place with good geomantic omen? I can release the camp to rest?"

People vomit blood, don't they? Boss Nanshen really wants to settle down in the realm of heaven, hey!

Didn't you say there are monsters here?

Jiangnan waited for a while before looking for the treasure land of Fengshui. After Lan and Aijiang sent the boat home, they ran back and joined Jiangnan!

As soon as we met, I gave Jiangnan a big bear hug!

Jiang Nan laughed out loud, Mira saw that Lan was hugging her, she wanted to hug her too!

So Jiangnan hugged Mira in one hand and Lan in the other!

I took everyone directly into the realm of heaven, and found a glittering feng shui treasure. The two-dimensional fragments here are not very dense!

But the two-dimensional fragments in the realm of heaven are always moving irregularly, and they will collide when they are not kept together!

And this open space is not very big!

Jiang Nan scratched his head: ??(????~????) "I don't want to live in a paradise and be afraid that it will be unfolded into a photo at any time!"

"There is no way, can you move these floating debris?"

Any matter or energy that touches the fragments will be two-dimensional, even spiritual power!

Even if Jiangnan is pushed by the expansion of the country, the expanded space will be expanded after touching the two-dimensional fragments!

Because the simple expansion of the space does not generate energy to support the expansion of the fragments, so the fragments will not actively expand the space!

But this does not mean that it cannot expand the squeezed three-dimensional space!

The warp bubble can move with two-dimensional fragments, because in essence, the space inside the warp bubble is unchanged, and it can move with the space carrying the fragments!

But the warp bubble is not very big, and if it encounters a large fragment, there is no way to do it!

Wang Youzhi suddenly said: (°~°〃) "Try it with a gravitational field. The essence of gravity is a depression in a flat space. The bigger the depression, the stronger the gravity!"

"There is a high probability that the two-dimensional fragments will flow along the sunken space to the point of gravity. Is there a brother from the Stardust Clan?"

Acrylic hugged his shoulders and said coolly: "No Stardust Clan, I'll do it!"

It directly expands the stardust gravitational field and sets gravitational points around it!

Sure enough, those two-dimensional fragments slowly drifted towards the gravitational point!

A clean and empty garrison without two-dimensional debris was formed in situ!

Jiangnan's eyes flickered, can the gravitational field pull two-dimensional fragments? That means Stardust Clan can do it too!

Be careful after that?

It's a pity that the two-dimensional fragments will disappear within a few seconds after being taken out of the heavenly realm. Otherwise, it would be quite abnormal to take out a few pieces of gravitational field and make them into weapons!

With an open space, Jiangnan directly took out a glazed ball from the alien space and threw it out!

Inside is the rare asteroid treasury compressed by Dawei Tianlong. It has living conditions and comes from Feiyu's small treasury!

"Let's use this as a foothold first!"

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