Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2276 Bionic Warrior Tyrant

The nothingness of the void can indeed block most attacks, making this space untouchable!

But this is basically ineffective against the boson, they can directly cross into this space to launch an attack!

The gate of the six dimensions makes it impossible for Jiangnan to escape. Once pushed in, the consequences can be imagined!

Apparently, Venus also reproduced the abilities of the Stardust Clan!

The gate of dimension is close at hand, Jiang Nan squints!

"Space replacement!"

His body disappeared in an instant, replaced by a red mechanical warrior covered in burns!

Pushed directly into the gate of dimension by Venus, decomposed into energy!

And Jiangnan was directly exposed to the flames of the exploding stars!

The moment the replacement was completed, the Kingdom Expansion was used, and after creating a safe space, the warp cannon took shape fiercely, leading Jiangnan directly out!

Venus' eyes are full of bad luck:

(¬得¬??) "Let you run away? You know how to play!"

"I'll see where you can go!"

As soon as Jiangnan broke out of the explosion range, Venus leaped out of the void, as if he had been waiting here for a long time!

The direct large-scale dimension descends, and it is necessary to energyize the whole of Jiangnan!

The range is even so large that it exceeds the replacement distance of Jiangnan!

At this moment, the horns on Venus' head were scarlet!

Obviously, in addition to the abilities of the Stardust Clan, the abilities of the Apocalypse Clan were also absorbed by her!

Predict the trajectory of Jiangnan's actions with the whispers of the gods, arrange in advance, and take the lead!

Although this Venus is just a planet destroyer, it is obviously not a vase!

Jiang Nan glared, and the black hole swallowed the stars directly, and 6 saw blades took shape, and slashed towards Venus fiercely!

Even though it has been played by Jiangnan so many times, the crack of the eye of the starry sky still cracked as soon as the opening gesture came out!

It seems that I am afraid of missing this pumpkin!

Venus' expression changed suddenly, she didn't dare to bet!

Jiangnan does have scruples about releasing the black hole swallowing stars, but what is certain is that he will be able to release it!

Venus doesn't want to fall into a black hole!

And in the whispered predictions of the gods, Jiangnan really let go!

Venus gave up resolutely and crossed the backward dimension to a safe distance!

Even released the domain!

The Silent Snow Falling Field blooms, and all substances in the field are annihilated due to the ultra-low temperature!

Snowflakes condensed and fell in the starry sky, and Venus stood in the middle, clenching her teeth!

The scope of this field is so large that it exceeds the limit of all Jiangnan's skill ranges!

The gap between the unreached Poxing and Poxing is huge, and the range of skills is even more different!

Venus can only ensure her own safety in this way!

Seeing her retreat, Jiang Nan stopped immediately and waved again!

He greeted with a beating face and said:

(??°????°??) "Yo~ Isn't this Venus? How long have you not seen each other?"

"Didn't you say that you want me to look good at the bidding meeting before? Hey~ Now I'm good-looking enough, right?"

[Resentment value from Venus +777! ]

God Meow wants you to look good, do I mean that?

Blake at the co-authoring bidding conference was Jiangnan, no wonder, no wonder there had to be a mouth contest, in order for humans to bid for the 666 mining area?

Just as Venus was about to speak, Danding roared:

(???????????)?? "Wife! Don't talk! Don't say a word to Jiangnan, and don't answer him!"

"The son of Xingluo agreed at the beginning, so he was put in a sack by Jiangnan and became a hostage!"

"You can't fall into his trap, you?"

Once Venus becomes a hostage, it will be difficult for him!

Venus stared, remembering the miserable appearance of Xingluo's son, and forced to hold back the words that came to his lips!

Jiang Nan provocatively said: (????v????v??) "Eh? Why don't you talk? If you don't scold, then I will!"

"I'm just ~%?...;#*'~%?...! Beep beep beep, banana, you bastard~"

At this moment, Jiangnan seemed to be a telegraph operator, throwing the essence of various languages ​​towards Venus overwhelmingly, all kinds of obscenities were unbearable!

Let the language put on armor and go to battle!

[Resentment value from Venus +1007! ]

[From Venus…]

All of a sudden, the grievance value was maxed out, Venus's face was livid, and there were tears in his eyes!


Being scolded bloody, can't you talk back?

Is there anything more embarrassing in this world than this?


You give me to die! Fuck you!

Venus didn't speak, and gave orders directly through Jiaojiao communication!

"All the creation fighters, those who have a domain use the domain, the largest release dimension comes, and form a joint encirclement! Those who have no domain, let me go in and drive Jiangnan!"

"Jiangnan hasn't broken the star yet, and his skill range is limited. As long as the encirclement is big enough, he won't be able to escape!"

"Remember to keep yourself a safe distance, Jiangnan will definitely release a black hole if he is cornered!"

Following the order of Venus, all the creation bosons present began to release the domain as much as possible, and the dimension descended!

Combined with each other, the overall space is upgraded, trying to make Jiangnan nowhere to escape!

Indeed, as Venus said, Jiangnan's range of skills is incomparable to theirs!

Once the encirclement is formed, no matter if it is a warp bubble or a replacement, the farthest distance it can rush cannot be broken through!

This is absolutely fatal when the void is suppressed and cannot break through the space to enter the gap between dimensions!

If you fall into the realm, you can still use the expansion of the kingdom for a while, but if you fall into the dimension, you will be dead!

Under the command of Venus, the encirclement gradually took shape, and she can also use the ability of the Apocalypse to predict the direction of Jiangnan's sprint!

But one thing, Venus was wrong in her estimation!

That is the Bose body without a domain, which will not have the effect of driving Jiangnan away!

If you encounter Jiangnan, if you don't upgrade the dimension, there will only be one result, and that is death!

The space wormhole blooms, forming a Shura killing field, under the impact of the warp bubble's large curvature, even the Bose body can't react!

Coupled with the ultra-high warp speed continuous chopping and the calming effect of the Sha Qi secret technique, as soon as the driving force came into contact, nearly a hundred of them were chopped off by Jiangnan!

At the Jiangnan Xingyao level, he was able to kill the Bose Body Jujutsu, and now the sky is full of stars!

It doesn't take much effort to kill a boson without a domain!

The Bose body used to hold Jiangnan was directly pierced by Jiangnan, and rushed out before the encirclement closed!

Just like that, he still scolded Venus, and he didn't stop!

The angry Venus stomped her feet:

(?????? Mouth??)?? "A group of waste, no one can hold Jiangnan? Even for a while!"

It won't take long for the encirclement of the descending dimension to be formed, and even if Jiangnan will go to heaven and earth, it will inevitably be energyized!


As the last anti-Jiangnan mechanical warrior on the battlefield exploded, it seemed to trigger the mechanism of the Mechanical Empire battleship!

An emotionless mechanical sound came!

"Anti-Jiangnan plan failed, start backup plan!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The silver-white cannonballs were fired at a very high speed, heading straight to the south of the Yangtze River!

A total of nearly a hundred, even turned on the target tracking!

Jiang Nan frowned, what the hell? Is silicon crazy? Are you still bombing me with cannonballs?

The small leather whip sticks out in an instant, the ten one-eyed eyes open, the star pupil cannon aims at the incoming shells, and it explodes wildly!

The blue-purple energy column fired continuously, detonating all the shells!

The one in front of him was slashed by Jiangnan with the god-killing knife, and he was spared on the spot!

However, the moment Jiangnan split the cannonball, a bloody light flashed inside!

I saw a strong man three meters tall with bare red muscles rushing out of the shell!

More than 70% of the organs in its body are composed of mechanical structures, but the rest of the tissues are flesh and blood tissues!

It has characteristics similar to parasites, and most of its body is covered by thick bone armor!

Even one eye is also a mechanical eye, and on the forehead, a slave mark is shining with a glazed brilliance!

All kinds of sophisticated heavy-duty silicon-based weapons are mounted on the body!

Bowen's black crystal giant knife extended from one of its mechanical arms, and fought with the God Killing Knife heavily, slashing to the curly blade!

The strong sense of power made Jiang Nan's heart sink!

His eyes narrowed slightly: "What kind of monster is this riding horse? Is it also a mechanical warrior?"

The thing in front of me is clearly a sewing monster of machinery and flesh and blood?

There was a dazzling red light in the eyes of the blood-colored suture monster, and a crazy growl came from deep in his throat!

"Jie Jie Jie~ I am a tyrant! Jiangnan! Die for me! If the master wants you to die, you must die!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Not a mechanical sound, but a human voice? This thing has self-awareness? Is it from a living body?

Bionicle? What did the silicon base come up with?

I saw the magnetic ring on the chest of the tyrant's biochemical warrior open, revealing the refined soul-bound ore essence inside!

This thing is stronger than the binding spirit orb. It is refined from the binding spirit ore and can produce a large-scale binding spirit force field!

If there is a field, you can completely ignore the binding force field, but Jiangnan has it, so you can't use it!

In an instant, all of Jiangnan's spiritual power was contained in his body!

The bloody suture monster raised its other hand high, formed a hot plow knife with high-temperature plasma, and slashed down towards Jiangnan!

"Turn into minced meat! Killing you is the meaning of my life! Jie Jie Jie!"

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and stepped on the horse, no matter what it was, he rushed forward!

"Who do you underestimate? In Jiangnan, not only the space system is a weapon!"

"Shunpo! 108 consecutive Shayan nail punches!"

Jiangnan almost instantly jumped over the chopped hot coulter, raised his fist and swung it out!

The nail punch combo is so fast that 108 rounds looks like just one round!

The powerful penetrating power directly blasted through the tyrant's bone armor, interrupting it at the waist!

Many mechanical parts were broken, but the bloody suture monster was not only alive, the muscles stretched, connecting the broken body together, repairing it quickly!

The mouth opened, the muzzle protruded from it, and fired directly at Jiangnan's face!

"Antimatter shells!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

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