Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2254 He is really good

Jiangnan covered his face: (??)﹏(ヾ) "It's all evolving anyway, so can't it evolve to look better?"

Of all the insects I saw along the way, the body of Chong Bishi is the scariest, right?

Don't you even give me a face?

Chong Feiyu was speechless: "Don't use your low-level aesthetics to judge the beauty and ugliness of a Zerg, okay?"

"In the eyes of other worms, Chongbi Pool is absolutely glamorous. It looks like a celestial being. Is it okay?"

"Hmm~ It's a perfect green tea bitch! Bah!"

Jiang Nan has a dark face, don't spit in his heart, hey!

My heart is dirty!

It is conceivable that Chong Bishi's big green and wavy Yujie's face is just beautified according to the influence of her own body in order to walk in the starry sky!

But this is too beautified, right?

It's not necessarily an exaggeration of Chong Bishi to have a beauty of 100, right?

I saw Chong Bishi climbed down from the pillar and came directly to Xuan Se!

The eight little hands held Xuanse's two hands, and with a gentle smile, his mouthparts bloomed!

??(????????????)?? "Why don't you talk? You've met me as you wished, aren't you happy?"

At this moment, in the compound eyes of Chong Bishi, all the reflections are Xuanse's figure!

Xuan Se's psychological defense has completely collapsed!


He roared in his heart: "Ah! No way! This old man really can't do it! Blake! I've already shown you the real body of Chong Bishi!"

"No matter what you want to do, distract me right now, I won't play with you anymore!"

"Otherwise, I'll tell Chong Bishi all about the two of us right away. I'd rather not be distracted than spend a good night with this ghost thing?"

"If I don't get better, you want to live in vain! I've had enough of riding a horse!"

Xuan Se, who had gone through many hardships, completely collapsed her spirit when she saw the main body of Chong Bishi, and she died on the spot!

Jiangnan is in a hurry!

(??????﹏????)?? "Persist on, you? Why can't you? How beautiful is Chong Bishi? That big wavy hair is simply, vomit~ vomit!"

[Resentment value from Xuan Se +1009! ]

You meow also know it's disgusting, you? Can't find an adjective to praise?

You boasted yourself, let me go?

(????Y??) "I don't care! If you don't give it! We will die together!"

Jiangnan is grinding his teeth, how can he give up halfway?

The fairy chrysalis shell is not in hand yet!

(¬志¬??) "Damn it! You can't! Come on, old man! Get on the phone, hang up the phone and go watch a movie!"

While speaking, he directly took out the Gemini lollipop, threw it into Xuanse's intestines, and turned his head to roar!

??*????(??口??*)????*?? "Pacesetter, the time has come to show your charisma, take her down for me!"

Borden's eyes burst into shocking light:

*??(????????)??* "Boss! Just look at you, I've been holding back all the way, just waiting for this!"

So he rushed up and gnawed on the red sun lollipop!

And Blue Moon was digested by Xuan Se!

Under the twin lollipops, synchronization begins!

At this moment, Xuan Se suddenly felt that he had lost control of his body, completely out of his control!

The body began to synchronize with Borden's movements, and the real driver of this mecha was also replaced by Borden!

Xuan Se was shocked, what kind of method is this? I've never heard of someone who can take control of the Chaos Clan's Royal God Body!

What race is Blake?

But it's good, at least I don't have to attack Chong Bishi by myself!

Hang up, hang up!

Xuan Se, who was frozen in place, suddenly changed his eyes, and Bor boarded the board!

He actually took Chong Bishi's little hand and swung it, and a gorgeous waltz came, turning around, grabbing her slender waist with one hand!

Caress her cheek with one hand!

With eyes full of affection, he said:

?? *? Fascinated!"

"Yes! That's right! I am such a superficial man. Your slight smile has added a touch of color to my original black and white world! You must be a gift from heaven!"

"Before I met you, I never believed in love at first sight, and thought it was a particularly ridiculous thing, until I met you! I thought... I was wrong! Big mistake!"

A hoarse and magnetic voice came out of Xuan Se's mouth, and the sound hit my ears!

At this moment, in the appendix command room, Jiangnan and the others are collectively spurting blood!


Fuck wow! Is this the true strength of the pacesetter? Can you say such disgusting words to Chong Bishi?

so affectionate? He is indeed a man who went to jail for taking away all the women of the boss family!

Samo gritted his teeth: (???????) "You can act as soon as you step on the horse! If you talk about love, talk about love! Can you stop talking about me?"

Outside Xuanser was holding Chong Bishi, and in the appendix, Borden was holding Satsuma with an affectionate expression on his face!

Looking at the embracing Summer Borden with great enthusiasm, his eyes are shining!


Knock it, knock it~

In this regard, the two sisters are quite consistent!

Jiang Nan glared: (??°??д°??)?? "Summer! Why are you so blind? Let's cooperate with Borden, so we need a counterplay? Now we can all count on him what!"

Sam's face became even darker, he tilted his head, his cheeks were reddish, and he said in a voice like a mosquito:

??????·(????﹏??)????·?? "Yes ~ Boss!"

Jiangnan covered his face, you blushed a bubble teapot, you?

As for the outside, Chong Bishi was indeed caught by this sudden blow!

Like a frightened rabbit, he looked at Xuan Se with some astonishment, he...he couldn't be really emotional with me, right?

On the contrary, she was a little bit helpless, and even found the shyness when she was a young girl when she first fell in love!

The worm blushed slightly and said:

??(???????????????) "Huh? Really...really? This is the first time someone said such a thing to me!"

Xuanse said hoarsely: (???????????????) "Don't ask me if I'm true or not! Even if I deceive the whole world, I won't lie to you!"

While speaking, his hand had already landed on Chong Bishi's chest!

(?????????????????) "Did you feel it? Your heart beating faster? What is surging in it is deep love? Don't lie to yourself, face up to this feelings!"

"Isn't this long-lost heartbeat not enough to untie your knot?"

Chong Bishi was taken aback, her face turned even redder, damn it, what's the matter with this heartbeat?

Can't help shaking his head crazily, no no no! I can't fall into it, I still have business to do!

I am already a seasoned veteran, how could I be misled by sweet words?

I saw Chong Bishi giggled, stood up and overwhelmed Xuanse!

??(????????????)?? "Little villain! You have such a sweet mouth! Why haven't I seen you so pleasing before? Say it! How many girls have you cheated with these words? "

Xuan Se smiled brightly:

(????????????) "Then leave it alone! Since you said my mouth is sweet, do you want to know how sweet it is?"

"Do you want to try it yourself? I think it will definitely make your memory fresh!"

Jiangnan: Σ_(??????"∠)

Satsuma closed his eyes: (??)﹏(ヾ) "Oh! It's alright! Don't say any more!"

Wang Youzhi couldn't help rolling his eyes, he said it all, you are so shy!

Jiangnan held on with tenacious willpower, Borden, I am willing to give you the title of the most southerner!

I just realized that I am not worthy! I don't deserve it!

(??????﹏????)?? "Stop nagging, change the topic to the fairy chrysalis, remember! Don't arouse her suspicion, just mention it!"

"Leave the rest to me!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan took out a monkey biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth to eat!

The pupils immediately turned golden! Monkey biscuits can not only see through, but also read minds!

I can see all the thoughts in my heart. Although the side effects are a bit tricky, so many of my younger brothers are not white belts!

There's no need for Chong Bishi to say it out, as long as she thinks about it, she can see it!

Borden's expression froze, is it a fairy chrysalis? Look at me!

Chong Bishi was teased by Xuan Se and giggled: "No! Why are you so anxious? You can easily get it, so you won't cherish it!"

Xuan Se grinned, and gently stroked Chong Bishi's hair!

(????°????°??) "Nonsense! As long as it is you, I will cherish it! Didn't I want to make you happy?"

"I know, you must still be worrying about things in the realm of heaven in your heart. Is there anything I can do to help? Just say yes! After all, your business is my business!"

"At the bidding conference, I originally wanted to cover for you, who knew... eh~ don't mention it!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Chong Bishi couldn't help sighing: "Is it the realm of heaven? I have no good solution! Seeing the attitude of the Bose tribe and Siji, they will definitely put pressure on me and force me to take out the realm of heaven !"

"I can only withstand the pressure first, buy time, and let the swarm try again, but the monster is too tricky. It's okay if it succeeds, but I don't think the success rate is high!"

"Now I have pulled the worm nest and prepared to go over there, and lead the worm swarm to fight with all their strength. The success or failure depends on this one!"

"If you have the heart, it's okay to send your Chaos Legion to try with my swarm, at least it can increase the success rate, hehehe~"

Xuan Se was stunned: "Even you can't do it? Your swarm is a combination of Feiyu's swarm and Bishi's swarm, a powerful combination, which is one of the best among the swarm!"

"Can't even take down the realm of heaven? Or are you reluctant to part with dead insects? If it's really not possible, use the swarm of Feiyu insects as cannon fodder bait?"

"The Feiyu swarm won't resist, the fairy chrysalis is still on you, right?"

Jiang Nan squinted, Borden is doing well! Topics changed! It's hard to arouse suspicion if you ask this way!

But Chong Bishi frowned: "What Feiyu swarm, there has long been no Feiyu swarm in this starry sky, only Bishi swarm! Don't mention the name of that bitch, fat woman!"

"Fairy chrysalis shell? Hmph~ I have already absorbed and refined it!"

Xuan Se laughed dryly: (??⌒??⌒??) "Look at my stinky mouth, ahaha~ yes! Why mention her? Don't I also want to share your worries?"

Chongfeiyu was furious: "You are the one! Bichi! Leitou Bichi! Refined? Blow it and you will! I'm bah!"

However, Jiangnan's eyes widened, his eyes had penetrated through many obstacles, and he was staring at Chong Bishi!

All right! Let me see, where did you hide the baby? Once it's mentioned, it's impossible not to think about it!

At this moment, Chong Bishi has no secrets for Jiang Nan!

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