Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2237 Crazy big move?

Bombardier was directly confused by the voice in his head!

Jiangnan? How could it be Nan Shen? Hey!

He should be in prison, shouldn't be here?

Everyone in the family was worried about whether Nan Shen would suffer in prison, Yang Jian even made a series of rescue plans!

The reason why everyone rushed into the starry sky, so desperately, is to increase the human heritage, take root in the starry sky, and let Nan Shen have the capital to escape from prison!

As a result, Lao Tzu received a voice transmission from Nanshen at the bidding conference of Beimian Starry Sky Mine?

This is outrageous!

Nan Shen escaped from prison? Escaped from that Hell of the Styx?

Or did he not go to jail at all?

By the way, is this true or false? Is it a little pretending to be Nanshen trying to cheat himself? Damn!

So subconsciously want to look back!

Jiang Nan hurriedly continued the voice transmission: "Don't look back at me, if you expose me again, I'm a fugitive from Xingkong now, and I can't use my own number!"

Bombardier:! ! !

Sure enough, Temiao escaped from prison!

Everyone is worried that you are worried to death. Not only did you successfully escape from prison, but you also disguised yourself as a black soul and ran to the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine.

Gulak patted Bombardier on the back with a smile on his face:

(⌒_⌒;) "Boss Pang! Drink slowly~ Are you choking on it? Miss Meow? Come! Change another glass!"

Bombardier has a dark face, do you want to be so considerate? Have you found all the reasons for me?

How did you know I was going to use this as an excuse?

But Bombardier has no time to talk to Gulak at this moment, so he quickly responded in his mind!

(¬﹏¬$) "Little Boss? Is it you? Are you real? How can you prove that you are Jiangnan?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said via voice transmission:

(??~??*) "Have you cracked your head? Don't you know me? Big money, Landis, Leviathan, the boss!"

"Who gave you your transcendence? Who gave you the creation particle?"

Bombardier's face darkened: (???Y???$) "Stop, stop! Don't bring up the past again! Shame!"

After speaking, he glared at Omega and Alpha with resentment!

(? Yi??) Bah! You two dogs and men and women!

Omega: ? ? ?

Why is the boss staring at me? Can you still blame me if you drink and choke?

Bombardier doesn't have to doubt it at all, it's just a smell...

Combined with the arrogance of the black soul clan, it must be Nanshen!

Bombardier thought to himself: "Little Boss? Why did you come out? The family is still thinking of a way to save you? Why don't you go home after you come out? You still hide your identity and go to the Starry Sky Mine to make waves?"

"Now even if the news of your escape is exposed, the Holy Law Society can't do anything to human beings. At most, it can only bear some losses! Our foothold has been firmly established!"

Jiang Nan replied calmly: "What do you mean by running over here? Can I say that I am here for the great cause of the human race?"

"There is something inconvenient for me, I need you to do it later..."

Bombardier stared back and said:

($????¥) "Just give me orders! It's my duty! By the way, little boss, what's wrong with you?"

"Just say it! How long can this northern corona exist?"

According to Nanshen's destructive power, this starry sky mine is probably going to disappear?

When Jiang Nan's face turned black, what the hell was suffocating in his stomach? Damn! This is what I call justice execution!

Why do you think I'm going to tear down the Northern Corona? Am I so scary?

I don't feel embarrassed if I don't take it apart for what you're doing, right?

(¬优¬?) "Unravel the yarn! It's not that far yet! It's inconvenient to talk about it now, let's talk about it later, and it's over after listening to my instructions!"

Bombardier nodded imperceptibly, and continued to chat with Gulak with a big laugh!

There is even joy and ease in the words!

Perhaps others will not understand at all, but at this moment, Bombardier suddenly changed from a precarious and rootless duckweed mentality to a feeling of solid foundation!

There is a sense of solidity that the backbone is here!

It seems that no matter how the starry sky changes, it can be carried through and survived!

And this is the magic power of Jiangnan!

Xuan Se still refused to let go, lowered his voice and said:

(?)?°Yie?°) "Don't you just want money? I can use my influence to arrange a general mining area for you with a decent harvest!"

"The income is stable, so you don't have to worry about it at all. As long as you give me back your distraction, I promise I won't do anything to you again!"

Jiang Nan smacked his lips and shook his head:

(?ˇ~ˇ?) "Hmm!"

Xuan Se gritted his teeth: (?) °? Yi °?) "You still don't like the general mining area? The income is enough for the overall development of the general small clan! Could it be that you want a rich mining area? This is impossible! Even I don't The right to divide the bonanza to you!"

"It's a race thing, not a personal thing!"

Seeing that Blake still didn't speak, Xuan Se felt ruthless!

"Then it's a compromise. I can secretly transfer the output resources of a rich mining area to you, and I can only do it secretly!"

"Tsk! What are you talking about? One is not enough? Why are you so greedy? Three? Is three not enough? This is already the limit of my tolerance!"

Jiangnan: (?_??)

I still didn't let go of one move, you fucking handed over all your big moves?

So no challenge~

However, it is impossible for Jiangnan to ask for this money, because it is not his own if he gets it!

(︶.?︶〃) "What money are you talking about? How vulgar? It's so vulgar! Let's talk about feelings!"

Xuan Se stared: "Talking about feelings? Talking about feelings hurts money!"

I can only show no mercy to you, what the hell does he want?

At this moment, the lights of the Fairview Conference hall suddenly dimmed!

The spherical projection on the display stand immediately shimmered in the sky!

Even Jiangnan couldn't help but let out an exclamation!

I saw that under the holographic projection, the celestial sky map of the entire Beiguan Starry Sky Mine area was projected!

Full three-dimensional, detailed to the point of horror, little stars sparkle!

Bounded by the Great Wall of Martial Immortals North Crown, the entire starry sky to the north has been divided into mining areas with clear boundaries!

Each mining area has its own independent number!

On the celestial map, the golden areas are all rich mining areas, and the red mining area races are marked on it, all of which are owned by the top ten sequences!

The silver area is a large number of general mining areas, and the copper area is a poor mining area!

And all the mining areas where the contract rights have expired are displayed in green, and there are probably hundreds of thousands of them!

But most of them are poor mining areas that no one wants to start with. The price is high, and there are only more than a thousand of them that are worth buying!

Among them is mining area No. 666!

The moment the celestial map was opened, all the bidders present began to study the information, phone calls, shakers, and loans abound!

Suddenly there were whispers in the field!

Jiangnan swallowed his saliva and looked at the rich mining area where the Zerg belonged!

There are 308 seats in total!

What is even more astonishing is that the Bosses have more than 2,000 rich mines, and even the silicon base is close to 2,000. They are all rich mines with excellent resources!

There are also a lot of dark universe bodies, and they have broken through a thousand!

But the Apocalypse clan going down is not so good, there are more than 600 seats!

The first three in the sequence are completely another level of existence, behemoths!

What kind of huge resource reserve is this?

As for the Zerg in the eighth sequence, it's not far behind!

Among the 308 seats, there are 241 seats, all marked with the name of Chong Feiyu!

The remaining 67 seats are all named after Chong Bishi!

Chong Feiyu cursed in a low voice:

(?`~′?) "Originally there weren't so many of them in Chongbi Pool. They must have been raised by mining ore for more than 5,000 years, using other means, and finally sold it to her!"

"Damn Chongbite~%?...;#*’☆!"

Changes in the number of rich mining areas are also in the top ten sequences. Race trading and replacement of mining areas are common things!

Jiang Nan grinned, and patted Chong Feiyu's head for sound transmission!

(.???)? "Don't worry! If it's ours, it will be ours!"

The fairy chrysalis must be obtained, this is related to the ownership of resources, and even the subsequent alliance with the Nether clan!

It is an extremely crucial step, and Jiang Nan has no intention of letting go!

And Bombardier squinted his eyes when he looked at the celestial sphere map, and locked on a few general mining areas!

Boss Pang didn't come here for nothing this time. Human beings can't live without their own mining area!

The point that can be transported back by oneself alone cannot support the rapid development of human civilization!

We must find a way to get him back!

Xuan Se looked at Jiang Nan with green eyes, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead:

(??Yi???) "Don't shoot everything! Even I can't afford the contract fees for so many mining areas!"

Jiangnan: (¬~¬)

This person is making a big move again!

I saw an angel walking on the display stand. Unlike other angels, this angel has ten wings on its back!

All ten wings are golden, even the halo above the head has ten!

Exuding a soft holy light, the whole angel is extremely beautiful, without any flaws, let alone male and female!

A head of long golden hair tied into a loose bun, wearing a gold-rimmed monocle, intellectual and elegant!

With a book of contract in hand, he looked around the audience with half-opened eyes!


Kindly whispered: (?)????) "Atiya, the Archangel of the Angel Clan! One of the directors of the Star Mine Bureau is very powerful! Even the mine owners of the top ten sequences have to sell him some face! "

"Among the nine kinds of angels in the angel family, blood angels are rare enough, but archangels are even rarer!"

"Not every angel can evolve into an archangel, and the archangel also has the right to mobilize the angels of the nine races!"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and squinted his eyes, is he another yin and yang bird man?

Even the Angel Race, which is at the bottom of the top ten sequences, should not be underestimated, right?

Tiya spoke immediately, and an ethereal neutral voice came out of her mouth!

"The rules of the mining bidding conference must be familiar to everyone, so I won't introduce any more. Now! The bidding begins!"

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

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Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of an attic.

Unlike other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Zhenmagus.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the bloody smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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