Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2233 Is he really giving it away if he is distracted?

Xuan Se cursed inwardly, but there was still a smile on his face!

He raised his hand and shook hands with Jiangnan's big hand!

(⌒_⌒;) "Happy! I'm so happy!"

However, Wang Youzhi, Chong Feiyu and the others looked at the big hands of the two of them, and the expressions on their faces gradually became funny!



Xuan Se's name was gone, so she couldn't help giving Suo Na a silent look!

The corner of Suo Na's mouth curled up, and he nodded imperceptibly!

I saw Xuan Se squinting his eyes: "I gave you the person too, so why not distract yourself? Should I pay it back? They're all swindlers, so be honest!"

Jiang Nan smiled and said slowly:

(???.??)???? "Did I say that if you return the person to me, I will return your distraction? It seems that I didn't say that?"

"You asked me to make a request, so I did it? Distracted and paid you back? Then we will be wiped out by you together, do you think I'm stupid?"

Xuan Se was extremely angry, although he predicted that Jiang Nan would say that just after asking, but after listening to it again, he was still very angry!

(? °? Yi °?) "Do you really think you're going to get me? You asked for it!"

After speaking, his eyes focused on Sheng Cai!

Um? Why doesn't it work?

Jiu Lan sneered and looked at Xuan Se, only to see a Styx death mark shimmering on the back of Sheng Cai's neck!

When the hostages are sent back, of course they must guard against the possibility of being tampered with. There is nothing safer than directly sealing them with the Styx death seal!

Even if Xuan Se stayed distracted in Sheng Cai's body, it was useless!

The next moment, Xuanse seemed to realize something, and his pupils shrank!

Unexpectedly, his hands were violent in an instant, and the Genesis Domain was unfolded in an instant, and his eyes were fixed on Jiangnan's hands!

"Don't even think about it! Atom collapse!"

But Jiangnan seemed to have predicted it a long time ago, a reverse warp speed bubble left its original position, and escaped from the envelopment of the mysterious field, he couldn't help laughing!

(¬?¬) "The Apocalypse Race is really troublesome, but it's a pity that your god's whispering time is not very long. I can use the method of mental simulation to deviate from your predicted result!"

"I had a warning girl before!"

To deal with the Apocalypse Clan, Jiangnan has his own way!

Seeing Jiangnan reversed and Qu Supao left, Xuan Se stared!

Just now he predicted through the whisper of the gods that Blake directly blew himself up with distraction!

So he wanted to stop it, but this warp speed bubble still exceeded Xuanse's expectations!

Warp bubble? Is it Jiangnan?

But the next moment, Xuanse's complexion changed suddenly, because he predicted that he would be put into a sack!

That's how he caught me before!

replacement? Did Jiangnan leave a mark? Was it the handshake just now?

It directly locked his arm!

No, it's too late!

Then let me die for all of them!

Even if he died, he couldn't let this distraction fall into Jiangnan's hands again!

Atomic explosion!

The atoms in its whole body began to undergo crazy fusion, and at the moment when the energy was about to bloom!

Xuanse's body suddenly disappeared in place, replaced by a one dollar coin that fell to the ground!

The sack in Jiangnan's hands has become bulging!

Immediately he breathed a sigh of relief: (?︶3︶) "Huh~ Fortunately, there is time!"

It is also fortunate that Xuan Se, the god of the Apocalypse Clan, whispered and predicted that the whispering time was not long, otherwise no matter what method he tried to trick him, he would be seen through in advance!

In that case, you have to eat it hard!

That's why Jiangnan was slow to delay the time when he spoke before, and made a decision based on the real simulation in his mind! Come and deviate from the results predicted by the mysterious whispers of the gods!

Only then did Xuan Se think that Jiang Nan was about to explode the cupping jar, so he threw a violent attack!

In the seemingly short period of time, there have actually been several confrontations secretly!

In the end, Xuan Se was put in the sack!

Jiang Nan turned to look at Suo Na!

Suo Na raised his hand and made an o98k:

(?°??°) "Before the action, the black domain magic sound has been quietly released, and the news has not been sent back!"

However, Wufeng who followed was dumbfounded, Warp Speed ​​Pao? Jiangnan?

Where is Master Xuan Se? Arrested again?

?━=????(???????) "Jiangnan? You are Jiangnan? It's impossible! You shouldn't be in..."

Jiang Nan waved his hand impatiently:

(︶优︶?)? "Ahh~ You've already been shocked once before, don't be shocked anymore!"

"Brothers? Eat up the 100,000 Chaos Legion for me, and don't need to keep alive. Then Lao Deng will probably come over again, so move quickly!"

Needless to say, Jiangnan, the bully gang has already started, spreading out fields one by one, killing all directions!

Suona's black domain magic sound cut off everything, the bully's battle song echoed, and Jiulan even released her Styx Chongxing domain directly!

Anyway, in this poor mining area, they are all their own people, so they are not afraid of being discovered!

Seal the abilities of the Chaos Legion, hit Styx's death mark one by one, no domain is nonsense, prevent them from escaping any possibility!

But for his own people, they are stamped with the seal of Styx, allowing them to display their power to their heart's content!

This is a completely unfair duel, one hundred thousand Chaos Legion, against ten thousand elite prisoners who have been beaten out of the Styx Death Prison!

There is only one result, and that is to destroy the opponent!

Jiang Nan laughed straight, and pulled out Xuan Se from the sack with a small cupping pot, and his resentment value soared!

"Come on! Stop scolding, and see you later!"

Sheng Cai huddled in Sheng Yi's arms, shivering as she watched the chaotic battlefield!

(???????﹏????????) "Sister, can this work? These are mysterious people!"

He stroked Shengcai's head in a soothing manner:

(.???)? "It's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid ~ Boss Nanshen is much better than that Xuan Se!"

"If it wasn't for him this time, my sister doesn't know when I'll see you again, so I have to be careful with him!"

Sheng Cai was a little confused, Nan Shen? The Nanshen who demolished the City of Thousand Stars?

Even if she has been locked in the prison, she has heard of Nanshen's name, okay?

Is my sister hugging her thigh? Or such a thick thigh?

(?°??°)? "Thank you, I still have to thank you, so let's promise it with my body!"

Shengcai shivered, holding onto the lapel of Shengyi's clothes tightly:

(#??????﹏????????) "Eh? you still want to make a promise? I...I..."

Shengyi took a deep breath and looked solemn:

(???~??) "My sister can't do it, you... If you don't dislike me, can you see me? If it weren't for you, I might never see my sister in this life!"

"There is really nothing to thank you for, there is only so much I can do, I will definitely give you a good experience, and help you end your identity as a little Nanzi!"

"Don't look at me like this, I... I haven't made blue friends, and my manipulator has a lot of functions, it can completely..."

Jiang Nan stared, raised his hand and knocked Sheng Yi on the head:

(?°?皮°?) "Damn! You have a good idea! I have worked so hard to keep it up until now, how could it be possible to take advantage of you? Go in line and you!"

"Shente Meow's manipulator! Do you also have a flight mode? Thank you or something!"

"I don't want your beauty? I swallowed your goods. I brought you the trouble. It is right to help you solve the problem, so I will be grateful and hang out with me!"

He smiled wryly, no wonder Nanshen was unlucky, didn't expect Nanshen to be an unusually upright gentleman in this respect?

"It's not about the goods, so you saved my life?"

If it wasn't Jiangnan, he would have died long ago!

I saw Jiangnan grinning and looking into the distance with deep eyes!

(??????????) "No need to be grateful! I just hope you feel that meeting me is the greatest luck in your life!"

Sheng Yi was taken aback, looking at Jiang Nan's profile and feeling warm in his heart!

(?)≥﹏≤(ヾ)Ahhh~Damn it! No wonder Nanshen is full of peach blossoms all over the mountains and plains, which girl can not fall, hey?

Even if I have a firm will, I can't handle this, can I?

I saw Shengyi patted his flushed cheeks: "If this is the case, then your goal has been achieved!"

(?????) "Oh, Huohuo? So you are such an upright gentleman, you push away all the blessings, for whom? For whom? Huh? You have a sweetheart, right?"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, then his old face blushed, he turned his head and stared and said:

(??ˇ﹏ˇ?) "Why are you asking nonsense? It's better to promise with your body! I don't want you! I just want to eat leftovers!"

Shengcai:? ? ?

I saw Shengcai's eyes flicking back and forth on Jiangnan and Shengyi's cheeks!

(??????) "If my sister wants to, it doesn't matter if I get with... me, the two of us can..."

Kindness: ∑(°口°?)

Jiang Nan quickly raised his hand:

(︶Yi︶?)? "Stop! Damn Daoist! Don't say any more, or you will bear the consequences!"

It's not easy for me to persevere until now, if you two sisters continue to lure you, this...who can stand this?

After all, I am also a young man with a vigorous blood!

Jiangnan took out two small cupping jars and swung them back and forth on his generous chest!

(?°??°) "Ahem! I still have to pull out the mystery in your body!"

"I think you look a little underdeveloped. It's a rare opportunity. Do you want to take this opportunity to broaden your mind?"

"The distance between you and your sister is only two cups away? It's not a dream to surpass kindness! Do you want to come?"

Sheng Cai was stunned, what do you mean? He... is he going to cup me? Pull on the chest?

Nanshen is a serious Nanshen, but he is a bit perverted, right?

In the end, under the eyes of kindness and resentment, he finally pulled out the Xuanser hidden in his body!

certainly! The chest was not pulled out, but the back of the neck was pulled out...

And in such a short time, the bully gang has wiped out the chaos army!

Chong Feiyu is cleaning the battlefield and having dinner!

∠(`ω′*) "Report to Boss Nanshen! All the people brought by Xuanse have been cleaned up, please give instructions to Boss Nanshen!"

Jiang Nan nodded in satisfaction, and was about to speak when he heard roars from far away!

The mighty Chaos Legion, hundreds of huge armed starships, went straight to the poor mining area in the south of the Yangtze River!

This posture is clearly a posture of destroying civilization. Those who don't know it think they are going to fight some kind of racial war!

"Blake! Where's my distraction? What did you do to me?"

Jiang Nan grinned, raised his hand, double-clicked the Xuanzi jar that was pulled out of Sheng Cai's body, and threw it out!

As soon as it was thrown out, it exploded!

"Xuan Se! If you step on the horse and dare to let your people enter Lao Tzu's territory again! Don't even want your two distractions!"

In a word, hundreds of starships and countless Chaos Legion all stopped and stopped outside the poor mining area, not daring to take an inch!

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

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Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of an attic.

Unlike other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Zhenmagus.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the bloody smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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