Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2225 two-dimensional plane existing in three-dimensional space

Even Nine Blue Acrylic Damon and the others were stunned, fragments of two-dimensional space?

What's the meaning? This is beyond the comprehension range of three-dimensional creatures, hey!

However, Jiangnan seemed extremely excited, and it was not much different from what he had guessed!

Before Chong Feiyu said that it would be printed as a photo, Jiang Nan wondered if it would be two-dimensional!

Now it looks like that!

This thing Jiangnan has only seen similar concepts in science fiction novels, but he didn't expect to see it for real one day!

Can't wait for the bus starship to arrive, Jiangnan jumped off the boat and headed straight to the location of Paradise!

I saw a large number of starships, adventurer squads, and gem hunters parked at the edge of mining area No. 666, at the entrance of the paradise!

These people gathered at the door, although they paid money to come in, but when they really got to the door, they hesitated again!

After all, you are fighting with your life? This is not an ordinary danger, the fragments of the mirror of heaven can be said to be dead after touching it!

(¬﹏¬) "Wow~ Is it worth it to risk your life to get some void mica? Those people who went in the day before yesterday never came out again!"

(′-ι_-`) "What's more? I've been squatting here for three days, and I saw that there were 80,000 or 100,000 people who went in. How many people came out?"

"Master Chong Bishi rushed so hard with the swarm, but he couldn't eat the realm of heaven. If we go up, it won't be as good as the swarm..."

"After the key enters, the communication is interrupted, and the signal can't be sent out at all. I don't know what's going on inside, and once the debris touches it, it's dead, and it can't be saved. The process of being swallowed is irreversible at all?"

Obviously, these people were hesitant between their lives and money, and some of them mustered up the courage to bite the bullet and break in!

Every time it will attract everyone's attention!

Jiangnan and his party also came to the front of the paradise, the front of the crowd!

All eyes fell on Jiangnan and the others!

(*???) "Oh? Is anyone going to enter the realm of heaven again?"

I saw Jiangnan looking curiously at the fragments of the Mirror of Heaven floating in front of him, within reach!

The fragments in front of me are hundreds of meters in size, almost transparent, with a crushed meteorite printed on it, and the lower body of an unknown creature, so lifelike!

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva, and reached out to touch the fragments by accident!

Chongfeiyu exploded in an instant!

(????? Mouth?)? "Hey, hey, don't touch!"

However, it was too late, Jiangnan's hand had already touched it, and at the moment of touching it!

Jiang Nan couldn't feel his hand immediately, without any pain!

The space where the hand is located is directly expanded, falling to two dimensions!

And in the process of Jiangnan's hand falling from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, a huge amount of energy was released!

The fragments extended towards the direction of Jiangnan at an extremely terrifying speed!

In almost an instant, Jiangnan's arm was swallowed up!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and made a quick decision! Raising the knife in his hand, he cut off his arm directly, and then his mental power burst out, and he retreated violently!

However, even if the mental power touches the fragments, it will be expanded into a two-dimensional plane!

It wasn't until Jiangnan withdrew a long enough distance that he breathed a sigh of relief, his heart skipped a beat, and his back was drenched in cold sweat!

Just now, Jiang Nan almost instinctively used teleportation before it was too late!

I saw that the debris extended thousands of meters in the direction of the south of the Yangtze River before it could barely stop!

It doesn't extend until it can't swallow any matter and energy!

And the severed arm was left on the fragments forever, lifelike!

You can even see the blood at the fracture, as well as the two-dimensional twisted mental power!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (??ω???) "Fuck! It's quite dangerous!"

Chongfeiyu was so angry that he stepped forward and knocked Jiangnan on the head:

(???Dish??)? "You don't want to kill you? Did you actually touch it? What if you die here? Fortunately, you reacted fast enough! You are so cowardly!"

The rest of the spectators couldn't help giving Jiang Nan a thumbs up. Isn't this brother reckless? Try it yourself?

Jiang Nan grinned, and the broken arm grew back!

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "If you don't try it yourself, how can you know the characteristics of this thing? Is it a two-dimensional plane? Interesting? Ambitious? Can a two-dimensional plane exist in a three-dimensional space?"

Wang Youzhi grinned:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Originally it was impossible! As we all know, space is formed by three elements: length, width, and height, which constitute a three-dimensional three-dimensional space!"

"If any of the dimensions is canceled, the remaining two latitudes will automatically become long and wide, forming a two-dimensional plane without height!"

"Because the three-dimensional world we live in today is three-dimensional, but the two-dimensional plane has no height, and one dimension is missing!"

"So it cannot exist in the three-dimensional space, its existence is unreasonable! It will disappear directly, and it will not be visible in the three-dimensional world!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, pointing to the realm of heaven:

(?ˇ~ˇ??:)? "Then why..."

Wang Youzhi curled his lips and said proudly:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "As for the existence of these fragments of two-dimensional space, the reason is energy!"

"You know, the energy level of the two-dimensional space is much lower than that of the three-dimensional space! The three-dimensional space is falling towards the two-dimensional space. This process cannot be stopped and irreversible!"

"When the three-dimensional space falls to the two-dimensional space, no energy is released, but the matter existing in the three-dimensional space falls to the two-dimensional space, and because the energy level drops, it will release a huge amount of energy!"

"Just like your extended arm just now, these energies will be used by the two-dimensional plane to expand and extend itself, and maintain itself to continue to exist in the three-dimensional space!"

Jiangnan was a little stunned: Σ(°△°|||) "So it stopped extending just now, because the huge amount of energy released by spreading my arms was exhausted?"

"Continue to extend forward, what falls is only three-dimensional space, and does not release energy, so stop extending?"

"That's wrong? The energy is exhausted, the two-dimensional plane should disappear, why is it still there?"

Wang Youzhi rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "Of course it is because of the special nature of the heavenly realm, and there is energy inside to maintain its continued existence!"

"As long as you take out a two-dimensional plane, it will disappear directly because there is no energy to maintain its own existence, and it will not be visible in the three-dimensional world!"

"Of course, if you have the ability to take it out! The larger its area, the more energy it will consume to maintain itself in the three-dimensional world!"

Jiangnan's scalp is numb, the reason why it disappears is because there is no matter to expand, and there is no energy to maintain the expansion of its own existence!

Because simply expanding the space, there is no energy generation!

Doesn’t the falling of space produce energy?

(*???) "Damn it! If there is a substance that can make it unfold and continuously provide it with energy to expand its existence..."

Wang Youzhi's expression gradually became evil:

(??????‵) "Then the two-dimensional plane will expand infinitely, and the expansion speed will only become more and more terrifying! The three-dimensional space will continue to fall to the two-dimensional space, and the whole process cannot be stopped and irreversible!"

"If you could do it, you could take a small fragment of the Mirror of Paradise the size of your fingernail, put it on the northern corona, and see what happens?"

Jiang Nan gave a shock:

(??ˇ﹏ˇ??) "The two-dimensional space will continue to expand, extending in all directions!"

"Until the entire planet is expanded, if the energy is sufficient, it will continue to expand until the area is large enough, and the energy cannot maintain its own existence in the three-dimensional space, so it disappears and becomes invisible in three dimensions!"

Wang Youzhi raised his hand and snapped his fingers!

(?°???°)? "Right!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of excitement: (??????)? "What the hell? If you can take this thing out, wouldn't it become a powerful weapon to destroy planets?"

Wang Youzhi rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "It's easy to think about, how do you take it out? What means do you use? Any matter or energy in the three-dimensional world will almost be unfolded the moment it hits a two-dimensional plane..."

"What you can think of, others can't think of!"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, yes! How do you take it out? Damn, what about Palm Kingdom?

Even spiritual power can be deployed?

What's more, even if it is taken out with the palm of your hand, without the support of the heavenly realm, the two-dimensional plane that does not expand the material energy will soon disappear!

Even if it is supported by material things, it will not be able to support it before it goes to the other planet, right?

Wang Youzhi bumped Jiangnan with his shoulder, with a smirk on his face:

(?????) "But there are exceptions to everything! Do you want this ability?"

Jiang Nantou pointed out the phantom:

(??????)? "Think? Why don't you want to? The ability to take out the fragments of the mirror of heaven? If this can be made into a weapon, I won't be able to live properly?"

Wang Youzhi was speechless: (¬~¬) "Is it a bit promising? I'm talking about the ability to reduce dimensionality!"

Jiang Nan's mouth was wide open, with a look of shock on his face, he pointed to his nose:

?(°口°?) "Fuck? Are you serious? Is this something humans can do?"

Wang Youzhi spread his hands: ?(?′??`)? "You have already researched black holes, so why not reduce the dimension? The Bose body can also increase the dimension, and the fourth dimension descends!"

"I don't dare to say about other races, but human beings should probably be about the same?"

"Aren't you going to be supernatural right away? There are no good choices for supernatural skills, right? I have created so many dimensional creatures, and space-type spiritual skills are nothing too overwhelming. There are only a few kinds of over and over again. You should have all of them." Got it!"

"After all, you have created a black hole, and other spiritual skills will not help you much, so why not use other skills? I think this is very suitable for you?"

Jiang Nan's eyes were shining brightly, looking towards the realm of heaven, the halazi was about to flow out!

If he really mastered this ability, it wouldn't take much to destroy a planet!

Combined with the black hole swallowing stars, it will really stand up!

The strongest human being in history, extraordinary, may be born soon!

?(o﹃o?) "Goose Box ~ Then try?"

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

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Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of an attic.

Unlike other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Zhenmagus.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the bloody smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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