The parasite smirked: "No matter where you hide the goods, we will accept them!"

"And your body, memory, all belong to me. Such a good body should not be wasted. Let's live in another identity!"

The red light on the bloody saber is obviously trying to parasitize Shengyi!

However, at this moment, a gap was suddenly opened at the back of Shengyi's neck!

The purple pupils were exposed, looking straight into the eyes of the parasite!

"Soul puppet!"

In an instant, the parasite's movements froze, and the other hand turned into a long knife!

He even raised his hand and chopped off his head!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shengyi kicked the parasite backwards and pulled herself out of the sword!

Blood splattered for a while!

The mechanical arm deformed wildly, turned around and aimed at the parasite!

"High-temperature plasma star cannon!"


The fiery plasma radiance enveloped the parasite, and Shengyi escaped from the dangerous area with the help of recoil!

But the last energy tank of the robotic arm is also empty!

I saw Shengyi gritted her teeth tightly, and her eyes locked on one of the unremarkable Fengniao starships, and rushed over sullenly!

After the cannon light passed, the parasite was scorched black all over, but it wasn't dead at all!

The burnt shell outside the body cracked, and new muscles grew again!

"Stinky bitch! I want you to die without a place to bury you. When I parasitize you, I'll sell you to Huajie to suffer humiliation!"

Without looking back, Sheng Yi gave the parasite a middle finger!

?(?? ?;) Convex "I'm going to go by myself, this girl is not interested!"

While speaking, the robotic arm popped out a syringe, and stabbed it in his neck!

The poison penetrated into the body, Sheng Yi's skin turned purple, and the blood he spit out was black!

This is an anti-parasitic serum. Although it is highly toxic, it can inhibit the growth of parasitic species in the body, so that it will not be completely occupied by the body!

It belongs to the method of defeating one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred!

The needle cylinder rotated, and I kindly gave myself another needle!

With this injection, the wound healed crazily, and her cheeks were flushed red!

"Hiss~ This time the blood potion is really strong! Puff~"

Chengyi vomited blood while complaining!

As a well-known ferryman, he will naturally be fully prepared for the mission!

The parasite was furious: "You're on a horse! You brought the serum too? Brother!"

Black narrowed his eyes: "Since you are shameless, you can't blame me! Garfield!"

I saw the corner of the Nagamma woman's mouth curled up!

"Rage? Gamma Legion!"

In an instant, streaks of dazzling gamma energy poured into the hundreds of thousands of younger brothers in the Wuhai Group!

Under the infusion of gamma energy, everyone's skin turned dark green, and their muscles swelled, making them as strong as calves!

Roaring and killing the kind smuggling team, the number of casualties increased sharply!

Shengyi couldn't care about anything else, and rushed into a Fengniao starship with Xiaoshen!

He grabbed the starship pilot and threw it aside, and sat on it by himself!

Xiao Shen pops up the star map!

"This star map was drawn last time. The planetary activity in the core area is intense, so there is a slight deviation. Please pay attention to Miss Sweetheart!"

Kindness has no time to talk to Xiaoshen!

"Heavenly Blessing? The Eye of the Starry Sky!"

In an instant, above the Fengniao starship, a giant golden eye opened, looking at Wuxian Daliu!

Immediately, drive the starship to full power and rush to the left!

Muttering while opening:

(*?????? ???)? "Damn it! Damn it! It's all well and good! I'm still lucky, how can I be so unlucky? It's unscientific!"

Garfield squinted: "Boss! That starship of hers!"

Black's eyes were full of excitement: "This is the ship. The main body of the cargo must be on this starship. Let me see where you are going!"

"Spiritual tide!"

The billowing mental power exploded, even distorting the void!

Experienced ferrymen usually arrange fleets with the same specifications to do the smuggling!

The goods are scattered and placed, and the other starships put a small amount of goods, even if they are lost, it is acceptable, as a cover-up!

And in one of them, more than half of the goods will be placed, as the main body, the most core starship!

Which starship is the main body, only the head knows!

Obviously, this is the one that was kindly opened!

Just when the spiritual tide was about to hit the starship, the kindness seemed to be a prophet!

The Fengniao starship turned extremely fast, rushed to the right, and even activated the warp drive!


Under the oppression of the spiritual tide, the surrounding starships were directly crushed and torn apart!

And the kind Fengniao has entered the state of warp speed sailing, and plunged out!

Blake:! ! !

(? °? Yi °?) "Damn it! Laozi Huang? The time for the empty glue bomb over there is over! She has long wanted to go to the right?"

I saw that hummingbird starship plunged into the torrent of Martial Immortals and disappeared!

Only kind voices echoed in the field: "Mission failed, each broke out to save their lives, remember to send the news to those who survived!"

Black's eyes were full of bad luck: "Third brother! You finish, don't let me let go of any of them!"

"Leave one starship here, and the rest! Follow me!"

While speaking, the remaining six solar wind starships formed a joint fleet, and they went straight to chase after the fleeing kindness!

Black stood at the bow, arms outstretched!

"Field unfolding? Extreme black storm!"

The ferocious mental power rushed out, turning black and gray, sweeping and blooming!

Support the torrent of martial arts, provide living space for the starship, and always cling to your kindness!

Sheng Yi seems to be in a panic, and she will go where the danger is!

The Fengniao starship is smoking, but it seems to be favored by the heavens!

Every time I can escape from death, seize the opportunity from the desperate situation, and rush out a way out!

Just don't crash!

This is a pain for Black, their fleet is huge and lacks mobility, and they can't escape the dangerous Wuxian torrent at all, so they can only rush in!


A solar wind-class starship couldn't withstand the scouring of the Martial Immortal Torrent, and was blown up!

Blake's heart is bleeding!

"Smelly bitch, this ship has to be yours too!"

While running, Shengyi still doesn't forget to turn her head and taunt!

(?????) "Chasing? Are you chasing me? If you catch up to me... sorry! You can't catch up at all!"

"I kindly wish you the woman you will never get! Is my name as the old driver of Wuxian Hongliu just a waste of money? Don't accept it? Puff~"

At this moment, in the eyes of the kind-hearted Tianjue, the world has changed!

The dynamics of Wuxian Hongliu are chaotic and unpredictable, but in her eyes, everything is covered with a layer of brilliance!

Some places are extremely dark and black, heralding death and destruction!

And some directions are golden, symbolizing hope and good luck!

Seek good luck and avoid bad luck, everything is kind!

This is the capital of a good meal!

Up until now, Shengyi has never encountered a situation where there are ten deaths and no life, even now!

But she really didn't know, how could she still be auspicious if she was like this?

There is no tendency to die at all, but Black and the others are covered by a strong ominous light of death, which is a short-lived appearance!

Obviously he won't live long!

But in this situation, it is obviously me who is going to die! Hey, the Fengniao starship is about to explode!

At this moment, Shengyi suddenly realized that one direction was shining with golden light, which symbolized great good luck!

Without even thinking about it, she rushed over in the spaceship!


The dilapidated Fengniao starship smashed through the Wuxian torrent that blocked the line of sight, and a huge dark matter shield suddenly appeared in front of it!

It is the highest-level domain-level Aegis Shield, which is generally used for the defense of small galaxies!

It's so expensive, it's not a rich family who can't afford it!

How could such a thing appear in Wuxian Torrent?

The dark matter energy shield has been eroded very thin, and even has holes, but it is still running!

There is no torrent of martial arts shrouding the inside!

Gritting your teeth with kindness, whatever it is, let's go in and talk about it first!

The smoking Raptor starship got in through the hole in the dark matter energy shield!

But as soon as she entered, she was dumbfounded!

Among them, the most conspicuous ones are more than a dozen star origin planets with a diameter of 30,000 kilometers!

right! That's right! It's the planet!

A complete planet made of pure star energy ores, polished extremely smooth!

Like a jewel inlaid in the sky!

Shengyi's view of the world has been impacted, she has only seen the star source energy block!

But it's the first time I've seen such a big one. Hey!

Is Xingyuan Planet okay? How much is this one worth?

What's even more frightening is that in this Aegis Shield, there is far more than just one kind of treasure, the star energy planet!

Sheng Yi was dumbfounded, what kind of shit luck did he have? Hey, what exactly is this place?

Isn't it the secret treasure trove of a certain boss?

However, the next moment, her expression froze!

I saw big characters written in the northern crown Pu language on a star source planet, the characters were so big that they could be clearly seen in the starry sky!

Books on the planet:

"There is no baby or anything here!!!"

——Insects and rain stay!

Sincerely:! ! !

I bother! You can just write baby on it, okay?


Hiss~ she is not...

Just as she was dazed, Black chased after him with his solar wind fleet!

Of the six chasing ships, only four remained, and two were smoking!

Black and the others also got in through the hole in the energy shield!

As soon as he came in, he just froze in place, watching Xingyuan planet drifting past his eyes!

I saw Blake's pitch-black face flushed instantly, and two nosebleeds spurted out uncontrollably!

Greed is written in his eyes!

(●Greedy? Greedy) "Ahahahaha! You're on a horse! It's done! It's done! The private treasury of the big mine owner?"

Just one planet is enough for him to have no worries in this life, so what kind of shabby source metal, compared with this private treasure house, is pure scum!

Sheng Yi was also surprised, that he broke into here by accident?

For some reason, the ominous omen on Black and the others seems to be stronger...

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