Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2200 Return to the Starry Sky

Seeing that Jiangnan and the others, under the leadership of Jiu Lan, fled along Styx Star Road!

You Ming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, but then his face was full of bad luck!

He Lai Lai's Jiangnan took away so many prisoners, Acrylic, Damon took them all out?

If I had known this before, I would not have agreed. God knows what will happen when they go out?

But what can we do now that this is the case? Just take it!

After all, taking back Chong Feiyu's fairy chrysalis shell also requires strength. There are many people and strength, and the minerals are enough to eat!

Helping Jiangnan is helping oneself!

But you can't just watch Jiangnan run away, so that you will be more suspected of letting the water go. Who knows if he will be held accountable by the Sacred Law Society in the future?

You have to do a full set of acting, what if there is an eyeliner nail planted by the Holy Law Society in your clan?

"Listen, little ones, Jiangnan leads people to escape from prison, and activates the highest level of combat readiness of the Nether clan!"

"Send out all the Nether Legion to hunt down, and don't let me release the Styx Starfield!"

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.\\ncom

"Remember to live! Jiangnan is now holding Jiulan as a hostage. She is my favorite goddaughter. If she loses a hair, you can just wait for her head to fall to the ground!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you act quickly?"

The jailers stood up straight and saluted!

∠(`~′*) "Yes! Master You Ming!"

So he quickly started notifying the various ministries of the Nether Race, and began to hunt them down!

While notifying, complaining wildly in my heart!

It's fine to hunt down Jiangnan and the others, but they still have to catch them alive, so they can't hurt Jiulan?

What kind of hell-level difficulty task is this? Hey!

But Lord You Ming has given orders, so what else can I do? If you can't do it, you have to do it?

As soon as the news spread, the Nether Legion in the entire star field moved, chasing and intercepting Jiangnan and his party!

Nether changed the subject:

(¬益≠?) "Bingchacha! You lead the Nether Legion to the front line and command the hunt! The fugitive Jiangnan must be arrested and brought to justice!"

His personal ability is very hot, he is a good-for-nothing, he probably won't be able to catch it, um~ that's him!

"Bingchacha? Where are you? Are you going?"

But at this moment, Gingchacha doesn't care about Master Youming's orders?

He rushed back to the dilapidated Styx Death Prison, and came to Chong Feiyu's room!

There was no one in the room, the furnishings were exactly the same as before, obviously Chong Feiyu left without any souvenirs!

She didn't think there was anything to commemorate in the past five thousand years, she was thinking about her insect swarm and family property!

Ging Chacha's eyes instantly locked on the lamp on the bedside table, and he let out an excited "Yahhoo"!

Great! Still there!

However, as soon as he took a step into the room, he instinctively blew his hair, afraid that there might be some trap, or a swarm of insects would rush out to subdue him!

In the past month, Gang Chacha has been cast out of the shadows!

But obviously he was overthinking, all the bugs were taken away, and Chong Feiyu didn't leave any extra arrangements!

Relieved, Gan Chacha rushed into the room, stole the lamp, and rushed out again!

Impatiently, I removed the lamp holder and quickly installed it for myself!

In an instant, a sense of steadiness arose spontaneously, and Ting Chacha couldn't help covering his mouth with tears streaming down his face!


finally! I finally found my own happiness wow!

It's too manang!

But crying and crying, Ging Chacha realized something was wrong!

and many more! There's a fart for me to get it back? It is still in the state of being coded, which is not easy to use at all?

You have to find Jiangnan to recover, only he can recover!

Σ( ° △ °|||) Jiangnan... Where is Jiangnan?

(#)?口?(#) "Ahhh!!!"

A groundhog's scream echoed in Styx Death Prison!

Jiangnan? Jiangnan stepped on a horse and escaped from prison! All ran away!

If he really ran away, who could recover himself? Have you missed happiness in your life?

[Resentment value from Gingchacha +1010! ]

[From Handchacha...]


Jiangnan! Can you still order more bamboo shoots? Everyone ran away and didn't even leave me a way to survive, you?



I saw two oversized grinding discs breaking through the surface of the Styx Death Star!

You Ming was startled!

Standing on the death millstone, Gang Chacha's momentum soared, drawing endless Styx energy, and his eyes were burning with blazing flames!

Handchacha is in full bloom!

(?Yi??) "Lord You Ming! Leave it to me! Even if I risk my life, I will definitely arrest Jiangnan!"

"Absolutely don't let him leave the Styx Starfield! I have never been so serious in my life! Jiangnan, let's go!"

While speaking, he controlled the death mill and chased in the direction of Jiangnan's escape!

Nether:? ? ?

Nima? Is this Chacha?

(????? mouth ≠)? "What the hell! You don't have to be so serious, there's no need to bet your own life, you are also my capable general, and I will feel sorry for you even if you die?"

"Hey hey~ listen to me!"

Handchacha didn't even look back:

?(?口??)? "Master You Ming! You don't need to say any more! How can I live up to your trust? Hey~ hold back and run! Stop!"

You Ming covered his face, you bastards who are usually hip-stretching, do you want to burn like this now?

Don't really get caught again, isn't that a bad thing?

I have scolded Chacha thousands of times in my heart!

However, the Styx koi is quitting at the moment, the fish usually gives it two or three blows, and the little one feeds himself!

Why did you push it more than twenty times today, and didn't give yourself a drink?

I just saw that little guy leave? After a burst of Nether energy, the location of Jiangnan was determined!

I saw the Styx koi once again made a strong header and hit the Styx death star!

Spray blood on You Mingding's nostrils, then flick the fish's tail, smashing the god king's face!

Colorful lights surged around him, and the huge fish body disappeared into the river in an instant!

Nether:! ! !

gone? how did it go Hold back? It's not over yet!

At this moment, You Ming couldn't help but thump in his heart!

Fuck! This stinky fish shouldn't be chasing Jiangnan and the others, right? You must know that the Styx koi have the ability to travel freely in the Styx star field!

If Jiangnan and the others were cut off by koi halfway, would they survive?

At this moment, You Ming looked at the direction in which Jiangnan was escaping, and then at the Styx Death Star who had been pushed far away!

At this moment, the Death Star of Styx is all shrunken and smoking, and its miserable state looks like a melted black frozen pear!

It seems that it will shatter into dregs when touched!

You Ming's face became even darker, a good Death Star of the Styx, how could it be made like this!

do not care!

Good people do it to the end, send the Buddha to the West!

The furious Styx stomped his foot, and the man disappeared on the river!

?(ò benefit ≠;)? "Where are you going!"


The journey on Jiangnan's side was extremely smooth, Jiulan didn't take Jiangnan around in circles, and took the shortest path!

Now that he has come to the edge of the Styx star field, he will be able to go out in a short time!

Although this road has encountered a lot of siege and interception by the Nether Legion!

But with the hostages in hand, they didn't dare to act rashly, otherwise they would lose their heads!

Seeing that they will be able to go out in a short time, the hearts of all the members of the Bully Gang are cheered up!

Are you going to be free soon?

However, at this moment, another Nether Legion of hundreds of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the river!

Formed an airtight encirclement!

Before Jiulan changed the river channel, the team leader said: "This road is blocked, Jiangnan! I advise you to obediently release the hostages, and you still have your life, otherwise... ah~"

Before the words were finished, the boundless light bloomed, and the Styx koi appeared in the river in an instant!

The hundreds of thousands of Nether Legion were all overturned by the turbulent energy flow!

The encirclement was directly broken!

At this moment, the Styx koi was extremely excited, and headed towards everyone in the south of the Yangtze River with its head raised!

This scene is extremely terrifying!

The eyes of the bullies who were frightened were protruding, and they kept screaming!

Σ(??口??|||(????? ????)…

The acrylic even changed color!

Depend on! what's the situation? Compared with this one, it seems safer to stay in the iron chrysalis, right?

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely: (??????) "giao! How did this colorful crucian carp croak be released? Netherworld eats shit?"

Come to find yourself to drink vigorously again?

No! Really gone! Hey! Just leave me some wealth, I have to go to the mine to expand the territory!

The grievance value has been exchanged for you to drink vigorously, what should I use?

Chong Feiyu patted Jiangnan on the back frantically!

(???﹏??)?? "Hey, hey! What to do? What to do? Think of a way! It's coming over again! None of us can stop it!"

Jiang Nan looked ruthless, raised his hand and took out a small colorful cupping pot from the sack, double-clicked it and threw it to Tarot!

"Never mind! Throw it out! Little Jiujiu! Change the river course! Hurry up!"

I saw that Tarot's muscles exploded, and with a roar, he threw the small colorful cupping pot violently!

In the next moment, Jiulan used Styx Star Road to lead everyone to change rivers collectively!

They have even seen the edge of the Styx star field!

At this moment, the small colorful cupping pot directly shattered into stars!


The unparalleled colorful light burst out instantly, like an exploding rainbow!

The powerful force blasted the fish head to one side, and even cut off the river!

Such terrifying power made Chong Feiyu and Acrylic's eyes widen!

∑(??口??lll(??? ????)

Fuck? What was that one you just threw out?

The power is so terrifying?

Not to mention the planets, the river Styx was blown up? What level of weapon is this, hello!

Does Jiang Nan still have this kind of treasure in his hand?

If he wanted to, he could even blow up the Styx Death Star at any time, right?

Looking at this scene, Jiang Nan was also horrified!

I knock? Is the power of this small colorful cupping pot pulled out from the Styx koi so terrifying?

When I pulled it out at the beginning, I didn't think it took much effort. Who knew that Broken Star was so powerful?

Had I known earlier, I would have pulled out a little more? What a loss!

Dark matter starburst bombs are weaker than colorful cupping pots, okay?

However, this blow did not cause any substantial damage to the Styx koi!

It can't even break the defense. It's the energy pulled out of its body, so how can it hurt him?

I saw the Styx koi shaking its head, swishing its tail, and rushed into the river where Jiangnan and the others were in again!

Head up and hit again!

To drink!

Chongfeiyu plucked at Jiangnan's sleeves:

(? Mouth?.) "Is there any more? Let's do it! Do it again!"

Jiangnan's face is full of distress:

(¬﹏¬?) "There are not many left! There are only a hundred or so left. Use one less?"

Chongfeiyu:? ? ?

You don’t know how much you call this?

Just when Jiang Nan was about to throw another one in pain, he saw the figure of You Ming suddenly appearing on the side of the Styx koi!

With a roar, he swung his fist and smashed it: "Hey! Stinky fish! Don't hurt my favorite goddaughter!"


A powerful electric cannon hammered heavily on the fish eyes of the Styx koi!

He just smashed the koi of the Styx River, and the terrifying force directly blew up the channel of the Styx River!

Energy ripples swept out and turned into waves, pushing Jiangnan and others out of the Styx star field and falling out of the river!

At this moment, Jiang Nan and the gang of bullies also officially returned to the starry sky, completely out of the scope of the Styx star field!

No longer suppressed by the energy of the Styx, all the abilities on the body are liberated in all directions!

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