Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2197 Prison Break! start

Jiang Nan laughed out loud, reaching out and patting Acrylic's chest!

( ?° ? ?°)? "Don't be afraid, my own people, acrylic is still very kind to people, everyone should love each other and get along with each other in a friendly way!"

"Really? Acrylic?"

At this moment, the faces of the bully gang members were all pale, and their legs were shaking like little rubber bands!

Boss Nanshen, you can't hold back, don't you want your hands?

What if they get violent again and chop us all up?

No one uses soap now!

I saw the veins on Acrylic's forehead twitching violently, and a ferocious smile squeezed out of his face to look at everyone!

(?°??°??) "Gone!"

Suo Na swallowed, with a look of surprise!

I am super? So Acrylic joins the Bully Gang? There is Damon in the gang, there is Chongfeiyu, and there is Scarlet Miracle Acrylic?

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.\\ncom

Can't this go out invincible?

Acrylic's eyes suddenly fell on Damon's body, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes!

He actually strode over and stood in front of Damon!

Damon: (?﹏?メ)

"Excuse me...why are you looking at me like that? Is there something strange on my face?"

Acrylic sneered:

(? ̄??  ̄??) "I didn't expect you to be here. The last duel has not yet been decided!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense!

Damon almost cried in fright:

??(???メ) "You... are you trying to hit me? Or did I do something to apologize to you?"

"Then...then you hit me twice to relieve your anger, can't you win?"

The expression on Acrylic's face froze, with question marks all over his face!

Turning around, he looked at Jiangnan with a confused face. This big coward in front of him is really the evil emperor who has fought so hard with him?

Jiang Jiang said with a smile, "Don't bully Damon, it wasn't this Damon that beat you that day, but that Damon!"

Acrylic: ? ? ?

What the hell? Why don't you leave it here with the two of us?

Isn't it all from him?

I saw Acry leaning on his chin, staring at Damon in circles with great interest!


Damon was so stared at, he covered his face in embarrassment!


Jiang Nan clapped his little hands: "Alright, alright, since you are all ready, then wait for my news, and then act together. I will prepare first, and then go to capture the hostages!"

While speaking, he rushed into the golden house and fiddled for a while, no one knew what Jiangnan was doing!

After a while, he came out of the room. After calculating the time, it was almost the same time. He turned his head and brewed his emotions, and went straight to the unconscious room in the women's prison area!

Hearing that Jiangnan was going to take hostages, the hearts of everyone in the Bully Gang were raised!

You know, Nether is in the Styx Death Prison. Under such circumstances, it must be very difficult to take hostages and escape with nearly ten thousand people, right?

Talosso, they looked at each other and nodded!

(?????) "Let's go! Follow the past to see, we can't let Boss Nanshen do his own work!"

(o' ? ')? "That's right, see if there's anything I can do to help!"

So a group of people followed behind Jiangnan's buttocks...

In the women's prison area, in the room of the unconscious!

With bitterness in Jiang Nan's eyes, he gently opened the door, and then closed it again!

Jiulan had been waiting here early, and she was standing in the room with her back to Jiangnan!

Hearing the sound of the door opening, my heart skipped a beat!

Jiang Nan said hoarsely:

(o? ? ?) "I'm coming..."

Jiu Lan bit her lower lip tightly, looking back suddenly, her eyes were red and swollen, obviously she had just cried!

Is this moment finally here?

Jiulan took a deep breath and looked directly at Jiangnan:

(????? ? ????)"are you ready?"

Jiang Nan nodded heavily, opened his arms towards Jiu Lan, and smiled alone!

(?︶??︶) "Get ready! I will do my best and leave nothing to chance, so that tonight will be the most unforgettable memory in your life!"

At this moment, nearly 10,000 bullies outside the door helped the younger brothers one by one, lying on the wall and eavesdropping in the corridor!

Hearing this, the expressions on everyone's faces became teasing!

(′?????)( ???)(???????‵)

Where did this special meow come to take hostages? Obviously something is wrong, right?

Chong Feiyu stared:

(??????) "Shhhhhhh, don't make any noise!"

After speaking, he leaned on the wall and eavesdropped excitedly!

Wang Youzhi: (?_? )

Acrylic: (¬_¬)…

In the room, Jiulan clenched her teeth tightly, with a complicated expression on her face!

(′? _ ?`) "You know? How much do I think this moment will never come? But after all, it is my fantasy. The dream is broken, and I should wake up!"

Jiang Nan looked solemn:

(??????) "Let's do it! Complete your task! People are in the wind, and we can't get together!"

"Life is like a train that never stops. I am just a beautiful scenery you pass by, and the scenery will eventually pass! My life ends here, and your life still continues!"

"As long as you can remember me! That's enough! Do it!"

Jiulan:! ! !

His white teeth were clenched tightly, his eyes were blood red, and he rushed to Jiangnan in a single step, and smashed his nail fist towards Jiangnan's face fiercely!

Jiang Nan didn't resist, but looked at Jiulan with a smile!

However, at the moment when the fist was about to land on Jiangnan's face, the fist stopped abruptly!

The terrifying fist wind reverberated throughout the room of the unconscious, like ghosts crying and wolves howling!

Jiulan's whole body was discouraged, and the tears dripped down uncontrollably!

(? ??????? ???????) "No! I can't do it! You go! Escape! Escape now!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (?? mouth??) "I escaped? What do you do? You belong to the vice warden? And the Styx star field spans eight million light years, I can't escape, I..."

Jiulan wiped away her tears:

(???﹏???) "Don't worry about me! Run away! I don't want you to die here! Escape, hijack the jailer or use your strength to attract the Styx koi to take you out!"

"How will you know if you don't try? I'll hold Master You Ming back, divert his attention, and buy you time!"

Jiang Nan shook his head:

(︶~︶〃)? "Didn't I hurt you?"

Jiu Lan anxiously said: (???﹏??)? "Don't dawdle, before I repent, I am a Nether tribe, and Lord Nether will not kill me if I make a mistake, at most it is a lesson I have a meal!"

"I don't want you to die here!"

Jiang Nan bit his lower lip tightly: "Why are you doing this to me? Is it worth it?"

Jiu Lan was stunned, and then her eyes were complicated: "There is nothing worth it! Some things are not measured by value!"

"In my life, I have never fought for anyone! I don't want to regret it! Go! Go! Then I will never see you again in this life!"

While speaking, he pushed Jiang Nan, signaling him to leave quickly!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath: "Okay! I'll go! I'll run away! But compared to this, I have a better way, but does it require your cooperation?"

Jiulan said urgently: "What can I do? Tell me quickly! If I can help, I will definitely help!"

Jiang Nan's mouth curled up, and he pulled Jiu Lan's arm, and with her exclamation, pulled him into her arms!

He strangled her neck with one hand, raised his other hand, curled up his middle finger, and pointed it at her temple!

(?ˉ? ? ˉ?) "Like...taking you as my hostage!"

Jiu Lan was stunned, her face full of astonishment!

The next moment, the entire wall of the unconscious room made an overwhelmed sound!

Under Jiu Lan's sluggish eyes, he fell to the ground with a loud bang!

There are nearly ten thousand bully gangsters, all displayed in front of Jiulan, one on top of the other, and they even keep eavesdropping!


Jiangnan: (??ω???)...

I saw Chong Feiyu mockingly:

(?? ???) "Hurry up! Leave me alone before I regret it!"

"Have you ever risked your life for anyone in your life~"

Wang Youzhi manually made a funny face:

(??╰╯??) "I don't want you to die here ~ go! Hurry up! Then I will never see you again in this life!"

"Ah~ this ride is love~"

Jiulan:! ! !


I saw that Jiulan was like a boiling kettle, her face became redder than a red apple, and she let out a sharp scream!

Is there anything more shameful than this?

All-round social death? Did they all hear it?

Don't you know it's impolite to listen to the wall? Although I have no qualifications to say that others are!

At this moment, Jiu Lan can't wait to find a crack in the ground and sneak in. This is really embarrassing, okay?

It turns out that Jiangnan and the others were already ready to escape from prison? Even the personnel are assembled?

Seeing this scene, Jiu Lan understood everything in an instant, and understood why You Ming wanted to accept herself as a goddaughter!

As well as the full meaning of those words, it turns out that Lord You Ming already intended to cooperate?

It's a pity that I was still kept in the dark and didn't figure it out until now?

[The resentment value from Jiulan +1011! ]

[The resentment value from Jiulan +1011! ]

[From Jiulan...]

All of a sudden, the grievance value has been brushed to the top of the chart!

Jiang Nan knew about it a long time ago, and he didn't say anything, and he still tricked himself? Let yourself say such a shameful thing?

He's not as bad as him. Hey, he's deceiving people's feelings and tears!

I was immersed in sadness and never thought that there was something wrong?

In an instant, Jiu Lan understood everything!

Southerners are indeed big liars! Big pig's hoof, you can't believe a word Jiangnan said!

Looking at the list of grievance points that had been brushed out for the phantom, it directly reached a record high!

Jiulan in her arms was like a red hot soldering iron, her earlobes were completely red!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??﹏?? ?) "The...what the hell, I didn't ask them to come here, they came here by themselves, it's...puh~"

I saw Jiu Lan directly elbowed Jiangnan's ribs with a cannon hammer, and gave him a whole row of ribs and fans to smash them all!

Jiangnan spat out more than three catties of old blood!

All the bully gang members were shocked, their expressions were serious, how could they dare to laugh at Jiulan?

Jiang Nan couldn't straighten his back in pain, so he leaned on Jiulan's body!

(????? |||) "I... I am a vicious criminal, can you, a hostage, be more professional? Respect my profession, okay?"

Jiulan Grinds His Teeth: (???Dish??)? "Necrosis, you've got it! I'd be a fool to believe you again! Why don't you start acting soon?"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (??ˇ?ˇ??:) "Yes, yes, yes! Listen to the hostages, the hostages are pissed off!"

For some reason, at this moment, Jiu Lan did not feel the sadness she had before. Although she was taken hostage, she felt joyful from the bottom of her heart!

I was even so excited that I couldn't help myself!

Are you going to the stars? Although as a hostage?

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