Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2195 Is this world wrong?

Acrylic was stunned, and he released Lao Tzu when he came up?

Why didn't you play the cards according to the routine?

I just finished talking harshly, is this going to hit or not? If you fight, you will be manipulated by Chong Feiyu!

If you don't fight, will you lose your position?

At this moment, Acrylic is kneeling on the ground, and the air is filled with embarrassment!

It's better to let him go first, why bother to do such a meaningless move?

What's more, now that I am physically weak, it is not a good time to do it!

It's not that I'm cowardly, it's just judging the situation!

And this mosaic...

Jiangnan was indeed the one who let him out last time, but he used himself as a gun!

Thinking of this, Acrylic's face was full of hostility again!

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"It's nothing! Why did you release me again? I'm not your tool!"

"You want me to do it? I don't!"

Jiang Nan hugged his shoulders and grinned, it was true that he brought the insects to Feiyu, big fists worked!

It's not impossible to communicate!

(? ̄?? ̄?) "Don't get me wrong, I let you out this time because I have something to talk to you about. I don't know... are you interested in going out!"

Acrylic's eyes froze: "Go out? Out of the Styx star field? Heh~ it's just you? Don't make interstellar jokes with me here!"

"You can handle You Ming? Besides, You Ming won't let me out! Maybe you want to use my power to achieve some ulterior purpose?"

"I've already been used by you once. I won't step on the same pit a second time. You guys should go back to where you came from!"

While talking, he dragged his exhausted body to the wall, leaned against the wall and sat down, his movements were casual, and he looked at Jiangnan with disdain in his eyes!

Jiang Nan sneered: "Don't treat yourself too much, I want to escape from prison, and I don't need you to do it!"

"Your little strength is useless. I was just asking you if you want to go out with me!"

Acrylic squinted, and a bloody pupil split between his brows, staring at Jiangnan. For some reason, Jiangnan felt like he had been seen through!

I also had this feeling when facing Brother Jian!

The corner of Acrylic's mouth curled up:

(?ˉ?? ˉ?) "Oh? Looks like you're serious! Together? Of course we want to be together?"

"Who wants to be locked up here if I can get out? If you can take me out, then the previous things will be written off!"

If Lao Tzu can get out, no one will want to catch Lao Tzu anymore. In this way, he can kill him to his heart's content!

Jiangnan smiled: (⌒?⌒?) "Of course! It is not unconditional to take you out! If you agree, I will take you!"

Acrylic said with great interest:

(??д??) "Oh? Tell me!"

Jiang Nan raised a finger:

?(ˉ?? ˉ??) "Listen to me! Don't kill people casually! You can do what I tell you to do, and you can't do what I don't allow you to do!"

Acrylic was startled, then his eyes turned cold, but he grinned:

"Yes? What's so difficult about it? As long as you can take me out, it's not impossible to listen to you! After all, you can be regarded as my benefactor, right?"

The smile on Jiang Nan's face remained the same, but two veins burst out on his forehead!

(?°??°?) "Fei Yu!"

With Jiangnan's permission, Chong Feiyu smiled excitedly, rushed forward, covered his acrylic face with his small hands, and slapped the wall hard!


Acrylic's head was smashed into the wall immediately, and Chong Feiyu's other hand was a burst of crazy little punches!

The acrylic that was beaten is straight to the dregs!

(?°?д°?) "Why are you talking to my concubine Chong'er? Are you floating?"

Talk and fight!

Jiang Nan squatted in front of Acrylic and smiled:

(⌒_⌒?) "Are you kidding me? To be honest, I don't have the patience to waste time with you here!"

"You know, that's not the answer I want! Answer me after you think about it!"

"Fei Yu! Don't stop until I tell you to stop!"

The sound of hammering was endless, Jiang Nan squinted, if he could believe Acrylic's verbal promise, he would be a fool!

Let him out, I don't know how to make trouble!

The acrylic was cracked by the hammer, but he didn't resist, but laughed wildly!

"Every one of you has a face! Other than that, what else can you do with me? You say nice things, take me out? You just want to use my strength and make me a knife in your hand !"

"Silicon is like this! Nether is like this! You are like this! Want me to be your dog? Go to hell! My acrylic life is only for myself! I will never bow to anyone!"

"Let me out and I will start killing until I die or the world is destroyed! Hahahaha! Come on! Keep hitting! Kill me?"

Chong Feiyu stared, are you still excited? After a few heavy punches, all the limbs of Acrylic were broken!

There are cracks all over the body, it seems that it will shatter at any time!

However, Jiang Nan patted Chong Feiyu on the head, signaling her to stop!

Acrylic coughed violently, but his blood-colored eyes were full of stubbornness!

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "Let's go straight! What do you want! I'll give it to you! Don't be afraid to speak! I can afford it!"

Acrylic started laughing wildly when he heard it, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world!

They even cracked themselves laughing!

"Can you afford it? What will you give? Don't be kidding me! I want to reshape this fucking world. I don't think there are any slaves under this starry sky! I want to make this world what I want it to be !"

"You can do it? You can do it ass! Just like those people who want to use me as a knife! Don't tell me you can! No one can do it! The world is broken! There is no cure ! Only destruction! Destruction is a new beginning!"

"So I want to kill! Kill all life! Kill until I die! Hahahaha~"

Acrylic laughed maniacally, but Jiangnan heard the sadness from his laughter!

Sweating profusely on Chong Feiyu's forehead, he got up and pulled Jiang Nan's sleeve in distaste:

(? ??﹏??) "How about we don't want this subordinate? He seems to have a problem with his brain~"

Wang Youzhi covered his face: (?)′-﹏-) "It should be him who can't be saved, right?"

Damon can still persuade, Acrylic is too deep!

However, Jiangnan looked at the acrylic, and there was a trace of excitement that had been accumulated for a long time in his eyes!

(⌒?⌒〃) "Ahahahahaha!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan raised his head and laughed!

This sudden shock surprised both Chong Feiyu and Wang Youzhi, who looked at Jiangnan in horror!

"(o口o*)??? ????)

Why did he laugh too?

Crazy batches are also contagious?

Acrylic couldn't stop laughing, and couldn't help but glared at Jiangnan with a ferocious face!

"Are you laughing? Are you laughing at me? What right do you have to laugh at me? Try laughing at me again?"

"I must kill you! Kill you!"

Jiang Nan even burst into tears from laughter, he couldn't help waving his hands and said:

"Don't be angry! It's just that I haven't met someone like you for a long time! This idea is so naive!"

Acrylic stared: "You..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "Naive! But it's worth working hard for! This world really lacks idealists like you! There is even less people who dare to put their ideals into action!"

"But your method! It doesn't work at all in today's starry sky!"

"I can tell you with confidence, I can give you the world you want!"

Acrylic sneered: "Fart! What kind of cake are you drawing with me? You can give it if you say you can? Why?"

The smile on Jiang Nan's face gradually disappeared: "Based on what you said... It's also the world I want!"

Acrylic was stunned, and looked at Jiangnan in disbelief:

Σ( ° △ °|||) " want it too?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "Of course! I don't know how long you have been imprisoned here, and maybe I don't know the current situation of human beings!"

"But I can tell you that human beings were almost developed into slaves, and Blue Star was almost developed into Star Market. My elders were also marked as slaves, and finally died under the slave mark! I hate this thing ! This system!"

"But human beings have survived now and joined the star sequence, but they have also paid a price that will never be recovered!"

"I once imagined that if there was no such damned slavery system, and the bright starry sky would be free, would all of this simply not have happened?"

Acrylic looked at Jiangnan in astonishment. Humans were almost developed into slaves?

Compared with the Jiyue Clan, humans are lucky!

Jiang Jiang continued: "I have participated in the auction and witnessed the auction of slave species. At that time, I was wondering why people's hearts are so cold!"

"My ability is limited, I couldn't change the result, and I couldn't save those sub-races! But I was thinking at that time, would this world be broken, wrong! Is it developing in the wrong direction?"

"Endless lives and diverse races shouldn't be treated like this! Hundreds of flowers are blooming, competing for beauty, thousands of peaks are competing for beauty, and their respective civilizations collide and merge with each other, pushing the civilization of the starry sky to a peak?"

"Perhaps this is the right path. Weak races should not be completely strangled and enslaved. They should also have their own rights!"

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest is the law of this starry sky, does the existence of the slave system kill too many possibilities?"

Acrylic said excitedly: "Yes! That's it! The slave system is wrong! It shouldn't exist!"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "It is undeniable, but today's slavery system is also the result of Xingkong's long-term development, and it has its own reasons!"

"Once the slavery system is abolished and all races develop freely, for the sake of resources and interests, the big fish will naturally eat the small fish, the strong race will oppress the weak, massacres, plunder, wars, disorderly chaos, and finally everything will return to peace!"

"New rules that can maintain peaceful development are born. Where are those little fishes? Where did they go? Either they died, or they were enslaved, and their own value was squeezed out. This is just a new reincarnation!"

"Indeed! The slave system is not desirable, it is a cancer in the starry sky world, but why did it appear? Have you ever thought about it? Why did this world become what you hate? Is it really the world that is wrong?"

Acrylic stared at Jiangnan blankly, his whole body froze, he never thought about this!

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