Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2173 Eat whatever you want

The two lunatics were dealt with by Chong Feiyu, turned into silkworm chrysalis and hung upside down!

The riot that swept through the Styx Death Prison was suppressed!

It's just that Styx Death Prison has been demolished, and many buildings have been destroyed!

The jailers also appeared to have suffered a lot of casualties, enough for the Nether Race and the others to take care of them!

Chong Feiyu raised his hand and stretched fiercely:

?(*?~?)? "You're welcome, I'll leave these two to you!"

"As for the rewards, you can give them up to you. If it doesn't satisfy me, I don't mind coming here a few times!"

The corner of Shanchacha's mouth twitched, is there a reward for this?

But with Chong Feiyu's strength, if she makes a fuss, the consequences will be more serious than Acrylic's escape!

After all, it was Chong Feiyu who helped to suppress it, so he owed her a favor!

I can only force a dry smile from my face:

(⌒?⌒;) "Ahaha~ahhaha~ you have the final say!"

Since most of the prisoners in the field were unable to move, Gan Chacha was also suffering from side effects!

We can only arrange for the Nether Legion to clean up the mess and send the prisoners back to their cells. Of course, if the cells are still there...

Those who don't have a cell will be locked up with other prisoners for the time being!

Of course the Nether Legion is willing to do this job? It's just hard for the prisoners!

As it turns out, invincibility comes at a price!

The Styx Death Prison is cleaning up the mess, and Jiang Nan took the opportunity to sneak back to the prison area with a sack on his back!

Find a bathroom that hasn't been knocked down at random, and open the sack that contains Jehovah!

As soon as it was opened, billowing immortal energy floated out of the sack!

Even though Jiang Nan was mentally prepared, seeing this scene, he couldn't help but vomit!

At this moment, Ye Hua's eyes were staring, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes!

Her face turned blue and purple, and her belly was as big as a balloon!

(o? ж ?o)

One of the horns on the top of the head was broken, and I don't know where it went!

Since putting Yahweh in the sack, the grievance value has not stopped!

As soon as he came out, Ye Hua was stunned. Where is this place? Wasn't it chased and eaten by the Styx koi?

Is this in the stomach of a fish? Is there a bathroom in the fish maw?

[Resentment value from Jehovah +1007! ]

[From the Lord…]

"Jiangnan? You..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan didn't say a word, and directly slammed his bow at Yahweh for a while, crazy big b pocket!

His head swayed from side to side from the beating, and his memory was deleted back to forty minutes ago!

While Yahweh was still ignorant, he hurried away. After all, the smell on Yahweh was really bright, and it was all marinated!

At this moment, Yahweh felt his face was numb, and he just woke up from the ignorance!

In my memory, I have just driven out the prisoners, and I am going back to help Chacha!

However, the next moment, Ye Hua felt like he was about to explode!

The sky and the earth are big, but they are not as big as Sanji!

I really want to do whatever I want, I just happen to have a bathroom!

I saw Yahweh hastily sitting on the toilet, pushing hard!

Um? Why can't the gate be opened?

Shocked, Yahweh checked it quickly, but it didn't matter, his eyeballs almost popped out!


Fuck wow! horn? How could Lao Tzu's horn come here?

(???Yi??)? "Eh~"

Ye Hua, who had reached his limit, sank into his dantian, and exerted a fierce force!

Hearing the sound of "Boom", half of Styx Death Prison trembled three times!

Sitting down on the toilet was immediately blown to pieces, and even the floor with the strong-phase alloy was blown out of holes!

This is hard for the prisoners downstairs!

At this moment, he is playing with his roommate, you chase me, if you catch me, I will let you play the game of Yahouhou!

However, the ceiling of the shed was blasted instantly, and a broken horn flew along the hole at an astonishing speed!

The startled prisoner quickly split his crotch, and the broken horn plunged directly into the floor!

Σ(っ °口°;)っ "Hiss ~ what's going on? What happened upstairs... ahhhhh!"

Before he finished speaking, the violent storm poured down the holes in the ceiling!

The two prisoners were terrified and shouted in horror!

_(?﹏?ゝ∠)_"Brother upstairs, stop working hard! I'm afraid! You're riding too hard, right?"

_(?Yi?ゝ∠)_"Let me out! I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything! Is this hell? Stop it! It'll be full!"

The side effects of soap are on the body, let alone running away, it is difficult to move a nest!

Jehovah is happy, but the prisoners downstairs are suffering!


Jiang Huazi turned into Jiang Suona in a blink of an eye, and now he was carrying a sack and sneaked into the dilapidated women's prison area!

Prepare to hide the dirty stuff first, it must not be put in your own cell, the safest place in the Styx Death Prison should be Chong Feiyu's cell!

Jiang Nan is going to hide the dirt under her bed!

As soon as I wandered into a dilapidated room, I heard the sound of splashing water coming from the deformed bathroom!

Jiang Suona was stunned, who is this? It's all like this, and you're still in the mood to take a shower? What a big heart!

However, at this moment, Yahweh's soaring cannon collapsed half of the Hell of the Styx!

Hearing a "click", the deformed door of the bathroom was overwhelmed after all, and fell to the ground with a bang!

Jiang Suona subconsciously tilted his head and meowed!


However, this glance directly made his eyes widen, and his mouth opened wide!

In the bathroom, Jiu Lan fell to the ground, biting the rubber band of her shorts in her mouth, and the other side was hooked on the water valve!

Barely stretch it up!

Lifting one leg, trying to put it in, but the posture is extremely weird!

At this moment, Jiang Suona and Jiu Lan's eyes met and intertwined in the air, as if time was frozen at this moment!


Almost instinctively!

Imprinting my soul!

In fact, it's not Jiulan's fault, she managed to survive until the effect time passed, and she was able to catch the clothes on her body!

But due to side effects, she couldn't catch anything!

But how can this stump the clever Jiulan? I could only bite my teeth and try to put it on, after all, I didn't put soap on my teeth!

Who knew that at this critical moment, the door fell off, and Jiang Suona happened to be outside...

If there is really lucky Si K in this world, then it must be Jiangnan, right?

Jiu Lan's eyes were full of panic, so she shielded her!

(??◣口◢)? "Suona! Die! You die for me!"

Substantial killing intent burst out from his body, trying to rush up to kill Suo Na!

How does this make me live?

However, Jiu Lan, who was trying to get up, fell on her back again!

I saw Jiang Suona wiped his nosebleed, stepped forward to pick up the door and put it back on!

(︶?︶?) "Next time you encounter this kind of thing, remember to cover your face..."

After finishing speaking, he left silently, brushed off his clothes when it was over, and hid his merit and fame deeply!

Jiulan:! ! !

(??Yi?)? "So! I remember you! Wait! You wait for me! I will kill you!"

Jiang Nan snickered, luckily he didn't use his own account!

So he sneaked into Chong Feiyu's cell again, got a general understanding of the situation from her, and hid the dirt under her bed, telling her to take care of it!

Remember to change the sack when the time comes, and I will come to pick it up if I need it!

After doing all this, Jiang Suona finally quietly returned to his cell!

Reverted to his own appearance, redrawing tattoos on his body!

Seeing Jiangnan coming back, Suo Na almost cried out!

(???﹏?) "You can be regarded as coming back, it's not easy to be the boss, it's better for you to be the boss!"

Jiang Nan grinned and patted Sona on the shoulder in satisfaction:

( .? ??)? "You did a good job, you are worthy of being my capable general!"

The two looked at each other, and there was even a hint of guilt in their eyes!

Obviously, neither of them knew what the other was doing with his account...

Suo Na became himself again, and was sent back to his cell by Jiang Nan!

Before leaving, I didn't forget to pat him on the shoulder, with a serious expression on his face!

"Life is not easy, eat whatever you want, just tell me if you have any wishes, and I will help you realize what I can help you!"

Sona looked confused, what's going on?


Jiang Nan, who returned to the small shop, cut into a female number again to prevent being attracted by Heigang!

"You said that after your side effects broke out, it was Damon who stood up to stop Acrylic, whose strength is comparable to that of Acrylic?"

"That Da Mengmeng who was beaten up by me when he first came in? Are you right?"

Hei Gang said excitedly: "That's right! It's Damon, old wild, with two personalities, who seem to use some kind of evil energy, the kind that kills people, just looking at it makes their legs weak, feeling You will die yourself, you thief!"

"It's too perverted for two perverts to fight, but the eldest sister is even more perverted, and it's all controlled by going up and down!"

Jiang Nan was startled, his eyes sparkled, giao!

I just said that I can't see the wrong person, Damon is so fierce?

And from what Heigang said, Damon's ability is like the killing power taught to him by the executioner Uncle Wang?

"Tell me about it in detail!"

Hei Gang danced and narrated the details to Jiang Nan, Jiang Nan's eyes flickered, and he listened carefully!

Judging from the current situation, Acrylic and Damon are not normal, in a state of madness!

This kind of existence can be used for one's own use if it is guided well. If it is not guided, it will be a pure disaster if it is taken out!

While thinking about it, Jiangnan already has an idea, but what will happen in detail will only be known after getting in touch with it!

The current operation is considered a success, but compared to Acrylic and Damon, I still have more important things to do!

Just wait for Nether to come back!

Ging Chacha was a little worried. Acrylic fled and caused such serious consequences, and he could hardly escape the blame!

The secret was exposed, and I lost my face!

Jiulan took a bath to wash herself off, and it takes so long for girls to take a bath?

The problem is that he also got the news that the Pearl Star Port was robbed, which almost happened in tandem with the riot here!

Will there be any connection between the two?

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