Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2164 There are fish in the Styx River! its name is carp

The alloy door opened, and the crystal treasure house was completely presented to Jiangnan!

I saw rows of shelves densely packed and neatly arranged, all of which were crystal clear Styx crystals!

The treasure chests were filled to the brim, and each chest contained tens of thousands of Styx crystals!

Looking around, there are countless treasure chests in the warehouse!

The strategic reserve gathered from more than a dozen life planets around is absolutely amazing!

As soon as you open the door, you feel boundless spiritual power rushing towards you. Is this the taste of happiness?

In comparison, the profit made by Nanshen Small Shop is just a drop in the bucket, okay?

Jiang Huazi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth!

Warehouse pipeline: (??﹏??) "Hua...Hua brother? Can you tell me how many crystals are going to be stored in this batch, and it's also convenient for me to record the quantity!"

I saw Jiangnan raised his hand and punched Kuguan in the face with a nail fist!

[Resentment value from Stryker +1008! ]


Ku Guan was stunned by this sudden suddenness, he covered his nose and burst into tears!

(???) "What's wrong? You hit me..."

As soon as he agreed, Jiangnan directly put the sack on his head, and in a blink of an eye, he also put the sack on the warehouse manager!

No matter how crazy he struggles, don't even think about escaping!

Throw the two sacks aside casually, and when the door is closed, only Jiangnan and Chong are left in the huge crystal warehouse!

?(o﹃o?) "Goose Box~ It's gone! Insect's right hand? Together, leaving half a crystal for them is irresponsible to my criminal status!"

While speaking, he stuffed a lot of dumb sacks into Chong's right hand, and rushed out with the dumb sacks in his hand, his movements were almost mirage!

Pour box by box into sacks!

Chong twitched his right hand and said, "Look at you, who has never seen the world, you have spent so much effort, just for such a little treasure?"

"You've worked hard too!"

As the mother queen of the Zerg Race, a star-swallowing boss, there is a mine at home, what treasure has Chong Feiyu never seen?

Even the Styx Crystal in this warehouse did not stir up any waves in Chong Feiyu's heart!

But he also picked up the sack and packed it up!

(*???) "Oh, it's so big?"

In the depths of the warehouse, there are still more than a dozen huge Styx crystals stored!

The small ones are the size of buildings, the ones in one piece!

The biggest one is like a mountain peak, its whole body is crystal clear, exuding extremely pure spiritual power!

Jiang Nan is naturally not polite, and accepts everything as ordered!

If you suck it all up, how strong will your mental strength be?

If a sack can't fit, use a sack within a sack!

It didn't even take three minutes for the entire crystal warehouse to be emptied!

There is no hair left!

Jiang Huazi and Chong's right hand meet again at the door!

One of them was carrying a bulging dumb sack in one hand, and it felt like the mouth of the bag could hardly be tied!

With that bulging appearance, I'm afraid that the dumb sack will burst!

Jiangnan picked up four sacks at once, and his appearance changed again, turning into the appearance of being managed by the warehouse!

All the way back to the storage room!

Then he returned to Jiang Huazi again, and took out the warehouse manager from the dumb sack!

Ku Guan widened his eyes:

?(?Yi?|||) "Aren't you..."


What greeted him was a series of big B pockets, and he was stunned to delete the storage manager's memory back to before entering the storage!

Immediately, Jiang Nan threw him on the office chair!

Ku Guan rubbed his cheeks all over his face!

(?)? Mouth?) "Hiss~Brother Hua? You hurt... Did something happen to Styx Death Prison?"

Jiang Huazi vomited blood and slapped the treasure chest on the desk!

"Nonsense! These are the crystals that Lao Tzu saved from Styx Death Prison at the cost of his life, and they are all here!"

"Help me put it in the warehouse! I'll go back to support in a hurry, you can set the quantity yourself, and get less!"

After speaking, he rushed out with three dumb sacks on his back...

Ku Guan looked dazed, good guy, are you in such a hurry?

Looking at the treasure chest in front of him, Ku Guan swallowed his saliva, his eyes sparkled, and now he got it by himself!

Open it and see that it is full of Styx crystals!

His face was flushed with excitement, there are so many, no one will notice if I get a thousand or eight hundred ones, right?

So holding the treasure chest, I walked towards the crystal treasure house again!

The guards were stunned, what was Shi Ge doing all this riding back and forth?

How about jogging?

However, the moment the warehouse manager opened the warehouse door, it was directly petrified in place...

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

The treasure chest in his hand fell to the ground with a thud, and the Styx crystals inside were scattered all over the floor!

There is nothing left in the treasury, the biggest giant crystals are all lost...

I didn't expect that the treasure chest in my hand was already the last crystal stock in the Yanshan warehouse! Damn!

( ° △ °|||) "It's over... It's over now..."

At this moment, Jiang Huazi has arrived at the starry sky pier and joined the garrison army to support the Styx Death Prison!

"Brother Hua? You are so injured, don't go back, we are there!"

"Yes, I know you are impatient, but your body is important!"

Jiang Huazi vomited blood again:

(# ?????? ???)?? "Pfft~ Don't stop me, I must go back, otherwise don't worry!"

"My mission does not allow me to stay here! Send me back to the battlefield! Quick!"

The defenders were so moved that they couldn't hold back Jiang Huazi, so they jumped into the river and swam towards the Death Star of the Styx with him!

"Brother? What are you carrying in this bag? It's bulging, why is it still moving?"

Jiang Huazi grinned: "A few more important prisoners, stay there for fear of being killed by acrylic, so I will take it with me, so I can rest assured!"

"Don't worry about it, hurry up and hurry! If you arrive one second earlier, you may suppress the chaos over there earlier and reduce your losses!"

The garrison nodded heavily, and hurried faster!

Chong's right hand is speechless, Jiang Da Huyou is really running the train with his mouth full!

Not one word is true!

Be careful in the future, don't be fooled by him!

The Jiangnan side all went back to the Styx Death Prison, and the alarm was sounded on the Pearl Star Port, and the news that the crystal treasure house was stolen came out. The whole area was blocked and the prisoners were searched!

An accident happened in Styx Death Prison, and the crystal library in Xinggang was stolen again!

It can be said to add fuel to the fire!

However, none of this has anything to do with Jiangnan, he just needs to return to Styx Hell and be himself!

Jiang Huazi quacked happily on the way back!

I didn't expect it to be so smooth. I thought that there would be some accidents on the way, and it wouldn't be so easy for me to succeed!

But now the sacks are back, okay?

Just when Jiangnan was excited about his harvest!

The defenders who had just completed a long-distance crossing were directly scattered by an extremely strong current of the River Styx!

This sudden blow directly rushed Jiangnan to vomit blood, and his whole body was in great pain!

It took a lot of strength to barely stabilize my figure!

what's the situation?

Even the garrison of the Nether clan was stunned by this blow!

Immediately, the team leader yelled: "Everyone is ready to fight, control the energy of the Styx River, and resist the impact of the turbulent flow!"

"Damn it, what the hell is this!"

Even the defenders have never encountered such a situation, they can only try their best to control the Styx energy around them!

However, compared to the strong turbulent current, this is so insignificant!

Jiang Nan endured the severe pain, clutching the sack tightly!

(??????????) "What's wrong?"

However, at the next moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and their eyes changed from panic to dullness!

(??? д???)

There was a flash of silver-gray light in front of everyone, and an extremely huge creature appeared in the Styx River!

Just the turbulent flow of the Styx caused by its appearance almost wiped out the entire team!

Even Jiangnan was stunned!

He had never seen such a huge creature!

Within its line of sight, there is simply no room for its entire figure!

This is a super big carp!

The whole body is covered with thick colorful fish scales, and it is covered with silver-gray light!

The area of ​​the tiny scales alone cannot be described by numbers!

Even the Vientiane Star, the largest living planet in the starry sky, is as small as a sesame seed compared to its scales!

Jiang Nan couldn't see the whole picture of this creature at all!

If calculated according to its normal body size, the length of this thing should reach a terrifying length of one thousand light hours!

In other words, it takes a thousand hours to reach the tail from the head of this carp!

It only takes eight minutes for the sun to reach Blue Star directly!

Even the extremely terrifying Dawei Tianlong, compared to this thing, is also an insignificant younger brother, right?

The channel of the Styx River is extremely wide, often several light-years wide!

It is also very rivery to live such a huge crucian carp in it!

But Nima, is this really the size a creature can grow to?

A terrifying body shape with more than 1000 light hours? What is the strength of this thing?

What's wrong with this fish? Why did you come here?

This time, the Nether Defense Team also panicked, with panic in their words!

(′?口?)σ "Fuck! Fuck! It's the Styx koi! The legendary holy beast! This, this... I never thought I would see it with my own eyes in my lifetime!"

"There is a fish in the Styx River, and its name is carp! The carp is so big..."

Jiang Nan swallowed:

( ° △ °|||) "This pot can't be stewed!"

Even Jiangnan, who is known as the master cooker with spiritual pet, is numb at the moment!

Chong's right hand said in surprise: "Styx koi? Is the legend true? Are there really fish in the Styx?"

"Hiss~ Such an ultimate life form, with such a huge size, its strength is at least as good as swallowing stars!"

There is no doubt that the strength of this thing has swallowed stars every time...

I saw the Styx koi moving its huge fish head, and the fish eyes locked onto Jiangnan!

Or in other words, locked the sack Jiangnan was carrying...

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