After clocking in until midnight, Jiang Nan was content to lead Chong Feiyu back to his luxurious five-star cell!

I thought that Chong Feiyu would continue to try to obtain his own gene sequence, but it turned out that Jiang Nan was thinking too much!

Instead, he became interested in the fiery little glove used to delete files!

Jiang Nan threw her a few horse pens and gloves, and let Chong Feiyu play by herself!

He also carried a sack of Styx crystals and entered the brand new Styx bathroom to practice!

While cultivating, absorbing Styx crystals at the same time, the spirit and body will be strengthened simultaneously, two-pronged approach!

It's pitiful for Heigang, who is squatting in the corner, and has become a new experimental subject for Chong Feiyu!

Jiangnan, who has been cultivating and strengthening himself with all his strength, has undoubtedly a terrifying absorption speed!

The daily turnover of Nanshen Small Shop, a whole sack of Styx crystals, were all absorbed by Jiangnan!

The mental strength increased sharply, and Jiang Nan didn't know how strong his mental strength was because he couldn't test it outside!

It might be similar to the effect after drinking chicken soup for the soul!

In the following prison life, every day in Jiangnan was quite fulfilling!

Since the Styx bathroom in the prison cell, the Styx river in the south of the Yangtze River has not been used much!

Hand Chacha can't control it either!

Almost all hours of the day, soak in the Styx bathroom to improve physical strength!

During the period after the opening of Nanshen Small Shop, they will come out and work for a while!

The turnover of two hours is almost the amount that male and female prisoners salvage from the river in a day!

These Styx crystals were all used by Jiangnan to practice and improve his spiritual power!

Chong Feiyu always finds Jiangnan to come over to play, to tell the progress, and is looking forward to the jailbreak operation!

However, Jiangnan seems to have nothing to do with it, a stable group!

Wang Youzhi was having a good time. As a brother of Jiangnan, he basically walks sideways in this Styx prison, okay?

From time to time, I go down the river with Tarot and the others to fish for crystals, and I also come to the small shop to help!

Moreover, the work of clocking in every day was gradually handed over to Wang Youzhi, Taro Samo and the others!

Xingluo Karl is beaten every night, every day is different!

Hell never ends!

It is worth mentioning that Jiu Lan did not break his promise, and opened the women's prison area for two hours of free time the next day!

The Nanshen Small Shop also welcomed female prisoner customers, and the female prisoners were even crazier than the male prisoners when it came to shopping, okay?

Clothes, bags, cosmetics, etc. are all sold out!

Jiang Nan even fulfilled his promise and really held a fellowship event for the male and female prisons, which made a lot of pairs!

The happiness index of the prisoners on both sides has been greatly improved!

Of course, this also comes at a price!

The price is that Jiangnan has to be called to fight Jiulan every two days, and every time he fights until midnight, Jiangnan will come back limping every time!

Nine Blue Nether Eight Forms gradually improved, and also touched the threshold of Tianxiu level. At the same time, he was also shocked by the speed of Jiangnan's physical fitness improvement!

It's horrible! It is completely different from the random kneading when I first came in!

How long has Jiangnan been here? If all human beings were like him, it would be too perverted!

And Jiangnan will also use the opportunity of additional training with Jiulan to learn about the dynamics, attitudes, and the outside situation of the high-level Nether clan!

Regarding Jiangnan's coquettish operations in the Styx death prison, the top of the Nether clan has never intervened to stop it!

Ging Chacha has been trying his best to get back his happiness, but he has repeatedly hit a wall. Even if Jiang Nan doesn't reveal any clues, Ging Chacha can't do anything about it!

I can only swallow my anger and waste it!

Dali was sent to the Nether Lab to test the ratio of the ingredients, but the report has not come out, and a lot of experiments are needed!

It's not that easy to analyze at all, which has led to the fact that the Nether tribe never took the next step towards Jiangnan!

Never intervened to suppress it!

But the Emperor's Remuneration waited a little impatiently. After all, Jiangnan has been in prison for so long!

Still haven't gotten any substantive news from Nether, and I've been urging him again and again!

And Nether also responded to the urging of the emperor's reward, and this task was handed over to Jiulan!

Every two days in the sparring, Jiangnan, who was tortured and covered in blood, will be recorded by Jiulan with a photo!

He even squatted next to Jiangnan who was lying in a pool of blood, and swore his victory!

These photos were all handed in by Jiulan, and then sent by You Ming to Dizuo for homework!

Receive it every two days!

Di Chou saw that Jiangnan was beaten like a bear, covered in blood and tortured, but he was relieved!

He slapped his thighs happily, and was very satisfied with the work in the Styx Death Prison. He just urged them to quickly find out the secrets before they clicked!

But You Ming is still taking it easy, waiting for the analysis results!

What Emperor Pay didn't know was that he only saw how miserable Jiangnan was in the photo, but he didn't know that Xingluo and Karl were a hundred times worse than Jiangnan!

Check in every day and never miss it!

More than a month has passed in a flash, and it is today!

It has been a month and a half since Jiangnan was imprisoned!

During this period, Suo Na kept screening the members of the Bully Gang, and weeded out the bastards, and all the ones left were good hands, talents!

There are more than 3,000 members of the gang, and there are even many female prisoners among them!

After experiencing the initial retaliatory consumption, Nanshen Small Shop opened for more than a month, and the popularity has gradually subsided, although the daily turnover is still considerable!

But it is no longer compared to before, and after this month, the number of Styx crystals absorbed every day has reached an extremely terrifying number!

Even Jiang Nan didn't know what level his physical fitness and mental strength had reached!

Is there a spiritual system that is terrifying!

With the sharp increase in mental power, the daily turnover of Nanshen Small Shop is no longer enough to support Jiangnan's cultivation!

Jiangnan began to worry again!

This doesn't work, does it? It's almost too late for my own use, so I have to think about it!

Originally, he couldn't stay here for long, Jiang Nan didn't want to waste such a good resource!

So I can't help but think of the immature idea that I was born with!

Jie Jie smirked!

(?????) "Criminal! Just do what a criminal should do~"


Jiangnan "endures hardships and suffers" in the Styx Death Prison, and the starry sky outside is also not calm!

In the past one and a half months, the thousand-star catastrophe that happened before is still vivid in my mind, as if it happened yesterday!

And the City of Thousand Stars has completely restored its prosperous and bright appearance under the full repair of the Silicon-based family, and even expanded a lot!

It seems that the previous ruins were an unwarranted dream!

There are thousands of people in the starry sky, who can enter the starry sky sequence, who has no family background?

It won't even be possible to take out the stationed planets. Today's City of Thousand Stars, as the center of civilization exchanges among all races, has long since resumed its original function!

And in just one and a half months, the reconstruction of the Thousand Star Domain was completed, and only Silicon Base could do it!

It is enough to see the huge heritage and infrastructure power of its race!

The most conspicuous change in the City of Thousand Stars is not the expanded area, but the four extra huge dimensional star ring passages!

The city of a thousand stars already has eight gates, and in the huge dimensional star ring in all directions, there are also many starships and cargo ships coming in and out!

Now Dimensional Star Airlines has been put into use in a large area and on a large scale, and the number of developed routes is terrifying!

The star road in the starry sky has become a tripartite confrontation between Bobo Starship, Silicon Speed ​​Starship and Dimensional Starship!

With Jiangnan imprisoned, some of the grievances of the Wanzu also went away. Coupled with the launch of Dimensional Star, Wanzu took advantage of it, and at the same time, they also had something to eat!

So not very contradictory!

It's the kind of person who yells that it's really unpalatable, who would eat it, and stuffs it into his mouth, for fear that he will eat less!

Dimensional Star Airlines adopts the strategy of joining the franchise and sharing profits, only one and a half months, and in the case of full cooperation with the Apocalypse Clan!

70% of the paving of the whole starry sky area has been completed, due to the low cost, the ticket price is low, and the operating cost is almost negligible!

Therefore, the routes opened are several times more than the other two Star Airlines!

To be honest, in just this one and a half months, human beings have been making crazy money by relying on Dimensional Star Navigation, and this is still when the cost is excluded!

Even for the Apocalypse family of the fourth sequence, taking that 30% is considered an amazing income!

Not to mention the money saved for those native freight!

0.50% goes to the franchisees of various races, while humans get 6.50%!

You know, this is the star flight used by the whole star sky, and countless people are using it and paying for it all the time!

Maybe in this second, you can earn money for a few living planets!

And the Bose clan and Siji have controlled the two star roads for so many years, one can imagine how terrifying their clan's background is!

Even the third dark universe body is far behind!

Yang Jian holds such a huge amount of money, and for the first time, he feels that he has too much money and doesn't know how to spend it!

Jiangnan's manipulation before he was imprisoned can be said to have really opened up a job for human beings to settle down in the starry sky!

And it's a golden rice bowl!

However, although the laying progress is gratifying, in less than two months, 70% of the laying of the entire starry sky has been completed!

But the remaining 30% are the most troublesome, all strategic locations!

Moreover, the strong rise of Dimensional Star has greatly reduced the profits of boson and silicon base!

It is to grab food from their mouths!

It's strange that the two families are willing, of course they tried every means to obstruct it!

As the first and second ranks, they have quite a lot of junior races under their command! During the process of laying the Dimensional Starship, I don't know how many things happened!

There were even bloodshed incidents, but they were all suppressed by Yang Jian and the Apocalypse Clan!

The 70% is not important, if you take the 30% of the star map that has not yet been eaten, the Wanzu will truly be inseparable from the Dimensional Starflight!

Only human beings can stand firm!

But according to this progress, three months may be enough to get it done!

Yang Jian scratched his head anxiously, no one in the human race now knows what happened to Jiangnan in death prison, and what crime he suffered!

But Yang Jian wanted to fulfill the three-month agreement no matter what!

This is humanity's response to Jiangnan! As soon as possible, must be as soon as possible, so that there is no pressure on Jiangnan, so that he can come out!

Wenger has been asked to inquire about Jiangnan's news, and I hope to gain something!

Just as he was thinking about it, Wenger came over with an atomic transmission, with a dignified expression!

(?? ?)? "Lao Yang? You asked me to inquire about the news. I made some contacts and got it!"

Yang Jian's expression became serious, and his heart was lifted!


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