Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2135 Unkillable Bugs

At this moment, Jiangnan was completely numb, what the hell was what he saw just now!

The Chongfeiyu in front of him is not a single individual at all, but a large number, strict hierarchy, and an orderly operation of a swarm?

The cold white-skinned, white-haired Yujie in front of me just looks good!

The essence is composed of hundreds of millions of bugs?

Jiang Nan's hair was standing on end, he didn't feel anything at all, he wished he could put on the fiery little gloves and give himself two mouthfuls!

Forget the horrific scene you just saw, is the truth always so cruel?

(?﹏?.) "This... is this the real Zerg Queen?"

If I knew this was the case, I wouldn’t come if I was beaten to death. Forgive me, I really don’t have the good fortune to enjoy it! Hey!

Chong Feiyu frowned, tilted her head and gave a mouthful:

(? ?° ? ?°) Spit~ "Don't compare me with other Zerg bitches, every Zerg that is qualified to be the empress is different!"

"Only I am like this, I, Chong Feiyu, am unique!"

"Those bastards who only know that doves occupy magpie's nests and plunder the fruits of other people's labor, I am ashamed to be of the same race as them. I am the swarm! I am the swarm!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, this Chong Feiyu seemed to be extremely resentful towards his own clan?

After all, how could a Zerg mother queen as powerful as her be reduced to the embarrassing situation of being imprisoned?

I saw that Chong Feiyu's eyes fell on Jiangnan again, and he reached out to caress Jiangnan's cheek, his eyes swaying~

(〃 ??????????) "How is it? Is this one you like now?"

Since you can't take it by force, you can only outsmart it!

However, a bunch of goosebumps instinctively formed on Jiangnan's caressed cheeks!

Thinking that this hand is made of millions of bugs, that the skin is just a worm, and even the temperature of the fingertips is the body temperature of the swarm, Jiang Nan's heart thumps!

(? Mouth?.) "I, I, I..."

Chong Feiyu took a look, and couldn't help but get even more angry:

(?°?皮°?) "Why is it not as good as before? Are you not good enough?"

"You don't even like this one? You're useless! Bottom man! Fortunately, I changed the style!"

Jiang Nan was in a hurry: (???mouth??)? "You can beat me and scold me, but you can't say I can't! I'm super good!"

But...but who Temiao can still do it after seeing the essence of Chongfeiyu!

If it's true, it would be too much punishment, wouldn't it?

Jiulan outside the door: Σ(°口°; door???

What? Can't Jiangnan?

This... this is really exciting!

Chong Feiyu gritted her teeth tightly: "Tsk~ I'm so troublesome, I just took a gene sequence, why did I use various methods to please you?"

"I really don't believe in this evil today! The swarm! Eat him up, don't leave any!"

While speaking, Chong Feiyu's hands spread apart, turning into countless bugs and falling on the bed, Jiangnan's body!

It slid down from Jiangnan like a waterfall of bugs!

Not only the arms, but Chong Feiyu's whole body spread out, no longer maintaining a delicate shape!

Instead, it turned into a swarm of hundreds of millions of insects, attacking and gnawing on Jiangnan!

As far as the eye can see, there are densely packed bugs, everywhere on the bed and floor!

What echoed in my ears was the sound of "Kachi Kachi" swarms!

One by one, they desperately tried to climb onto Jiangnan's body, biting him!

If it's too slippery to crawl, build a worm bridge, facing Jiangnan's eyes, nostrils, ears, and belly button!

There are holes in the body, and the swarms are trying to get in!

Since it's slippery and can't be bitten from the outside, then break through from the inside, as long as a bug gets in, it's enough to kill Jiangnan!

At this moment, Jiangnan couldn't help but scream like a girl!

(???????) Bud ~

Slapping the bugs on his body frantically!

Jiang Nan was convinced that he had covered every corner of his body with the wrong soap, but he didn't cover his ears, eyes, nostrils, and even his eyes?

What if a bug crawls in?

The frightened Jiang Nan screamed and jumped up from the bed, covering his head with a cloth spread on the floor, covering his head tightly!

?(?Yi?;)? "Stop playing! I want to go out!"

Jiangnan rushed towards the cell door in a blink of an eye!

However, at this moment, those ice silkworms have already used silk to weave a net, covering the cell door, including the surrounding walls tightly!

A 36 nail punch hammer drill in Jiangnan was thrown out, and all the impact force was dispersed and absorbed by the tough silk net!

Not even a fist mark was left!

The swarms of insects swarmed towards Jiangnan. At this moment, Jiangnan was like a prey that had fallen into the insect's nest. There was no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the ground, waiting to be eaten up!

Jiang Nan was sweating so anxiously that he couldn't help stomping on the bugs that surrounded him!

Even taking out the small slippers to shoot the bugs, they all produced phantoms, making a crisp sound of "cracking"!

However, it can't be shot at all!

Jiu Lan outside the door almost fainted when she heard the crisp sound of slippers and insects in the cell!

(??????) Oh my mother~

Is it so intense?

Little did they know that Jiangnan was numb at this moment, throwing diamonds and durians, trying to smoke them to death, but they were eaten by the swarm before the explosion!

Splashing expired Didivos, intending to tickle the swarm to death, the name of this thing sounds very effective on the swarm?

But it was only effective at the beginning, the swarm of insects that were splashed on it began to shed their skin at a high speed, and got rid of the itching effect directly!

They all looked at Jiangnan dumbfounded, is it okay to shed their skin?

The paralyzing ring is useless against such a large number of bugs. As for the dumb sack? With so many bugs, who knows which one is the real body of Chong Feiyu?

The forced Jiangnan began to pour chicken soup. Chicken soup is extremely corrosive, and the insects that were splashed on it began to die in pieces, corroded and smoking!

Jiang Nan was overjoyed, and was about to poison these worms with poisonous chicken soup!

However, the effect didn't last long, the swarm began to multiply and split, and the number increased sharply, and the newly bred worms gradually became poison-resistant!

Genes are evolving, and within a short time, a batch of bugs that are resistant to poisonous chicken soup have evolved!

Jiangnan:! ! !

∑(°口°?) Fuck!

This is all right?

At this moment, Jiangnan is fully aware of the horror of the swarm, with highly unified goals, coordinated operations, strong reproductive ability, and no fear of death!

All the bugs are working hard to accomplish the same goal!

Jiangnan finally knows why the Zerg is firmly in the eighth sequence. It is the second carbon-based race in the top ten sequences besides the Apocalypse!

Unkillable bugs!

Are they the truly unkillable bugs? With the power of ants, it is comparable to the gods!

And even Chong Feiyu was extremely astonished, where did Jiangnan get so many gadgets?

He is really deep, and many of them are quite interesting, but if you want to use these to kill the swarm that you have carefully cultivated, it is tantamount to nonsense!

Now Jiangnan didn't struggle anymore, he just hugged his knees and curled up on the ground, laying on the spot!

Since you can't beat it, then join in, anyway, spread the cloth to protect your head, and the bugs can't get in for the time being!

As for below the head? whatever!

Chong Feiyu didn't seem to deal with the Zerg race very well, and when she came in, the attitude of the Zerg race empress towards Chong Feiyu was very interesting!

If such a powerful existence is abducted...

Goose box~

The time for the physical golden body is coming, and we must get rid of Chong Feiyu before pulling the hips!

Seeing that Jiangnan was left in the same place, Chong Feiyu giggled and said, "Aren't you going to run away?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ?( ?′~?`)? "Why should I run if I can't escape? Besides, you can't break my ten thousand laws to keep you from getting stuck?"

Chong Feiyu gritted his teeth: "I don't believe you have no weaknesses, don't let me get into them, there is no absolutely perfect life form under this starry sky!"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮( ????? )╭ "You drilled well, just don't drill in weird places!"

At this moment in Jiangnan, fortunately, there is a place to spread the cloth to cover his head, so he didn't see what Chong Feiyu was talking to him with!

It's just a simple sounding system for insects, otherwise you will have nightmares at night!

Jiang Nan coughed twice:

(? ?° ? ?°) "Speaking of which, you are so powerful! Swallow stars~ The pyramid of the starry sky is at the top!"

"With such a strong strength, why do you want to stay in the Styx death prison? You feel that the heights are extremely cold and boring, so you come to the prison?"

Chong Feiyu: "Bah! Who would come in and go to prison for such a boring reason? Is your head flooded?"

"I have been in prison for more than five thousand years, is it boring enough?"

If it weren't for boredom, she wouldn't be so free to do so many "handicrafts" to pass the time!

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, don't say it! There are really people who are bored and go to prison, such as Hei Shen!

Depend on! Squatting here for more than five thousand years?

The entire long river of Chinese history has been squatted in by you?

"Enough squatting, then run? How exciting is the starry sky world? You are swallowing stars~ You are so powerful, with a little planning, hijack the Nether Warden!"

"Forcing him to send you out? If you want to go out, there are not many ways? But I see that you are not very smart, so you must not plan to come!"

"It's not impossible for me to help you plan!"

[The resentment value from Chongfeiyu +1008! ]

[From Chongfeiyu...]

Shen Temiao doesn't look very smart, if you want to scold someone, just scold, don't beat around the bush, okay?

"Hijack Nether? Heh~ Do you really dare to think, do you know how strong Nether is? Not to mention his physical strength, he even has the ability to manipulate and control the eight million light-year Styx!"

"As long as Nether is in the Styx star field, there are not many people under the starry sky who are his opponents! This is his territory, and he has the final say!"

"It's just that because I live in a corner, I'm not very famous in this starry sky!"

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, I knocked! Is this Nether so vicious?

One of the best in the starry sky? In the Styx star field, I am the only one who is undefeated?

(?? ??) "Huh? Listen to you, you can't beat Nether? I thought you were so strong! Cut~"

"The same is swallowing stars, this is the difference~"

[Resentment value from Chongfeiyu +1009! ]

She is so angry!

"What's your tone? Who said I'm swallowing stars now?"

Jiang Nan stared: (????? mouth?) "Huh? Are you swallowing stars?"

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