The enthusiastic Tschacha waited for almost half an hour, but no one came over!

Can't help but impatiently said: (¬易¬) "What's going on? Are all the newcomers this year so unaware? Hua Zi is still struggling to do something?"

He got up and went to the ground, and as soon as he took a step, he heard a "chiliu~" sound!

His foot slipped, he got stuck on the big front, and fell heavily on the ground!

The skin was directly stuck, and the palms, knees and feet were all covered with blood!

Σ_(?口?」∠)_"Damn it? What's going on? Hiss~Jiulan and Huazi didn't lie? Is the floor of Styx Hell really so slippery?"

But how could it be possible to bleed yourself? Lao Tzu is an existence that can swim in the stars!

The unbelievers are crazy mantis chrysalis!

However, the side effects of the wrong soap erupted, and he couldn't stand up at all, instead he tossed blood all over himself!

"This is impossible! This, this, this..."

When Jiang Lan heard the thumping sound in the room, she knew it was time!

So he opened the door casually, and entered the room with a sack in hand!

Hand Chacha turned pale with shock:

Σ_(° △ °」∠)_"Hiss~ Girl? How could there be a girl here? Who? Who are you?"

"What happened to that door just now? You..."

Did she just open a door on the strong phase alloy?

Jiang Lan curled her lips: (o?????) "Yo~ It's not long since I met you. Just after hitting me with the front foot, you don't recognize the back foot?"

Bing Chacha was taken aback suddenly, and his voice suddenly rose an octave!

Σ_(?口?????」∠)_"Jiangnan? Are you Jiangnan?"

How could he still be a woman?

At this moment, Ging Chacha's head can be said to be full of question marks!

Although the scent of Bing Chacha is tangy at the moment, Jiang Lan, as a member of the opposite sex, only hates him and is not affected at all!

Jiang Lan grinned:

╮( ??w?? )╭ "You guessed it right! I will reward you with a small Maza set meal!"

While speaking, he came to Gang Chacha in a single step!

Bing Chacha's eyes widened: "My Nether Clan's Eight Nether Styles? How did you know it? Good! You Jiangnan!"

"The Nether Death Prison can't hold you, can it? You can run around at will. You did what happened to Xingluo Karl, and you also did what happened to those prisoners who had nightmares?"

"Now you are so courageous that you dare to attack me at night? Who gave you the courage?"

"You don't want to walk out of this room standing up today! Nail fist!"

Bing Chacha shot in an instant, and it was a nail punch to Jiang Lan's face!

However, Jiang Lan didn't hide with a smile on her face. The moment her fist hit, she slid away automatically!

The current Ganchacha can't hit anything, and all the friction he actively exerted has been reduced to zero!

At this moment, Ging Chacha was completely dumbfounded, staring blankly at his fist!

?(?△?」∠)_"Damn it? How is this..."

Jiang Lan said with a smile:

(*⌒?⌒) "You will soon know why I am!"

Familiar with him, he took out the ponytail and pointed the melon seeds at Bing Chacha's head, and it was a burst of smashing!

The two black horns were smashed off, the forehead was hammered to the point of bleeding, and two of the front teeth were smashed off!

Handle Chacha:! ! !

He wanted to get up anxiously, but he just couldn't get up and turned his head to run!

But the hands and feet slipped out of the phantom, and I didn't move a bit!

I still can't distance myself from Jiang Lan!

At this moment, Gan Chacha finally realized his current situation!

Can't run away! Can't hit Jiangnan! Can Jiangnan hit him at will, and can easily break his defense?

He immediately shouted: "Come on..."

Before he finished speaking, the dumb sack was put directly on Bing Chacha's head, and the voice couldn't be heard at all!

Jiang Lan stood up straight away and stepped on Bing Chacha's back!

With one kick on the ground, Bing Chacha was like a humanoid skateboard, carrying Jiang Lan straight out!

The speed was astonishingly fast, and there were bloodstains all over the ground!

=????(*?? ???) "Ahaha~ it really works, a human-shaped blood plate with zero friction? Awesome!"

[Resentment value from Gingchacha +1009! ]

[From Handchacha...]

God Meow's human figure slippery plate! Lao Tzu's majestic Deputy Warden of the Styx Death Prison, was trampled under his feet as a slippery blood plate?

This is simply an insult to Chi Guoguo!

"Come here! Come here! Someone refuses to obey discipline, breaks out of prison and commits violence, Huazi! Huazi!"

However, no matter how much Gang Chacha yelled, his voice couldn't get out at all!

Even mental attacks cannot pass through the dumb sack, because it is completely two spaces with the outside world!

Jiang Lan laughed and said, "Stop yelling, you're sure to take this beating! The gods can't save you even if they come!"

"I, Jiang Jichou, have always had grudges to avenge. If you hit me once, I'll hit you all night! Let's see who plays better than whom!"

"Oh, by the way, when you get up tomorrow, you will forget everything that happened tonight, and you can continue to trouble me, at worst, I will come back to beat you at night!"

"To be honest, the time has not come yet, otherwise I will kill you tonight!"

While speaking, Jiang Lan stepped on the blood-slipping board with both feet, holding a ponytail with scarlet eyes!

╧╧?(?▼?▼) "Although I can't kill you for the time being, it is still possible to collect some interest in advance! Are you ready? Check?"

Bing Chacha said anxiously: "You can't... ah~"

[From Handchacha...]

A brutal beating began, no matter how Gang Chacha fought back, all the attacks under the side effects were ineffective against Jiang Lan!

Jiang Lan, on the other hand, took a ponytail and opened it to her heart's content. Of course, this was just the beginning!

One night, don't worry...


On the other side, in the warden's office, the room was filled with smoke!

You Ming is smoking a cigar, sitting opposite Jiu Lan!

On the desk is the bucket of vigorously...

Jiulan: (??ˇ_ˇ?) "This is the current situation. Popeye also obtained a sample under my torture!"

"It's just that the formula Jiangnan refuses to say whether he is dead or alive, even if he is beaten to death by me, I have no choice but to let it go!"

"I'm afraid that if I strike again, I will beat him to death..."

You Ming nodded: (?~≠ ) "I've heard about the effect of this great force, but I didn't expect to get the sample so soon!"

"Your job is better than Gangchacha's, keep working hard!"

Jiu Lan lowered her head slightly: "Your Excellency is absurd!"

I saw You Ming's eyes flickering: "This kid is smart, he knows how to throw chips that make the You Ming people's hearts beat to save their lives, and give themselves a chance to survive!"

"Of course he won't tell you the recipe, after all, that's the core!"

"It's just that this strength had better be as miraculous as Gang Chacha said, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to tempt me!"

Jiu Lan's eyes froze, so Jiang Nan deliberately showed his true self, threw out his strength, and showed his own value!

Give the Nether Race a reason not to kill him?

At this moment, Jiulan suddenly remembered what Jiangnan had said to herself!

Humans are a race that can adapt to survive in any environment and situation, and climb to the top of the food chain!

And as the master of the age of mankind, even in the Styx death prison, Jiang Nan never gave up finding a way out and a chance to survive for himself?

Thinking of this, Jiu Lan clenched her fists!

You Ming randomly took two crystal cups and put them on the table!

Grabbed the big bucket and poured two full glasses into the two crystal cups!

"As for the effect of this powerful water? Whether it is worth it, you will know if you try it!"

While talking, he grabbed a cup and pushed the other cup to Jiulan!

Jiu Lan's expression froze immediately, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead!

=????(??? ????) "Hey~ Do you want to drink? I want to drink too?"

This bucket of Dali was spat on by Jiangnan? I saw it with my own eyes!

How do you drink this?

You Ming frowned: "What's wrong? Is there any problem? How will you know the effect if you don't drink it?"

The corners of Jiu Lan's eyes twitched, looking at the full cup in front of her, her heart was full of entanglements!

Do you want to tell the warden about the saliva?

Once you say it, Jiangnan will be beaten, and you will be criticized if you give the warden a strong drink mixed with saliva!

Why don't you say it?

Then drink some water, hey!

You Ming raised his eyebrows: (??д??) "Oh? Are you afraid that Jiangnan will be poisoned by this force? With my Nether tribe's physique, a mere poisonous poison is not enough to fear!"

"What's more, I am dignified to devour stars, so I am not afraid of the means of a human who has not reached the level of breaking stars!"

"Or, you poured this bucket of Dali water casually in order to deal with me, and you didn't actually get a sample from Jiangnan?"

Jiu Lan shook her head quickly: "No... no! This is really Dali!"

Under such circumstances, not drinking is already losing face!

Just drink! Turn around and beat the villain Jiangnan to death!

Jiu Lan's face turned red uncontrollably at the thought of drinking Jiangnan's saliva Dali!

This... Isn't this equivalent to an indirect kiss?


Jiu Lan shook her head and quickly raised the crystal glass!

(??? Mouth??) Cup "Master Warden! Cheers!"

You Ming nodded, the two glasses touched each other, and each drank it!

Jiulan took a big mouthful of it, and she didn't even wait to swallow it!

(??? ж???)

I saw a reaction from Nether!

I saw him swallowing his stomach vigorously, and his body, which was originally as strong as an iron tower, suddenly tripled in size!

Muscles all over his body swelled, and the clothes on his body burst instantly due to the swelling of his body, and rags flew around!

All the hair on the top of the head fell off, and an incomparable brilliance bloomed from the melon seeds of the bald head!

For a moment, Jiu Lan felt as if she was looking directly at the stars!

The warden of the Netherworld suddenly burst into clothes, coupled with his sudden display of a tuft of thick chest hair and a bright bald head!

How could Jiulan bear this, her eyes widened suddenly!

(???3??) "噗~"

A big mouthful of vigorous force was sprayed out towards Nether like a spray!

In the middle of You Ming's face and chest, the coverage is very wide!

Jiu Lan, who sprayed You Ming vigorously, coughed fiercely while holding her stomach, her shoulders trembling wildly!

?(?﹏? ????) "I'm sorry, Mr. You Ming, I just..."

Jiu Lan raised her head in a panic, and took out her handkerchief to dry Nether!

However, when the goose raised its head, it found that the place where Nether was sprayed vigorously, all the hairs had fallen off!

Eyebrows eyelashes beard...

Even the thick chest hair on the front of the chest was completely removed!

Just like a braised egg head...

Jiulan: (?)?ж?) Pfft~

Netherworld: -`(????????????)′-…

He slowly raised his hand and wiped his face!

"Is it that bad to drink..."

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