Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2118 To pick or not to pick?

All the prisoners did not hand in much after one day, and most of them were hacked by Jiangnan!

What Bingchacha received was leftovers from Jiangnan, but no matter how small the legs of mosquitoes are, they are still meat!

The Styx Crystal was sealed and transported away, while Jiangnan was staring at the transported box with big eyes and chattering non-stop!

The Styx star domain is so large, and this Styx crystal is extremely precious!

It is impossible for the Nether tribe to live only on what the prisoners salvage, and the Nether tribe has an advantage in salvaging in the Styx River!

There must be a lot of Styx crystals in his family, but he doesn't know where to store them!

If I can find a way to vote for him...

Goose box~ This is much more refreshing than cutting the leeks of the prisoners!

Wang Youzhi raised an eyebrow?

(??д??) "What's silly? Is it because I have to take a shower soon?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "It's nothing fun, it's just an immature idea..."

"What are you talking about taking a shower?"

At this moment, Jiangnan discovered that the prisoners who returned to Polang Square did not go back directly to the prison area, but all walked towards the side area!

All of them had happy smiles on their faces, and some of them were even eyeing each other and holding hands...

Chong Daxun was stunned: "You don't know? Every time after the salvage operation in the river is over, before returning to the prison area, the prisoners will be arranged to go to the bathroom to shower!"

"Wash away the remaining Styx energy on your body, and relax your body and mind. This is a rare moment of enjoyment in the Styx death prison!"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, did he take a bath?

The Nether tribe is still very good at forcing the prisoners to go down the river to suffer, and reward them with a bath time afterward?

Most importantly, in the atmosphere of Styx Death Prison, bath time may be a happy time for some prisoners!

But this happiness may be based on the pain of other prisoners?

Just thinking about it, Jiang Nan gave a shock!

But... in the shower...

As soon as I entered the bathhouse, the heat blowing against my face made Jiangnan feel refreshed for a while!

I saw a huge hot pool in the center of the bathhouse!

On the surrounding walls are rows of shower heads!

Many prisoners have already taken off their prison uniforms and washed them inside!

The scene was really filled with clouds and mist, the holy light was splashed, and the scene was extremely harmonious!

At this moment, Jiangnan just took off his shirt and stood at the door of the bathhouse, hesitating!

(?????) Can you get in?

The front is a high-energy hell, right?

However, Wang Youzhi and the others had already taken off their prison uniforms, tied on their bath towels and were about to go in!

Wang Youzhi was so generous that he didn't even wear a bath towel, which caused the prisoners around him to cast shocking glances at him!

However, Wang Youzhi was full of pride!

Since you have the background, you should show it well, envy, fools!

"Hey~ What are you doing standing here? Are you coming in? What's wrong? Everyone takes off their pants and farts, so why don't you wear pants to wash in the shower?"

"No! With our prestige, are you still afraid that someone will dare to touch you? Give him a discount!"

Jiang Nan covered his face: (?)×(ヾ) "It's not because of this..."

The most important thing is, I haven't found my happiness yet, so why not meow!

It's so embarrassing, I don't want to lose face?

Wang Youzhi looked stunned:

(*???) "I see! You must have low self-esteem, right? Eh~"

While talking, he patted Jiangnan on the shoulder with relief, shook his head, and entered the bathhouse!

Wang Youzhi was not afraid at all, the devil's eye protects his body, besides, the boss of the bully gang has already cleaned up!

Who dares to touch me?

Jiangnan was grinding his teeth for a while, bah! You should be the one who should be ashamed, right?

But he also followed into the bathroom, found a corner by himself, and sat on a small bench!

Letting the scalding hot bath water slap on the face indiscriminately, the whole person is emo!

They have it! I have neither!

(? ??????????????? )?Damn it!

happiness! Where the hell are you!

At the moment in the bathhouse, Satsuma and Borden are also showering, and their tattoos are really eye-catching!

It's just that the two of them have something more eye-catching!

The rest of the prisoners widened their eyes when they saw it!

∑(°口°?) "Good guy! Brother Satsuma can do it? What kind of secret technique is this? It also has automatic coding? This is really the first time I've seen it!"

Σ(°Д°"Brother Borden is not bad, is he? You are all old men, who doesn't know who? And you are so mysterious?"

"Hey~ You don't know this, do you? There is a kind of beauty, which is called hazy beauty!"

However, at this moment, Satsuma and Borden's teeth were almost crushed, and they were very angry!

Do you think we want this? He looks like this now, what can we do?

[From Borden…]

[From Satsuma...]

The two looked at Jiangnan pitifully, hoping to restore it to its original state!

However, Jiang Nan who was emo sitting on the small bench didn't pay attention to the two of them at all!

At this moment, Tarot is standing under the shower head, extremely inconspicuous!

Holding six cotton swabs in six hands, frantically brushing Tajiro's teeth!

Hands are brushed out of the phantom!

Crying while brushing, I am dirty!

On the other side, Hei Gang was also crying and brushing his teeth, but he didn't use a cotton swab!

Instead, use the feet of the prisoner next to him!

I saw Heigang's big hand grabbing one prisoner's calf with one hand, and grabbing another prisoner's arm with the other!

Kaka brush your teeth!

The two prisoners screamed in pain!

(*??口??) "Hei...Brother Heigang! Let go! Let go, you, what can't you think about? My jiojio!"

Since the hardness of the black steel is not ordinary and terrifying, the two prisoners couldn't bear such a brushing method at all!

The skin was broken, and the blood flowed out from Heigang's mouth, and sparks came out of the teeth!

I don't want to either?

Why can't I control myself?

I will never use armor again in the future, I can only hope that this prisoner has no beriberi...

The emo Jiangnan was taken aback when he saw everyone enjoying themselves!

Suddenly remembered that I still have a new prize that I haven't used?

I took out a wrong soap in the confinement room before, but I didn't dare to use it because I was afraid of side effects!

It was all forgotten!

Now it's time to try the effect. Jiangnan is quite interested in that physical gold body with zero friction!

"Dazhi? Don't dry clean it? Can this be cleaned? I have soap here, you use it first!"

While talking, he took out the wrong soap from behind and threw it at Wang Youzhi!

Wang Youzhi was taken aback, did Jiang Nan bring soap?

So I raised my hand to pick it up!

But this time, Wang Youzhi didn't hold it, and saw the wrong soap slid, and slipped out of his hand!

Draw a stunning arc in the air!

It fell to the ground with a thud!

And at this moment, the air in the entire bathhouse seemed to be still, and the audience was completely silent!

Everyone froze, the only sound left in the bathroom was the sound of the shower!

Everyone's eyes are focused on the wrong soap on the ground!

(? .?.??(? ??(???(???)

Then look at Wang Youzhi again!

(? ??(???(????(????)?

Many people swallowed their saliva, and some people have adjusted their movements slightly, becoming the starting posture!

?(??????? )?…

Guaranteed that as soon as Wang Youzhi bent down to pick up the soap, he could start running and rush over in an instant!

And at this moment, even Jiangnan's heart was raised in his throat!

Wang Youzhi shrugged, and immediately bent down to pick it up!

However, he was stopped by Chong Daxun with a dignified expression!

?(??﹏???????) "Big ambition! Bending down is risky! You need to be cautious when picking up soap. Once you decide to pick it up, you may not be able to grasp the consequences!"

"Brother is someone who has experienced it! I understand it! Be careful and careful!"

Wang Dazhi rolled his eyes:

(*??~??) "What's wrong with this? Isn't it just picking up a piece of soap? What can I do if I pick it up if it falls on the floor?"

While speaking, he ignored Chong Daxun's dissuasion, and immediately bent down and reached out to pick up the wrong soap that fell on the floor!

However, this bent over to pick it up!

Behind Wang Youzhi, all the prisoners within 180° were staring, and all gasped!

In an instant, the heat in the bathroom was evacuated!

They took two steps back collectively, their complexions turned pale!

(|||@ロ@)? Benefit?)???)? Mouth?)

The buddies who were about to start slipped and fell to the ground!

Both Summer and Borden couldn't bear to look directly!

This... this Wang Youzhi seems to be more serious than before?

It has evolved from a big ambition to an ambition in the Quartet!

Wang Youzhi's operation scared more than half of the prisoners, and he successfully picked up the wrong soap!

Jiang Nan looked terrified, and while secretly sweating for Dazhi, he breathed a sigh of relief!

It is worthy of the existence of the body protection of the devil's eye, and there is no fear at all!

It's perfect for him to use this wrong soap, right?

However, just as Goose Wang Youzhi was about to use it, he froze violently!

Do not! Something is wrong!

This old cunt in Jiangnan would be so kind as to give me soap?

He doesn't use it himself!

After this thing is used up, there shouldn't be any weird side effects, right?

Wang Youzhi looked straight at Jiangnan with sharp eyes!

Jiang Nan tilted his head violently, and whistled nonchalantly!

( ????????)~????

Wang Youzhi coughed twice:

( ?° ? ?°) "Cough cough ~ big scorpion! You wash first, after all, you have experienced an extraordinary disaster today, so you should wash it first!"

"I'll wash after you're done washing!"

How did Chong Daxun know the way here?

Of course, I just took it and used it, but I just held on to the wrong soap during use to prevent it from falling on the ground!

He didn't have the courage to bend down to pick it up!

Jiang Nan coughed twice: "What's inside~ Wipe it evenly, take care of the corners and corners, so that it can be washed clean!"

Wang Youzhi:! ! !

Hey~ Sure enough, there is a problem! Want to cheat me? No way!

Although the worm is also me...

I cheat myself?

No, no, no, this number has been abolished, it doesn't count!

I'll use it again when he's finished using it!

Chong Daxun obediently covered his whole body with wrong soap, and his whole body was full of soap bubbles!

A strange fragrance permeates the entire bathhouse, and just a sip of it can make people feel soothed physically and mentally, and relaxed!

And while Jiangnan was carefully observing this scene!

I saw a large group of burly jailers wearing bath towels, stepping into the bathhouse neatly, their eyes were cold, and they looked around!

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