Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2101 Are you still selected?

Summer naturally wouldn't hold back, and filed a complaint immediately!

(???┏口┓???(#) "Except for Jiangnan! Who else would have done it? Yesterday all the inmates in the prison area had nightmares about being beaten!"

"When I woke up this morning, it was all swollen, but I couldn't find the real culprit. It couldn't be because I was sleepwalking and fell?"

"Furthermore, when Jiangnan raised his fist just now, all the inmates were heartbroken and instinctively squatted on the ground begging for mercy. This is the ironclad proof of Chi Guoguo!"

"Jiangnan! It's the real culprit of this bad incident, don't be stubborn!"

At this moment, Jiu Lan and Bing Chacha's eyes were all focused on Jiangnan!

The eyes are cold, after all, the scene where Jiangnan raised his hand to suppress the riot just now is still fresh in his memory!

You can't do this without a little psychological shadow area!

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (︶?︶?) "I admit it! I am really fierce! But what does it have to do with me when they have nightmares?"

"I was locked in the cell last night, and I didn't get out for half a step! How could I go to other cells to commit crimes? The walls are all made of strong phase alloys. Even if they are destroyed, they will leave traces, right?"

"In one night, hit the entire Styx death prison? Do you think I'm a god?"

"As for those prisoners just now, they are just afraid of my prison domineering spirit. After all, I, Jiangnan, am also a dragon and phoenix among people. This is normal!"

Hei Gang covered his face, it turns out that you are really a god!

Immediately a jailer reported:

∠(`~′*) "The cell has been checked and there is no trace of damage!"

Bing Chacha's eyes flickered, if Jiang Nan did not do it, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death!

But how on earth did this guy manage to move freely in the Styx death prison?

Couldn't the cell hold him?

Borden was extremely angry: (?????(#) "I am! You did it! You are still sophistrying?"

"Then what's the matter with these words on us? Who else would be so boring except you?"

"You had many tattoos on your body before, how do you explain this?"

Jiangnan spread his hands: ╮( ??w?? )╭ "Huh? You ask me how do I know? My tattoo is innate!"

"After all, as a child of the plane, it's normal for me to have some totems on my body. As for yours..."

"Maybe it's a birthmark or something? After all, some birthmarks only appear with age!"

The corners of Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched, you are running the train with your mouth full, and you are talking nonsense with your eyes open!

I just don't admit to the birthmark of God Meow, what can you do to me?

Samo was furious: "I'll go to your birthmark! Whose birthmark is like this? The mother's womb is a beautiful girl with a knife, a little pink pig with two guns?"

" are so deceiving!"

Borden said angrily: "Not only that, he...he also ruined our happiness!"

Jiangnan was stunned: ( ′?w?)? "What happiness? What happened to your happiness?"

Borden froze violently!

Jiu Lan frowned and said: (???~??)???? "If you have evidence, you can show it so that we can judge!"

However, Borden's face was blushing, how did he show it? I don't want to lose face, do I?

And if he made such a vulgar action in front of Jiu Lan, he wouldn't even think about it!

"Anyway, Jiangnan ruined our happiness! There are all the witnesses and material evidence, Mr. Chacha, you have to seek justice for us!"

Bing Chacha narrowed his eyes: "What else do you have to say? Ever since you entered this Styx Death Prison, there hasn't been a single day here!"

"Is it true that the rules of death prison don't exist? I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a scream from a distance!

(#)@ロ@) "Jiang! Nan? How could it be you?"

Carl's eyes widened sharply:

?(???(#)? "No! Jiangnan! What's going on Jiangnan? Siwei! I want to enter Siwei? I..."

Xing Luo and Carlton, who came with their help, attracted everyone's attention!

However, at this glance, the crowd couldn't hold back their joy, my good fellow, have these two Bose masters also suffered a disaster?

Is Jiangnan cruel enough?

Although there is no evidence, everyone has already determined that Jiangnan did it!

Looking at the tattoos of the two, Jiu Lan saw more than a dozen veins growing on her forehead!

I'm a fart?

How dare you two really dare?

However, Ging Chacha once thought that he had time-traveled. Did the two of them say the same thing yesterday?

The enmity between Bose and Jiangnan is not so great!

It seems that the injuries on these two people are also Jiangnan's masterpiece?

Xing Luo instantly realized something was wrong, Jiang Nan was actually in Styx Death Prison?

The tragic situation of the two of them has nothing to do with Jiangnan!

I saw Xingluo carrying the shivering Karl, and came to Jiangnan despite the crowd!

"Bingchacha! How did Jiangnan go to Styx Death Prison? What happened outside? Did Jiangnan do our injuries?"

"I order you! Immediately now! Kill Jiangnan! Execute him!"

Bing Chacha's forehead was sweating profusely, didn't you ask the question yesterday?

Why do you still ask? Amnesia after being beaten, right?

However, at this moment, the prisoners looked at Xing Luo and Karl with extremely strange expressions, teasing eyes!

I saw four large characters tattooed on Xing Luo's back!

"Travel Safely!"

And Karl is also not too far behind!

The words "advance and retreat orderly" are also eye-catching!

Oh? Did these two masters hide so deeply?

tsk tsk ~

Jiu Lan's face was full of disgust, and she couldn't help but tilt her head and let out a pooh!

(¬皮¬) Bah~

Xing Luo saw that all the eyes were looking at him, and he couldn't help but said fiercely: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a Bose body? Everyone doesn't want to live anymore, right?"

Obviously, the two didn't notice the masterpiece behind each other!

Jiang Nan grinned:

(????) "Yo Yo~ Isn't this Xing Luo and Jiang Er? Why are you so provocative after a long time?"

"Everyone has seen a Bose body, but I have never seen a Bose body without horns!"

Xingluo:! ! !

"I don't know how you got here! Let me ask you! Did you do the injuries on Carl and me?"

"Where's Lao Tzu's horn?"

Jiang Nan smiled kindly:

(⌒?⌒;) "You ask me? How do I know?"

[Resentment value from Xingluo +1009! ]


There is no one else but Jiang Nan, only he has the ability to transplant Liulijiao!

What the hell happened yesterday? Is there something wrong with my memory?

damn it!

(c)?°?Y°?) "Bingchacha! Kill Jiangnan for me! This is an order! You have to give me an explanation for doing such evil things to the two of us!"

"Otherwise, this matter will never end!"

Killing intent bloomed in Bing Chacha's eyes, and he strode toward Jiangnan in strides!

Raising his hand, he grabbed Jiangnan's neck and lifted him up!

Sharp eyes!

"Do you really think that you can clean yourself up with your own hands and feet?"

"Whether you did it or not, everyone knows! And I, Bing Chacha, do things in Styx Death Prison, so I don't need evidence or reason!"

"I want to kill you! I can kill you! And it only takes one click!"

Jiang Nan was strangled by the neck, his face flushed, but there was still a smile on his face!

Looking contemptuously at Bing Chacha: "Then you kill me?"

"Kill me! The relationship between Xingluo and Carl may never come back, and if it goes out, it will be a waste!"

"The secret of the black hole will also be buried forever, and the Watt virus that can corrode the silicon base will also be lost!"

"Xing Luo and Karl are abolished, and you won't get the secret! You Nether Clan have done what the Emperor paid for you like this! Can you still get resources? Rewards?"

"Go dream!"

Even though Jiang Nan felt that his head was about to be pulled off by Gang Chacha, he was still calm in his heart!

Because Jiangnan clearly knows the value of his existence!

Once Gang Chacha kills himself, Xingluo Karl will be useless, and he will not be able to get the secret!

If Emperor Fu knew about it, what would he do to the Nether Race? Think about it!

Not only is it laborious, but it has not been pleased!

So Jiang Nan didn't even have any hidden intentions, just fooling around!

So what if you know I did it?

kill me?

Before you get something out of my mouth, can you kill the knife?

At this moment, Xing Luo and Karl, who had calmed down a little bit, also panicked!

If there is no horn in the future, even if you go out, you will have no place in the starry sky!

Bing Chacha said grimly: "Do you really think I can't do it? I can't touch you! I'll touch your friend!"

"Wang Youzhi! Chong Daxun! I don't believe you have the heart to watch!"

Wang Youzhi:? ? ?

∑(°口°?) Nima!

What does it matter to me?

I just came here to squat for fun, right?

Jiang Nan sneered: "Are you ready to kill? Do you think Dazhi cares about this?"

There are too many black god trumpets, what's wrong with hanging two? It's not really dead!

Wang Youzhi sweated profusely on his forehead, you are indeed my good brother!

Are you really killing a brother?

Is it so dangerous to team up with Jiangnan?

If you want to kill it, you can kill the insects, anyway, this number is not clean anymore!

Big worm: (?_?;)

Bing Chacha's eyes glared: "Do you think I can't cure you? You will know! Next, I will do it myself and torture your body!"

"Let you make every second of the next! It's a torment!"

While speaking, a mental shock was blasted out, and it directly hit the Tianling Gai in the south of the Yangtze River!

Even though Jiangnan's mental power has improved, it can't be compared with Gang Chacha at all!

With a bang, the washed seven orifices bleed, and the will is blurred!

He was thrown to the ground by Gang Chacha!

"Come here! Give me a torture chamber! I'll do it myself! Such a perfect sandbag! Don't miss it!"

Jiang Nan struggled to get up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth!

(︶优︶#)? "Wait!"

Bing Chacha was stunned: "What? Are you willing to say it?"

Jiang Nan pointed to Nine Blue:

?( ?? ? ?? ) "I'm applying for a replacement to hit me! Just let her do it!"

At this moment, everyone looked at Jiangnan with strange eyes, and they all swallowed their saliva!

brother! You really don't know the situation?

Chong Daxun sweats profusely on his forehead:

(?????﹏?) "Brother! I advise you to take back what you just said..."

Being beaten by Gang Chacha might still be alive, but it fell into the hands of Jiulan...

Handchacha grinds his teeth! If you get hit, you get hit! Did you still choose?

Jiu Lan pointed to her nose in astonishment:

(???~??)? "Me? Are you sure? Why should I call?"

Jiang Nan pouted: (#ˇ?ˇ#) "Anyway, she's a sissy! She looks pretty weak, and her fists probably don't have much strength, and I like whips the most!"

"It might be a little more enjoyable this way!"

Jiu Lan's forehead burst into blue veins, her teeth were grinding, and she couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Nan's skirt!

(?°??°??) "Woman? Okay! You choose!"

Bing Chacha swallowed: "Jiulan! Let me do it, it doesn't matter what you do, just in case..."

Jiu Lan stared and said: "Get out! It's none of your business! Didn't he want me to hit him? Then I'll just satisfy him!"

Jiangnan: (??w?? ?)

Although the plan was successful, why does it always feel that something is not right?

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