Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2089 The Terrace of Life and Death

All the prisoners looked at Satsuma with horrified faces, the food mixed with Jiangnan and his own saliva?

What does this taste like?

However, Chong Dasung and Wang Youzhi were extremely excited, so they were going to stand up and sing now?

Jiangnan is so tough? This is about to start?

Since being imprisoned, I have been to the cafeteria twice, all because of fighting?

Borden was completely furious, and he punched the dining table with a loud bang!

(? °? Yi °?) "Boy! You are looking for death!"

Jiangnan grinned grimly:

(?  ̄? ?  ̄?) "I said, from the day I went to prison, I am the boss here!"

"Whoever provokes me! I will do whoever! It's the dragon who coils up for me, and the tiger who lies down for me! If you don't accept it, just ride the horse and endure it!"

All the prisoners smacked their lips when they saw Jiang Nan. Was he really his sister who had been beaten before?

Is Da Mengmeng really a master after being hammered once?

The rest of the prisoners were filled with righteous indignation and shouted angrily:

?(ˊ口ˋ*)? "Fuck him! Fuck him!"

With a sound of "clang", the rice bowl on Sam's face fell on the table, and his face was covered with rice crumbs!

A gust of madness spewed out from the nostrils, and two lumps of batter shot out from the nostrils, piercing the table!

The expression is extremely ferocious!

(????????????) "I'll kill you!"

While speaking, he clenched his casserole-sized fist and threw it straight at Jiangnan's face!

But Jiang Nan didn't hide, and said lightly:

(??w?? ) "Public areas, you will be locked up in a confinement room for three days!"

Satsuma's fist stopped violently in front of Jiangnan's face, and the turbulent fist wind even blasted out a series of sonic booms!

But it failed to shake Jiangnan's "hair!"

Because there is no Jiangnan at all! Have! head! send!

Jiangnan picked his nostrils, picked out a lump and stuck it on Sam's forehead!

(︶???︶) "I don't care! It's quite comfortable to live in the Nightmare Confinement Room for three days! I just don't know if you can handle it!"

While speaking, he snatched the untouched food from Heigang's hand, and ate it slowly!

Black Steel:? ? ?

That... that's my meal, hey! I have not eaten!

But he didn't even dare to break a fart, and his face was even more aggrieved!


Satsuma's eyes are full of fear, he naturally knows how powerful the Nightmare Confinement Room is, and he has obviously suffered a lot!

He didn't know how Jiangnan got there, but he definitely didn't want to be locked up in a confinement room!

"If you have the guts, go to the stage of life and death with me! If I didn't punch out your shit, it will be considered that you cleaned it up last night!"

Borden stared: (`⌒′メ) "Yeah? Aren't you an idiot? Talk on the stage of life and death!"

The rest of the prisoners' younger brothers also booed one after another!

?(ˊ口ˋ*)? "The platform of life and death! The platform of life and death!"

Jiang Nan picked out a green pepper that he didn't like from the rice bowl and threw it on Satsuma's face!

(??????) "Hey~ it's meal time, why should I go? If you want me to go, I'll go? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? I'm not awesome at all?"

"No, no, no! Unless you kneel down and beg me to go!"

[Resentment value from Satsuma +1009! ]

He was so angry that he trembled and went to the stage of life and death? I have to beg you to go when I ride a horse?


But if you do it in the cafeteria, you will be locked up in a confinement room again!

Ah Siba!

Satsuma took out three pale yellow Styx crystals from behind and patted them on the table!

"Three! On the stage of life and death! Dare you?"

Jiang Nan pinched his nose with disgust on his face:

(¬?¬?) "Where did you get it out, you? What is this? Is it your rectal stone? Ugh~"

"Simply disgusting!"

Could this be the reincarnation of the Crystal Clan?

However, the big worm has bright eyes!

(?????) "This is the Styx crystal! Great stuff! Keep it!"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, wasn't it Baba? Good stuff?

╮( ??~?? )╭ "Ten! I will follow you to the stage of life and death!"

[Resentment value from Satsuma +1009! ]

(Fuck pan?) "You step on the horse! I'll fight with you! I have to pay you back? Are you not crazy?"

Jiangnan spread his hands: ?( ?′??`)? "Hey~ Then you should be angry~ Hurry up and get out of here, don't cover up the scum in front of me! Drink~tui!"

A mouthful of high-speed saliva landed on Sam's face again!

Summer:! ! !

?(????????????)? "Oh shit! Stop me! I'm going to hammer his head into a flap right now!"

However, Goose Borden grabbed Summer!

"Second brother! Hold back the impulse! 10 is 10! Anyway, you can make it back! It's not a loss-making deal! I'll pay you!"

While talking, he took out 7 from behind and slapped them on the table!

Jiang Nan was taken aback for a while, it seems that not only girls have treasure bags, boys also have butt pockets?

I saw that Jiangnan directly tore off a piece of prison uniform from Heigang's body, wrapped 10 Styx crystals and threw it to Wang Youzhi!

"Say what you say! 10, I'll take the job of beating the dog!"

Samo was furious: "Let's go! Let's see who rides on the horse and beats whom!"

While speaking, he turned around and rushed towards the stage of life and death, and a group of younger brothers followed in a hurry!

Chong Daxun looked at the 10 Styx crystals in astonishment, and my sister was blinded. Is this Jiangnan really tricky?

Redeeming Dazhi's 10 Styx crystals earned back?

Wang Dazhi is a little worried:

(??д??) "Huh? Can you really do it? Hold it up and let someone hammer it! Then Satsuma's physical strength is not covered!"

"I tried it before, and it didn't move at all!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I'm not the old me anymore, I'm bald! I've also become stronger!"

"Look, you go! Bullies, right? I'll let them see who is the real bully!"

"The path of the Southern God of Prison Control starts from this moment!"

Without further ado, Jiangnan took out horse biscuits from behind and ate them, and even took out a bottle of big green sticks to kill them!

He raised his hand and hammered the wine bottle on Heigan's head!

He was stunned!

At this moment, even Wang Dazhi and Chong Daxun were dumbfounded!

Fuck? Where did he get it? Isn't it impossible to use supernatural powers, let alone different dimensions?

Also from the butt pocket?

Hiss~ Can he even hide a wine bottle in his butt pocket?

Didn't see it?

Heigan swallowed:

(?)???????) "Boss Nanshen! I didn't expect you to be a man of depth!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Shen Shen's fart! Go! Go fight!"

A group of people rushed towards the platform of life and death!

Strong physical fitness bonus, horse biscuit's full blow, plus the physical crit of the green stick!

It shouldn't be a problem to win Satsuma!

And the news that Jiang Dayou was going to have a duel with Satsuma on the stage of life and death also spread completely in the Styx Death Prison!

He didn't eat every meal, and rushed to the stage of life and death to watch the excitement with the rice bowl in hand!


Styx Death Prison Life and Death Terrace, this is an octagonal cage with a diameter of one thousand meters!

The ground, walls, and even the octagonal cage are all made of strong-phase alloys and are used to resolve conflicts! Winners and losers, live and die at your own risk!

The prisoners can't keep holding back, or they will riot sooner or later!

And the Styx Cup death prison boxing match is also held here, in order to consume the energy that the prisoners have nowhere to release, and the Styx death prison can also make money from this!

At this moment, the stage of life and death was surrounded by prisoners of all levels!

On the high platform, Ging Chacha has been looking forward to it for a long time!

Even Jiulan came from the women's prison to watch the excitement when she received the news that Jiangnan was going to be on the stage of life and death!

Lie on the railing of the high platform leaning on his chin, with a look of interest!

Although the men's prison has not seen a single woman for eight hundred years, no one dares to tease Jiulan!

Those who dare to speak rudely will end in a very miserable way!

When Jiangnan came over, Samo was already standing in the octagonal cage, gearing up!

"Stop dawdling! You can't escape the beating you're going to get, it's just a matter of time!"

"Four quark balls? Don't say I'm bullying you! Give me four too! Fuck you to death!"

I saw Jiangnan striding into the octagonal cage, the lights gathered and hit him in the face!

The hideous tattoos on his body are shining brightly!

"Farewell! To save you from being beaten and cried by Lao Tzu, find a reason!"

At this moment, Jiulan looked at Jiangnan in astonishment!

What the hell? Is this tattooed muscular villain in front of him really Jiangnan?

Why did he change his appearance after only three days?

Is it true that Shibie will look at you with admiration for three days?

But this appearance is obviously more in line with Jiulan's aesthetics. The Nether tribe has always regarded strength as beauty since ancient times!

Strong and full of southern taste!

Summer sneered: "It seems that you are quite confident in yourself? Mere carbon base, who gave you the courage?"

"Why don't you gamble! If you lose! I don't want your life either! How about letting our bully gang brothers enjoy themselves one by one?"

The higher-ups explained that Jiangnan is not allowed to be killed, so it is always okay to play, right?

As soon as this remark came out, the audience burst into warm cheers!

Jiang Nan shrugged: "Yes! You can play however you want!"

"But if you lose! I don't want too much! 100 Styx crystals. When you see me in the Styx death prison, how about kneeling on the ground and screaming?"

Summer narrowed his eyes: "Yes! Then you have to beat me!"

The next moment, I saw crystals growing all over Sam's body, ferocious crystal spikes grew from the fist's elbows, and his whole body became more and more golden under the light!

Borden raised his head and roared:

?(`口′*)? "Second brother! Fuck this little bastard to death!"

Jiang Nan laughed grimly, even though in the Styx Death Prison, all energy was suppressed and could not be released!

But Burning Blood can still be activated!

Burning blood? Immortal Yan Mo! open!


Fiery air waves swept across the audience with Jiangnan as the center, and the blood mist was transpiring!

The heartbeat sounded like the beating of war drums was deafening!

At this moment, Jiangnan's skin turned completely dark red, and the blood vessels under the skin glowed like magma, like magic lines crawling all over his body!

Under the stimulation of burning blood, all the tattoos on his body seemed to come alive!

Behind it, the map of the thousand-star catastrophe full of corpses and a sea of ​​blood is completely shrouded in blood, and the scene is like a ghost hell!

Jiangnan at this moment is the true form of Jiang Yuba!

White bone spurs protruded from the front of the fist, and boiling blood dripped down!

The scarlet eyes bloomed like a blood moon!

"Be patient! This is very painful!"

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