The entrance hole of the quark ball that was hollowed out was facing the direction of the floor, and it was turned upside down!

Although the inside of the ball is still full of Styx energy, at least it doesn't have to be washed away by the strong current!

He took out a few small ginseng from the system space and ate them, and the injuries on his body healed crazily!

At this moment, Jiangnan was sitting on the ponytail, his eyes flickering!

This Styx energy is really too difficult to deal with, it can easily break one's own defenses, and even has a mental attack!

Except for the Nether tribe, anyone exposed to the Styx for a long time will only have a dead end!

In the Styx star field, all energies except Styx energy are countered!

If you want to escape the prison smoothly, you must run out of the Styx star field, and here you can't use any means of transportation!

Borrowing the Styx to escape from prison is the only way, so whether it is to escape from prison in the future, or to have a better life in this death prison!

Does the Styx energy have to be dealt with?

Jiang Nan looked ruthless, looking at the Styx energy around his body, I really don't believe that only the Nether tribe can absorb it!

So Jiangnan raised his hand and began to absorb the energy of the Styx!

Maybe the moment the energy just rushed into his body, Jiangnan felt that all the spiritual power stored in his body would be suppressed to the point of collapse!

It feels like the level of Daotian Eight Stars is going to be abolished!

Surprised, Jiangnan cut off his arm with a knife, and then another one grew back!

Can't you? The Styx energy is completely incompatible with the energy used by the ten thousand races for cultivation, and it suppresses the spiritual power to death!

Once you absorb the energy of Styx for your own use, your level of Daotian Baxing will collapse in vain!

These are two completely different cultivation systems, how to use them?

However, at this moment, Bing Chacha outside the confinement room couldn't help frowning when he heard that Jiangnan's screams had not been heard for a long time!

How long has it been? died? coma? Shouldn't it?

(???Yi??)???? "Hey! Jiangnan! Is he dead or not?"

At this moment, Jiangnan inside the hollow ball suddenly roared like a beast!

(?ò口ó) "What a big boy! Why do you care about Dad so much? Where is this? It's cool! It's so cool to me! Do you want to be more aggressive?"

In fact, Jiangnan really feels pretty cool now!

[Resentment value from Gingchacha +1008! ]

Hard-talking? I shouldn't have asked!

"Get to the top! I hope you won't ask me in half an hour! It's useless to ask me!"

The water flow in the confinement room has reached its limit, and even the quark balls have been brushed off layers of powder!

But hold on for now!

Jiang Nan, who was hiding in the hollow ball and squatting on the ponytail, suddenly let out a terrifying scream!

(′? ? ? `) "Ah~ it hurts! It hurts so much! Shanchacha is a bastard! I will kill you sooner or later!"

(??3?) "Ahhhhhhh~ my flesh and blood! Puff~ my internal organs are all broken, check me~%?...;# *'!"

At this moment, Jiangnan screamed and scolded his mother at the same time, it was so hoarse, it was so miserable!

Even the roaring sound of the Styx River couldn't stop Jiangnan's screams, echoing endlessly outside the confinement room!

However, at this moment, Jiangnan is sitting leisurely on the pony, shaking his legs and arranging his hair!

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, today I, Jiangnan, is the Best Actor!

The confinement room was filled with silver-gray Styx water, and the door was also sealed, so Gang Chacha couldn't see what was going on inside!

But listening to Jiangnan's screams, Bing Chacha shivered comfortably!

?(???)? "Come on, swear! Oh, I forgot to tell you! It's only been 7 minutes now! You still have to stay in there for 71 hours and 52 minutes!"

Jiangnan: (??????)

Really? That would be great!

Shan Chacha: "If you want to come out early and don't have to suffer this crime, then tell me how to make an artificial black hole, the secrets inside the black hole, and how to transplant the glass horns of the Bose clan!"

"Otherwise, today is just the beginning! Find out the current situation! As long as you are still in Styx Death Prison, I have ten thousand ways to play with you to death!"

"Tell me these secrets, and I'll make your life easier! I'll move you to the women's prison for three hundred years, and it's not impossible to have the same routine every day!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, is there such a good thing?

God Meow doesn't repeat the same thing every day, can he really survive such a happy life for three hundred years?

Emperor pays this old guy, do you want to squeeze out all my surplus value before killing me?

Apparently, the Bose tribe found out about Jiangning Jiaojiao, and reached a dirty deal with Nether Death Prison!

But how could Jiangnan say that?

From the moment you have no use value, it is your own death!

Emperor Pay won't let me live!

?(????) "Ah, ah, ah, it hurts! It hurts so much! I left my words here today! Even if I was washed to death by the river Styx, I wouldn't say a word to you!"

(?????〃) "If you have the guts, kill me, vomit~ cough cough cough!"

Handchacha sneered:

(¬?¬) "Heh~ I don't know good from bad, let's see how long you can last!"

"To tell you the truth, everything has been arranged, and your life in Death Hell will last like a year. Don't think that you can get tough in Death Hell with your ability!"

"There are many things here that can kill you, and your will will collapse in less than a month! Live lightly, don't make it difficult for anyone and don't make it difficult for yourself!"

Jiangnan: (??? ???)? "Knock on the mud frog! Ahhh~%?...;# !"

The unbearable insults echoed, while Ging Chacha leisurely swayed his feet and smoked a cigar!


Jiang Nan was screaming and meditating, but what Bing Chacha said was true!

Life will never be easy, but there are so many masters in the prison, and it turns out that the physical fitness I am proud of is not enough here!

It's exhausting to hit Damon, not to mention the golden second Satsuma!

That physical strength can be called abnormal, what kind of bullies are there?

If you want to be famous here, you must be the hardest and hottest one!

Jiang Nan looked ruthless, and couldn't help stroking his hair with some reluctance!

Big picture and hair! Can't have both fish and bear's paw?

I may really have to give up one!

Since having Dali Shui, Jiang Nan himself rarely uses it, because it will become bald, and it will shine!

Jiang Nan is still very concerned about his handsome image!

It is usually only used for soaking in the bath, and it is not soaked until it swells, and it has been a long time since I drank Dali!

But there's no choice now, what's the point of being handsome in prison? Xuexue Langmi can't see it, hair is a fart! We still have to focus on the overall situation!

Just let Lao Tzu become a real bully!

Bald Mengnan is online now!

Jiangnan directly took out several barrels of Dali Shui, raised his head and drank three barrels!

At this moment, Jiangnan only felt that infinite power was born in his body, as if it was inexhaustible and inexhaustible!

Muscles all over his body swelled, and he turned into a devil with muscular muscles. All the hair on the top of his head disappeared, revealing an incomparably gorgeous light!

For a while, the entire space in the ball was not enough for Jiangnan!

I can only hug my knees and squat inside, looking a little pitiful!

Jiang Nan could feel that every cell in his body was filled with powerful cool energy!

Physical fitness has skyrocketed!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan was stunned. When he tried to absorb the energy of the Styx before, although he felt that his level would be suppressed and abolished!

But during this period, a trace of cool energy was indeed absorbed into the cells, but it was not very pure!

Styx water? Popeye?

Is there any connection between this? Or is Dali Shui purified with the energy of the Styx?

"System baby? Where did Popeye come from?"

[( ????乛?乛)Shh~shh~]

Jiangnan: -`(??Yi???)'-

Blowing a fart whistle ah you? Can't you blow it?

It seems that this suspicion is very serious?

Now that I am drinking vigorously, can I use this Styx energy to do something?

Just do what you say, Jiangnan tried again to introduce the energy of the Styx into his body!

It is different from the direct absorption last time, but introduces your own super muscle cells!

The next moment, Jiangnan's eyes widened suddenly, and a tingling sensation like a needle prick spread all over his body!

The good news is that in the state of drinking vigorously, the Styx energy can really be used for cultivation, directly strengthening one's own super muscle cells!

Does not participate in its own spiritual power operation circuit!

The cool and powerful energy filled in the super muscle cells seems to neutralize the violent and mixed Styx energy!

It did not cause damage to its own spiritual power level!

My physical fitness is improving little by little!

Moreover, Jiangnan even felt that his eyes and ears were clear, and not only his body was improved, but also his mind power was slightly improved?

It's small, but there it is!

Fuck! Fuck! Nianli is almost impossible to cultivate unless it has the mental power of Nianli Brainwave!

Jiangnan's mind power has always been a shortcoming. Even if he has chicken soup, he can't drink it all the time?

and many more! Nima! How did the poisonous chicken soup come about?

Could it be...

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, looking at the Styx energy filling his body, his eyes sparkled!

This Styx energy is a good thing, isn't it?

Do you want to divert it in the future? Do something for the lost country?

Where did this special cat come to the confinement room to suffer? Isn't this your own practice room?

At this moment, Jiangnan began to crazily introduce Styx energy, stimulate and strengthen his own super muscle cells, and improve his physical fitness!

At the same time, he did not forget to scream, to let Bing Chacha know how miserable he is now!

Although now I can rely on the energy of the Styx to improve my physical fitness!

But trying to make up for the gap with those prisoners and guards in a short time is too much!

Still have to think about it?

At this moment, Jiangnan set his mind on the system baby!

-`( ?° ? ?°)′-"Ahem~Tongzi? Keep it secret if you keep it secret, and I don't ask the bottom line, but it's so difficult for me now!"

"I've been bullied by others, and I've been fattened up by others, so I can't draw out some new prizes to support me?"

"There were no new products in the Star Ruins War and the Thousand Stars Catastrophe before, so there should be some new ones this time, right?"

[(?~? )…]

Son of God Meow, am I not your stinky treasure?

[(? ? ~?) Huh ~]

Jiang Nan's eyes are shining, is there any drama?

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