Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2079 Devil's Eye! Take the big picture first

Before she finished speaking, Jiu Lan was completely anxious, what are you talking about so loudly?

I didn't have time to talk to you in Styx just now, but now you're still in a good mood, right?

I saw Jiu Lan turned her head and went straight to bite Jiangnan's arm, that posture was obviously about to bite off a piece of flesh and blood!

The frightened Jiangnan quickly let go and landed deftly, although his body was bloody and tattered from being washed by the Styx River!

But under the amazing self-healing ability of super muscle cells, Jiangnan's injuries were repaired frantically, and he recovered in a few breaths!

Wang Youzhi was kicked onto the examination table by the gloomy Bing Chacha!

Jiang Nan was also pushed up by Jiu Lan with cold eyes!

(?`~′?) "Take it off!"

At this moment, Ging Chacha was licking his lips, looking at the two of them with great interest!

Jiang Nan was stunned: Σ( ° △ °|||) "Ah? Take off? Is this the beginning?"

"Is Nanshen really so attractive when he was in prison? There were so many people when he first came up? I..."

Jiu Lan couldn't bear it anymore, she broke out completely, tore off the whip hanging from her waist, swung it violently, and made a piercing sound!

Then he went straight to Jiangnan's cheek and slapped it!

The long whip streaked across a phantom in the air, almost to the point where the naked eye couldn't see it clearly!

It is infused with extremely rich Styx energy!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes, his eyes froze, and he instinctively raised his hand to pick it up!

Just listen to the crisp sound of "pop"!

Jiang Nan's big hand directly grabbed the whip, but his palm and arm were still broken by the whip, and his flesh and blood turned out!

The wound is deep enough to see the bone! Blood dripped down the arm and onto the ground!

(¬w¬) "Young lady, are you quite angry?"

Seeing that her whipping was caught, Jiu Lan's eyes were full of astonishment!

But the next moment, he pulled back the whip in an instant, and said coldly:

(? ̄? ~ ̄?) "You better stop talking so much nonsense and find out where this is!"

"Otherwise, I don't mind sending you in with only half your life left!"

Jiang Nan shook his arm, he had no doubt that Jiu Lan had this ability!

As the deputy warden of the Styx Death Prison, although she can't tell what level she is, there must be planet destroyers!

The physical strength is quite abnormal, and his physical fitness is already terrifying, but can he easily break through his defense with a whip?

Isn't the strongest physical race under the stars just bragging?

Bing Chacha said lightly: "Take it off as soon as you are told, Styx Death Prison does not allow sinners to bring any personal belongings into it!"

"Every part of the body must be checked! At the same time, the prison uniform must be changed! Why don't you take it off soon?"

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth for a while: (? °? Pan °?) "Take it off, just take it off! It's just a mere external thing, and the old men are still afraid of this?"

While talking, she took off her clothes one by one until she didn't have any extraneous things on her body!

The examination table emitted light, checking every corner of the two people inside and out!

Wang Youzhi wasn't shy at all, but proudly showed it with his hips akimbo, and even raised his eyebrows at Jiangnan!


Jiang Nan glanced at Wang Youzhi, and couldn't help feeling guilty!

At this moment, the ghost jailers in the arena looked at Jiangnan, and they all exclaimed and gasped!

Wang Youzhi is even more proud, be shocked, fools! I am a one-in-a-million lethal weapon!


They must be shocked because of themselves, right?

The guards were really shocked. After working in the examination room for so many years, this was the first time they encountered someone like Wang Youzhi!

What are you doing?

Compared with Jiangnan's, yours can be rounded up completely, so it can be ignored, right?

At this moment, Jiulan eyes glanced at Jiangnan at the speed of light, and then looked away in an instant, the expression on his face changed!



His cheeks turned red unconsciously!

Is this... so scary?

As expected of a southerner who caused such a mess, he has some background!

Bing Chacha's eyes wandered around the two of Jiangnan like hungry wolves!

Jiangnan felt goosebumps popping up where his eyes were staring at him!

Could this chacha be... hiss~

Hearing this name, he doesn't look like a serious person!

Shanchacha raised an eyebrow:

(′?????) "Turn around! Put your hands on the wall!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

"(o口o*)" Why do you still have to turn around? Hasn't the inspection table been scanned and inspected just now? "

How could I turn around? Damn, this action is very dangerous?

Bing Chacha said lightly:

(¬???¬) "Routine inspection, there are always some prisoners who will hide things in some strange places when they go in!"

"The inspection must be in place!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, to the stomach? Do you still have stomach?

However, at this moment, Wang Youzhi has turned around very cooperatively:

(#)︶ ?? ︶) "Check it! You can check it as you like, just don't be surprised by me!"

For Wang Youzhi, who has a fetish like hemorrhoids, naturally he won't be stingy to show it off to everyone?

At this moment, hundreds of Nether people in the room, including Jiu Lan, all looked at Wang Youzhi curiously!


However, with just this one glance, the faces of all the people present turned pale, and their eyes were full of horror!

Σ( ° △ °|||) "I'm going! This... what is this? Hiss~ Devil's Eye!"

(?) Yi(ヾ) "Oh, my mother! My eyes, my eyes ~ this is not contagious, right?"

(?﹏?|||) "You have to stay away! He he he... how could it be like this?"

Many even turned their heads and vomited out immediately!

When Bing Chacha, who was originally in high spirits, saw Wang Youzhi's great ambition, the expression on his face froze instantly!

His face was full of bad luck, and he suddenly lost interest!

(?)′-义-`) "It's been bad luck for eight lifetimes, and I met a thing like you!"

Jiu Lan was even more mad, and threw the whip towards Wang Youzhi!

"What are you doing? Stand at attention, what are you showing?"

Jiangnan covered his face, Momo, you must have killed him, but you never imagined that one day your hemorrhoids would be surrounded by so many people, right?

It even has its own name, called the Devil's Eye!

Wang Youzhi was so shocked by the whip that he scratched his back in pain!

(#?ˇ口ˇ?#) "Why do you still beat people? You are just jealous, jealous that you are not!"

Shanchacha is grinding her teeth, bah, what's there to be jealous about?

His eyes fell on Jiangnan again: "It's your turn! Turn around! Let me see!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were firm: (?????????)? "I've worked hard for days, just for this moment! I'll just leave my words here today!"

"Even if you beat me to death! I can't show it to you!"

Jiangnan is not a pervert, and he didn't show everyone his hobby of watching!

This is a matter of principle!

Bing Chacha's eyes turned cold, he twisted his neck, and strode towards Jiangnan in strides!

"Actually, what I like the most is a thorny head like you. It's only fun to conquer such criminals!"

"What do I ask you to do! Do what you do for me!"

"No matter how good you are outside! What status and status, how strong is your strength! In this Styx Hell, my rules are the rules!"

While speaking, he had already walked in front of Jiangnan, clenched his iron fist, raised his hand and smashed towards Jiangnan's front door!

Compared with this punch, even Mi Yekoronov's attack seemed childish!

The speed is so fast that it surpasses human reaction time!

Before Jiangnan could react, Bing Chacha's fist hit Jiangnan on the bridge of the nose!

But Jiangnan was not given in vain! His sword drawing can even be trained to exceed the limit of human reaction time!

Punch? the same!

Almost at the moment when Ging Chacha made a move, Jiang Nan's body started to move!

Stepping on the ground, the alloy ground was directly trampled by Jiangnan!

Rotating the waist and swinging the fist, under the blessing of heavy bones, the powerful fist drew a stunning arc in the air!

At the same time, he tilted his head to dodge, it was a counter punch head-on!

Jiang Nan's head barely missed Ging Chacha's jab, and the punch drew a bloodstain on Jiang Nan's cheek!

And Jiang Nan's fist also hit Gang Chacha's chin heavily!


There was a crisp metal impact sound, and Bing Chacha's body didn't move, but tilted his head slightly!

Jiangnan's fist was severely deformed and dripping with blood!

Jiangnan:! ! !

At this moment, he finally understood what it meant to be the strongest body under the stars!

I used all my strength for this punch just now!

But he couldn't even shake Gan Chacha, he just tilted his head after receiving a heavy cannon punch from himself!

However, Jiu Lan at the side was stunned!

Jiangnan actually counterattacked and hit Bing Chacha? What a beautiful counterattack!

Jiu Lan couldn't be more clear about how strong Shan Chacha is. Just now, if Jiangnan just slowed down a little, his head would be broken!

A space-type capable person doesn't look bad in close combat, does he? What is the way?

At this moment, Jiulan looked at Jiangnan with suppressed excitement in his eyes, now he has something to play with!

I saw that Ging Chacha's face was gloomy, and he tilted his head and spit out a mouthful of blood foam, with two broken teeth mixed in it!

"Good boy! Enough!"

Its eyes became blood red, and the horns on the top of its head emitted black light!

I thought that Gang Chacha would continue to attack him, but Jiangnan was even ready!

But an extremely powerful mental attack bloomed, and rushed to Jiangnan's head fiercely!

As if his soul was going to be crushed, Jiang Nan lost his mind for a moment, and his muscles relaxed!


Just in a daze, Gang Chacha hit Jiangnan with an uppercut and hit Jiangnan hard on the chest!

The ferocious force exploded in Jiangnan's body, his chest collapsed, and there was a piercing sound of bones cracking!

Jiang Nan's physical fitness is not at the same level as Bing Chacha's!

It's like one is a lead block and the other is a tungsten steel!

This punch even lifted Jiangnan Hammer's feet off the ground, vomiting blood!

Jiang Nan's consciousness is fuzzy, he is finished, and today's beating is probably a deal!

But focus on the bigger picture! It's worth it too!

I get beaten! Don't even think about it!

I saw Jiang Nan's eyes were full of fierceness, his hands stretched out, and he grabbed Ging Chacha's neck!

Raise your knees!

"Heavy bones? Broken sons and grandchildren, flying knees!"

Master Ye taught me! If you can't beat it, take the three roads!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's kneecap even pierced the flesh, revealing a ferocious bone spur!

A flying knee slammed into Ging Chacha's vitals!

At this moment, Bing Chacha's eyes burst out, his face turned green, and he staggered back two steps!

?━=????(??????? ????)

Kneeling directly on the ground, with his head on the ground, sweating coldly, he was throbbing in pain!

▄█?█ hiss~

[Resentment value from Gingchacha +1008! ]


Jiu Lan couldn't hold back, she tilted her head and burst out laughing!


Wang Youzhi swallowed, is Jiangnan ruthless? Jiangnan, who puts the overall situation first, is really serious!

Bing Chacha's facial features were twisted together, what the hell did he bump into today!

Taken twice a day? Still so ruthless?

?(?Yi?????) "Hit! Hit him to death! Give it all to me! Underworld Broken Soul!"

Immediately there was another mental shock, shaking Jiangnan from left to right!

The jailers were stunned for a moment, how cruel is this newcomer?

On the first day after arriving here, there were two deputy commanders in total. Not to mention taking advantage of Mr. Jiulan, they also violently attacked Mr. Ganchacha?

Hundreds of jailers rushed up, carrying alloy steel rods in their hands!

Jiangnan grinds his teeth, meowing! You earn money even if you get beaten!

A true warrior dares to face up to the dripping blood and the beatings of the prison guards!

"Golden bell cover? Oliba-style muscle defense!"

I saw Jiangnan sitting cross-legged on the spot on the spot, covering his head with his hands, his muscles bulged and curled up into a ball, and the dark golden light surged on his skin!

When he was mentally attacked and unconscious, Jiang Nan could only defend as much as possible!

Soon there was a roar of punches and kicks in the examination room, and an unreasonable beating began!

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