Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 207 This little girl! how to litter clothes

In a blink of an eye!

Allied forces were eliminated!

Jiang Nan took the pacifier and shook off the blood on the Tang knife!

A look of hopelessness.

After eating the golden durian, I looked around for traces in the mountains and forests!

Find human traces and determine the enemy's location!

This couldn't be easier for Jiangnan, who has tracking and anti-tracking skills!

Originally, it would be much more convenient to eat black garlic!

But it's shameful enough to suck a pacifier in public, and then turn into black briquettes?

Is that still alive?

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room watched Jiangnan go farther and farther, and couldn't help but put a full screen of question marks? m.9biquge.\\ncom

"All the alliance forces have been eliminated! What is Nanshen going to do?"

"Shit... Shouldn't it be to clear the field?"

"The signal receiving area is still so big! How to clear it?"

"Definitely going to clear the scene! Is this an addiction?"

"Tianxiu, Yiboqing? Or alone? Not even a team?"

"Do you think Nanshen needs it..."

"I'm Nanshen with a pacifier in my mouth!"

"There is no such person in the world!"

"One word! Sao!"

In fact, Jiangnan is indeed going to clear the field!

After spending more than ten days in the Lingxu of Qianhu Island, Jiangnan was thinking about his little bed!

Who says you have to wait until the end to decide the winner?

Is it enough to clear a wave?

Following the traces in the mountains and forests, Jiangnan is like a hungry wolf!

Crazy cleaning of the remaining squad!

The whole main island is covered with a layer of haze!

Everyone is staring at the battle report that is refreshed all the time!

In less than 30 minutes, Jiangnan said that the number of kills in the capital team had broken the 100-person mark!

And this number is still growing like crazy!

Far broke the previous record of the Shenyu team!

Shen Hong stared blankly at the numbers beating on the screen!

One minute of work!

It has become 103!

"Hey~ This kill count! I'm afraid it will break the national record!"

A total of 396 were entered!

Jiangnan said that the team killed a quarter?

And this is not the final number!

Since the All-Star League was held, it is unique!

"What's so special! A hungry wolf got mixed in with a group of sheep! What's going on..."


Jiangnan is the hungry wolf!

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire main island became tense!

Wang Dong's team has gone through untold hardships and made it to the present!

But looking at the battle report on the watch, I was also full of sadness!

"Damn! Hundreds of kills? Has Nanshen beaten chicken blood? It really won't leave a chance!"

The two petite girls couldn't help but be nervous: "What should we do, do we want to abstain!"

Wang Dong gritted his teeth: "It's so hard to come here, why are you willing to abstain?"

Lin Chuqing nodded and said, "It's time to try!"

"Don't try it? The troublesome ones are all alumni. Let's be more harmonious!"

The sudden voice made Wang Dong's hair stand up!

I saw Jiang Nan put Tang Dao on his shoulders, holding a small pacifier, and came casually!

Lin Chuqing and the others widened their eyes!


What the hell are you pacifier!

The original tense atmosphere has been destroyed, okay?

Besides, when you say something like this with a pacifier in your mouth, you don't feel threatened at all, okay?

It's so playful!

[The resentment value from Lin Chuqing +666! ]

[From Wang Dong...]

I saw Wang Dong stirring up his spiritual energy, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't try! I'm not reconciled!"

"My Wang Dong..."


With a scream, Wang Dong immediately stood up!

One finger to the sky, the other to cover it!

Shake your legs! Then came a gorgeous spin!

Lin Chuqing: ? ? ?

Two petite girls: (*???)!!

what's the situation!

Wasn't it about to fight just now?

Why are you still jumping on? Is this the start of Mike's space move?

Wang Dong: ! ! !

I don't know what's going on when I step on a horse!

what the hell!

Why are you getting restless?

[The resentment value from Wang Dong +1000! ]

I saw Wang Dong's little hand flicked, slightly lowered his hand, and gently stroked his forehead!

Start to twist your hips back and forth!


Don't forget the voiceovers!

Wang Dong was about to cry!

I don't want to scream, but it hurts!

The two petite girls couldn't bear to look directly, they covered their eyes!

Jiangnan:  …

Cover your eyes, cover your eyes! But don't leave such a big finger seam, okay?

Wang Dong turned around again and performed a space dance!

The little leather shoes rubbed on the ground!

Lin Chuqing couldn't stand it anymore: "Wang Dong! Did you step on shit?"

"If you want to rub it, just rub it directly, you don't have to dance to cover it up! We won't laugh at you!"

Wang Dong: ? ? ?

What stepping on shit!

I didn't step on shit!

I dance so ugly? Like rubbing shit?

Jiangnan couldn't help but snicker!

Wang Dong slipped all the way and came to a big tree!

Then he hugged the tree with both hands and banged it!

"Ow! It hurts! It hurts! Stop! Stop!"

The leaves are falling one after another, and the woodpeckers living on the trees are anxious!

It landed on Wang Dong's head for a while and pecked wildly!

Lin Chuqing and the others were all blinded!

Wang Dong is crazy!

You hit the tree yourself! Does it hurt so hard?

It hurts you and hits!

At this moment, Lin Chuqing suddenly thought of something. The last time he was in the mall was so weird!

Is it difficult? Jiangnan is...

No no no! how is this possible!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Can't you try it yet?"

Wang Dong cried: "Don't try? Abstain! Abstain!"

Jiang Nan raised his brows: "How many of you?"

Lin Chuqing and the others nodded like chickens pecking rice, there is no chance of winning against Jiangnan at all!

All abstain!

Only then did Wang Dong slump to the ground weakly, with a ghostly expression on his face!

Jiangnan laughed and walked away!

Lin Chuqing hurried over to check on Wang Dong, and she found that there were blue-purple streaks on his skin!

Looking at Jiangnan's back, Lin Chuqing hurriedly shouted, "Salted Egg Superman!"

Jiang Nan's body froze, and the cold sweat on his face instantly fell!

Depend on!

Why did you forget about this?

Wouldn't it be recognized?

You know, you just put it down just now!

main idea! Careless!

He quickly pretended not to hear and kept walking!

"Dynamic light waves!"

At this moment, Wang Dong and the two petite girls are all blinded?

Linda school flower! What are you talking about!

Jiang Nan turned around with a dark face and said, "You have watched too many cartoons!"

Then he was full of guilt!

A teleport and no shadow!

Lin Chuqing stared blankly for a long time, then smiled brightly and murmured:

"Thank you! Little Superman~"


On the other hand, Jiangnan followed the traces and eliminated the team!

As he walked, he heard the faint sound of water in the distance.

Can not help but stunned!

I found a pile of clothes by the bushes!

"Who is this! Why is it so immoral?"

"The changed clothes are littered! The environment in the Lingxu needs everyone's protection!"

"Trash can't be thrown around, take it away!"

"Oh huh? Is this... so avant-garde? I've never seen this lace style! New?"

"I've never seen this little pink watermelon! It's so cute! I don't know if Wu Liangxi likes this style!"

Muttering in his mouth, Jiangnan put the clothes into the alien space!

As a great young man in society!

How can such an immoral thing be tolerated in front of us?

Jiangnan, who has done a good deed, is still a little happy!

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