Even if the Sacred Law Society doesn't want to listen, it has to listen! Otherwise, what else can I do? Exterminate human beings?

If there is that opportunity, it will be destroyed!

I saw Jiangnan smiled brightly, and continued: "The second choice is very simple, do not agree with my conditions, and put human beings on the opposite side of the starry sky and all races! Never die!"

"In this way, human beings will survive and develop in the lost kingdom, strengthen themselves, and then launch endless raids on all races in the starry sky!"

"Come out and see one kill one! See a group and kill a group! Human beings will become sharp knives stabbing at the starry sky!"

"Oh, by the way~ Don't doubt whether we have this ability! You have also seen how far humans can go! If you want war! Then I will accompany you!"

"The bright starry sky is a foreign land! Why not fight for a lifetime?"

At this moment, Jiangnan spread his arms and pointed at the ruins of the city of thousands of stars full of gunpowder smoke!

The complexions of all swallowing stars are extremely ugly!

If you don't agree, then are human beings at odds with the myriad races in the starry sky?

Put your hometown in the lost country, and if you can't get out, all human beings are attacking and killing all the people in the starry sky with the goal of killing them?

Everyone's summoning system, you can enter and exit the cracks of the dimension at will, even if you want to destroy human beings, you can't destroy them!

Because the Lost Kingdom is a forbidden area that all races in the starry sky can never touch!

If that's the case, the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clans won't even be able to sleep soundly!

The murderous intent in the eyes of Ti Chou: "Are you threatening us?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "You can understand it this way! Don't think I'm shameless! Half a month ago! You did the same to humans!"

"I'm just repaying him with his way!"

Half a month ago, the meaning of the Holy Law Society was very clear, if humans disagree with the ruling, then humans will be destroyed!

But now, Jiangnan's meaning is clearer! If your Sacred Law Council disagrees with my conditions, then human beings will fight to the end with all races in the starry sky regardless of the cost!

"Is the Thousand Stars Rebellion this time strong enough? Enough heartache, right? I can tell you very clearly!"

"If I, Jiangnan, can do this kind of thing once, I can do it a second time! Each time will be worse than the first time!"

"If you don't agree with my conditions, then this is just the beginning! The next Thousand Stars Rebellion may not be in the City of Thousand Stars! Instead, within an indeterminate period of time, your home star field of a certain sequence will As a battlefield!"

"I don't mind getting my hands dirty! My hands are already covered in blood!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the Tunxing families became even uglier!

Want to engage in the Thousand Stars Rebellion? Addicted to dismantling?

Do it in the home galaxies of various races? This horse...

Who can withstand such a demolition method?

Even Noah was breaking out in a cold sweat. This kid is a real bamboo shoot. He used his strength to explain what real unscrupulous means is!

There is no need to doubt whether human beings today have this ability. The city of thousands of stars, the central star field of civilization of all races, was taken down by Jiangnan at the opportunity!

What about the star domains of the various races? There will always be times when the defense is not in place, and you can't defend every day, right?

Still developing?

Imagine, from time to time, human beings emerge from the cracks in the dimension, destroying a few planets in your home and running away!

You can't chase into the gap between dimensions, who can bear it?

This is the threat of Chiguoguo!

Even the star-swallowing boss, thinking about this and the consequences it will cause, the firm belief in his heart has been shaken!

If Jiangnan didn't cause this Thousand Stars Rebellion, and didn't let the Ten Thousand Clans bleed, then relying on the backing of the Black God, they would come to talk to the Ten Thousand Clans in the Starry Sky!

It must be useless work! Nonsense!

Don't give him two knives, cut blood, and show the starry sky how hard your fist is!

The Law Society will never face up to human beings! Get the same level to talk!

But Zhong Tun Xing also had a fire in his heart, if he agreed to Jiang Nan's conditions like this!

Still have to suffocate to death?

The city of a thousand stars was dismantled like this, so many people died from all races, and they slapped the face of the Holy Law Society! My face is swollen!

Do we have to let humans join the star sequence?

Are the ten thousand races in the starry sky still mixed up?

Emperor Chou narrowed his eyes: "If the Sacred Law Society disagrees, why don't you insist on fighting? Don't underestimate the power of the myriad races in the starry sky!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "I'm not begging you to choose! The Sacred Law Society will consider it for itself! I don't care what I do!"

"You guys want to fight! I'll accompany you! You let me serve, I'm naturally happy!"

"Everything is profitable! Think about how to choose the least loss!"

Black God said: "If you don't agree with Jiangnan's conditions! I will end the dimensional war immediately!"

"I can't remember how many billions of years I have been fighting. This deity has long been bored watching it, and it is almost time to end!"

As soon as the Black God said these words, the expressions of Di Fu and the others suddenly changed!

Muke said anxiously: (?? Mouth?)? "What? End the dimensional war? This..."

Jiang Nan smiled, in addition to the threat of human beings, whether the dimensional war will continue is the real king bomb!

When he was in the Lost Kingdom before, Jiang Nan discussed it with the Black God!

Heishen said lightly: "Isn't what I said clear enough? I don't want to say the same thing a second time!"

This is not a lie, the Black God started the dimensional war because he was bored, it was quite new at the beginning, but now the novelty has long passed!

If you want to stop, you will stop naturally, it will not affect the Black God, because He has found more interesting things to pass the time!

At this moment, Zhongtun Xing is really alive!

It has no effect on the Black God, but it has a great impact on the thousands of people in the starry sky!

The dimensional orb obtained from the dimensional battlefield of Chaotic Star Sea is the drive source of the warp speed engine and the mechanical wormhole, and the star gate will also use it!

The consumption is huge. If the dimensional war is not fought, where can we find substitutes?

The space spirit market of the Bose tribe can also produce space spirit beads, but it is not enough, how can it withstand the consumption of the entire starry sky?

Once there is no supply of dimensional beads, can't you use warp speed to sail, jump, or even wormhole? Stargate?

What's the matter? The loss is huge!

And after so many billions of years, thousands of races have relied on dimensional wars to reduce population and obtain resources. This is not just a war, but has long been a business related to the interests of all races in the starry sky!

War is also business!

It doesn't matter to the Black God, it's just a lack of fun, but the starry sky cannot do without the dimensional war?

Say it's over? This…

Just this one, the Holy Law Society was poked to the point of pain!

Olivia smiled wryly, what a sarcasm, the dimensional war has lasted for an unknown number of billions of years, engulfing the lives of all races in the starry sky all the time!

Compared with this, the people who died in this Thousand Stars Rebellion are just a drop in the bucket!

What's ridiculous is that none of the high-level people in the starry sky wants the end of the dimensional war, and it's better to fight forever!

Life is cheaper than paper! Life has no dimension and pearls are expensive...

The expressions of all the swallowing stars are different. Is it okay to disagree in this situation?

Compared with letting humans join the star sequence, the dimensional war must never end!

I saw Difu took a deep breath, and looked at Heishen with his eyes!

"If my guess is correct, you have formed an alliance with human beings, right? The current arrogance of human beings is just relying on your wings! It's just hugging a thick thigh!"

"What can humans give you? Just say it! The Holy Law will give you five times! Ten times!"

"Anyway, it's an alliance! Compared with humans, the Holy Law will be a better choice for you, isn't it? There is everything you want in the starry sky!"

Heishen leaned on his chin, as if interested!

"You go on?"

Seeing that something was going on, Emperor Pay quickly said: "How about treating it as a business? Give up cooperating with humans, and hand over Blue Star and humans to us!"

"The Sacred Law Society can give you what you want! You can get it easily, why bother with humans? You don't have to be afraid that I will not fulfill my promise!"

"If the Sacred Law Society doesn't keep its promise! You can stop the dimensional war at any time! We only want human beings to die!"

Emperor Pay is making its final struggle!

It's just a benefit! What humans can give, what Jiangnan can give! I can also give it to the Holy Law Society! Give more than him!

Without the Black God as a backer! Human farts are not!

At this moment, the hearts of Yang Jian and others also lifted up!

All the current situation is based on the premise that the Black God is reliable!

Once the Black God changes his mind, human beings will be doomed forever!

Jiang Nan's heart skipped a beat, he even stopped breathing, and looked at Heishen with cold hands and feet!

He didn't speak, but there was a little hope in his eyes!

If the Black God wants to, it is also possible to ask the Holy Law Society to help build the Lost Kingdom, and it will be done soon!


Jiang Nan, who was once betrayed by Siji, is also a little uncertain...

Hei Shen grinned, stepped forward and put his arms around Jiang Nan's shoulders, and looked at Di Fu with a sneer!

"Benefits? Heh~ Who wants that kind of boring thing? Money can't buy you, I'm happy! Money can't buy me happy!"

"This deity doesn't look like some broken machine. He changes his mind when he says something has been agreed upon. It's rubbish! He doesn't look like a man at all!"

"A real man! Words must be spoken, deeds must be promised, and once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow!"

Muke squinted his eyes, and couldn't speak a word after being choked up!

Jiang Nan stared blankly at Hei Shen, and was stunned!

Hei Shen turned his head to look at Jiangnan, and raised his fist: "Look at your pitiful little eyes~ Put your heart in your pants! What did I say on the shaking car?"

"You can trust the Black God forever! What you say is what you say! It's enough to experience the disgusting thing of being betrayed once!"

Jiang Nan's nose was sore, he raised his fist and bumped it hard against Heishen's fist!

"Iron juice! There's nothing wrong with it!"

Turning his head quickly after speaking, Heishen's eyes gradually curved into crescent moons:

(●? ??) "Yoyo~ You are so moved that you are about to cry, right? You are such an old man, you don't know how to be ashamed!"

Jiang Nan rubbed his eyes carelessly:

(???????__???) "Fart! It's just a giant star-eating bug in the eye!"

Xingcheng: (?~??)?? ? ?

Jiang Ning also heaved a sigh of relief, sure enough! The rocking car meeting that day was really reliable!

The black god will always be a god!

Emperor's reward's expression froze, and Noah swallowed the dark matter. It's not like an ordinary ally relationship, is it?

How did a human in his twenties in Jiangnan get so acquainted with the Black God?

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