Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2059 Desperate Counterattack

After being told by Jiangnan, Tiffany and the others did not dare to act rashly!

Jiang Nan is alone, not afraid of these things, but are they different for himself? They are all homeowners!

In case... In case the peeper is injured, what irreparable and serious consequences will it really cause?

But looking at Jiangnan sitting in the arms of the peeping man, pretending to be a tiger, Tiffany was so angry!

Are you really just letting him go? Watching helplessly?

Fama gritted his teeth: (?°?喜°?) "With so many of us, can't we get rid of him?"

"On the premise of not hurting the peeper, wouldn't it be enough to use gravity to pull him out?"

So Tanshou was about to operate, and Huanlou swallowed: " careful, you?"

After all, no one knows what the consequences of hurting the peepers will be!

The unknown is always scary!

Fama concentrates: (?????) "Leave it to me!"

At his level, the manipulation of gravity has reached a level of meticulousness, so I don't believe that Jiangnan can't be pulled out!

Just when Fama was about to strike, Jiangnan was holding the body of the voyeur, slipped his head under his armpit, and hid directly behind him!

Hanging on his back, he clung to him tightly and wouldn't let go, revealing half of his head!

? ' ~') "What do you want to do? Young man! You are still young, don't go on the road of killing gods and genocide at such a young age!"

"Are you sure you can pull me out without hurting the peepers?"

Xia Yao and Zhong Yingxue are also panicking now, hey, hey, Xiao Nan!

Can we really do this now? It's fine to sit in someone's arms!

Why are you still getting up on others? Hey!

What is the origin of this voyeur, and what kind of power we don't know at all?

After being told by Jiangnan, the psychological pressure on Fama, who was planning to attack, suddenly came up, and sweat broke out on his forehead!

Tiffany urged: (??????)? "Are you going to do it?"

Fa Ma grinds his teeth: (?ˇ得ˇ??:) "Look... I can't see clearly, let me change the angle!"

So he brought everyone to the back of the peeper!

But Jiangnan crawled into the arms of the peeper again, and always regarded the peeper as his shield!

The record peeper held the history book of the starry sky and did not move, and there was a touch of speechlessness in the eyes of the starry sky!

The French code keeps changing angles and circles around, and Jiangnan keeps crawling around on the peeper!

It seems to be in an endless loop!

In ancient times, the king of Qin ran around the pillars, but today there is Jiangnan who crawls around the peepers!

Tiffany's face was dark: (????????) "Can you do it? I'm so confused!"

Fama was still unsure of what to do, and said angrily:

(??ˇYiˇ?) "Tsk~ You can do it!"

Tiffany looked ruthless, and a high-dimensional blow hit Jiangnan's head in an instant!

And Naraku also used a partial dimension to descend, trying to kill Jiangnan without touching the peepers with micromanagement-level means!

Seeing that Jiangnan suddenly exploded, he teleported to behind the peeper, and pushed the stool forward with a push of his buttocks!

Seeing that the high-dimensional strike and the coming of the dimension are about to fall on the record voyeur!

He is still unmoved!

Tiffany and Naluo turned pale with fright!

Quickly stop the attack, isn't this kid cheating without blinking an eye?

Jiang Nan smacked his lips, he almost choked up? It's dangerous to stay still, isn't it?

The next moment, I saw the void chains thrown out, and tied the stool and the record peeper to his back!

A warp bubble flew out!

Tiffany's eyes are about to burst!


Fuck wow! what happened? Jiang...Jiangnan kidnapped the peeper?

There is only one table left in front of everyone!

I saw Jiangnan was full of excitement, with a stool behind his back, and a record peeper holding a star history book was sitting on it running wildly in the starry sky!

Can you really move your back? yo yo!

?(乛ヮ乛;)? "Ahem~ Can you see clearly from such a distance? Let me take you to visit the battlefield at close range, so that the recording will be more real!"

"Then what! Didn't you want to fuck me? Come on, come on? Come on?"

While talking, he also called Huanlou and the others to come over!

The boss of Fama opened his mouth wide, pointed at Jiangnan with staring eyes and said:

(?口??)? "He...he ran away with your companion! Don't you care about that? This is considered kidnapping!"

The standing peepers also twitch their eyes! But no response!

In fact, the principle of the voyeur is not to interfere with the affairs of the starry sky, and there is no difference in the records where he is...

As long as it doesn't affect the direction of the incident, in fact, in his eyes, even if Jiangnan doesn't run behind his back, he won't die during the current period.

Seeing that the peepers didn't care at all, Tiffany stomped her feet angrily!

"How to do?"

Naluo gritted his teeth: "What else can I do? Chase? Look for opportunities! How about watching Jiangnan walk around the battlefield with voyeurs on his back?"

The powerful people of all races chased after him again!

But at this moment, Jiangnan is full of joy, running all over the battlefield with peepers on his back!

The record voyeur didn't seem to care about the changes in his own environment, he just sat on the stool, opened the latest page of the history book of the starry sky and started recording...

Every time Tiffany and the others wanted to attack, Jiangnan turned around and pointed the peepers at them!

All the strong people of all races were restrained, and the attack could not fall on Jiangnan at all, and the thieves were aggrieved!

Looking at this scene, Wang Youzhi slapped his thigh happily, how could he do this?

Wanzu, who couldn't figure out the identity of the peeper, didn't dare to do it easily. Isn't this the strongest amulet?

At this moment, Wang Youzhi's eyes couldn't help but fell on the standing peeping person, and he licked his lips with an eager look on his face!

Standing Peeper: (??)…

The starry sky around it suddenly became unreal, as if it had become untouchable!

Wang Youzhi rolled his eyes:

(*??~??) "Cut~ bored!"

At this moment, Yang Jian is still directing the battle: "Jiangnan! Can you still carry it? If not..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Jiang Nan rushing out diagonally from above, and his presumptuous laughter echoed in the starry sky!

Yang Jian's fierce spirit was full of terror! He rubbed his eyes in disbelief!

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Jiang... What is Jiangnan carrying on his back? Looks a bit like a peeper?

Looking back, there was no one behind the desk!

Can peepers run with their backs? Is it really okay?

The most important thing is that the peeper was kidnapped and ran away, and he is still dutifully recording it!

Not only Jiangnan saw it, but all human beings who were fighting, including the people in the starry sky, saw Jiangnan running around behind the peepers!

Olivia almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The starry sky has a history of more than one billion years. Nanshen is probably the first to do this, right?

The reincarnation of a brave soul is okay, is it okay to use the prying eyes as a shield?

The moon raccoon standing on the Vientiane Star has completely lost the ability to think, and stared blankly at the crazy Jiangnan!

Now she won't be surprised by any shocking things Jiangnan does!

Because this southerner never plays cards according to the routine!

But at this moment, I saw Olivia's eyes widen suddenly, and the beautiful eyes were full of bloodshot eyes!

"No! Hiss~"

The next moment, Olivia, who was trying to predict the future, vomited blood and passed out on the spot, and passed out!

Batty's face was terrified, and blood was pouring from his nostrils: "Brother Jian! The umbrella is going to be gone!"

Yang Jian immediately realized something was wrong: "Ming Jin withdraws troops! Withdraw!"

Wang Youzhi's expression also suddenly became serious, and he was about to speak out!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan suddenly felt light on his back!

I saw that the record peeper who had been honestly letting Jiangnan walk behind his back suddenly became illusory, and the chain of void passed through his body like this!

It suddenly disappeared behind Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan looked back sharply, only to see that he had returned to the table under the eye of the starry sky!

And at this moment, the Eye of the Starry Sky, including the two peepers, were staring at Jiangnan's figure tightly!

Jiang Nan's heart skipped a beat!

At the moment when the voyeur was freed from the shackles, there was a muffled "boom"!

The tide of dark matter that had been covering the Thousand Star Field suddenly dissipated without warning, as if the haze had cleared away!

The endless starry sky with bright stars is revealed, the sky is blue and the clouds are bright!

And this also means that swallowing stars can no longer be bound!

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, hey hey hey! This is only 27 minutes and 16 seconds!

Almost instinctively, Jiangnan raised his hand and broke through the space!

Half of the body rushed in!

And at this moment, the boundless and powerful gravitational force fell on Jiangnan in an instant!

He grabbed Jiangnan's body directly!

Fama's eyes were scarlet, and Huanlou Tiffany and the others also had grinning grins on their faces!

The amulet is gone, you will still die after all! Don't even think about leaving!

In an instant, Jiang Nan knew that he couldn't make it!


With a bang, the spiritual power in Jiangnan's body also lost control, obviously it was the masterpiece of Huanlou!

At the very moment, a strong repulsive force was born, and Jiang Nan repelled Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao from his body!

Forcibly pushed into the cracks in the dimension!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's eyes were full of astonishment, and they suddenly realized something, and reached out to grab Jiangnan's arm!

On the other hand, there was a bright smile on Jiang Nan's face, sweeping across the pretty faces of the two of them one by one!

Then he looked at Wang Youzhi!

Wang Youzhi's expression was incomparably solemn, and the black god himself in the gap between dimensions also moved!

But in an instant, half of Zhong Yingxue's protruding arm was disintegrated by the dimension gate!

The huge dimension gate completely blocked Jiangnan's way to the gap between dimensions!

Even the line of sight was blocked, that bright smile was the last time Zhong Yingxue saw Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan turned his head sharply and stopped trying to escape!

Instead, face the stars in the sky!

More than a dozen domains are pressing towards him at the same time, and the high-dimensional attack has even reached him!

There is no way back!

What made people even more desperate was that the figure of Emperor Fu suddenly stepped out of the void!

Wrapped in extremely terrifying energy fluctuations, he raised his hand and pressed it straight to Jiangnan's head!

He suppressed the tide of dark matter, and the first thing that happened was to kill Jiangnan!

This idea grew wildly. This time, he will not give Jiangnan any chance!

Crushed to death on the spot with the strength of swallowing stars!

And along with Emperor's Favor, Gamma Body Swallowing Star Benny May! Stardust Clan Swallowing Stars Chenmu!

The three swallowing stars shot towards Jiangnan at the same time! There was even Tiffany and they started together!

As soon as Noah came in, he saw the scene of Jiangnan being besieged!

It just blew up!

Fuck! This kid is dead!

After receiving the news of Mingjin's withdrawal, the human beings who had planned early hid in the cracks of the dimension without hesitation!

But Jiang Nan couldn't run away, because he was running with all the strong people from all races, attracted most of the hatred value, pulled too many monsters, and was cut off his way of life!

Killing Jiangnan also became the first thing Zhongtunxing entered the arena!

Everything happened in an instant, and there was not even time to react!

Everyone's eyes are red!


However, Jiangnan's eyes were blood red at this moment, and his expression was almost crazy!

Want me to die? Don't think about it! I haven't lived enough!

In this case, it's too late to draw the floor spread!

Emperor Reward and they will not give Jiangnan any chance!

I saw ruthlessness in Jiangnan's eyes!

"The domain expands? The black hole devours the stars!"

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