Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2054 Vientiane Cannonballs! what is happy planet

Facts have proved that mental retardation may be late, but never absent!

Under the bewildered eyes of Zhongtunxing, the mentally retarded Muke kept yelling!

└(〃?﹃?)┐ "Screwdriver ~ screwdriver ~ get up in the middle of the night to fix the floor, and drill into the snow if it's on fire, ah ho ho ho ho ho ~ hey!"

ヽ(?﹃?〃)? "Screwdriver~screwdriver~ I feel dizzy when the sun rises, and I yelled Kai Sailu, ahahahaha~ha!"

Di Zou stared: (? °? Yi °?) "What is Kaiseru? What is this all about? I asked you how the situation in the City of Thousand Stars is going! What did you say?"

Manti is also confused, does the mechanical species still use Kaiseru?

Muke stared:

(〃? One?) "Maliciousness is detected, self-defense mode is turned on, and anti-boson mode is generated!"

"Dirty chug chug~"

I saw Muke's arm directly transformed into a chainsaw, twirling crazily, the saw blade was inlaid with all universe crystals, slashing straight towards Difu!

Emperor Chou stared: "Are you crazy? Why hit me? Didn't you see that I was suppressing the tide of dark matter?"

With a wave of high-dimensional blows, the head of Muke's mechanical prosthesis exploded on the spot!

Although Muke is a Class A, which is equivalent to swallowing stars, but the combat power of a single player is not strong, relying more on various advanced weapons!

But even with his head exploding, Muke is still executing a counterattack in self-defense!

"Alert! The prosthetic body is in danger of being damaged, and the core power furnace is ready to explode!"


An extremely powerful explosion came out, covering all the many devouring stars present!

All the Tunxing families used means to resist and yelled at each other!

(¬依¬) "Is this broken machine crazy? Why is it still attacking us?"

When Zhong Tun Xing made a move, it was good, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest!

Muke's remaining 17 mechanical prosthetic bodies knew that they were invincible, and each of them was like a self-destructing soldier, rushing towards Zhongtun Star without fear of death!


And the mighty mechanical army brought by Muke was also completely crazy, all the weapons were used, and they frantically focused on the swallowing stars!

The size of this mechanical legion, but with the energy to destroy galaxies, exploded at this moment!

Emperor paid Mantigrid and they were all mad!

(▼皮▼#) "What are you doing? Don't you think it's not chaotic enough? Do you think this mechanical legion can cause damage to us? Are you giving the word swallowing stars for nothing?"

Originally, Zhong Tun Xing was simmering in his heart, but mentally handicapped Muke directly angered everyone!

Start a crazy counterattack against the mechanical army!

Noah's eyes were full of anger: (? `dish') "Silicon did it on purpose, right? We are trying our best to suppress the tide of dark matter here, and it's fine if he doesn't help! Still making trouble?"

"The purpose is to delay our progress and buy time for human beings to demolish the city? Wolf ambition!"

Gu Ruide gritted his teeth and cursed:

(?◣д◢) "These mechanical species have nothing to hold back! They must have secretly reached some kind of cooperation with humans, right?"

"Otherwise, why attack us and buy time for humans?"

Emperor Fu was mad with anger: "Siji! Damn Siji! This matter is endless! Muke, wait for me! Let's take action together and destroy this bunch of scumbags!"

In fact, Noah is also dumbfounded at the moment, and his heart is crazy. What's the situation with Siji?

At such a critical moment, he gave himself an assist from Boshen?

Isn't this the best way to go up and rush to take the blame?

If it is normal, the silicon base will never be able to do such a mentally handicapped operation? Could this be the fault of that kid in Jiangnan?

It's all like this outside, so it's conceivable that the Shenji Battalion inside shouldn't have any effect!

It's only a matter of time before Zhongtunxing wipes out the troublesome mechanical army, but the time has been delayed?

Originally, I thought it would take less than half an hour, but Siji intervened. Now it seems very possible, right?

Muck! You've hit home with this poke show!

So Noah started to fish and kill the mechanical army again, and it would take a while to delay it!


And the city of a thousand stars is completely in chaos, and the silicon base is completely unreliable!

Now I can only hope that other Tunxing will enter the arena to suppress it, otherwise there is no possibility of stopping the war at all!

Everyone is constantly aiming at the direction of the dark matter tide, begging to pass quickly!

After a while, the City of Thousand Stars will really be gone!

Jiangnan is also observing the tide of dark matter, and it seems that he can hold on for a while now. Noah is a reliable guy!

But Jiang Nan is not sure if he can really give himself half an hour!

And my plan hasn't been executed yet, so I have to take out everything!

I don't know what the third brother is doing there!

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a message from Zhang San!

"Nan Shen! Ready! Do you want to fix it?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (????) "Rectify! Why not? The Wandering Planet project is launched! Stay as long as you can!"

"If you can't keep it, save your life! Dazhi! Go over and help me watch!"

Wang Youzhi's eyes were full of excitement, and he got into the cracks of the dimension!

"Come on! How can such a fun thing be missed, old man? Look, you can!"

At the same time, the pure white snow field on the southeast side of Vientiane Star!

Three extremely huge universal planetary thrusters were transported out of the cracks in the dimension, and they were placed in the shape of a character!

Zhang San touched the huge thruster and connected it with his own Qi machine, and the passivity that he absolutely ignored was also attached to the thruster!

It's as if the things held by Zhang San will be ignored together!

Even though the propeller was extremely large, it was still ignored by the Wanzu on the Vientiane Star!

At this moment, Zhang San's spiritual power was crazily consumed. Fortunately, with Freya, he could hold it!

The task of the third brother is not only as simple as throwing bombs on the pilgrimage to Lu Xinggong, but also to arrange the universal planetary thrusters!

Wang Youzhi ran out from the gap between the dimensions fiercely, with a confused look on his face:

( ??~?? ) "Didn't it say that the layout is ready? Where are the things?"

Zhang San said anxiously: "Here it is! Oh~"

In a hurry, he went up to give Wang Youzhi a bite, and only then did he see three huge propellers on the snow field!

Wang Youzhi couldn't help swallowing:

∑(°口°?) "It's all right? Brother! Do you want to sell your parts? Just one piece!"

"I can exchange the appendix, or the god grapes with you!"

Hemorrhoids are quite precious, and he is still a bit reluctant!

Zhang San:? ? ?

What hobbies does this person have? Do you want my organs when you come up? Want to replace it with my appendix? What is it worth?

"I don't want your broken appendix!"

Wang Youzhi was stunned, you don't even want an appendix? He's a little floating, isn't he?

Zhang San worried: "Is it possible to say it? Once it is activated, we will inevitably be besieged by thousands of people in the starry sky. Can we resist it?"

Wang Youzhi patted his chest and said:

?(︶.?︶〃) "Just fix you, I'm here to make sure you're all right!"

Zhang San's expression became ruthless, I wish I could go crazy again today!

"Then fix it!"

While speaking, the universal planetary thruster was directly activated!

The three probes were deeply inserted into the Vientiane Star, absorbing energy crazily!

It reached its full state almost in the instant it was absorbed, and the energy inside the Vientiane Star can be called inexhaustible!

Zhang San was also surprised. Is there such a thing inside Wanxiangxing?

Wang Youzhi smirked, old guy, let's see how long you can sleep!

That way, you don't have to worry about energy issues!

The next moment, the three universal planetary thrusters ignited and ran at full power!

"Boom boom boom!"

Three extremely hot energy jets ejected from the jets of the thrusters!

Directly burned three big holes in the planetary shield of Vientiane Star!

The energy jet sprayed directly into the starry sky, and the length even reached three times the diameter of Vientiane Star!

This produces a powerful thrust that cannot be calculated by numbers!

In an instant, the entire snowfield land plate was pushed down and sunken by the terrifying thrust!

This is still under the condition that the propeller reinforces the large floor plate!

The entire Vientiane star is shaking violently!

Looking from below the propeller, the entire sky was dyed dark blue by the energy jets ejected from the propeller!

Under the action of such a powerful thrust, the entire Vientiane Star began to move slowly!

Accelerated from slow to fast, leaving the center of the Thousand Star Field!

Zhang San's eyes were full of shock: Σ( ° △ °|||) "The weapons of the dark universe body are so powerful!"

With three propellers, can such a huge Vientiane be moved?

At this moment, Yueli and the others in the black street also felt an extremely strong earthquake!

The whole black street is shaking!

The moon raccoon's pretty face turned pale:

? (?

Prison Bird almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He just finished praising Jiangnan and said that it was lucky he didn't attack Wanxiangxing!

After all, I still underestimated Jiangnan, how brave is this man!

Wanxiangxing also dare to move?

However, at this moment, the prison bird looked up at the sky, only to find in horror that the sun in the sky seemed to be getting closer and closer to him!

Wheel size from the start!

Until it filled the entire sky, cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

??(|||??﹏??)?? "'s not that Wanxiang Star is going to blow up, it's Wanxiang Star being pushed! Damn! It's crashing towards the surrounding stars!"

The Vientiane Star is too huge, and there are nine super-large stars revolving around it to provide light for it!

As soon as I finished speaking, I only heard a loud "boom"!

The sun directly hit the planetary shield of Vientiane!

It was smashed into pieces on the spot, and all eyes could see flames, and the planetary shield also had violent energy ripples!

Everyone looked up at the sky in horror!

(??口??????) What the hell?

And at this moment, the myriad races in the starry sky who were fighting in the starry sky also noticed the moving Vientiane Star!

Those three terrifying energy jets pushed the Vientiane Star away from its original central position!

Moving in the northwest direction, it directly hit a sun and was still accelerating!

No one can calm down anymore, you must know that the Wanxiang Star is the central planet of the Thousand Star Domain!

Its terrifying gravity pulls all the planets to move along the established star tracks!

Playing the role of Dinghaishenzhen, it is equivalent to the central black hole of a galaxy!

The so-called one hair can move the whole body! When the Wanxiang star moved, the star orbits of all the planets were messed up!

The original orderly operation of the galactic disk will be messed up by the wandering Vientiane stars!

It can be said! The existence of the Vientiane Star! It is the foundation of the city of a thousand stars!

Is this also Jiangnan's masterpiece?

This guy not only demolished the City of Thousand Stars? Have you even planed the foundation wall?

Nima! Isn't there even a pedestal left?

Looking at the pushed Vientiane Star, Jiang Nan's eyes were full of madness!

"Do it! Just do it thoroughly! I said I would flip the table!"

"Today I will tell you! What is Happy Planet!"

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