Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2044 Peepers! Raise the flag! rob

Under the careful placement of Dawei Tianlong, the entire solar system began to run perfectly above the lost kingdom!

In the lost country that has been extremely dark for hundreds of millions of years, there is the first faint light!

Under the control of the Black God, the gale of space in the gap between dimensions does not invade the solar system at all!

At this moment, Jiangnan led more than a hundred human beings to rush out of the blue star, stood in the endless darkness, and looked back at the blue star!

There seems to be a wildfire burning in the eyes!

"Is everything ready?"

No one spoke, and they all nodded heavily, their aura was suppressed and irritable!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and said, "Xue Xue Lang Mie, share the equipment with everyone!"

The wall-mounted backpacks were handed out one by one, and there were more than 300 sets of source quality starlight armor photographed at the black label conference, and the protection of all staff was MAX!

The great sage glasses obtained from the boss of Jingzu were also distributed, and everyone wore them on their faces!

These glasses can help everyone distinguish the types and abilities of thousands of races, so that they won't suffer from races they don't know!

And everyone is familiar with the detailed explanation of the starry sky and ten thousand races!

It can be said that the preparation work has been done to the extreme!

Jiang Nan warned: "Remember! After the war, try to avoid fighting with the troops of all races, and focus on destroying the city of a thousand stars!"

"Once you encounter a life-and-death crisis, immediately break through the space and hide in the cracks of the dimension. This is our base camp. As many people as you go, you will come back!"

"This time it's not a life-and-death battle, and we don't need to protect Blue Star. Blue Star is safe now. This battle is mainly to make all races bleed. Are you clear?"

Everyone nodded irritably, all of their bodies were shining with glaze-colored marks, all members of the Summoning Department!

"Dazhi, is the arrangement in place?"

Wang Youzhi raised his hand and gestured to O98k: "It's been a long time ago, the army of dimensional creatures has been deployed in the crack of the dimension at the City of Thousand Stars!"

"Once there is danger, just enter the gap between the dimensions. Whoever comes and who dies, no matter how bad it is, jie jie jie~"

There is the black god himself in the gap between the dimensions!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Very good!"

"Whether Lan Xing can return to the starry sky and step onto the starry sky stage strongly depends on this time! Xuexuelangniu!"

Following Jiangnan's call, Xuexue and Langmie immediately turned into energy states!

Flaming black armor formed, wolf head cloak fluttering, Jiangnan is wearing white moonlight, carrying two Collapsing Star Cannons, and holding a God Killing Knife fully armed!

The fiery Hades form appears again!

At this moment, Jiangnan stood on top of Dawei Tianlong's head, his visor fell down, his eyes glowed scarlet, he waved his big hand, and his cloak was hunting!

"All human beings, let's go! Let the blood of all races stain the starry sky! I will not give up until I achieve my goal!"

"Expedition to thousands of stars! Fight to become famous!"

Dawei Tianlong roared and rushed straight to the gap between the dimensions where Qianxingyu was located!


At the same time, after a long period of brewing, the infinite dark matter around Qianxingyu finally took shape!

The dark matter surged and roared, like a starry sky behemoth that devoured everything, sweeping towards it!

Since it is an invisible substance and does not participate in electromagnetic interactions, it cannot even shine on light!

A large amount of accumulation swept under, and the place it passed was pitch black!

The spaceship traveling at warp speed plunged into the tide of dark matter, as if falling into infinite darkness, and immediately escaped from the state of warp speed!

Under such a large-scale dark matter tide, the huge starship is as small as a speck of dust and is easily torn apart!

Asteroids and even planets floating in the starry sky, everything is torn apart!

The path of particle transmission is cut off, as is the reception and transmission of optical signals!

Even stargate transfers are cut off by dark matter tides!

At this moment, the city of a thousand stars has become an island of stars!

The Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clans living in the City of Thousand Stars suddenly couldn't receive signals from other star fields!

Can't help but be confused about what's going on!

Even Bobo Starship and Silicon Speed ​​Starship, which are connected to other star fields, are completely out of service!

It can only operate in the inner area of ​​the City of Thousand Planets!

I don't know how many cargo spacecraft of the Star Alliance lost in this dark matter tide, and lost contact directly!

The wormhole gates standing in the four directions of the Thousand Star Domain are all invalid at this moment!

Feeling that something was wrong, all the people in the starry sky looked up at the starry sky!

But he was shocked to find that the starry sky was pitch black, and he couldn't even see all the starlight except for the Thousand Star Field!

"Damn it? What's the situation? Why is the starry sky dark? Qunxing Network can't get out?"

"I just received the news that a large number of star roads in Xinggang are all out of service, which is simply unbelievable!"

"Hiss~ This... Could this be a natural disaster in the starry sky? I was lucky enough to see a dark matter tide once, which was silent but extremely deadly. Could it be..."

As soon as the words were finished, the Obsidian to which the Dark Cosmic Body belonged in the central star field sounded the alarm!

Countless dark cosmic bodies rushed out of the obsidian!

"Damn it, is it a dark matter tide? What is the scale of this horse? Is the entire city of a thousand stars within its tidal range?"

"Hey! I've never seen a dark matter tide on such a scale. This kind of natural disaster in the starry sky is silent and uncontrollable. It might appear somewhere in the starry sky. It is called a silent killer!"

"All the Dark Cosmic Body of the City of Thousand Stars obey the order, and do their best to prevent the tide of dark matter from invading the City of Thousand Stars at all costs!"

Countless dark cosmic bodies are rushing towards the edge of the Thousand Stars Domain, protecting the Thousand Stars is the responsibility of the clan!

At the same time, the Holy Law Society immediately issued an alarm!

"Natural disasters in the starry sky: The tide of dark matter is coming, the scale is unknown! All races with the ability to resist natural disasters are invited to go to the border of the star field to resist the natural disasters in the starry sky!"

Having said that, there are very few races that can affect dark matter!

The Bose family is one of them, because they can reproduce the ability of the dark universe body to manipulate dark matter!

On Liuli Planet, a large number of boson bodies also rushed out!

The originally peaceful City of Thousand Stars has completely fallen into chaos due to the arrival of a star disaster!

It seems that a layer of haze has been cast over the originally bright Thousand Star Territory!

At this moment, Yueli's hands and feet were sweating nervously, and he looked up at the starry sky!

This is where it starts?

However, the next moment, something unexpected happened to everyone!

I saw an incomparably huge starry eye suddenly opened above the city of a thousand stars!

That eye pupil seems to contain thousands of bright stars, omniscient and omnipotent!

Just the size of this one eye is enough to reach the entire Thousand Star Domain!

All the living beings in the entire City of Thousand Stars are reflected in the pupils of the eyes!

Everyone looked up at the sky, and they could see the exaggeratedly big starry eye, and all their faces turned pale!

(??口??|||) "Hiss~ what's going on? The starry sky eye of the peeper?"

And under the eye of the starry sky, time and space surged, and two grotesque humanoid creatures emerged from the void!

It seems that the whole body is composed of complete energy, which is incomprehensible at all!

On the face, there is only one huge open eye, and just looking at it makes one shudder, as if all the secrets in the starry sky cannot escape this eye!

The open eyes of the starry sky and the eyes of the silhouette are the same style!

At this moment, even Chuguang's Tiffany was numb!

"What's the situation! It's just a star disaster, how could it attract the records of voyeurs?"

Not only Tiffany panicked, everyone in the Thousand Stars Territory panicked!

The appearance of the peepers means that something big must happen in the starry sky!

They do not belong to the starry sky, have no position, gender, and do not even belong to the three-dimensional starry sky!

Just silently recording everything that happened in the starry sky! Like a recorder of starry sky history, an absolute bystander!

It is said that the eyes of the starry sky can even see the past and the future, even time seems meaningless to them!

No one knows who the peepers are, and why the peeps are recorded!

Even bosons that can ascend dimensions don't understand their life forms!

But everyone knows that once the peepers come to record, then there must be a big event happening, and this event is even enough to change the pattern of the starry sky!

In the cosmic war that once swept across the entire starry sky, and even the opening of the dimensional war, there were voyeurs who appeared!

Even the Thousand Stars Rebellion caused by Jiang Fan more than three thousand years ago, there are records of voyeurs appearing!

But the eye of the starry sky is not so big, it is much smaller than this!

And only one voyeur came!

But today, two of them came as soon as they came, and the eyes of the starry sky are still so big?

Is it just a star disaster?

As for what?

Yueli looked at the giant eyes in the starry sky, shaking like chaff!

Obediently! Are the peepers coming? Is it too much to play? I wonder if Mr. Noah expected this to happen?

I saw the voyeur holding a book of the starry sky that was completely composed of energy!

Tables and chairs were formed between waving hands, and one of the peepers just sat on the stool and spread the Book of Starry Sky on the table!

And the other is looking at the center of the City of Thousand Stars, a piece of empty starry sky with his hands behind his back!

Everyone's eyes followed the gaze of the peepers!

At the next moment, only a "click" was heard!

Millions of kilometers of starry sky were shattered, revealing an extremely dark crack in the dimension!

The dark golden Dawei Tianlong is used as the background, hidden in the depths of the dimension!

And Jiangnan, who was fully armed, led more than a hundred strong human beings to step out of the cracks in the dimension!

Step into the city of a thousand stars in a stunning manner!

Everyone's eyes widened, what's going on? Is it Jiangnan?

Jiang Nan squinted!

"I said it! I will come back! Lord Xiao! Raise the flag!"

I saw Xiao Chuihuo grinning grimly, and the Million Meter Yan Emperor suddenly took shape in the starry sky!

An incomparably bright red flame banner unfolded in the starry sky, and the banner hunted into the sky!

The flame in the center of the flag turned blue and orange, outlining the blue star logo!

Emperor Yan held the flag, and a flaming flag flew over the City of Thousand Stars!

Represent humanity! On behalf of Blue Star!

I am Jiangnan! came back!

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