On the road leading to the Great Hall of the Holy Law, Jiangnan and the others have attracted the attention of many people!

(??? .???) "Hey, heck, aside from other things, Nan Shen is handsome and strong, and his little heart is beating so fast~"

(¬依¬) "Wipe~ If you don't jump, you will die? No...but it is quite eye-catching. The black skin before co-authoring is just a limited-time skin for camouflage?"

"It's the first time so many humans have appeared in the City of Thousand Stars at the same time, tsk tsk tsk~ Is there another member of the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clan?"

"Compared to this, I'm more curious about how to deal with the Bose prisoners~"

At this moment, Yueli is also looking at Jiangnan in the crowd obsessively, wagging his tail!

?(?っ??? ??c)?

But looking at Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others beside Jiangnan, her pretty face wrinkled, and her mouth was pouting and she didn't know what to mutter!


The prisoner bird at the side shuddered fiercely. Is it so scary for a woman to be jealous?

Standing in front of the Great Hall of the Holy Law, Jiang Nan gradually clenched his fists, his eyes solemn, did he finally wait for this day?

After looking at each other with Yang Jian and Freya, they stepped into the hall!

And Zhong Yingxue and Odin could only wait in front of the crowd outside the auditorium, and they were also attracting attention at the moment, all of them looked like monkeys!

Odin and the others are also uncomfortable!


As Jiang Jiang and the others entered the Great Hall of the Holy Law, the whole picture of the hall was revealed in the eyes of the three of them!

The interior of the auditorium is extremely wide and circular!

Surrounding it stood huge inscriptions of the laws of the starry sky, and the incantations above were flashing, extremely majestic!

And on the top, there are ten sequential thrones raised high, symbolizing unparalleled glory!

On the top of the backrest, a golden sequence logo is engraved, representing the sequence ranking of the race!

Now the ten Sequential Thrones are all full of seats!

Tesho, Muk, Noah, Manti, etc...

Some came with their real bodies, and some were incarnations of thoughts. It is no surprise that those who can represent the race and sit on the top ten thrones are undoubtedly star-swallowing powerhouses!

All have the power to destroy galaxies!

Right now, they are in the middle of the great hall, and it is the three people from Jiangnan who are being judged!

Even though Jiangnan has seen the big world, facing such momentum, when he looks up, he can feel a lot of pressure!

As for Yang Jian and Freya, they were so nervous that they were sweating at the moment, what kind of scene is this!

What's even more frightening is that in the Great Hall of the Holy Law, there are not only the top ten ranks, but there are tens of thousands of ranks of seats arranged in a circle outside the judgment platform!

Arranged in sequence, these seats are all filled with the principals of the Starry Sky Myriad Races!

Some of them were real, even if they didn't, they were all projected!

As soon as Jiang Nan arrived at the scene, there were whispers in the field, and eyes shot like knives!

At this moment, Tiffany was dressed in a white robe and said expressionlessly:

(??ˇ_ˇ??) "Blue Star human representative, Jiangnan has arrived! Please, the Holy Star Lord of the Bose Tribe, Xingluo is here!"

Following Tiffany's summons, Jiang Nan frowned slightly, and in the void beside him, Xing Luo in plain clothes appeared!

And Karl also followed behind Xing Luo, with an ugly look on his face!

Xing Luo looked at Jiang Nan with resentment in his eyes!

(? °? Yi °?) "You wait for me, what you have suffered today..."

Jiangnan: (?°?д°?) Convex "Huh?"

Before Xing Luo could respond, Jiang Nan directly responded with an interstellar friendly gesture!

[Resentment value from Xingluo +1009! ]

(?▼皮▼) "You step on the horse..."

Tiffany squinted: (?~?) "Silence! The majesty of the Law Society cannot be provoked!"

Xing Luo's face was deformed, and he could only grit his teeth angrily!

"Both parties have arrived, and the Holy Law Judgment Conference has officially opened!"

"Master Emperor's Remuneration..."

Emperor Fu half leaned on the throne and leaned on his chin, his expression was extremely gloomy, and his eyes fell on Muke who was beside him!

(¬_¬) "It's up to you to host it! I'm related, so I won't have to slander Lao Tzu for favoritism!"

Muke was naturally blunt, and immediately got up and said:

(?_??) "At this meeting, we will first conduct a trial on the Bose tribe's violation of the law of the starry sky and the agreement of the ten thousand races!"

"Excuse me, did the Bose tribe treat it as nothing when there was an agreement between the ten thousand tribes, and secretly carried out three more star market developments for the Blue Star humans!"

"After violating the Star Market Management Regulations, and then violating the laws of the starry sky, they wantonly destroyed the Vientiane Star without a hands-on certificate!"

"Do you Xingluo admit these!"

I saw Xing Luo raised his head and glanced at Di Chou, but Di Chou just squinted his eyes and didn't speak!

Xing Luo's teeth were almost crushed:

(︶Yi︶?) "I think so! But all this is Xingluo's personal wish, and I haven't communicated with the other three branches of the Bose tribe!"

"It's me, Xingluo, who was blinded by profit, disregarding the laws of the starry sky, and the agreement of all races, and using my power to develop Blue Star without authorization!"

"It has nothing to do with the Bose Clan, all faults and responsibilities, I, Xingluo, will bear it alone!"

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and sneered, did he really push Xing Luo to confess his guilt?

The Bose family can use this to separate the relationship, recover the loss, and cut off the tail to save their lives?

Jiangnan didn't believe that the Herrscher of Chuguang Chuangjie didn't know what Xingluo was doing in Blue Star, and without the umbrella of the top executives of the Law Society, how dare he toss about this?

But now that the Bose tribe pushed Xingluo out, other tribes can't say anything wrong!

Jiangnan doesn't care what punishment the Bose people will receive, because no matter how they try, they won't hurt their foundation!

But Jiangnan is quite happy to watch Xingluo suffer!

Mu Ke said indifferently: "Xing Luo confessed to his crimes. Although it was his own wish, there are many reasons why the Boss didn't discipline him well and employed them unscrupulously!"

"Put the ten thousand races in the starry sky at risk, disregard the interests of the ten thousand races, cause damage to the image and majesty of the Holy Law Society, and a series of major impacts! The responsibility of the Bose tribe cannot be shirked!"

"After collective discussion among the members of the Holy Law Council, a decision will be made against the Bose and Xingluo individuals to recover the losses of the Ten Thousand Clans and defend the laws of the satellite space!"

Emperor Zhao stared: (???Yi??) "You..."

Muke tilted his head: (?_??) "What? Emperor's Remuneration? Do you have any disagreement?"

Difu took a deep breath, and said angrily: "No objection! Read!"

Jiangnan smacked his lips, Muke is ruthless enough, one Xingluo is not enough to eat?

Muke: "Read the verdict now! Condemn Xingluo the Edictor, deprive him of the Holy Star Lord, and all the positions he holds in the Holy Law Society!"

"Go to Styx Death Prison and serve 300 years in prison! Not to be released early! Also forge death identity, and participate in Blue Star developer Carl's same crime! Serve 300 years in prison!"

"Any objections?"

Xing Luo's face turned dark? Going to prison for three hundred years? I ride a horse...

Didn't you sell it like this? He anxiously looked at Difu, but Difu's eyes were full of coldness!

Xing Luo was immediately discouraged:

(??Yi?) "I'm squatting!"

Three hundred years later, he is still a hero!

The old man beside him, Carl, who had the same swollen face, swallowed at Xing Luo, will he be a cellmate in the future?

After all, those who came to Blue Star to do things, they are the only ones who are still alive!

Muke continued: "In view of the losses caused by the Bose tribe to the Ten Thousand Races and the Holy Law Society, the ruling on them is as follows!"

"Xingluo Round Hall, in the next hundred years, all Star Markets will not receive any commission from the Ten Thousand Races except for the normal slave fee!"

"In the next 100 years, a series of improper economic and resource sanctions imposed by the Bose tribe on the Wanzu will be lifted. In the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine, the Bose tribe will cancel the 100-year commission to make up for the losses of the Wanzu!"

"Increase 50% of the dimensional battlefield to invest in troops for the benefit of all races, and undertake the cleanup of the century-old galaxy cemetery!"

"You accept these?"

One by one, one by one, as Muke read it out, Emperor Fu's complexion became more and more ugly. This horse is cutting flesh from the Bose family!

It seems to be nothing, but in fact, each star source point involved is an astronomical number!

Compared with this, Jiangnan's Xiangzhu family is nothing but a drop in the ocean!

Outside the great hall, the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clans, who saw the verdict through the live broadcast of the meeting, burst into astonishing cheers, their faces flushed red with excitement!

Cheers can even be heard in the auditorium!

"Hahaha! Niubi, it's all right now, how much money can you save in a year?"

"Silicon is the real benefit for all races! The Bose clan has made such a big deal, and it should compensate the ten thousand races. There is nothing wrong with doing this!"

Odin and Zhong Yingxue outside the arena were also very excited and couldn't help shaking their fists!

Although I don't understand, sanctioning the Bose clan is very relieved!

Even the talkers of the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races in the auditorium also nodded their heads!

Not bad, I think it's great!

Tesho's fists were clenched and creaked, Siji was putting the Bose tribe on the fire!

But in this situation, how can you not accept it? Cut the meat and cut the meat!

"Since you made a mistake, you must make up for it. I, the Bose, admit it! Accept it!"

Muke nodded: "Very good! But as the overlord of the starry sky, the first sequence, and one of the members of the Holy Law Society, the Bose tribe is also a fact that they know the law and break the law!"

"It took so long to do things behind Wanzu's back, only to be discovered, which shows the great hidden danger!"

"Nowadays, among the members of the Sacred Law Society, the proportion of the Bose family is indeed too much, given the bad consequences of this incident!"

"I propose to balance the ratio of personnel of various ethnic groups in the Sacred Law Society, and reduce 29.33% of the public officials in the Sacred Law Society of the Bose family. The gap will be filled by the remaining nine sequences of personnel to play a supervisory role, so as to prevent such incidents from happening again. occur!"

"What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, Di Chou's expression immediately changed, and he patted the stool and got up angrily!

"Hey! What do you mean? This was not discussed before? Cut off the number of members of my Bose tribe in the Holy Law Society? Don't think about it!"

Jiangnan smacked his lips as he watched from below, good guy! Is this the real silicon-based knife?

Once the number of members of the Bose tribe in the Holy Law Society decreases, the right to speak will decrease accordingly!

The impact is undoubtedly huge, and Si Ji obviously wants to take this opportunity to eliminate as much as possible the dominant influence of the Bose clan in the Holy Law Society!

And this 30% is also very interesting, it should be the bottom line of the Bose family, after all, it is the first sequence of the starry sky!

It's no good for anyone to be in a hurry, it depends on whether or not you recognize this wave of Emperor Remuneration, and how much you recognize!

Cutting flesh with a blunt knife, and pulling other sequences into the water, the other clan will definitely not let this opportunity pass by!

It is inevitable to speak for Siji, and to suppress it!

Muke is ruthless enough, did he really take the opportunity to cut his flesh to death? Obviously come prepared!

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