Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2006 Nothing is Impossible


The powerful dark matter force field emanating from the Aegis Star Shield was decomposed into the purest energy the moment it touched the dimension-enhancing light curtain!

The surging dark matter collapsed and disappeared!

The moment Xing Cheng, who was closest to the light curtain of ascending dimension, was rubbed by the light curtain, the body of the insect on the side dissipated and let out a painful roar!

Jiang Nan said anxiously: "Cheng Bao'er! Come back! You can't stop that!"

The deflated Xingcheng has a space transfer, so he can only run in the direction of Blue Star!

Its huge insect body also looks so small under the light curtain of over one million kilometers of ascending dimension!

Humans on the starry sky battlefield can only retreat crazily, as long as the light curtain touches it, they will die!

The Aegis Star Shield continued to collapse under the pressure of the ascending light curtain, automatically reducing the radius of protection!

Increase the strength of the dark matter force field!

Soon it was forced to only have a size of more than 700,000 kilometers!

But the dimension-enhancing light curtain is still unswervingly pressing towards where the blue star is!

Jing Lie laughed wildly: "What? There is no other way? Have you recognized your weakness now?"

"I have told you from the very beginning, no matter how hard you struggle, what awaits you will be the same ending!"

"Struggling will only make you feel the suffocation of despair more deeply!"

"Didn't you swear to protect the blue star with your own life? Then you guys try! See if you can protect the blue star if you put your life here!"

Linya squinted:

"Remember! The weak can't change anything!"

"The things you care about are worthless in the eyes of the strong, and can be taken away easily! Is it so difficult to recognize the reality?"

Yang Jian stared: "You fart! What about the weak? If you don't even have the courage to change! Then it's true that nothing can be changed!"

"Because the strength of life lies in disobedience!"

"Strongness has never been the reason for you to act recklessly. If you are really worthless, why are you standing here today?"

"We recognize reality better than anyone else, that's why we stand here today! Fight for humanity! Fight for Blue Star!"

"Because we know! If we don't fight, we will have nothing!"

At this moment, more than a hundred strong human beings clenched their fists, their eyes bloodshot!

His eyes were filled with resentment and anger!

Facing the dimension-enhancing light curtain, the silhouette of human beings is as insignificant as a speck of dust!

But at this moment, they are the sky of all mankind!

Yang Jian's three eyes glared, and he was completely angry, and he roared to the sky!

"Gentlemen! Today! Right here! Bet everything! Take all of you!"

"Even if it's death! Even if the body is smashed to pieces, the starry sky must be remembered by all the people in the starry sky, the unyielding sword that human beings swung at the starry sky!"

"I was born humble! But my heart is also for the stars!"

"All human beings! Attack! Until the last moment when life is exhausted! The universe is uncertain! Victory will eventually belong to human beings!"

At this moment, all the humans on the starry sky battlefield roared and attacked the dimension-enhancing light curtain!

They have come up with the strongest moves!

The terrifying attack turned into a torrent, bombarding the dimension-enhancing light curtain!

Ai-chan and Olivia's Collapsing Star Cannon are also fully fired!

The entire starry sky battlefield has reached the most intense stage at this moment!

But even if more than a hundred strong men attack together, even at the cost of burning their lives, it will have no effect on the light curtain of dimension enhancement!

More than a dozen extraordinary people rushed forward, united their domains, and tried to block the dimension-enhancing light curtain!

But they vomited blood one after another, and they were forced to retreat!

This scene is like a moth to a flame!

Obviously, Jing Lie is directly going to upgrade the entire starry sky where Lan Xing is located!

All matter within this range will be decomposed by the four-dimensional world!

Because the fourth dimension only allows the existence of energy forms!

This kind of dimension-enhancing blow is almost unsolvable, even if human beings use all means, they can't stop the dimension from coming!

But I still tried my best at this moment!

Jing Lie sneered: "It seems that you won't admit it until the last moment, right?"

"Then don't blame me for being rude, Linya! Keep pushing!"

Everything on the starry sky battlefield is broadcast to the starry sky!

No one expected that the human beings who had gradually found their own rhythm were suppressed by the Bose army in this situation!

"Tsk tsk tsk~ There is no solution, the dimension enhancement of the Bose tribe? How can such a large-scale dimension enhancement be carried out? Is this where human beings are? In the final analysis, it is still a gap in level!"

"Heh~ I really thought some miracle would happen. This wave of human beings can't make it through. We can't move Blue Star away, right? This is an unavoidable pain point!"

"Is it still the overlord of the starry sky after all? But the Star Ruins War can be fought so fiercely with the Holy Star, and humans are still the only one. Is this farce over?"

"Struggling is useless! With absolute strength, all the bells and whistles are futile, and human beings are also stubborn donkeys, even if they are beaten to death, they will not accept their fate?"

Yueli's heart rose to her throat, her hands and feet kept sweating, and her face was full of worry!

And Fama and Huanlou have already contacted the ethnic groups, and started to plan how to make things worse after this star market war!

Noah leaned on his chin, watching the live broadcast of Star Ruins War on his brain, his eyes flickering!

"It's really unexpected to be able to fight like this, but it's still a bit overpowering to try to compete with the Bose body and try to make a comeback..."

Muke narrowed his eyes. Doesn't the increase in the statistical winning rate mean that the ending will definitely change?

But no matter whether he wins or loses, it doesn't affect him much. Muke is already preparing for the next operation!

What does the life and death of chess pieces have to do with chess players? Anyway, the goal has been achieved!

At this moment, Xing Luo of the Holy Star Temple was extremely excited:

"Yes! That's it, forcing them to bow their heads! Surrender! They don't want Blue Star to be destroyed, they have no choice!"

At this moment, countless Blue Star people blushed, bit their lower lip tightly, and stared at the broadcast screen!

There is deep dissatisfaction in the eyes!

It's been a bumpy road, and I've come to this point, why can't I change the ending!

Seeing Xiao Chuihuo Jiangnan and the others desperately fighting in the starry sky battlefield, all the people felt a surge of energy in their hearts!

Hold on! Don't fall down!

However, contrary to expectations, the Aegis Star Shield has completely reached the brink of collapse, and has shrunk to a critical point!

Going further in, the moon will be exposed!

But the moon has turned to the dimension-enhancing light curtain, and the dimension-enhancing light curtain is still pressing forward!

Going forward, the moon will be broken down into energy!

Jiang Nangang gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes were fierce!

"Badr! Is there any way to break the Dimension Descending?"

Badr smiled wryly: "Siwei, I really can't use my strength!"

He can't wait to use all his strength to break this dimension, but he doesn't have the ability now!

To this level, Badr would rather die than lose!

The moon is about to be decomposed by ascension!

Jiang Nan tilted his head and yelled: "Martin! Pull the moon away for me! Hide behind Blue Star to buy time!"

There are also a large number of people stationed on the moon, and there is also a source of fire. We can't just watch them die like this!

Martin swallowed: "But by me..."

Looking back, Jiangnan's eyes were bloodshot: "No but!"

Martin was startled, his eyes were full of determination, and he rushed straight to the moon without looking back!

"Leave it to me! The field expands? Gravity!"

The infinite gravitational force burst out from Martin's body, and ruthlessly acted on the moon with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers!

"Free Gravity! Gravity Slingshot! Neutron Gravity! Gravity Pulse! Move!"

At this moment, Martin's eyes were wide open, his face was flushed, and a beast-like roar came from the depths of his throat!

I used all my strength, as if I was going to burst my throat!

He tried to pull the whole moon by himself!

The gravity of the moon itself was affected, and large pieces of moon rocks broke away from the surface and floated in the air!

But how can the huge moon be pulled so easily?

Both Bombardier and Batty rushed over, each holding Martin's arm to death!

"Old horse! You can't say no at this time! If you die, you will be dragged away by the moon!"

"There are so many people up there! You can't die here! Blue Star can't live without the moon!"

Martin roared, and the bright red blood spewed out from the seven orifices, his voice was exhausted!

"You two don't need to remind me! The fire of hope left by the ancestors! The blue moon that took so much effort to ignite!"

"How can these bastards be ruined here! Nothing is impossible in this world!"

"Isn't it just a moon? I'll pick it up and show it to you! Roar!"

This truth was taught to him by Jiangnan. He once thought he couldn't stand up to Ceres, but he did!

He thought he couldn't beat the pupil clan, but he won! Jiangnan is telling himself with practical actions that as long as he wants to do it, there is nothing impossible!

At this moment, Martin bet everything on himself and pulled the moon in a daze!

Follow the original track and pull madly towards the back of Blue Star!

But the dark matter force field can no longer protect the moon. With the approach of the ascending light curtain, it has begun to decompose the atmosphere on the moon!

Clinging to the moon, the top of the ringed mountain, and even the signal spire on the city of Silvermoon began to be disintegrated, and the people on the moon were in despair!

Although Martin pulled the moon, it was too late to see!

And at this moment, Koronov rushed over, and the Hercules King's domain unfolded!

The huge platinum-gold dharma form roared angrily!



On the moon, countless silver roots of Laurel Silver Vine broke through the ground and spread straight to the starry sky!

The number is astonishing, there are ten thousand! Hundreds of thousands!

These tough vines grew wildly, wrapped around Hercules King's waist and shoulders!

Koronov roared, and suddenly exerted force, countless vines broke due to this terrifying force!

But under the joint efforts of King Hercules and the desperate Martin!

He pulled the moon in a daze, brushing the edge of the ascending dimension light curtain and pulling it over!

According to the original moon orbit, go straight to the back of the blue star and pull it!

Barely escaped the decomposition of the dimension-enhancing light curtain!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief watching this scene!

Jing Lie sneered: "You can move the moon! Can you move the blue star? Even if you can move it, where are you going to hide it?"

"It's in vain, let me see how you die!"

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