Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1986 Find a way out

Put away the source stone marrow treasure box properly, and soon 30 star source treasure boxes containing tens of billions of star source energy blocks will be delivered!

Being stuffed into a different dimension by Jiangnan!

Now, Jiangnan holds 900 billion star source energy blocks, close to a trillion!

Back home, it should be enough to exchange food for the strong on Blue Star!

I saw Wenger rubbing his hands with a dry smile on his face:

(???????? ???) "Then this first bud..."

Having said that, his eyes couldn't help falling on Olivia!

Olivia's eyes darkened, and her heart lifted!

Jiang Nan was expressionless: "Olivia, don't even think about it, I can't give her to you as a container for the Mandy lady!"

Wenger sighed, his face full of embarrassment!

"I knew it, but..."

Jiang Nan said lightly: "There is nothing wrong! If you can't do it, you can't do it! To be honest, I don't know the situation in your Tianqi clan!"

"But use the excellent juniors of the clan as a container for the star-swallowing powerhouses in the clan? Do you think it's the right thing to do?"

"Perhaps it can solve the temporary crisis and let the Manti go one step further, but have you ever thought about the consequences of this incident?"

"What do you think of those geniuses in the clan? Or, in your Tianqi clan, will you dare to have geniuses in the future?"

Speaking of this, Wenger's expression also became unnatural!

Needless to say, Jiangnan, Wenger can understand this!

Jiang Jiang continued: "You are ruining the path of the Tianqi clan! What you lose is the genius of the clan, and even more the hearts of the people!"

"I understand that it is now on the eve of the sequence war, and you need Mistress Manti alive to keep up the facade! But you shouldn't use the genius of the clan as a container!"

"If Olivia really becomes a victim, maybe your Apocalypse clan will have a stable present, but this is in exchange for the possibility of the future!"

"Olivia has the confidence to surpass her ancestors. In the not-too-distant future, she may become the top powerhouse of the Apocalypse Clan. But look, what have you all given her? What have you asked her to do?"

Wenger sighed, with a difficult look:

(??Yi???) "This matter is the idea of ​​Mistress Manti, how could I not know that it is wrong to do so!"

"But... I said it doesn't count..."

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "She is old-fashioned, are you old-fashioned too? People don't always hold power! You Tianqi clan don't understand this truth?"

"10 incense beads are enough for the Manti woman to reincarnate once, she doesn't have to be Olivia, she can still live!"

"If it's not for her, even if Venerable Manti comes to snatch it in person today, I'll just say nothing! No! Get out!"

Olivia stared blankly at Jiangnan, her emotions were surging and roaring!

(???????~???????) treat me like this, how can I pay it back~

An unprecedented sense of security enveloped Olivia!

She has never felt so at ease for a moment!

Wenger gritted his teeth: (???????:) "Then I'll go back and say I didn't get it. I don't have enough time. If you don't want to change the Mandy, you have to change it!"

"If you are scolded, you will be scolded!"

It is impossible for me to snatch Chuya back from Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan just grinned and turned his gaze to Olivia!

(?????) "What about you? How did you plan? Hey! Olivia? What are you staring at? Hey, hey! What are you looking at?"

I saw Olivia staring at her blankly, with a look of dementia wandering in the sky!

Jiang Nan stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes, but there was no response, and he just came back to his senses!

??o ·(?≥﹏≤?)?o·?

At this moment, Olivia blushed and smoked, she couldn't tell Jiang Nan that she was fascinated by Prince Charming, could she?

Jiang Nan scratched his head: ?(? ?° ~ ?°) "What are you going to do? Are you going to go with Wenger? But before the reincarnation of Manti, there is still a risk for you to return to the Apocalypse Clan!"

"Why don't you go to Moon Li, Black Street will protect you, and you can continue to live in Noah's Manor, I still have a lot of rent left!"

"Besides, you are Chuya. With this status alone, Heijie will protect you in order not to let Venerable Manti succeed!"

Olivia:! ! !

She rushed forward and hugged Jiangnan's arm tightly!

(?????~????(?﹏??) "I... can't I follow you? Are you going to leave me?"

Jiang Nan pointed to his nose:

?(°口°?) "Follow me? Are you crazy? I don't even know if I can get out of this store alive!"

"And wait until I'm going home, will you die with me?"

Even if he can escape from Xing Luo's palm, there is still a big battle waiting for him!

A decisive battle where everything is at stake!

The next road is to dance on the tip of the knife. Jiang Nan is not sure whether he can live or not!

Olivia's ears perked up when she heard that Jiangnan was going home!

"If I hadn't met you, I would have died by now! You gave me my life! I'll go wherever you go!"

"Besides! Without me, the talented and beautiful girl warning girl, wouldn't you die faster? Without me, you can do it?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes. Indeed, without Olivia's ability, Gao Wei's attack is indeed a bit difficult!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "Are you really not afraid of death?"

Olivia couldn't help nodding:

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! If I die, it's my own! You're welcome!"

Jiang Nan sighed: "Spicy!" Olivia pumped her fist excitedly!

Nanshen's hometown? Nice!

Wenger wiped his nose:

( ?° ?? ?°) "Then I will withdraw, sorry, I really can't help you in this situation, I hope you can get through it!"

That being said, he really couldn't see any hope for Jiangnan's life!

It's the same if you replace yourself!

Jiang Nan grinned:

(? ?° ?? ?°)? "Then I will borrow your blessing!"

Wenger turned his head and was about to teleport back, but before turning around, there was a pause!

(? ?°? ?°) "Can you tell me your true identity? Don't talk about the Abyss Summoner anymore, just fool the ghost!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "If I can really go home alive, you will know soon!"

Wenger was speechless, and directly transmitted it back, knowing that he would not say anything to Jiangnan again!

I saw Jiangnan sitting on a stool, looking down at the Black Label Conference going on, his eyes flickering!

Indeed, how to rush back alive is a problem!

"Warning Ji? Are you ready? Start the calculation!"

During the speech, Jiangnan's breath was directly raised!

Olivia was startled, calculation? What's the meaning?

However, the next moment, she froze directly, because in the whisper of the god she had foreseen!

Jiangnan immediately started to act, trying to break out of the encirclement, and Xingluo from the outside world reacted immediately!

After being seconded, Jiangnan changed his way to break through again!

Olivia was stunned, good guy, can you still do such a calculation?

Try them all to find the best one?

But there are too many people present, Olivia needs to guess the trajectory of all atoms!

Just a few times, the nosebleed has already started!

She can't predict high-dimensional strikes, and can only predict attacks through the consequences of strikes and environmental changes!

Jiang Nan tilted his head: "How is it? Can you still hold on?"

Olivia wiped the nosebleed indiscriminately, with a serious face:

(??? ??? ??)? "What is this? Give me a bowl of chicken soup! Use it as much as I want!"

We must figure out the way to survive!

If Jiang Nan doesn't believe that he is really dead, there is always a way out for him!

And under the whisper of the gods, even if it is only 30 seconds, it is equivalent to giving Jiangnan countless opportunities to be reborn and come back again!

Try it all!

How can we break out of this deadlock and go further!

Try hard to find a way out!


Jiangnan is trying to break out of the siege here, and the blocked star road has not yet been opened!

On Blue Star, due to Jiangnan's advance notice, Yang Jian has arranged for everyone to prepare for the battle!

And send someone to keep an eye on the star map!

Once the position of the Laniakea supercluster of galaxies lights up, it means that the star road has opened, and the holy star is about to start!

At the same time, Karl and the others were not idle, but were discussing strategies in the sightseeing ball!

Carl gritted his teeth: (?°?皮°?) "You can really do this? Jing Lie is coming, and it is a certainty that he can win Blue Star!"

"The problem is what do we do when we go back! We can't deal with things like this, and punishment is inevitable!"

"Just do something to make up for it!"

Igor grinned: "It must be feasible. Although we are now on the blue star, don't forget that I still have a dark spot on the human side, and I haven't used it yet!"

"If you don't use this battle now, you won't have a chance to use it. This stab in the back is something I was going to do more than 20 years ago!"

"Don't look at the strength of human beings now, but if this knife is stabbed firmly, they will not die or be disabled!"

Cooper licked his lips, eager to try:

(▼ヘ▼?) "Exactly! They should have stabbed them a long time ago, otherwise why would they suffer so much?"

Carl grinned grimly: "Just as long as you know what's in your mind, let's do it now!"

However, Igor's expression froze suddenly:

=????(??? ????) "Ah? I... Did I go by myself? If I want to get it, I have to go back to Blue Star. If I want to be found..."

Carl stared: "What's wrong? Why don't you let me run with you again? My horns haven't grown yet!"

"Be careful, don't you just go there by yourself?"

Igor's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he turned his head to look at 07, Xiangori, Vivian and the others...

Then the geese all looked up at the sky and whistled!

(*?? 3 ??)(???? 3 ??)(?ˇ ? ˇ)

Cooper sneered: "Don't be afraid! I'll walk with you for a while, isn't it a dragon's den and a tiger's den?"

"Those lowly bugs have ruined my body and bullied us to this point! I don't want to let go of the opportunity to stab a knife in the back!"

Igor looked at Cooper, feeling a little moved in his heart!

It has to be you! In this way, I can feel a little bit more secure!

"Okay! Let's go to the next one! 07! Keep up!"

(?ˇ﹏ˇ???) "Ah? I... I'm afraid! I can't do it, it's enough for the two of you to go, don't you want to be tough with them? I..."

"Follow me if I tell you to follow!"

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