Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1982: The Hurricane Comes

In order to prevent the Apocalypse Clan from getting the Fragrant Beads, someone has to take this loss-making deal!

Huanlou originally wanted to join in the fun, but he didn't expect it to hit his own hands!

Have you become such a big wronged species?

I saw Huan Lou struggling and said:

(¬益¬?) "Brother Fama? How about I share half with you, how about we share it?"

"I ate this batch of fragrant beads, and you also benefited? You can't just take advantage of me, and let you take all the benefits. Look..."

However, the French code tilted his head:

(ˇ~ˇ:) "How can there be any reason to share this? You bid the price, and the price you asked for. How much should I pay? You pay yourself!"

Pull me into the water together? Finally, someone took over the pot, and I would not do it if I lost money to buy and sell!

Huanlou's face turned black, and he couldn't help but look at the Chen Clan, the Zerg Clan, and an angel!

Of course no one will pick up on him!

[Resentment value from the illusion building +1008! ]

I shouldn't have come today!

"Isn't it 600 billion? I'll take it out!"

Even if you are unwilling, you can only admit it!

Soon, 60 Xingyuan treasure chests drawn from Xingyuan Bank were sent over!

Each treasure box contains ten billion star energy blocks!

If the 600 billion energy blocks are really spread out, no matter how big the Jiangnan alien space is, it will not be able to fit it!

The treasure chest obviously uses the most advanced space compression technology!

After checking the 60 Star Origin Treasure Chests, all of them are in the bag, not to mention how beautiful Jiangnan is!

And Huanlou's gaze can kill people!

Lingyin cleared her throat, and hurriedly said in order to ease the atmosphere:

(????)? "The next black label is the highlight of this black label conference~"

"Please prepare your source cores, the news will come soon!"

The next moment, the goods on the particle conveyor are displayed!

And the moment things came on stage, there was a huge discussion in the entire venue!

Many people's eyes are straight!

Prison Bird's face also turned pale:

??(乛﹏乛?)?? "Master Noah is playing too much, isn't he? Really crazy?"

Jiangnan confused: ( ??~?? ?) "What is this thing? Is it powerful?"

I saw 1,000 blood-red metal balls neatly arranged on the booth, which looked extremely precise!

About the size of a volleyball, its own existence has already distorted the surrounding space!

The sphere bears the skull? logo!

Prison Bird licked his dry lips: "Dark Cosmic Body Specialty, Dark Matter Starburst Bomb! Nightmare Weapon!"

"A thousand? My God!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

I heard Suzune introduce with a smile:

(? ????ヮ????) "Produced by Zhoushen Arsenal, a dark matter starburst bomb! A huge amount of dark matter is gathered in the bomb!"

"Once detonated! Only one is needed! It is enough to blow up the planet! Even a star can't hold this small one!"

"It's a nightmare weapon capable of destroying planetary civilizations! A single weapon is sold at a starting price of 5 billion star points!"

"When you buy it home, remember to put it out of the reach of your little friends, otherwise the house may be blown up!"

Momo's pretty face turned pale!

Not only will the house be blown up, but the planet will be destroyed, right?

Olivia's eyes were full of horror:

∑(°口°?) "Dark Cosmic Body even dares to release such a nightmare weapon? One thousand of them?"

"Not crazy, are you?"

It is conceivable that if these thousand dark matter bombs flow into the starry sky, what kind of turmoil will it cause?

There must be civilization destroyed under this dark matter bomb!

Jiang Nan swallowed:

(??w?? ?) "Noah is cruel enough, is he firing a gun?"

The prison bird was startled, but Jiang Nan could see it clearly!

Yes, that's right! It's firing a gun!

This dark matter starburst bomb is not very attractive to the starry sky clan that has enough planet destroyers and even star devourers!

Because the strong ones in the clan alone can easily destroy planets and stars!

Just like Wenger, he can even annihilate stars and collapse them!

Not to mention the silicon base, the dark universe body and other big families!

Even if they are angels, there are many planet destroyers in the clan!

But this dark matter starburst has a fatal attraction for other small groups!

Once you get one, it is equivalent to mastering the power that can destroy the planet!

When it masters the original power beyond its own race, the hatred, greed and other dark sides in its heart will be infinitely magnified!

Imagine that a certain Titan lurks into the enemy planet with a dark matter starburst bomb!

With a "bang", the planet was shattered!

What was the scene like? Another frame-up? Definitely do it!

Normally, the Holy Law will strictly control weapons of this level, and any possibility of leakage is prohibited!

But now Noah took it out for public sale?

Thinking from the perspective of Noah, it is not difficult to judge his purpose!

He is firing a gun! I want to mess up the starry sky!

On the eve of the serial war, all ethnic groups are preparing for the battle and accumulating foundations!

Once the starry sky becomes chaotic and chaotic battles start, where will there be energy to prepare for the battle? Just do it like crazy!

Since ancient times, no matter what era it is, war has always consumed the most foundation and money!

Poverty a civilization! Dispossession is commonplace!

Noah just wanted to use this to disperse the energies of the various ethnic groups and consume the background, so as to consolidate the status of his own ethnic group!

And what he paid was only a thousand dark matter starburst bombs!

As for the outflow of this thing can threaten the foundation of the big family? Pure nonsense!

With rich background, who is afraid of this thing?

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "The mind of a big man is really cruel!"

At this moment, Jiangnan looked at the thousand dark matter starburst bombs, and his wild ambition grew wildly in his eyes!

I can't help but lick my lips!

(?▼?▼) "If you dare to send me a gun, I will take it! As much chaos as you want in this starry sky, I can make it for you!"

"Looks like I don't need to go up to Starbreaker, I can break down more than a dozen planets first to get addicted!"

I really came to the right!

Jiang Nan likes bombs the most!

Listening to Jiangnan's chanting, Momo's face turned pale. In Lanxing Nanshen, he has the title of Nuclear Explosion Mengnan!

If Jiang Nan really gets it this time, can't he be upgraded to Starburst Mengnan?

Is the map editor going to achieve the ultimate evolution?

Prison Bird looked at the excited Jiang Nan's mouth twitching!

He knows how courageous Jiangnan is, if the dark matter starburst bomb is obtained by Jiangnan...

God knows what he can do!

Lord Noah seems to be playing really big this time!

I saw Jiangnan's immediate quotation:

(?? Mouth?)? "I'll give you 60 incense beads, and you can buy as many as you can!"

As soon as these words came out, there were not a few people who vomited blood on the spot!

I'll go to him Lai Lai!


There is no mistake!

There is definitely a star-eating giant worm in the south of the Yangtze River, so it's gone! Otherwise, how could it be possible to spend so much!

Wenger petrified on the spot, looking at Jiangnan in horror!

=????(??? ????)

Almost thirty coins have been spent!

There are so many more?

Now Wenger is at a loss. Did he stud all his family property just to buy this dark matter starburst bomb?

Wenger panicked in an instant, what if he didn't keep it for himself?

I was in a hurry at that time:

(? ?????????)? "You give me some! You can give me 10? You can't spend like this, you!"

However, Goose Jiangnan is determined:

(?ˇ~ˇ?) "Just 60, I said 60 is 60!"

At this moment, Wenger was lying on the stool with a look of lovelessness on his face, so do what you want!

∠(?????? 」∠)_

Lao Tzu has been lying flat and no longer struggling!

If you don't have hope, you won't be disappointed, right?

At this moment, even Yueli's face turned black!


Originally thought that the 10 pieces just now were the last in stock of Jiangnan!

How can he still have it?

No matter how many fragrant pearls Jiangnan threw out today, Heijie would have to eat them all!

Anyway, Lord Noah doesn't care about the money!

Suzune sweated profusely on his forehead:

(?﹏??????) "The bidder said that he wanted all 60 incense beads, 5 billion Starburst bombs! Here... 360 for you!"

A total of 360 starburst bombs were stuffed into the alien space by Jiangnan!

At this moment, Jiangnan's face is full of happiness:

(???????) "It can fry 360 planets, goose box~goose box~"

Momo: (? ﹏ ?|||)

Olivia: =????(?﹏?????)

Prison Bird: ??(乛﹏乛????)??

I hope Lord Noah will not regret it!

I saw Jiangnan holding a starburst bomb and looking at the magic building, hey hey!

(??????? ???) "Oh~ I don't know if anyone will dare to fuck me in a while! Otherwise, I'll order a few and listen!"

Huanlou is going crazy, what else is there in Jiangnan? Then the 10 that I spent a lot of money to buy are useless!

Straight feel a burst of angina!

(? °? Yi °?) "Heh~ crazy what crazy? Do you really think that you can be compared to the planet destroyer with this starburst bomb?"

"After all, it's just a foreign object, not your own strength! If a real strong person wants to kill you, you won't even have a chance to use this thing!"

"I want to kill you, you can't react at all!"

Jiangnan: (? ?° ? ?°)? I don't believe it!

Huanlou is extremely angry: "You step on the horse..."

[From Magic House...]

Jiangnan took more than 300 pictures, so there are more than 600 left!

At this moment, everyone in the venue bid wildly, and they were crazy about buying. If it wasn't the end of the war, they would have to fight!

The price of Starburst bombs has also risen, and it is impossible to win it at a cabbage price of 5 billion like Jiangnan!

After all, Jiangnan borrowed Wenger's light!

The star bombs were photographed one after another, but at this moment, the top ten clans in the sequence were surprisingly consistent!

He didn't bid at all, but sneered at the little clan who took the starburst bomb, like a treasure!

Indeed, this thing can destroy other races, but it can also destroy yourselves!

Let's fight, let's mess up, let's fight each other!

Before the sequence war, it's better to be chaotic!

However, at this moment, Olivia blew her hair violently, and frantically pulled Jiang Nan's sleeve!

He kept shaking his head, and kept making gestures on his neck with his hands!

?(???.)alarm! alarm!

Jiang Nan was stunned, his eyes flickered, he took out a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, raised his head and killed him!

Start reading Olivia's brainwaves!

My danger warning girl is not a leucorrhea, obviously she has predicted what will happen next through the whisper of the gods!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth couldn't help but curl up:

(?  ̄? ?  ̄?) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ kill with one hit? Give me a second? Are you cruel enough? Yes, yes!"

Olivia:! ! !

You are hiccupping! Still in the mood to laugh here?

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