Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1952 It's just a waste of some means

Now even Momo and Aijiang are not calm, let this Norman get Yu out?

If you are not careful, you will overturn the car!

Everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, especially Olivia and Wenger!

This is about wealth and life!

Can Jiangnan still handle it?

I saw a blue glass light centered on Norman, bursting into bloom!

Ten thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters, still extending!

In the extremely cold field of deep space, the temperature has dropped to a level beyond absolute zero!

The particles that make up everything not only stop moving completely, they are even disappearing!

Large areas of the memory alloy ring under his feet turned into nothingness, and time seemed to stand still!

The air was frozen into ice crystals, which rustled down, and even the light particles in the domain began to disappear!

It's like a dead deep space with no signs of life!

The field is spreading crazily towards where Jiangnan is!

And fart big kung fu, that Bose body of the upper family named Kunta, has been beaten by Jiangnan to the point of being as transparent as a ghost!

Absolute Spirit Flash bombarded Kunta's body at warp speed, and when he punched down, jelly splattered everywhere!

Let Jiangnan's Diamond Star Fist beat the calf!

It's about to disappear!

But the extremely cold field of deep space is coming!

Jiangnan's warp speed whip kicked Kunta away, and the whole person teleported to dodge!

Before being shrouded by the domain, Jiangnan felt like his soul would be frozen!

(?Yi??) "Fuck~ You really made it out of me?"

Of course, Norman would not give Jiangnan a chance to run away, his eyes were full of ferocious eyes:

(? °? Yi °?) "Originally, you might really beat me, but now you have no chance!"

"In front of domain-level powerhouses, you can only be slaughtered!"

"Where's the madness just now? The battlefield is so big, where else can you go!"

Norman and the seven men disappeared instantly, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of Jiangnan!

Instantly shrouded Jiangnan in his own domain!

"I can feel your spatial fluctuations. If you can't escape, just disappear in my deep space and extreme cold!"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (¬志¬?) "Tsk~ It's just a domain breaker, I'm so arrogant to you!"

Compared with Zack and Carl's, Norman's domain is a bit childish!

After all, Karl's domain has three stages!

But this is a domain after all, Jiang Nan can't handle it no matter how abnormal his physical fitness is!

"Warp speed bombardment!"

The warp bubble formed instantly, aimed at Norman and shot it out!

On the other hand, Jiangnan teleported and jumped out of the car halfway, and released another warp bubble, rushing out of the Norman domain!

Seeing the warp speed bubble coming, Norman is on high alert!

Can this thing still fire?

"The gate of dimension? Six paths!"

In an instant, the gate of dimension unfolded around Norman!

The moment the warp bubble crashed into the dimension gate, it was decomposed and ceased to exist!

However, at the next moment, Jiangnan outside the field went crazy!

Keep firing warp bubbles!

─=≡Σ((( つ??口??)つ "Give me O bubbles! Give me O bubbles! O bubble fruit milk! Cannon cannon!"

Eight bursts were fired in an instant, but this time Jiangnan aimed at all members!

Momo cracked, how did you call out such a shameful nursery rhyme?

Nan Shen is not only not afraid, but also sings specially?

Norman:! ! !

What the hell is he playing remotely?

Damn it!

"Six ways? Scatter!"

In an instant, the gate of the six dimensions covering him spread out, protecting himself and his five subordinates!

Immediately, Norman rushed into the void like crazy, and suddenly appeared in front of his subordinates!

The holy knife in his hand slashed out, extremely fast!

"Warp Speed ​​Slash!"

With a bang, the warp bubble was directly thrown open!

Norman's eyes were scarlet, and there was another one! In time!

His body dodges again, before the other subordinate appears, he lifts the knife and cuts again!

With a sound of "shua", Warp Speed ​​Bubble was split into two on the spot, but the next moment Norman was stunned!

Because it wasn't just Warp Bubble that was cut open!

And the kunta wrapped inside!

It was cut in half by Norman, and it was already weak enough to dissipate!

(′?口/ /?) "Master! It's me..."

Norman:! ! !

Nima! Or sandwich?

Jiangnan replaced Kunta with this warp bubble. When he beat him before, he had already left a space imprint on his corner!

Jiang Nan covered his mouth and snickered:

(????) "Puff puff puff ~ you cut it yourself, not me!"

[Resentment value from Norman +1008! ]

Just as I was about to speak, I heard three screams!

In front of the three dimension gates, there are space wormholes unfolding!

The warp bubble was not decomposed by the gate of dimension, but changed direction through the wormhole and passed through the gate of dimension!

Directly hit the three men!

It was created into jelly pieces on the spot!

The curse array was unstable for a while!

Norman's eyes are red, this bastard

It's clear that he's playing tricks on me!

"Give it all to me!"

Then the control area moved towards Jiangnan again!

But Jiang Nan didn't rush in at all, and circled the ring crazily at warp speed, releasing a palm kingdom from time to time!

Compress the space of 100,000 meters into a small ball, and then put it in your pocket!

Because there is a star source charging ring, the spiritual power release skills are used up, and the ring can be fully charged soon!

In a blink of an eye, the arena was full of 100,000-meter holes!

The adjudicator of the Xianyin clan scolded his mother straight away!

With such a good venue set up like this, is Jiangnan here to duel, or to demolish the venue?

At this moment, the audience smacked their lips as they watched Jiang Nan being completely chased by Norman!

"Is Jiangnan okay? Fight? How did he run away?"

"What the hell are you asking for? Carbon base is paired with so many bosons. It's already pretty good. Is it the same with domains and no domains? What a difference!"

Yueli's heart hung up, and he never let it go!

Norman was also furious:

(? °? Yi °?) "Are you running around all the time? This is what you asked for. No matter how hard you struggle, the result will be the same. Do you have a positive attitude?"

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and grinned:

(?ˉ? ?ˉ?) "That's what you want!"

Turn around sharply while speaking, turn back!

The warp bubble formed in an instant and rushed directly into Norman's domain!

Because the warp speed bubble has played a certain role in isolation, and Jiangnan's own burning blood has been opened to the limit to maintain body temperature!

Although it is still eroded by the extreme cold, the speed of the warp has slowed down a lot, but it is enough for Jiangnan to last for a while!

And this very short time is enough for Jiangnan!

I saw Jiangnan rushing to a Bose in an instant!

Raising his hand, he took out a palm kingdom from his pocket, and went straight to him to attack him!

Norman made a decisive decision and quickly placed the gate of dimension between Jiangnan and his men!

The whole person rushed over, raised the knife and slashed at warp speed!

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan sneered: "The country is blooming! Let's go!"


With an explosion, the compressed palm kingdom instantly bloomed, Norman, including the dimension gate, and his subordinates!

Immediately pushed out by the blooming 100,000-meter space!

That subordinate was directly squeezed out of the curse formation!

And the blooming 100,000-meter space also squeezed out a huge hole in Norman's deep space extreme cold field!

In this circular space, there is no Norman's domain!

If you imagine Norman's domain as a fishbowl of water, the palm kingdom that is blooming at this moment is a huge empty bubble!

There is no water in the bubble, it is clean and not affected by the domain!

And Norman's field, covering this 100,000-meter space, will take a certain amount of time!

This short time is enough for Jiangnan to operate!

"Corridor of time and space? Unlimited killing streak at warp speed!"

Six pairs of space wormholes surrounded the subordinate who was thrown away, unfolding in an instant!

A warp bubble in Jiangnan shot out in an instant, killing thousands in an instant! Wan kill!

Just smash that boson body over and over again!

When there was only one bloody skin left, it stopped abruptly!

At this moment, Norman's domain spread over!

And Jiang Nan has already shot out of the warp speed bubble, and came to a Bose body again!

Take out the small ball in the palm of your hand from your pocket, bloom, bounce the boson body, line up the field, and kill with infinite warp speed!

All in one go!

Norman had no chance to get close at all, every time he got close, he would be bounced away by the Blooming Kingdom!

By the time he rushed over, his subordinates had already been wounded to bruises, and Jiangnan ran away at a warp speed!

"Three! Very good! Next is the fourth!"

"Are you ready to be beaten by me alone? Scumbags?"

Jiangnan's voice was like a reminder, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hells!

One after another single kill solution!

Elegant like a gentleman, everyone who watched held their breath!

Ye Yuan's eyes are bright: (? ???????) "Oh? Use the blooming of the kingdom to block Norman's domain through the expanding space? Get rid of the influence!"

"Because the domain also needs space as a carrying capacity? Use the extremely short time before the domain has spread to complete the instant kill at warp speed?"

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk"

Moon Raccoon was stunned: ?(????? ° △ °)? "What the hell? Norman's domain can't affect Jiangnan? is this possible? That's domain!"

Ye Yuan said indifferently: "Jiangnan's trick is good enough to deal with a half-baked domain like Norman! No matter how strong the domain is, it will be enough!"

Even if the powerful domain is separated by the expanding space, it will quickly spread and cover it!

It can't even be propped up with space!

Obviously, Norman doesn't have this level at all!

Yueli is speechless, you are just a broken star, right? None of the levels of Planet Destroyer!

The tone is too condescending, right?

Ye Yuan grinned: "Okay! Don't read it! The ending is set, and the car didn't overturn! Haha! It won't be long before it's over!"

Olivia swallowed:

( ?? ﹏ ?? ) "If nothing else happens, the battle should be over in 13.68 seconds!"

When Jiangnan reached the fifth solo, Norman's domain had already disintegrated!

There is no way to maintain the spell formation anymore, and it is time for Jiangnan to crush it!

Each boson body was cut into blood transparency by Jiangnan!

As for Norman, who was the last to clean up, this feeling of waiting to be crushed is undoubtedly a torment!

The curse array was broken, the domain was also disintegrated, and his last resort to deal with Jiangnan was gone!

The holy knife in his hand was thrown away by Jiangnan, and the warp speed slash cut Norman's body again and again!

It becomes transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye!

I saw Jiangnan took out a small glass ball from his pocket again, his eyes were cold!

"Just try this!"

"The kingdom blooms? The triple sky collapses!"

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