Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1950 Did you see everything clearly?

I didn't expect Jiangnan to be so angry, Shen Temiao hurried back to set up a street stall!

This is really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

There is no need to read the ending, the carbon base has no chance against the boson body, not even as the carbon base light apocalypse!

Otherwise, it wouldn't be ranked fourth!

At this moment, Yueli's palms are full of cold sweat, and she has made up her mind!

No matter what the result is, Jiangnan must be kept, and if it is impossible, Lord Noah will be moved out!

At this moment, I saw Aijiang Momo and Xingcheng Yeyuan returning together!

Eyes full of excitement, Ai Jiang drank a glass of iced W40 lubricant with relish, while Xing Cheng was holding a lot of snacks!

Moon Beaver:? ? ?

?(?っo口o)?っ "What time is it? Do you still have the mind to eat snacks? Jiangnan is dueling down there!"

Ye Yuan spread his hands: ╮( ??w?? )╭ "Ah~ go bet, earn some pocket money, and buy some snacks when you see them!"

"Hey hey~ How long do you think he can last?"

Ai-chan leaned on her chin:

?(??ˇ?ˇ??:)? "One minute? What do you think? I just pressed my own mechanical prosthetic body! I bet on myself!"

"I didn't expect it to be worth so many billions, goose box~"

Moon Beaver: ?(?っ° △ °c)? Huh?

Running to place a bet? I bah!

What kind of teammates are you all, are you looking forward to Jiangnan's death? Still want to take this opportunity to earn a little money?

Is it human?

Momo shook her head: (???~??) "Isn't one minute too long? I know Nanshen best, he is very fast! One minute is enough for him several times!"

Moon raccoon: ?(?っ≥3≤c)? Poof~

How many times a minute? Is Jiangnan so fast? Didn't expect it to be a fancy product?

By the way, why do you know?

Olivia said anxiously:

(???﹏??)? "Aren't you all worried? Going to bet on Norman to win? Conscience?"

Ai-chan was stunned: ?( ??~?? )? "Who bet on Norman? Of course it's the master! Who are you worried about? Are you worried about Norman?"

Momo: (⌒﹏⌒;)

"Hey, hey! You really don't think that Nan Shen is bragging when he said that he hacked to death more than a dozen bosons?"

Olivia: =????(??? ????)

real? real?

Are you co-authors sure that Jiangnan will win? Ai-chan even mortgaged her mechanical prosthetic body?

Yueli was also confused. How confident must this group of people be to be so sure that Jiangnan will win?

The corner of Ye Yuan's mouth curled up:

(?ˉ?? ˉ?) "Keep your eyes open! Otherwise, you won't be able to see it!"

Olivia swallowed her saliva, and directly activated the whisper of the gods to look into the field!

The next moment, her mouth opened wide, and her whole body froze!


I saw that the adjudicator of the Xianyin clan was sweating profusely on his forehead:

(?′-?-`) "Ahaha~ It seems that Jiangnan is really in a hurry!"

"Then! Get ready!"


Norman drew out the holy knife, his eyes were cold: "Are you in a hurry to reincarnate? I can't wait to see your expression kneeling in front of me!"

Between the words, glass light blooms around the body, and the cold air disperses!


Jiang Nan sneered: "I advise you to reproduce the two abilities first, so that you can last for a few more seconds!"

Burning blood between words? Immortal Yan Mo bloomed, and amazing heat began to radiate from the pitch-black body!

The alloy ring under his feet began to melt, and bright red magic lines covered his whole body!

Red in black!

The space was distorted by the scorching heat, and the sound of heartbeats like the roar of a devil overwhelmed the audience!

With a flick of one hand, the space barrier turned into a sharp blade and held in his hand!


The thousand-meter alloy arena was directly pushed out of the pit!

Norman squinted: "Kill you! I am enough!"

In the stands, Momo swallowed:

( ?? ﹏ ?? ) "Aichan, after Nanshen came to Daotian, have you ever seen him attack with all his strength?"

Ai Jiang shook her head: "It doesn't seem to have happened. It's just a Norman. It shouldn't be possible to force the master to use all his strength, right? The level is not enough..."

At this moment, a panting Wenger ran over and took a closer look, Jiangnan and Norman were both standing on the field?

(?′口`??) "All in?"

Ye Yuan: "It's all in!"

Wenger's eyes were full of despair, and he couldn't help shouting angrily:

?(???Y???)? "Jiangnan! Come on! You can't lose, you!"

If you lose, I will lose my horse Xiangzhu!

Wenger wants to rush into the arena to fight for Jiangnan now!

The roar of this voice stunned everyone!

what's the situation? Wenger cheering on Jiangnan? what? Be cheated out of emotion?

Without looking back, Jiang Nan gave Wenger an o98k!


The hearts of everyone in the audience were lifted up!

I saw the adjudicator's big hand slam down!

?(??口?)? "The duel begins!"

As soon as the words fell, Norman's eyes were full of madness, and he stepped forward!

At this moment, Jiangnan suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, two space wormholes unfolded in front of and behind Wenger in an instant!

The warp cannon took shape in an instant, and with the maximum curvature, it hit it directly!

The speed is so fast that no one can react in time!

Hearing a "clang", the holy knife that Norman swung was directly chopped off, spinning and flying tens of thousands of meters!

And half of Norman's body was crushed on the spot!

The splashing boson particles bloomed like fireworks!

In just a moment, Jiang Nan didn't know how many times he had reincarnated in the wormhole!

Norman:! ! !

Warp speed? Even riding a horse is warp speed?

"Absolute zero? Critical!"

The boundless glass light blooms, the particles are solidified, and time seems to be stopped!

At this moment, the space seems to have become a frozen ice lake!

Jiangnan's warp speed gun slowed down, giving Norman a chance to breathe!

It violently broke through to the left, trying to break out of the warp bubble's bombardment!

However, three pairs of six wormholes spread out around Norman, forming a wormhole killing field!

Jiangnan, who turned into a glass-colored light and shadow, moved at super-light speed in the killing field, smashing Norman time and time again!

Just at the beginning, Norman smelled death!

Dimension Gate? Six Paths!

In an instant, six bizarre dimension gates unfolded around Norman!

Defending the whole body, Jiangnan slammed on the brakes and stopped his body in front of the gate of dimension!

From extremely dynamic to extremely quiet!

If you crash into it, you will be broken down into energy directly!

Norman took this opportunity to reunite and rushed towards the point where his holy knife fell!

However, Jiangnan opened his hands directly!

"Hold the Kingdom!"

The space with a radius of 100,000 meters flows and compresses towards Jiangnan's palm at a high speed!


The alloy field was directly gnawed out of a 100,000-meter circular giant pit!

Hold Norman's figure directly in your hands!

"The kingdom is destroyed? Cover the sky with one hand!"


All the space in the palm kingdom is wiped out!

But Norman, by virtue of ascending the dimension, ascended into the four-dimensional space before the space annihilated!

When he came out again, he was already in front of the holy knife, raising his hand to draw the knife!

At this moment, an extremely dangerous feeling rose from behind Norman!

Norman suddenly turned around!

I saw Jiangnan holding a space blade in his left hand and holding China Kingdom in his right hand!

The eyes are scarlet like blood, and the killing intent is blooming!

"Warp Speed ​​Slash? I'm Dao Zu!"

The space blade was 10,000 meters long, and it slashed down at Norman at a warp speed!


A knife mark tens of thousands of meters long appeared, splitting the arena and Norman vertically!

Immediately afterwards, there was a horizontal cut, and Norman's head that had been split in half was directly chopped off!

Immediately there was an infinite series of slashes, no one could count how many knives Jiangnan slashed in a second!

At this moment, this natural selection arena is the chopping board, and Jiangnan is Daozu!

Norman is all chopped up!

However, the damage of the spatial blade is limited after all, no better than the God Killing Knife, Norman who was cut open quickly healed!

In a daze, he pulled out the holy knife, turned around and slashed at Jiangnan!


Sparks bloomed like fireworks, the holy knife was raised high, and the space around the blade began to twist wildly!

"Is it just you? Qu..."

Jiang Nan squinted, and the country in the palm of his right hand directly hit Norman's chest!

"The kingdom is blooming! Get the hell out of me!"


The country compressed into a diameter of 10 centimeters blooms instantly!

Norman slashed through the air, and the whole person was pushed out!

With a sound of "Boom!", it slammed into the energy net on the edge of the arena, spitting out jelly!

The body was almost crushed by the blooming space!

The energy network rippled, and the audience behind were shocked and exclaimed!

Just as Norman was about to move, Jiangnan teleported towards him!

Holding six blades with a diameter of over a thousand meters in both hands, they slashed down viciously with a buzzing sound!

"Splitting Void Saw Blade? Smashing Void Slash!!


The six saw blades exploded at the same time, and countless space blades flew, cutting the space like a rag!

Norman's pupils constricted and he ascended to dodge, but he couldn't dodge completely after all, and lost some parts!

Half the arm stayed in place!

Qi suddenly appeared in the center of the arena, his body was more than half transparent than before!

His complexion was uglier than eating shit, and he attacked like a storm, extremely aggressive! Let Norman even have no room to fight back!

Is this horse riding a lunatic?

At this moment, the entire arena was as dead silent as Jiang Nan casually grabbed the half of his arm and held it in his hand!

The glazed light in the palm of the hand flickers, and the absolute spirit bursts out!

Norman's arm blew up directly, and the jelly splashed everywhere!

Jiangnan grinned grimly!

"Have you seen everything clearly? This is the Bose body! The first sequence in the starry sky! The leader of all races!"

"I can't even hurt those who haven't reached the broken star! I'm so weak! I don't even have any interest in fighting you!"

"Heh~ What a weak Poxing! You don't even have a domain, so you have the nerve to come out and mess around! Didn't you claim to be superior and want to take my life?"

"I, Jiangnan, am standing here, wanting to kill me? Can you do it?"

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar!

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Jiangnan in horror!

?(??? д???)?!!!

The scene in front of them simply exceeded their cognition!

This is not a bit stronger, this is hearty crushing!

With a level that has not reached the star-breaking level, it has strongly crushed the Bose body of the first sequence of the star-breaking star!

Since the beginning of the war! In just 10 seconds, Norman was tortured to death!

Yueli opened his mouth wide and petrified in place, and the pipe in his hand fell to the ground without realizing it!


What a scary Jiangnan!

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