Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1939: Humans Who Eat Vegetables

And he gave up 20% all at once, maybe the owner was taken away by someone, right?

So he hurried forward and touched Jiangnan's forehead!

"Body temperature 43.8? Sure enough, you're mad!"

Jiangnan: (?_? )

Shen Temiao has a fever, has he become a hot-blooded boy since he was shot with Fenxue?

The temperature has never been normal!

Even Watt was stunned, and made a profit of 20% by changing hands? Is it so happy?

The intuition in my heart became more and more unwavering!

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

(??????) "Then it's settled, let Ai-chan's Valkyrie machine follow you later, and help unlock it!"

"The profit share can be transferred directly to Aijiang's account, and I will keep this F400 with me!"

Watt said generously, "Yes!"

While speaking, a rectangular storage device popped up from the chest!

Was pulled down by Watt and pushed over!

"This is the photonic hard drive that stored the backup of Watt's virus, please keep it safe, Brother Jiangnan!"

Jiang Nan's eyes are shining, this thing is a good thing!

(? ?° ?? ?°) "By the way, is your F400 mechanical prosthesis realistic?"

Watt was taken aback, and white smoke came out of his head again!

(〃¤ .?¤) "It can be realistic, because it is a mimic metal, which can transform into any shape and meet some customization needs!"

Olivia: (??? 3 ?) Puff~

By the way, the realism you two said seems to be different from my impression!

At this moment, Ai-chan is covering her little face with a shy face!

?(?)`?′(ヾ) ??? ?

Master... why does the master ask this, don't you have any thoughts about Ai-chan?

Jiang Nan sighed with emotion: (??????) "Real~Real is good! Ai-chan, go get a new body!"


Ai Jiang couldn't wait for a long time, and quickly opened the signal interface, and started consciousness backup transmission!

Watt continued: "It is said that a black label conference will be held in the black street in a few days. If you are interested, you can come and participate!"

"There are a lot of novelty and rare gadgets in the conference, which are not seen in ordinary times!"

Jiang Nan was startled, and immediately became interested:

(??~??) "Black Label Conference? What's going on?"

The prisoner bird behind the counter said indifferently: "It's an old tradition in the black street. There will be a black label conference every once in a while. It has been held for many sessions!"

"The reason why it is called the black label is because the things sold at the conference are all shady things that can't be bought with Xingyuan Points on weekdays, and the channels for purchasing goods are not formal..."

"Every Black Label Conference is a festival of the Black Street, which will attract prominent figures from all over the starry sky and all races to attend the conference!"

"Master Yueli has been busy with the Black Label Conference these days, right?"

Olivia's pretty face was full of excitement:

(????????)? "The Black Label Conference? I've heard of it a long time ago, but I haven't had a chance to participate in it. Didn't expect to catch up this time?"

Jiang Nan swallowed, isn't this similar to an underground auction?


I have a lot of money in my hands, if I can really get something useful to Blue Star at the Black Label Conference!

It's not a waste of time, is it?

After all, I came out this time to find a baby and a backer!

"I'm interested! Why aren't you interested? What treasures are there at the Black Label Conference?"

Watt pinched his fingers: "For example, the particle transporter, the ownership of the northern crown mine star, a large number of slaves, the control of the exhausted star market! Habitable planets, etc.!"

"There are only things you can't think of, and nothing you can't find at the Black Label Conference! It is said that Master Yueli also got a large number of forbidden weapons this time, which is a hot commodity!"

Jiang Nan swallowed: "Forbidden weapons? What do you mean? Let me explain in detail?"

Watt said patiently: "Weapons that can have the power to break stars are collectively called taboo weapons! Most of them are made of silicon! The concept is also proposed by them!"

"You also know that the silicon base doesn't have any special abilities. It relies on pure technology. It is far ahead of the technology of the starry sky, giving them the ability to create weapons of mass destruction!"

"And forbidden weapons are also controlled, because it has nothing to do with the ability of the user. As long as you have forbidden weapons, ignorant children can also have super destructive power!"

"Therefore, there are very few forbidden weapons that enter the market, and most of them are in the hands of the rich!"

Jiangnan's scalp is numb, and the silicon base is also an animal. Relying on the ultimate technology to reach the pinnacle, he firmly sits on the second place in the star sequence!

Co-authored by Silicon and even possessing forbidden weapons capable of destroying galaxies?

But it makes sense to be regulated, and forbidden weapons are like guns! Even a three-year-old child has the ability to kill an adult!

To buy a gun for Blue Star!

As much as you want!

This was the first idea born in Jiangnan's mind!

"How could I miss such a lively event? Participate!"

(¬ .?¬?) "It's just that some people are blocking me, even Noah's Manor won't let me out ~ it really annoys me!"

Wenger, who was waiting for Jiangnan to finish the business negotiation, turned green!

Jiangnan is going to participate in the Black Label Conference? That's okay?

At that time, he went to the conference to spend all the fragrant beads, and all the fragrant beads flowed out, so he couldn't get any of them back, right?

Wenger laughed twice:

(????? ?) "Aha~ahhaha~ what's the matter? Wherever you go is your freedom, how can I interfere more?"

"Going to participate in the Black Label Conference? That must require a lot of Star Origin Points, right? I'm willing to help you exchange Fragrant Beads for Star Origin Points at a price higher than the market price!"


Jiang Nan nodded in satisfaction, and the corner of his mouth curled up:

(? ?° ? ?°) "You really have a heart..."

Watt stood up and said, "Since my brother wants to participate, I will help you get an invitation letter, but the prices of bulk commodities at the Black Label Conference are astonishingly expensive!"

"After all, they are things with a price but no market, but I don't think my brother is too short of money!"

"You can ask me for help whenever you encounter problems. After all, I, Watt, still have a bit of face in Heijie. If I have time, I will take you here for a stroll?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Then it's settled! Walk slowly!"

Watt got up and left, and Ai-chan's Valkyrie machine left with Watt!

At the moment on the F400 side, Ai-chan has completed the consciousness backup transmission!

I saw that the silver metal covering the mechanical prosthetic body transformed and transformed into the appearance of Ai-chan's holographic projection!

The clothes are also simulated, even the temperature of the skin is simulated, and the long ponytail looks very cute!

Can't help turning around in front of Jiangnan excitedly:

?(? ???? .? ????)? "Master, how are you? Is it good?"

Jiang Nan gave a thumbs up: "Nice!"

Finally, it is not the rough image of the black bull head like the Valkyrie Machine!

Ai Jiang giggled, threw herself into Jiang Nan's arms, and gave him a warm hug!

Jiangnan was full of emotion, the silicon base is really abnormal, as long as there is a suitable mechanical prosthesis, the strength can increase wildly in a short period of time!

No restrictions at all!

Although I came out this time, I was looking for Si Ji to cooperate!

But so far, I haven't encountered any suitable opportunities, so I can only wait and see!

Seeking skins with tigers, one wrong step will lead to eternal doom, Jiangnan is not sure that he can cooperate before!

He will not choose to expose his true identity!

Otherwise, it is very likely to bring disaster to Blue Star, and the fate of all human beings is on him!

You can't be too cautious!

( ??~?? ?) "Speaking of Prison Bird, can I exchange Xingyuan energy blocks here? I want to exchange some!"

Prison Bird was surprised: "It can be exchanged, Noah Manor has Xingyuan energy block reserves!"

"But there is a 3% handling fee. If you go to Xingyuan Bank, you don't need it. Would you still change it?"

Jiang Nan stared: (??ˇ口??) "You..."

Prison Bird:! ! !

乁(︶优︶?)ㄏ "No more! No more handling fees! How much is it?"

He must have said to pull his trouser pockets just now, right?

Jiang Nan smiled: "First exchange for one million Kangkang~"

Soon one million star energy blocks were pushed over!

This is the first time Jiangnan has seen this kind of thing. It can be used as a currency by all the people in the starry sky. There must be something special about it!

I saw that the star source energy block is dark blue as a whole, and the bits and pieces of energy in it are stored in the block like nebula swirls!

It looks so shiny, each block of star source energy has been cut into small cubes, the length and width are standard three centimeters!

Grab a piece at will, hold it in the palm of your hand, and inhale it directly!

The cold star energy flows into the palm of the hand, without any attributes, just the purest energy!

But the moment he touches the spiritual power of the space in his body, it is directly assimilated into extremely pure spiritual power of the space system for him to absorb!

Jiangnan's complexion turned red!

Immediately shoot the case: "Another one hundred million!"

Prisoner Bird's face darkened, and when he heard that there was no handling fee, did you really change it?

"Go get another 100 million for him!"

At this moment, Jiangnan is suppressing the excitement in his heart!

Fuck! This star source energy block is absolutely amazing!

Can it be assimilated into energy of any attribute for the absorption of all races?

Jiang Nan originally thought it was just transformed into spiritual power, but it is not that simple at all!

Jiangnan himself is a space system, and the spiritual power in his body has the attribute of space, so the absolute spirit flash will have that effect!

In Jiangnan's usual practice, the spirit beads he absorbs are all of other attributes, and there are very few counterparts of the space system!

It's almost half the effort!

Even if it is a dimensional bead, the power of space inside is very complicated!

However, the spiritual energy absorbed from the outside world has no attributes and requires a process of transformation!

The aura ingested from the outside world is like unprocessed ingredients. Jiangnan needs to make the ingredients into the dishes he wants to eat in order to digest and absorb them!

But this star source energy block is different? As soon as it is absorbed, it is directly assimilated into the energy of the corresponding attribute?

The dishes are ready right away!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Do all races use this to cultivate? What a delicious meal!

And human beings have always used spirit beads, or absorbed them from the outside world! This comparison is like eating bran and swallowing vegetables!

But even eating bran-swallowed vegetables has reached this level in just over twenty years!

What if human beings use star energy blocks to cultivate?

The speed of progress will increase insanely!

After all, these star energy blocks in front of him are like a large pile of extremely pure space-type spirit beads to Jiangnan!

At this moment, there is a light in Jiangnan's eyes!

Humans don't want to eat bran swallowing vegetables anymore!

Eat well! Must eat well!

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